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Academic year: 2022



Teks penuh



MUHAMMAD INTIZOM Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 3 Kota Jambi Kelas/Semester : X/ Ganjil

Tema : Descriptive Text

Sub Tema : (Tempat wisata/bersejarah) Pembelajaran ke : I (Pertama)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 Jam Pelajaran @ 40 Menit A. Kompetensi Inti

 KI-1 dan KI-2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”.

 KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

 KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

3.4.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam Descriptive Text

4.4 Descriptive Text

4.4.1Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, pendek Menemukan informasi berdasarkan descriptive text


dan sederhana terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal 4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan

tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks cara yang benar dalam menulis descriptive text secara tulis maupun lisan

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Dengan mengamati contoh descriptive text, peserta didik dapat menemukan (C2) informasi rinci di dalam descriptive text dengan tepat.

2. Dengan membaca descriptive text, peserta didik dapat menentukan (C3) Fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan descriptive text dengan tepat.

3. Setelah mencari informasi di internet, Peserta didik mampu membuat (c5) descriptive text sesuai dengan fungsi social, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar (minimal 100 kata).

D. Metode Pembelajaran

1) Pendekatan : Saintifik

2) Model Pembelajaran : Problem Based Learning

3) Metode : Tanya jawab, wawancara, diskusi dan bermain peran

E. Materi Pembelejaran

 Topik

Teks tulis berbentuk Descriptive Text

 Fungsi sosial

Menimbulkan kesan positif tentang kesesuaian informasi yang diterima dari descriptive text

 Struktur teks Dapat mencakup - Identification - description

 Unsur kebahasaan - Noun phrase - Verbal phrase


F. Media Pembelajaran 1. Media

 Visual : Contoh Teks, Gambar, PPT, LKPD

 Audio visual : Video 2. Alat/Bahan

 Spidol, papan tulis

 Laptop G. Sumber Belajar

1. Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/MAK/SMK: Describing People. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Diakses 5 November 2020.

2. Modul/bahan ajar 3. Internet,

4. Buku dan sumber lain yang relevan





1. Guru melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh , salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, Shalom , Om Swastyastu, Namo Buddhaya, dan Salam Kebajikan

Guru menyiapkan kesiapan siswa dalam memulai pembelajaran (cek kondisi siswa dan ruangan kelas)

How are you this morning? So, before we begin our lesson today, please check your table and surrounding. Make sure everything is clean

Guru meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin doa/berdoa (Sikap Religius)

Hanif, please lead the prayer

2. Guru melakukan absensi/cek kehadiran peserta didik

Now I will check your attendance, if I call your name please raise your hand and say “present”


Guru meminta peserta didik menyanyikan sebuah Lagu Nasional;

Bagimu Negeri. (Sikap Kebangsaan) Bagimu Negeri by Kusbini


Guru memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris

Teacher asks some students to talk in English about their study and praise his/her speaking skill


3. Guru dan siswa mereview pelajaran di pertemuan sebelumnya Do you still remember what we learnt in our previous meeting?

4. Guru memperkenalkan materi baru yaitu Descriptive Text

Today we are going to learn about descriptive text, but before we jump into it, le me ask you what do you know about this text?

Guru menyampaikan Tujuan Pembelajaran

As I told you earlier the topic of our lesson is descriptive text. So, the learning objective for our meeting today is for you to be able to write an Descriptive Text based on the correct social function, generic structure and language features.

Guru menyampaikan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan peserta didik selama proses pembelajaran

Today, you are going to work in group to discuss and analyze the problems that I will give to you. So, let me divide you into several groups consist of 5 students


Kegiatan Inti

STEP 1: Orientasi peserta didik pada masalah

 Guru menyampaikan masalah yang akan dipecahkan secara kelompok.

Please read the following text

Flores is one of the most fascinating and beautiful island, located in the Southern part of Indonesia in East Nusa Tenggara province.

