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The use of authentic materials to teach descriptive


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Priska Kristanti Student Number: 101214037







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Priska Kristanti Student Number: 101214037





“Ask and it will be given to you;

seek and you will find;

knock and the door will be opened to you.”

(Matthew 7:7)

I dedicate this Final Paper to

my sweet Jesus Christ, my beloved family, and my kind friends



Kristanti, Priska. (2017). The Use of Authentic Materials to Teach Descriptive Text in Tourism Vocational School. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

English is taught in tourism vocational school as a compulsory subject. The tenth grade students there learn about descriptive texts. They learn it mainly from a textbook chosen by the school. It is very comfortable for teachers to only use the textbook in teaching descriptive texts. Nevertheless, the students will lack exposure to language in real situation.

In order to give an alternative solution of that problem, this paper proposes an objective. The objective of this paper is to discuss the benefits of using authentic materials for tourism vocational school students.

To attain the objective, this paper uses library study as the research method. All data like theory of reading, theory of authentic materials, and theory of descriptive texts are gained by searching it from books and journals.

From the study, there are four advantages and one disadvantage found. First advantage is the students are exposed to language in real situation. Second, the students get their self-fulfilment. Third, the students’ motivation increases. The last advantage is authentic materials bring cultural information for the students. The disadvantage is teachers should make more effort in searching for suitable authentic materials.

Keywords: reading, authentic materials, descriptive texts, tourism vocational school



Kristanti, Priska. (2017). The Use of Authentic Materials to Teach Descriptive Text in Tourism Vocational School. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Bahasa Inggris diajarkan di sekolah kejuruan pariwisata sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran wajib. Murid kelas sepuluh di sana belajar tentang teks deskriptif. Mereka belajar hal tersebut dari sebuah buku pelajaran yang dipilih oleh sekolah tersebut. Sangatlah nyaman bagi guru untuk hanya menggunakan buku pelajaran dalam mengajarkan teks deskriptif. Namun demikian, murid-murid akan kekurangan pemaparan akan bahasa dalam situasi sehari-hari.

Untuk memberikan solusi alternatif kepada masalah tersebut, karya tulis ini mengajukan sebuah tujuan. Tujuan karya tulis ini adalah untuk membahas keuntungan memakai materi autentik bagi murid-murid sekolah kejuruan pariwisata.

Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, karya tulis ini memakai penelitian pustaka sebagai metode penelitian. Semua bahan seperti teori membaca, teori materi autentik, dan teori teks deskriptif didapatkan dengan mencarinya dari buku-buku dan jurnal-jurnal.

Dari tinjauan tersebut, maka ditemukan empat keuntungan dan satu kerugian. Keuntungan pertama adalah murid-murid mendapatkan pemaparan tentang bahasa dalam situasi sehari-hari. Kedua, murid-murid mendapatkan kepuasan akan apa yang mereka inginkan. Ketiga, motivasi murid-murid meningkat. Keuntungan yang terakhir yaitu materi autentik memberi informasi kebudayaan bagi murid-murid. Kerugiannya adalah guru harus berusaha lebih keras dari biasanya untuk mencari materi autentik yang sesuai bagi murid-murid.

Kata kunci: reading, authentic materials, descriptive texts, tourism vocational school



I would like to thank my Almighty Jesus Christ for His love, grace, favor

and guidance that He gives to me every day. He gives me extra strength whenever

I need it. His heart is so kind that He always gives the best to me.

I would like also to thank Yohana Veniranda, M.Hum., Ph.D. for saving

me when I was at the end of my rope . I also give my gratitude to my academic

advisor Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. for

their caring attention. My great thank goes to Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin, Ed.D. for

giving me guidance in academic and social aspect. I learned important lessons

about building relationship with others from him. I would like to address my

thanks to PBI staff and also USD library staff for giving me nice services.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved parents, my

brother, and my big family who have given motivation and love to me, so that I

can get up again after sleeping for a long time.

