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Academic year: 2022



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Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan














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Judul Skripsi : The Use of Picture Composition To Enchance Paragraph Writing Ability of The Tenth Grade Students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School

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Makassar, 2020 Yang Membuat Perjanjian






Dari Umar radhiyallahu „anhu, bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Amal itu tergantung niatnya, dan seseorang hanya mendapatkan sesuai niatnya. Barang siapa yang hijrahnya kepada Allah dan

Rasul-Nya, maka hijrahnya kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, dan barang siapa yang hijrahnya karena dunia atau karena wanita yang hendak dinikahinya,

maka hijrahnya itu sesuai ke mana ia hijrah.”

(HR. Bukhari, Muslim, dan empat imam Ahli Hadits)

Segala Puja Dan Puji Kehadirat Allah S.W.T Serta Shalawat Dan Salam Kepada Jujunganku Nabi Allah Muhammad S.A.W Beserta Para Sahabat Dan Keluarganya. Kupersembahkan Karya Ini Kepada Bapak Dan Mama Luar Biasa.

Untuk Kaka-Kakaku Dan Adikku. Keluarga Besar Bapak (Zakaria) Dan Mama (Djabir Dg Ma‟gia). Kepada Teman-Teman Seperjuangan Dari TK,SD,SMP,SMA

Sampai Dibangku Perkuliahan. Kepada Lembaga Organisasi Kemahasiswaan Daerah HPMB, Lembaga Organisasi Kemahasiswaan Jururusan bahasa inggris EDSA Dan Lembaga Kepemudaan Karang Taruna Kecamatan Mambi. Dukungan

Dan Doa Kalian Adalah Kekuatan Luar Biasa Bagiku....



Muh. Zainal Bintang AZ, 2020. The Use of Picture Composition To Enchance Paragraph Writing Ability of The Tenth Grade Students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School. A thesis. Faculty of teacher Training And Education. English Department. (Supervised by hj. Sulfasyah and Yasser Mallappiang).

The purpose of this research to determine Enchance Paragraph of student learning outcomes taught by picture composition as media in learning of The Tenth Grade Students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School in descriptive text learning materials. This research was conducted against two groups, experiments, and controls that each group had 36 students. The post-test score between the two groups was compared using the independent sample t-test at the end of the meeting. The result showed that learning outcomes enchance 57.22 in the experimental group and enchanced 55.08 in the control group. Based on the hypothesis test comparison of student learning results against two groups obtained results 0.00 ≤ 0.05. The experiment group was bigger than the control group.

Keywords: Enchance, Learning Outcomes, Group



Muh. Zainal Bintang AZ, 2019. Peningkatan Penulisan Paragraf Siswa Melalui Komposisi Gambar Di Kelas X Mipa Sma Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar. Sripsi.

Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Jurusan Bahasa Inggris. Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (Dibimbing Oleh Hj. Sulfasyah Dan Yasser Mallappiang).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan metode pembelajaran komposisi gambar di kelas x mipa sma negeri 3 polewali mandar pada materi pembelajaran teks deskriptif. Pengukuran peningkatan hasil belajar dilakukan terhadap dua kelompok, eksperimen dan kontrol yang masing-masing kelompok mempunyai 36 siswa. Nilai postes antara dua kelompok yaitu eksperimen dan kontrol dibandingkan dengan menggunakan independen sample t tes pada akhir pertemuan. Peningkatan nilai rata-rata postes siswa terhadap hasil belajar kelompok eksperimen sebesar 57,22 dan peningkatan nilai rata-rata postes siswa terhadap hasil belajar kelompok kontrol sebesar 55,08.

Uji hipotesis perbandingan hasil belajar sisiwa terhadap dua kelompok diperoleh hasil 0,00 ≤ 0,05. Perbandingan hasil belajar kedua kelompok yaitu 57,22 dan 55,08. Kelompok eksperimen lebih besar dari kelompok kontrol.

Kata Kunci : Peningkatan, Hasil Belajar, Kelompok




Alhamdulillahirabbil'aalamiin, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and the Almighty who never stop blessing the researcher so that He could finish this thesis. Shalawat also delivers to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to brightness and delivered the truth to the human being.

In accomplishing the research, He realized that He never finish this thesis without help from the other people around him. Therefore, He would like to express his gratitude and appreciation to:

1. The researcher's beloved parents, Arifin Zakaria and Hasna Jabir Dg Ma'gia, never stop motivating and always pray for him every time, and support him to finish his study.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd, Ph.D., The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., The Head of English Education Department of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and all lecturers who have taught him during the years of his study.