Geographically, Flores is part of Indonesia’s Lesser Sunda islands. From west to east the main Lesser Sunda islands are Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba, Timor, Alor archipelago, Barat Daya islands, and Tanimbar islands. Long hidden in the shadows of its more famous neighbor Bali, the island of Flores is finally emerging as a unique destination of its own.

There are 8 major ethnic groups in Flores, namely the Manggarai, Riung, Ngada, Nage-Keo, Ende, Lio, Sikka and Larantuka. There are also 8 regencies in Flores: West Manggarai, Manggarai, East Manggarai, Ngada, Nagekeo, Ende, Sikka and East Flores. Labuan Bajo is the capital of West Manggarai, the gateway to many splendors of Flores. You can watch Caci dance in Manggarai, a live war dance performed in numerous traditional ceremonies. The dance is also popular as a warm greeting to welcome important guests.

 Kelompok mengamati dan diberi kesempatan untuk memahami masalah

1. What is being described?

2. Where it is located?

3. How to get there?

4. Why do people write such a text?

5. Will you someday also write the same kind of text?why?


Step 2: Mengorganisasikan peserta didik untuk belajar

 Guru membantu peserta didik mendefenisikan dan mengorganisasikan masalah yang akan dicari jawaban/penyelesaiannya

Read the text below and complete the table based on the text


Paris is the capital city of France. It is also one of the most beautiful and famous city in the world. Paris is called as the city of light. It is also an international fashion center. What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world. Paris is also famous for its world center of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

There are other many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the louvre as well as the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.

Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii. They built a small village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago. This island is called Ile de la Cite. It is where Notre Dame located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.

purpose of the text Identification Part Description part

Guru memastikan setiap anggota memahami tugas masing-masing. (Sikap tanggung jawab)

Now, I want you to discuss with your group and analize the text.

One student will write the answer and one student will present your work later on. Do you understand?


 Peserta didik berdiskusi dan membagi tugas untuk mencari data yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah

STEP 3: Membimbing penyelidikan individu maupun kelompok

 Guru memantau keterlibatan peserta didik dalam pengumpulan data/bahan selama proses penyelidikan

Watch the video, and complete the chart based on the video

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClWsSFSF1Wk&t=49s

purpose of the text Identification Part Description part

 Peserta didik melakukan penyelidikan (mencari

data/referensi/sumber) untuk bahan diskusi kelompok. (Sikap Rasa ingin tahu)

Each group watch the video and complete the table Step 4: Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil karya

Guru memantau diskusi dan membimbing pembuatan laporan sehingga karya setiap kelompok siap untuk dipresentasikan

Teacher ask each group (How’s the progress of your work?)


 Kelompok melakukan diskusi untuk menghasilkan solusi pemecahan masalah dan hasilnya dipresentasikan/disajikan dalam bentuk karya.

STEP 5: Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan masalah

 Setiap kelompok melakukan presentasi, kelompok yang lain memberikan apresiasi. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan

merangkum/ membuat kesimpulan sesuai dengan masukan yang diperoleh dari kelompok lain. Sikap menghargai prestasi)

 Siswa kembali bekerja secara individu menulis sebuah descriptive text berdasarkan indikator yang disajikan oleh guru

Choose one picture and write a descriptive text (minimum 100 words)

Candi Muaro Jambi

Danau Kerinci

Jambi Paradise


Jambi Paradise

Explicit Teaching

Descriptive text is a text that explains or describes a person, animal or thing in terms of its shape, nature, number and so on.

Social Function

 To give information about a particular entity by describing its features, history, and special characteristics.

Generic Structure 1. Identification 2. Description

A descriptive text is made up of identification or general statement and description element. Identification introduces and identifies specific objects (a person, thing, place, animal, or event) intended to be described.

Description describes the intended objects using descriptive details or information about the objects’ characteristics, appearances, personality, habits, or qualities

Language Features

 Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim

 The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc.


 The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described.

 Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….

Kegiatan Penutup

1. Guru membimbing siswa menyimpulkan materi yang sudah diajarkan

Let’s Sum up what we have learnt today.