My sincere gratitude goes to all my beloved sisters in Puri Nugraha, Ita, ka

Nana, Valent, Tya, ce Ayin, ce Lina, and mba Enggar. They have supported me

and given me advice, so that I would not give up finishing my paper. I thank Dian,

Olin, Decha, Siwi, cik Des, and all my classmates who always motivate, cherish,

and help me throughout this journey. I also thank Tita, mba Dinar, and my entire

cell group for their sincere prayers that give me extra strength and courage.

Priska Kristanti










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii




B. Research Method ... 3

CHAPTER II. DISCUSSION A. Authentic Materials ... 4

B. Teaching Descriptive Text Using Authentic Materials ... 6

C. Advantage and Disadvantage Using Authentic Materials ... 12


B. Recommendations ... 16



This chapter contains two parts. The first part of this chapter will convey

the background of this paper. The other part is the research method which

describes the method used in this paper.

A. Background

English is important for many people. Harmer (2001) said that almost a

quarter of the world’s population uses English as communication tool (p. 18). It

could be seen even more real in the tourism. Much travel and tourism in this

world use English (Harmer, 2001, p. 15). It also happens in Indonesia.

People could see that many travel agents in Indonesia have already

prepared their advertisement in Indonesian language and English. They do that

because they know that tourists can come from Indonesia or even abroad. They

are also aware that many people from abroad use English as their communication

tool. So, they also prepare their tour guides to be able to communicate in English

when give service to foreigners.

Knowing great potential of tourism in Indonesia, some vocational schools

open tourism program. It is also supported by Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia No. 70/2013 states that one of the vocational

school programs is tourism. So, students there learn about tourism. They also

learn English like any other vocational school students in Indonesia because


English is a compulsory subject. They learn reading, listening, writing and

speaking English.

The students in the tenth grade of vocational school must learn about

several kinds of texts like recounts, narratives, announcements and descriptive

texts. By learning a descriptive text, students will get knowledge about how a

descriptive text looks like.

Teachers usually use a textbook as the material in their teaching process. A

textbook contains all ready materials that have to be learned by students in one

semester or even one year. It has been made by writers based on the curriculum

from government. So, it is very easy and comfortable for teachers to teach from

the textbook.

Besides a textbook, teachers can also use authentic materials to teach.

Authentic materials are very useful for students in learning English. Martinez

(2002) describes authentic materials as materials that are made by native speakers

for native speakers (as cited in Al Azri and Al Rashdi, 2014, p. 249). Authentic

materials can be found anywhere. It can be newspapers, magazines, restaurant

menus, travel brochures, manuals, bills, and clothing labels. For it relates to the

real world, students can learn how the language is used in the real world. The

writers of textbooks usually make the materials in the textbooks understandable

by students. Therefore, the writers really make the materials for the students by

considering students’ ability levels. It means that students will only be familiar

with the language used in the textbook not with the real language used by the

native speaker. Hence, the students should be given exposure to the real language



in order to make them familiar with it, so that they will not be shocked when they

have to use English after they graduate from school. It is very important to

consider vocational school students, especially tourism program, who will interact

with foreigners when they work as a tour guide or ticketing staff in the airport.

Sometimes, materials in the course book have been made a little bit unrealistic or

have never been used by the native speakers. For example, one unrealistic

expression is found in teaching invitations “How do you fancy going to the

restaurant for dinner?” (Polio, 2014, p. 3). Moreover, Farrell (2009) mentions that

“most of textbooks used in school were boring” (p. 10).

This paper has the purpose to discuss the benefits of using authentic

materials to teach descriptive text for tourism vocational school students.

B. Research Method

This paper used library study as the research method. George (2008)

mentions that library study is conducting by searching and finding data like

personal or experts’ opinions on a research question from books or journals (p. 6).