4. His high appreciation and greatly thank his consultant, Sulfasyah, M.A, Ph.D., and Yasser Mallappiang, SS., M.Pd., for their valuable time, knowledge, and guidance, their patience, and wisdom during the process of accomplishing this thesis.



5. Abbas, S.Pd., M.Pd. The Headmaster of SMA Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar has been given a chance to conduct this research.

6. Irawati, S.Pd., M.Pd. The English teacher of SMA Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar for helping and dedication to this research.

7. His Brothers And Sisters. Muh Ilham Akbar, Hasmilawaty S.Pd., Nirmalayani, Sri Winarni S.Farm., Fifi Astria SKM, and others that He could not mention all for giving him more strength, for sharing the same struggle, for supporting each other to achieve our goals together.

8. The researcher friends in the English Education Department batch 2015, especially F (Friendly) Class 2015, for anything we shared for years.

9. All of his friends and influential people in my life that he cannot mention one by one.

The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and contribution in this thesis. May Allah the Almighty bless them all. Moreover, the researcher also realized that this thesis is far from perfect. It is a pleasure to get critiques and suggestions to make this thesis better.

The Researcher





















B. Problem Statement...4

C. Objective of the Research...4

D. Significance of the Research...4




A. Previous Related Research Findings...6



B. Some Pertinent Ideas...8

C. Conceptual Framework ...31

D. Hypotesis...32


B. Population and Sample ...34

C. Variables and Indicators ...35

D. Procedure Data Collection ...35

E. Technique Data Analysis ...28


B. Discussion ...59


B. Suggestion ...62 BIBLIOGRAPHY






Table 3.1 Research Design...33

Table 3.2 Range Score by Hartfield ...38

Table 4.1 The Frequency and Percentage pretest Organization...45

Table 4.2 The Frequency and Percentage posttest Organization...46

Table 4.3 the mean score and standard deviation pretest and posttes organization...47

Table 4.4 The Frequency and Percentage pretest content...48

Table 4.5 The Frequency and Percentage posttest content...49

Table 4.6 the mean score and standard deviation pretest and posttes content...50

Table 4.7 The Frequency and Percentage pretest language use...52

Table 4.8 The Frequency and Percentage posttest language use ...53

Table 4.9 the mean score and standard deviation pretest and posttes language use...53

Table 4.10 the mean score and standard deviation picture composition...55

Table 4.11 test results of normality of students' learning outcomes...59

Table 4.12 homogeneity test results of students' learning outcomes...60

Table 4.13 The Probability Value oft-Test of the Experimental and Control Group Achievement...58

Table 4.14 The Probability Value oft-Test of the Experimental and Control Group Achievement in pretest and posttest...59




Figure 2.1 A Single Picture With Many Elements...18

Figure 2.2 Many Picture Having a Common Element...19

Figure 2.3 Process Writing...26

Figure 2.4 Conceptual Framework...33

Figure 4.1 Experimental and Control Groups Organization...51

Figure 4.2 Experimental and Control Groups content...54

Figure 4.3 Experimental and Control Groups language use...57

Figure 4.4 The Score Of The Students' Pretest And Posttest Picture Composition...59




Appendix 1...67

Appendix 2 ...110

Appendix 3 ...114

Appendix 4 ...117

Appendix 5 ...119

Appendix 6 ...128

Appendix 7 ...131



A. Background

In 2019, the article, Republika: 12 Usulan PGRI to Mendikbud, revealed that the minister of Education and culture of the Indonesian government, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, in his 22 teacher-organizations gave a picture of how the future of our education should be carried out in the future. The meeting made several conclusions; some subjects, like Indonesian Language, Mathematics, English and Character-Based Religion, and Pancasila are fixed to be the main Elementary School subjects. This conclusion made by the meeting means that English subjects in junior high school and senior high schools are abolished from their main regular subject. The reason for this abolishment is that English materials at Elementary school are expected to be learned completely even their focus is only on the conversation aspect of material instead of grammar (Sulistiawaty. 2020)

Therefore, English in junior and senior high schools abolishes English subjects in those education levels out of adjustment policy because most of the materials presented at the elementary school level tend to be basic aspects of knowledge. Therefore, it would be impossible that the entire English subject material can be finished to be learned by students. Besides, the limited time provided for learning activity in the class in each day, week, or month also becomes under consideration for that policy.