 What is Descriptive Text?

 What is social function of Descriptive Text?

 What is the generic structure of Descriptive Text?

 What are some language features found in Descriptive Text?

2. Guru memberikan post test Soal terlampir di halaman belakang

3. Guru memberikan remedial/pengayaan.

Soal remedial Terlampir

Soal Pengayaan

Choose one historical place around the world and write a descriptive text about it minimum 100 words

4. Siswa mengisi jurnal refleksi tentang pengalaman mereka dalam pembelajaran descriptive text

NO Learning Journal Very


Well Poorly

1 I can find some detail information in a descriptive text


H. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

 Sikap

o Teknik : Observasi o Bentuk : Jurnal

 Pengetahuan

o Teknik : Tertulis o Bentuk : Uraian

 Keterampilan

o Teknik : Tertulis o Bentuk : Uraian I. Instrumen Penilaian

2 I can identify the social function, generic structure and language features in a descriptive text

3 I can write a descriptive text about tourist destination

5. Guru menyampaikan topik yang akan dipelajari minggu depan Next meeting we will review the descriptive text you have written

6. Guru memotivasi siswa untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris lebih giat lagi setiap harinya

Today you have done a great job. I hope you will maintain this ethic in learning English thus you can improve your knowledge and skill

7. Guru melakukan penutup/closing

That’s all for our meeting today, thank you very much for your hard work. I’ll see you again next week. Goodbye


 Sikap : Rubrik penilaian sikap

 Pengetahuan : Rubrik penilaian pengetahuan

 Keterampilan : Rubrik penilaian keterampilan J. Pengayaan

Bagi peserta didik yang telah mencapai target pembelajaran sebelum waktu yang telah dialokasikan berakhir, perlu diberikan kegiatan pengayaan.

K. Remedial

Bagi peserta didik yang belum mencapai target pembelajaran pada waktu yang telah dialokasikan, perlu diberikan kegiatan remedial

Mengetahui Jambi, 21 April 2022

Kepala Sekolah SMA N 3 Guru Mata Pelajaran

Encu Rusmana, S.Pd, M.Si Muhammad Intizom, M.A.

NIP. 19700414 199301 1 001 NIP. 19880114 201001 1 001



4. Which part of Petruk Cave which used for place to put foods for ancestor?

A. In the basic cave

Text for questions no 1-5 Petruk Cave

Petruk cave is one of the leading tourist attractions in Kebumen, Central Java. The cave is located in the dukuh Mandayana Candirenggo Village, Ayah District, Kebumen regency. In the petruk cave there is no lighting that illuminates the cave. It is still very natural cave so that petruk cave is very dark to be entered. Petruk cave’s name is taken from the punokawan of puppet characters that is Petruk. The cave Named Petruk cave because the length of cave is as long as petruk’s nose.

In the cave there are 3 floors that are the first is a basic cave, Hindu caves and Petruk cave. The base cave is a short cave which is just 100 meters away. The cave is used for tourist attractions.

Hindu cave is part of the cave that is usually used to put offerings to the ancestor. Inside Petruk cave there are so many stalactites and stalagmites which are really awesome. If you want to explore this cave, you must be led by guides who are ready to take you through the cave. After arriving at the end of the cave, you can see the beach or waterfall located near at the end of the cave

1. The text above tells us about?

A. Letter B. News

C. Information of petruk cave D. Banner

E. Poem

2. What is the text purpose?

A. To inform readers about tourism in Kebumen B. To entertain reader about Petruk Cave

C. To explain the reader about floors in Petruk Cave D. To Introduce The Local tourism in Kebumen E. To describe Petruk Cave