To make searching information easier, the writer listed keywords related to

the paper like authentic materials, teaching reading, and descriptive texts. Some

books and journals were found in library and websites. The books and journals

that have been found were read afterwards in order to collect data like theory of

reading, theory of authentic materials, and descriptive texts. After that, the

collected information was organized according to the topic to make it structured



In this chapter, the writer will discuss about theories of authentic materials,

teaching descriptive text using authentic materials, and advantage and

disadvantage of using authentic materials.

A. Authentic Materials

Authentic materials are materials written by native speakers to other native

speakers with their own purposes such as persuading, giving information, or

entertaining (Tomlinson, 1998 & Wallace, 1992). From the perspective of the

native speakers, they do not make authentic materials to be only used in a

language classroom. They do not make it especially just for language learning

purpose. Though it is made without any thoughts of language learning purpose, it

can be used in the language learning process just like materials in the textbook. It

is because authentic materials represent how language is used in the real situation.

Teachers can find authentic materials easily because there are many available

authentic materials surround our environment. Authentic materials can be found in

international news like BBC or CNN, English language newspapers, fact sheets

about local culture, tourist brochures and newsletters (Gebhard, 2000, pp. 101).

Peacock (1997) states that authentic materials are more active, interesting,

and stimulating compared to text books (p. 144). So, teachers should consider

using authentic materials in the classroom. Teachers could integrate authentic


materials with the textbook for example they could change a text in the textbook

with authentic text that is suitable with the theme or what to be learned at that

time or in other words, teachers could use material adaptation. It will make

students be more motivated when they have other materials than their textbooks.

Material adaptation is a process to make existing materials more suitable

for students to learn (Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2004, p. 10). To make the authentic

materials more suitable for students learning from it, teachers should do material

adaptation. Tomlinson says that there are three types of material adaptation which

are Plus, Minus, and Zero. In Plus category, there are addition and expansion

techniques. Minus category has three techniques, namely: deletion, subtraction,

and reduction. In Zero category, there are modification, replacement,

reorganization, resequencing, and conversion. This paper will suggest using

addition technique because we need the materials to be authentic. Addition

technique means that teachers can add different texts into the existing materials.

Tomlinson says that if teachers feel that there is something not quite right between

the existing materials like in the textbook and several things like teaching

environment, learners, preferences, and course objectives, it can be the reason for

adapting materials. To do material adaptation there are several steps that teachers

should do. It starts from analyzing teaching context, identifying reasons for

adaptation, evaluating, listing objectives, and then adapting.

In choosing authentic text to be used in learning reading, there are several

criteria that could be used by teachers. McGrath (2002) proposed eight criteria

which are relevance to course book and learners' needs, topic interest, cultural


fitness, logistical considerations, cognitive demands, linguistic demands, quality

and exploitability (as cited in Al Azri, 2014, p. 251). So, teachers cannot choose

authentic text randomly. Teachers should consider whether the authentic text

related to the theme students learn at that time. If the students are on learning

descriptive text about tourist resort, teachers should not take procedural text about


Peacock (1997) also conveys some reasons why teachers should consider

using authentic materials in the classroom (as cited in Al Azri, 2014, p. 251).

Peacock found that authentic materials could prepare learners for real life. With

learning using authentic text, the students will be accustomed to how the language

used in real life. It means that authentic text can meet the students’ need in

knowing how the language used in the real life. Authentic materials can also

increase motivation of the students in learning English. Teachers will also be

encouraging to adopt for effective teaching methods and also be more creative in

preparing the lesson. Authentic materials also brings authentic information about

culture like a text about a castle in England, students will get information about

England culture.

B. Teaching Descriptive Text Using Authentic Materials

Tourism vocational school students in tenth grade must learn English as

stated in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia No.