Eliminating English subjects in middle and high school will also reduce English language skills, especially in writing skills in English language learning subjects. Therefore, this study wants to see how the influence of writing ability in English middle and high school students, especially due to the minister of education's policies above.

Composing is one of the foremost imperative abilities in dialect learning for understudies. Composing aptitudes are requared for students‟ future, such as word related purposes, scholastic consider, or individual communication. Based on the standard of graduate compotency expressed by PERMENDIKBUD Number 20 – 21/2016 republic of indonesia, within the composing aptitude, the graduate of senior high school must be able to specific meaning within the composed item in interpersonal and transactional discourses, formally and casually, within the shape of communicating composed demands and commands related to standar of living. Subsequently, the understudies must have a great authority in composing to able to compose.

Be that as it may, composing isn‟t a straighforward aptitude. There are a few contemplations why composing is respected as a troublesome expertise.

Richards and Renandya (2002) specify that composing troubles emerge in creating and reorganizing troughts and decipehering the concepts to get it what the composing is around effectively. They too proposed that moment dialect journalists ought to pay consideration to the higher composing aptitudes; they are creating and reorganizing thoughts. Other than, the moment dialect author ought



to too pay consideration to the lower composing aptitudes such spelling, accentuation, word choise, etc.

In teaching English, students are prepared to master writing skills. One method in writing classroom activities is that the students are asked to write about what is being discussed. The teacher gives instructions in writing and then asks them to write. Harmer (2004) proposes that writing in the classroom taught by combining teaching writing involves encouraging the students to think about what they are going to write by encouraging them to draft, reflect, revise, and respond to their writing products. Besides, to make the students interested in the writing teaching and learning process, the teacher may use learning media. Learning media contributes to students' motivation in the learning process of writing skills.

They can stimulate students' ideas to develop their writing.

Moreover, composing includes a few dialect components such as spelling, linguistic use, lexion, concordence, accentuation, coherence, and cohesion, which the understudies don‟t ace well. Composing moreover requires the understudies to memorize the rules of english language structure and mechanics such as the proper utilize of verbs, pronouns, thing concords, capitalization, and cohesive gadgets commas and other marks of accentuation. Some of the time there are no learning media that can back students‟ composing prepare. The educator asks the three understudies to type in passage about a particular subject and after that understudies to type in a passage about a particular subject and after that gives them input. Such hones don‟t make the understudies inquisitive about composing.



Therefore the researcher was interested in using media as a tool to improve writing skills. In this context, the researcher would like to use Picture as a tool or what so-called Picture Composition in teaching writing because this is an interesting media. Pradipta (2016) supported that Picture Composition is a simple and interesting method that is easy to be done and can make students easier to write and have many ideas.

Based on the issues mentioned earlier, it is necessary to research the topic

" The Use of Picture Composition to Enhance Paragraph Writing Ability of the Tenth Grade Students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School ". Hence, Picture Composition Media can increase paragraph writing by stimulating the students to gain ideas, build vocabularies, and improve students' grammar awareness.

B. Problem Statement

Concerning the background mentioned above, the following problems can be identified.

1. How is the paragraph writing ability of the tenth grade students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School after being taught to write paragraph using picture composition?

2. Does the use of picture composition enhance their paragraph skills?

C. Objective Recearch

Related on the formulation aloft problems, the purpose of the research was as follows.



1. To find description the students' paragraph writing ability after being taught through picture composition in student of the Tenth Grade Students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School.

2. To find out whether there was an enhance of the students' paragraph writing comprehension achievement after being taught through picture composition learning in student of the Tenth Grade Students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School.

D. Significance Research

Significance for this research, namely theoretical and practical significances as follows.

a. Theoretical significance

The other researchers can use this research as new literature when they do research, and The teacher can apply this research as a new technique in teaching, learning English especially writing and The teacher can develop this technique in other skill

b. Practical significance

For students, this research was expected that students would get new ideas and develop them. The researcher also expected that this method is remembered by students and easily pronounce vocabulary correctly. Students are also likely to be able to improve their grammar mastery ability. For next researchers, this research was expected to be a research material for future researchers.

E. Scope Research



The Research dealt with applied linguistics and education, which used a quantitative approach with the quasi-experimental study. The researcher limited the discussion on this research to assess the picture composition media application's positive impact on student of the Tenth Grade Students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School writing English paragraphs. The writing paragraph's ability in this research was focused on the students' ability to construct an idea in english on the introduction, body, and conclusion parts of the paragraph.




This chapter aimed to support this study with related literature. This chapter elaborated studies, including theories related to the topic, review of related research, and conceptual framework.