3. Why did Petruk cave named as one of character in Punokawan puppet?

A. Because the cave is belong to Petruk

B. Because Petruk is the first explorer of the cave C. Because Petruk is buried at the cave

D. Because the cave’s length is as long as Petruk’s nose E. Because the cave’s depth is as deep as Petruk’s hair


B. In petruk cave C. In Hindu cave D. In front of the cave E. Inside the cave

5. What is stalactites means?

A. A type of formation that hangs from the ceiling of caves B. Types of formation that lay on the floor of caves

C. Types of food given to ancestor

D. Someone who guide the visitor in the cave E. Kind of animals in the cave

Text for questions no 6-7

This museum is located in Ambarawa in central Java. The museum focuses on the collection of steam locomotive. Ambarawa was a military city during the dutch colonial government. King Willem I ordered the construction of the new railway station to enable the government to

transport it’s troops to Semarang. On may the 21st 1873, the Ambarawa railway station was built on 100,027,500 squares meter land. Back then it was known as the Willem I station.

The Ambarawa railway museum was established much later on October 16, 1976 in the

Ambarawa station to preserve the steam locomotive. They were coming to the end of their useful life when the 3 feet 6 inches guard railway or the Indonesian state railway or Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api was closed. The steam locomotives are parked in the open air next to the original station.

1. What was the Ambarawa called during the Dutch colonial government?

A. A military city B. A railway museum, C. A new railway town, D. King Willem I station.

E. Steam locomotives station,

2. Why was the Ambarawa railway museum established?

A. To build new railway museums.

B. To transport government troops.

C. To preserve the steam locomotives D. To build a new government station.

E. To park the locomotives at the original station, Text for questions no 8-10


The Shard is an 87-storey skyscraper, which sits in the heart of London. It is known as the shard of glass. Construction began in 2009 and was completed three years later in 2012, making it Western European’s tallest building.

Designed by architect Renzo Piano, The Shard is the second tallest free standing structure in the UK. Its exterior boasts 11,000 glass panels — that’s equivalent in area to eight football pitches or two-and-a-half Trafalgar Squares.

The building was developed to have multiple uses, describes on the website as a ‘vertical city where people can live, work and relax’. This motto was clearly taken on board that was found on the 72nd floor towards the end of construction

3. What is the text about?

A. The architect Renzo Piano B. The Shard glass panels

C. The Shard, building in London D. The tallest building in London E. The heart of London

4. In Europe, the Shard gains popularity on its … A. Location

B. Function C. Height D. Age E. Usage

5. What probably makes people interested to stay in the Shard?

A. It has multiple uses

B. It is the tallest building in UK C. It was built by famous architect D. It is located in the heart of London E. It is very cheap



Text for questions no 1-5

Natural Bridge National Park is luscious tropical rainforest.

It is located 110 kilometers from south of Brisbane and is reached by following the Pacific Highway to Nerang and then by travelling through the Numinbah Valley. This scenic roadway lies in the shadow of Lamington National Park.

The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural ‘arch’ and the cave through which a waterfall cascades is a short one-kilometer walk below a dense rainforest canopy from the main picnic areA.

Swimming is permitted in the rock pools. Night-time visitors to the cave will discover the unique feature of the glow worms. Picnic areas offers toilets, barbeque, shelter sheds, water and fireplaces; however, overnight camping is not permitted.

1. What is the function of paragraph 1?

A. as an identification B. as an orientation C. as a thesis D. as a classification E. as an abstract

2. The text above is in form of………….

A. hortatory exposition B. narrative

C. description D. report E. explanation

3. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. to present two points of views about natural bridge national park B. to explain the bridge national park

C. to describe the bridge national park D. to retell the bridge national park

E. to persuade readers to treat preserve the bridge nationl park 4. Where is the natural bridge national park located?

A. 110 kilometers from South of Brisbane B. 110 kilometers from Pacific Highway C. 110 kilometers from Numinbah Valley

D. 110 kilometers from Lamington National Park E. 110 kilometers from Nerang

5. What the visitors will see in the night?

A. a common glow worm

B. the unique feature of the glow worms


C. a great dark cave D. the unique rocks E. the fantastic bridge Text for questions no 6-10

Orchard Road is a Boulevard which becomes business and entertainment center in SingaporE. Orchard Road is surrounded by a lush tropical and flower gardens which are beautiful. At first, Orchard Road is just a suburban street lined with orchards, plantations nutmeg, and pepper farming. However, in the 1970s, it turned into a shopping center in SingaporE. In 1960 and 1970 entertainment industries began to enter this roaD. Shopping centers such as mall and Plaza was built in 1974.