70/2013. In that policy also stated about standard competence and basic

competence for students in learning English as follow:


3. The standard competence is students understand, apply, and analyze factual,

conceptual, and procedural knowledge based on their curiosity in science,

technology, arts, culture, humanities, nationality, and civilization related to

the cause of phenomenon and event, and apply procedural knowledge on

specific field based on their interest and talent.

3.7 The basic competence is students analyze the social function, text structure,

and language features from descriptive text about people, tourist resorts, and

monuments contextually.

So, teachers need to facilitate the students in order to learn about descriptive text.

The generic structure of descriptive text is identification part and

description part. The identification part will convey the identity of things, people,

or places that will be described. In the description part, the things mentioned in

the identification part will be described in detail. Descriptive text uses present

tense for telling the facts of object descriptions and adjective for describing the

things in general for the language features.

Teachers can teach the students about descriptive text by using the

textbook. Students can learn about the social function, text structure, and language

features from it. For the supplement material, teachers can also give authentic

materials to the students. Students can learn how English is used in the real world

by reading the authentic materials.

Anthony, Pearson and Raphael (1993) describe reading as a process to

grasp the meaning from written texts by using a dynamic interaction between the

reader’s existing knowledge, the information suggested by the written language,


and the context of the reading situation (as cited in Farrell, 2009, p. 14). It means

that reading can help students in enriching their knowledge as the process of

grasping meaning from texts.

In teaching descriptive text, teachers should care for the learners, so that

there is a process of learning by the students. The purpose of teaching according

to Brown (2000) is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learners to learn,

and setting the condition for learning (p. 7). So, teachers need to be very creative

in facilitating students in learning descriptive text.

Farrell (2009) states there are three models of reading namely bottom-up

processing model, top-down processing model, and interactive processing model

(p. 18-19). The three models are described below:

1. Bottom-up processing model

The students process information starting from the words, move to phrases, and

then to full sentences with this model (Farrell, 2009, p. 18). From smallest unit of

the text then students start to make some sense to find the meaning from the texts.

2. Top-down processing model

The students have their own prior knowledge and experiences that influence the

way they understand and interpret a text (Farrell, 2009, p. 18). This process will

start immediately after students read the title and glance quickly through the text.

The students will bring their prior knowledge and experiences that they have

when they read along the text. When reading along the passage, the students also

search for confirmation about their understanding about the topic.


3. Interactive processing model

Interactive processing model can be called as the combination between top-down

processing model and bottom-up processing model (Farrell, 2009, p. 19). This

model promotes a more balance process to the students in comprehending the

descriptive text. Thus, the students can extract meaning from the text itself and the

students’ prior knowledge. Farrell (2009) shows that in interactive processing

model, bottom-up processing model and top-down processing model occur

simultaneously when students read a text (p.19). In the bottom-up processing

model, students focus on the extracting meaning from the words by words. On the

contrary, using the top-down processing model, students focus on their prior

knowledge and experiences in comprehending the message of the text. Thus, the

combination of both bottom-up and top-down processing model or the interactive

processing model is really beneficial in comprehending the text better. Therefore,

teachers need to teach this processing model to students.

When teachers teach reading to students, they should remember that the

goal of it is to make the students be strategic readers. Strategic readers do

something before reading, during reading, and after reading (Farrell, 2009, p.

37-38). Teachers can arrange these activities to help the students in reading the

descriptive text.

1. Before reading

Before starting to read the descriptive text, teachers could help the students recall

their background knowledge about the text. There are some activities can be done

to do it such as word association, direct experience, and prediction.


a. Word association

By doing word association, students could decide which prior knowledge they

should take before they read the descriptive text. This word association activity is

very easy to do. First, teachers write a key word or phrase on the board. Teachers

ask the students to write down whatever words or phrases as many as possible that

come up in their mind after reading the key word in three minutes. The students

should not worry about grammar or spelling because this activity only focuses on

the content of students’ background knowledge.

b. Direct experience

This activity helps the students to get their background knowledge by

participating directly in activity related to the topic. Teachers should also prepare

the concepts and important vocabulary of the text. After students get the concepts

and vocabulary, teachers should present a lesson. This lesson should require

students participate directly in an activity that develops the concepts and uses the


c. Prediction

Prediction activity makes students recall their previous experience they have

related to the topic of the text they will read. After the students recall it, they start

guessing what will happen in the descriptive text. One thing that good readers do

is making prediction about what they are going to read. Thus, this prediction

activity will train students to be good readers. This activity is also very simple.