A. Previous Related Research Findings

In this section, several opinions of the previous findings related to this research were presented.

In Pradipta (2016), the questionnaire's result proved that the most of the students were motivated and interested in using Picture Composition in teaching writing because it made them easier to write and have many ideas. The result of the test showed that in cycle 1, just 14 students got reach KKM. But in cycle 2 are all of the students got reach the KKM. Finally, the researcher concluded that this research improved students' writing ability in the narrative text by using Picture Composition Toward At Second Grade of SMPN 3 Kec. Sampung.

Asrifin (2015), the result of this research showed that the experimental group got the mean score (75.80) while the control group got a mean score (68.03). It showed a significant difference between the students who were taught by using Pictures Story and those who were taught without Pictures Story. The result of the t-test value (2.63) was greater than t-table (alpha two-tailed = 0.05:

72 = 2.000). It means that H1 was accepted. The study concluded that using



Pictures Story increased the students' ability to write narrative composition at student senior high school in Negeri 3 Parepare.

According to Asnawir (2002), the picture is a visual media produced from a photograph. It is everything that formed visually into two dimensions as the outflow of various think. Picture used almost for all levels of learning or intelligence. The use of a picture as a media or means of delivery of the lesson is interesting and can bind the attention and clarify ideas or information presented to a teacher's students.

Kusumaningrum (2015), This research was an experimental research with two groups as the sample. The data were obtained from the students' writing scores of pre-test and post-test. The researcher used the T-test formula to calculate the data, and the result was t-value of the post-test in the experimental group was higher than the t-table. Therefore, there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the post-test. Moreover, it can be concluded that students' picture effectively writes recount text of eighth-grade students.

The difference between this research with the previous one was that the researcher took student senior high school in Negeri 3 Polewali as a sample.

Besides, the researcher focused on developing paragraph writing and the elements in the image through the method of image composition and see the significant results achieved by students.


9 B. Some Patients Idea

1. English learning a. Definition

Agreeing to Unal (2017), english has more often than not considered a outside dialect for understudies since they utilize their mothor tounge more frequently, so that at the starting learning english gets to be unyielding‟s primary impediment for them to memorize english. And english has gotten to be the lingual france dialect, and the center of consideration isn‟t as it werw from numerous analsst and researchers but also teachers and guardians. Numerous european countries, beside the czech republic, have the most exxelent dialect for outside instruction to improve the adequacy of the securing handl. Hence, outside pre-test prymary dialect instruction has been presented (Grossjen in Hrda; 2017).

Teaching english has ended up one of the most concerns of the final centuries. Unused strategies and strategies have risen with modern innovation and later advancements. Numerrous educate and schools are seeking after the leading techique, educational modules, and educating syllabus. There are different ponders on dialect program assessment. English learning must involve four factors: the teacher, language teaching, language teaching methods, and subject matter. These four facts are the most important part of the effort to help and facilitate learning the language (Akbari, 2015).

English learning is one of the important elements because that influences international communication, and the people do all of they want to learn English



often learn to read, write and speak. English learning is also unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English, and how to speak and understand the language until they can duplicate for the other (Ahmadi, 2018).

b. The Advantage of Learning English

According to Tsebrota (2018) benefit of English learning follows:

1) Academic goals

English learning is indeed a compulsory lesson for all students who are not even majoring in English.

2) Career development

Proficient people in English tempted them. These skills will be of more value to prospective job applicants because they are considered more competitive.

3) The opportunity to go abroad

For the student, continuing study abroad is very prestigious. However, pass the TOEFL.

Based on the articulation, english learning is exeptionlyy imperative since english is the universal dialect and viably in english, and how to the individuals talk and get it the dialect until their can copies for the other.

English learning moreover includes four variable: the instructur, dialect educating, dialect educating strategies, and subject amtter.


11 2. Content

a. Content concept

The concept of content, according to Saylor and Alexander (1966:160), is the fact, observations, data, perception, classifications, designs, and problem- solving that has resulted in the experience and results of human thoughts arranged in the form of ideas, concepts, principles, conclusions, planning, and solutions.

Meanwhile, according to Hymen (1973:4), content is Science (such as facts, information, principles, definition), skills and processes (such as reading, writing, counting, dancing, critical thinking, oral communication, and writing), and values (such as concepts about good, bad things, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly).

b. Content Determination Criteria 1) Significance

Significance criteria are used to determine what parts of a field need to be entered or emphasized.

2) Social needs

Consider the social needs of children to carry out social functions and enhance community values to function as an adult later.