Orchard Road runs along about 2.2 km. This road is one-way street flanked by a variety of shopping malls, hotels and restaurants. The shopping area which is nearly 800,000 square meters provides a wide range of Things, food, and entertainment. In this area there are many options that can satisfy visitors from all walks of life starting from the luxury branded things to the Popular branded, from exclusive restaurants to fast food.

There are so many ways that can be accessed to get to Orchard road such as: by taxi, bus or drive your own car. For those who are driving to Orchard Road can be entered from the west through the Napier RoaD. Vehicles from Dunearn Road can turn to left at the intersection of the Marriott Hotel junction.

Vehicles that come from Paterson can turn right onto Orchard RoaD. Orchard is always crowded so you have to be careful in order not to get lost.

6. The text mainly focuses on A. Singapore

B. Orchard Plantation C. Plaza and Mall

D. Orchard road as business and entertainment center E. Shopping Center

7. Which statement is TRUE?

A. At first Orchard Road is a crowded settlement

B. Orchard road became business and entertainment center since 1974

C. Vehicles from Dunrean road turn to the left at intersection of the Marriott Hotel junction D. Orchard road is infamous place at Singapore

E. Orchard road is not surrounded by flower garden 8. In the third paragraph the writer describes about?

A. The location of Orchard Road

B. The things that we can see at orchard road C. The direction to get to Orchard Road D. The history of Orchard Road

E. The distance of Orchard Road


9. Words “it” in line 4 refers to?

A. The plantation

B. Luxury branded things C. The plaza

D. Singapore E. Suburban street

10. The word “satisfy” in line eighth has the closet meaning with?

A. Pleased B. Free C. Frighten D. Threat E. Loved

Soal Pengayaan

Choose one historical place around the world and write a descriptive text about it minimum 100 words


NO Learning Journal Very


Well Poorly

1 I can find some detail information in a descriptive text

2 I can identify the social function, generic structure and language features in a descriptive text

3 I can write a descriptive text about tourist destination



1. Sikap

 Penilaian Observasi

Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik sehari-hari, baik terkait dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum. Pengamatan langsung dilakukan oleh guru. Berikut contoh instrumen penilaian sikap


o Nama Siswa

Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah Skor

Skor Sikap

Kode Nilai


1 Soenarto 75 75 50 275 68,75 C

2 ... ... ... ... ... ...

Keterangan :

• SR : Sikap Religius

• SK : Semangat Kebangsaan

• TJ: Tanggun Jawab

• RIT : Rasa Ingin Tahu

• MP : Menghargai Prestasi Catatan :

1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

100 = Sangat Baik 75 = Baik 50 = Cukup 25 = Kurang

2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100 x 4 = 400 3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 275 : 4 = 68,75

4. Kode nilai / predikat :

75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB) 50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)

25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C) 00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

5. Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin dinilai

 Penilaian Diri


Seiring dengan bergesernya pusat pembelajaran dari guru kepada peserta didik, maka peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menilai kemampuan dirinya sendiri. Namun agar penilaian tetap bersifat objektif, maka guru hendaknya menjelaskan terlebih dahulu tujuan dari

penilaian diri ini, menentukan kompetensi yang akan dinilai, kemudian menentukan kriteria penilaian yang akan digunakan, dan merumuskan format penilaiannya Jadi, singkatnya format penilaiannya disiapkan oleh guru terlebih dahulu. Berikut Contoh format penilaian :

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak Jumlah


Skor Sikap

Kode Nilai 1 Selama diskusi, saya ikut serta

mengusulkan ide/gagasan. 50

250 62,50 C


Ketika kami berdiskusi, setiap anggota mendapatkan

kesempatan untuk berbicara.