First, teachers just need to show a part of the text to the students like the title or

picture, or first line. After that, teachers ask the students about what information


they think that they will get from the text and also the reason why they think that

they will get that information. This prediction activity is repeated throughout the

reading process which is in prereading, during reading, and postreading.

2. During reading

During reading, there are some strategies that can be done by students which are

prediction, questioning, and summarizing.

a. Prediction

Prediction activity in this stage has intention which is to develop student’s ability

to read critically and reflectively. Teachers have a task to encourage their students

to make their own predictions about what they are going to read. When students

read the text, they think about whether their prior predictions were correct or not.

They need to make adjustment if their prior predictions were not correct.

b. Questioning

Teachers encourage students to make their own question about the text that can

help them to understand the text. This activity can be done individually or in

group. Teachers can divide the students into groups. Every group makes their own

questions with the answers also related to the text. After that, teachers ask the

groups to exchange the questions only. Every group should answer other groups’

questions then.

c. Summarizing

This activity trains students to be able to get main idea of a part of the text and

then paraphrase it in their own words. First, students should be shown how to

recognize a topic sentence of a paragraph. After founding all topic sentences,


students should write it on their notes and then try to join them all with fewer

sentences. After finishing it, students could paraphrase it with their own words. It

will train their comprehension skills.

3. After reading

In this stage, students still do prediction activity. Students determine whether they

want to confirm or to adjust their prior prediction after they read the whole text.

Students can also note which part of the text that makes them surprise.

C. Advantage and Disadvantage Using Authentic Materials

When teachers decide to use authentic materials in classroom, they and

their students will get some advantages. There are four advantages that will be

discussed here. The first advantage is the students are exposed to real language.

Gebhard (2000) argues that authentic materials can become a bridge between the

students and the real world (p.102). The students will get a wide picture of how

English is used in the real world. It is necessary for them to be familiar with it so

that the students will not get shocked when they work in tourism field in the

future. It is very beneficial for them so they will work easier. The tourism students

are expected to be able to use English as communication tool with foreigners

naturally after they are graduated from their school and work in tourism field.

The second advantage is that authentic materials are more related to

learners’ needs. Teachers should plan what to teach in their classrooms based on

their students’ interests and needs (Davies & Pearse, 2000, p. 14). When tourism

students learn English with authentic texts, they will feel that their needs are


fulfilled. It is because they need to know how English is used in real life. They

will work in tourism field or even have their own travel agent in the future and

they need to know how to use English in real world at that time. Therefore, they

need to be prepared from now. They also become more confident to deal with real

life situations. They will not get shocked and afraid of English in real life because

they have already encountered that when they learn it with authentic materials in

their classroom.

Another advantage is authentic materials can affect students’ motivation

positively. Davies and Pearse (2000) also mention that authentic materials can be

a solution for teachers to increase students’ motivation (p.14). It is related to

previous advantage. When the learners feel that their need is fulfilled, they will be

more enthusiastic in learning. It is very good to have positive feeling in learning

because it can boost learning process. The students will be able to comprehend the

materials faster. Therefore, they will not have to learn the same subject again and

again. Teachers and students will not want if they waste too much time for the

same theme.