Saya ikut serta dalam membuat kesimpulan hasil diskusi kelompok.


4 ... 100

Catatan :

1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50

2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 4 x 100 = 400

3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (250 : 400) x 100 = 62,50 4. Kode nilai / predikat :

75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB) 50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)

25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C) 00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

5. Format di atas dapat juga digunakan untuk menilai kompetensi pengetahuan dan keterampilan

 Penilaian Teman Sebaya

Penilaian ini dilakukan dengan meminta peserta didik untuk menilai temannya sendiri. Sama halnya dengan penilaian hendaknya guru telah menjelaskan maksud dan tujuan penilaian, membuat kriteria penilaian, dan juga menentukan format penilaiannya. Berikut Contoh format penilaian teman sebaya :

Nama yang diamati : ...

Pengamat : ...

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak Jumlah


Skor Sikap

Kode Nilai

1 Mau menerima pendapat teman. 100 450 90,00 SB


2 Memberikan solusi terhadap

permasalahan. 100

3 Memaksakan pendapat sendiri

kepada anggota kelompok. 100

4 Marah saat diberi kritik. 100

5 ... 50

Catatan :

1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50 untuk pernyataan yang positif, sedangkan untuk pernyataan yang negatif, Ya = 50 dan Tidak = 100

2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 5 x 100 = 500

3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (450 : 500) x 100 = 90,00 4. Kode nilai / predikat :

75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB) 50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)

25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C) 00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan


1. What is being described? Flores

2. Where it is located? in the Southern part of Indonesia in East Nusa Tenggara province 3. How to get there? Alternative answer

4. Why do people write such a text? To give information

5. Will you someday also write the same kind of text?why? alternative answer


purpose of the text To give information about paris

Identification Part Paris is the capital city of France. It is also one of the most beautiful and famous city in the world. Paris


is called as the city of light. It is also an international fashion center

Description part There are other many other famous

places in Paris, such as the famous museum the louvre as well as the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.


purpose of the text To give information about 5 places to go beyond Bali

Identification Part Bali is so well known around the world…….

Description part Raja Ampat, Borobudur, Lombok,

Bandung, Prambanan POST TEST

KD Indikator Nomor

Soal 3.4 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

3.4.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam Descriptive Text

2, 5, 8,

4.4 Descriptive Text 4.4.1Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana Menemukan informasi berdasarkan descriptive text cara yang benar dalam menulis descriptive text secara tulis maupun lisan

1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10


terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

4.4.2 Menyusun teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks


1 C 6 A

2 E 7 C

3 D 8 D

4 C 9 C

5 A 10 D


KD Indikator Nomor

Soal 3.4 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

3.4.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam Descriptive Text

1, 2, 3, 8

4.4 Descriptive Text 4.4.1Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, Menemukan informasi berdasarkan descriptive text

4, 5, 6, 7, 9


dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal

4.4.2 Menyusun teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks cara yang benar dalam menulis descriptive text secara tulis maupun lisan


1 A 6 C

2 C 7 C

3 C 8 C

4 A 9 E

5 A 10 A


Choose one historical place around the world and write a descriptive text about it minimum 100 words (Lihat rubric penilaian keterampilan)

 Refleksi


3. Penilaian Keterampilan a. Penilaian Presentasi

Nama peserta didik: ________ Kelas: _____

No. Aspek yang Dinilai Baik Kurang

baik 1. Organisasi presentasi (pengantar, isi, kesimpulan)

2. Isi presentasi (kedalaman, logika) 3. Koherensi dan kelancaran berbahasa 4. Bahasa:

Ucapan Tata bahasa

Perbendaharaan kata

5. Penyajian (tatapan, ekspresi wajah, bahasa tubuh) Skor yang dicapai

Skor maksimum 10


Baik mendapat skor 2

Kurang baik mendapat skor 1 b. Penilaian Kemampuan Menulis


Aspek yang Dinilai

Kriteria Skor 1-5 Skor 1-4

1 Keaslian Penulisan

Sangat original 5 4

Original 4 3

NO Learning Journal Very


Well Poorly

1 I can find some detail information in a descriptive text

2 I can identify the social function, generic structure and language features in a descriptive text

3 I can write a descriptive text about tourist destination


Cukup original 3 2 Kurang

memahami Hampir tidak original

2 1

Tidak original 1


Kesesuaian isi dengan


Isi sangat sesuai dengan judul 5 4

Isi sesuai dengan judul 4 3

Isi cukup sesuai dengan judul 3 2 Isi kurang sesuai

dengan judul Isi hampir tidak sesuai dengan judul

2 1

Isi tidak sesuai

dengan judul 1

3 Keruntutan Teks

Keruntutan teks sangat tepat 5 4

Keruntutan teks tepat 4 3

Keruntutan teks cukup tepat 3 2

Keruntutan teks

kurang tepat Isi hampir tidak sesuai dengan judul

2 1

Keruntutan teks

tidak tepat 1

4 Pilihan Kosakata

Pilihan kosakata sangat tepat 5 4

Pilihan kosakata tepat 4 3

Pilihan kosakata cukup tepat 3 2

Pilihan kosakata kurang tepat

Pilihan kosakata hampir tidak tepat

2 1

Pilihan kosakata

tidak tepat 1

5 Pilihan tata bahasa

Pilihan tata bahasa sangat tepat 5 4

Pilihan tata bahasa tepat 4 3

Pilihan tata bahasa cukup tepat 3 2 Pilihan tata

bahasa kurang

tepat Pilihan tata

bahasa hamper tidak tepat

2 1

Pilihan tata bahasa tidak tepat


6 Penulisan kosakata sangat tepat 5 4


Penulisan Kosakata

Penulisan kosakata tepat 4 3

Penulisan kosakata cukup tepat 3 2 Penulisan

kosakata kurang tepat

Penulisan kosakata hampir tidak tepat

2 1

Penulisan kosakata tidak tepat


7 Kerapihan Tulisan

Tulisan rapi dan mudah terbaca 5 4 Tulisan tidak rapi tetapi mudah

terbaca 4 3

Tulisan tidak rapi dan tidak mudah

terbaca 3 2

Tulisan tidak rapi

dan sulit terbaca Tulisan rapi dan hamper tidak terbaca

2 1

Tulisan tidak rapi

dan tidak terbaca 1

c. Penilaian Kemampuan Berbicara (Speaking Skill) No Aspek yang

Dinilai Kriteria Skor 1-5 Skor 1-4

1 Pengucapan (pronounciation)

Hampir sempurna 5 4

Ada beberapa kesalahan, tetapi tidak

mengganggu makna

4 3

Ada beberapa kesalahan dan

mengganggu makna 3 2

Banyak kesalahan

dan mengganggu makna

Hampir semua salah dan mengganggu makna

2 1

Terlalu banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu makna


2 Intonasi (intonation)

Hampir sempurna 5 4

Ada beberapa kesalahan, tetapi tidak

mengganggu makna

4 3

Ada beberapa kesalahan dan

mengganggu makna 3 2


Banyak kesalahan

dan mengganggu makna

Hampir semua salah dan mengganggu makna

2 1

Terlalu banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu makna


3 Kelancaran (fluency)

Sangat lancer 5 4

Lancar 4 3

Cukup lancer 3 2

Kurang lancar Sangat tidak lancer

2 1

Tidak lancar 1


Ketepatan Makna (accuracy)

Sangat tepat 5 4

Tepat 4 3

Cukup tepat 3 2

Kurang tepat Hampir tidak tepat

2 1

Tidak tepat 1

Skor Penilaian

No. Huruf Rentang angka

1. Sangat Baik (A) 86-100

2. Baik (B) 71-85

3. Cukup (C) 56-70

4. Kurang (D) ≤ 55


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3.6 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait manual penggunaan

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3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan

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