The last advantage is authentic materials bring cultural information for the

students. Davies and Pearse (2000) confirm that when students read an authentic

text, they also get to know the culture of the writer of that text (p. 107). It will be

very beneficial for the students to learn about culture, especially for tourism

students. They will have to know culture from many countries. It will be very

good for them because they will meet foreigners from many countries when they

work in tourism field. Students can get the cultural information from the text by



using interactive processing model in reading the text. If the students are given a

text about London city, they might grasp that many people there like to have cups

of tea. In the future when the students already work, when they meet with tourists

from London, they might have an idea to make an itinerary for the tourists to visit

tea garden because they know that people from London like tea.

Besides advantages, authentic materials also have a disadvantage. Gebhard

(2000) mentions that authentic materials add a burden on teachers as teachers

should make extra effort to search for suitable authentic materials (p. 101).

Teachers might need to spend more time than usual when they only use materials

from textbook. If teachers do not have time to travel around to search for brochure

from tourist resorts, they can always search it from the internet. Because of this

disadvantage, the writer suggests that teachers should not throw away the

textbook, but they should try to combine the textbook with authentic materials.

Teachers should use authentic materials as supplemented materials. In other

words, teachers could adapt the authentic materials like adding it when teachers




This chapter presents the conclusions of the use of authentic materials to

teach descriptive text in tourism vocational school. Along with the conclusions

there are also recommendations for teachers and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

From the discussion, the writer can draw the conclusion in this chapter.

The authentic materials can be used in teaching descriptive text for tourism

vocational school students at tenth grade. It is because the benefits of using

authentic materials that can be gained by the students.

Teachers can apply authentic materials in their classrooms to teach

descriptive text by making supplement materials that contain authentic materials.

Teachers can use material adaptation in applying it in the learning process.

Teachers also need to train students to use interactive processing models in

reading the text. Besides that, teachers can arrange activities before, during, and

after reading. Those will help students in gaining benefits from reading authentic


There are four advantages of using authentic materials. First, authentic

materials can expose learners to the real language. The students will be familiar

with how English is used in real life. Second, the students get their self-fulfilment.

Third, authentic materials have a positive effect on learners' motivation. The last



advantage is authentic materials bring cultural information to the

students‘attention. Besides advantages, using authentic materials can also give a

disadvantage. The teachers will have to make a big effort to search for suitable

authentic materials. Nevertheless, the advantages can overcome the disadvantage.

Thus, the teachers can use authentic materials as supplemented materials not

replace the whole textbook.

B. Recommendations

There are some suggestions for English teachers of Vocational School and

future researchers who are interested in authentic materials.

1. For English Teachers of Vocational School

Authentic materials are beneficial in language learning process. Therefore,

teachers can use authentic materials in their classrooms. They can try to make

reading activities that contain authentic materials for their students. Teachers can

make supplement materials that contain authentic materials for students.

2. For Future Researchers

This paper only focuses on the using authentic materials in reading. The

future researchers can try to apply authentic materials in integrated skills like

reading and writing, or listening and speaking with other suitable media such as



Al Azri, R. H. & Al-Rashdi, M. H. (2014). The effect of using authentic materials in teaching [Electronic version]. International journal of scientific & technology research 3(10), pp. 249-254.

Brown, D. H. (2000). Principles of language learning & teaching. New York: Longman.

Davies, P. & Pearse, E. (2000). Success in English teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Farrell, T. S. C. (2009). Teaching reading to English language learners. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Gebhard, J.G. (2000). Teaching English as a foreign or second language. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press.

George, M.W. (2008). The elements of library research. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Harmer, J. (2001). The practice of English language teaching. Essex, England: Longman.

Peacock, M. (1997). The effect of authentic materials on the motivation of EFL learners [Electronic version]. ELT journal 51(2), pp. 144-156.

Polio, C. (2014). Using authentic materials in the beginning language classroom [Electronic version]. CLEAR News 18(1).

Tomlinson, B. (1998). Materials development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tomlinson, B. & Masuhara, H. (2004). Developing language course materials. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.

Wallace, C. (1992). Reading. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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