3) Use

It is the most scientific criteria arena obtained from research results in the field. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes as expected from the community graduates.

Educational objectives and school goals can also be established with the results of these findings.


12 4) Interest

It is one of the efforts to make the curriculum relevant to students. Things that are of interest to students need to be elaborated to avoid setting concepts that may not be in line with their actual interests

5) Human development

It is based on the assumption that schools reflect the community and as a tool to educate and develop people for social change.

6) Structure of scientific disciplines

This criterion is based on the assumption that each discipline has its structure. Therefore curriculum material must include studies that enable children to understand the structure of a particular science field.

4. Picture Composition a. Picture

1) The Understanding of Picture

Visual helps are one of the instructing helps utilized for instruction, hone and testing. Able to appear things that can not be clarified in basic words. The picture plays an vital part as an elective educating aid in teaching nenglish. The educator gives a picture, and after that she inquires the understudies almost it. The picture is simple to be found by all individuals. Through pictures, the students can hone creating their thoughts. The utilize of pictures is an great method to assist understudies get it different perspectives of the outside dialect.

The picture has persuadee the understudies and made the subject clearer to get it and outlined the common thought of an question response that‟s specific to a



culture. It can offer assistance create different other required abilities such as visual segregration, consideration to detail, and expansive of concepts. Pictures are flexible and valuable assets for instructing perspectives of linguistic use that require a structure meaning coordinate. Curiously or engaging pictures motivate understadies to reply in ways that more schedule instructing helps, such as a reading material or a sentence on the board, can not (Hie, 2007).

Pictures can too be utilised in different setups to upgrade learning and hone. Understudies get it and hold the meaning of a word way better when they have seen a few question related with it. For this reason, the instructor ought to uncover the understudy to a real-life circumstence. As pictures and their pictures are more striking than words, they are simpler to review than words (Yuterlus,2013).

Instrutors have continuously utilized pictures or design, whether drawn from books, daily papers, magazines, or photos, to encourage learning. The picture can be within the frame of flashcard (smallish cards which we are able hold up for our understudies to see), huge divider picture (huge sufficient for everybody to see detail), signal cards (little cards which understudies utilized in a matchor bunch work), photo or outline. The picture most habitually serves to assist the peruser‟s roughly words in typical perusing circumstances. Amid the starting stages of perusing, especially as an approach to present words, picture clues are valuable in genuine word distinguishing proof. Pictures are sorts of visual instruction materials that could be utilized more viably to create and



maintain positive english instructing ststes of mind or fortify dialect abilities. A few specialists clarified pictures (Yuterlus,2013) as take after:

Wright (1989) states that pictures as media can motivate students, make the subject they are dealing with clearer, and illustrate the general idea and forms of an object or action particular to a culture.

In Oxford advanced learner" s dictionary, "Picture is a painting, drawing, sketch, especially as a work of art." It "s means that using pictures can be created in many ways like painting, drawing, sketch or photography to deliver the object of studies.

The author summarizes that picture has numerous implications. The picture is characterized as a drawing, a portray, or photo, an picture of somebody or something. The meaning of picture can propel showing a sequent of even, story and thing just like the real-life, which could be utilized more successfully to create and maintain inspiration in creating positive demeanor toward english and to reach strengthen dialect expertise.”

2) The Types of Picture

According to Morgan, there are some types of the picture as their shapes:

a) Wall Charts

Wall charts illustrate the aspect of a topic. On one chart, use may be made of photographs, artists' drawings, symbols, graphs, and text.

b) Wall Picture

A Wall picture is simply a large illustration of a scene or event, a set of scenes or events. It is usually to be used with the whole class. Wall-pictures,



which details large enough for the entire class to see, maybe used in places such as clouds, the sea, mountains, the sun, and the sky, which are impossible to bring into the classroom.

c) Flash Cards

I. Word flashcards, the card with printed words on them, can help up rapidly;

the cards can be used to demonstrate exactly what the teacher wishes.

II. Picture flashcards, useful for representing a single concept, such as an object or an action.

d) Work Cards

Include visual and text magazine pictures, drawings, maps, and diagrams can be important parts or work cards at all levels, used for various purposes. As it has been stated above, many types of pictures could be used as media and cloud be taken from anywhere, such as magazines, newspaper, etc. where each type of pictures have their uses that could be applied to the students, so it is important for the teacher that using picture is to understand well which picture can be used for their students.

2) The Criteria of Good Picture

The teacher should have the ability to convey good material to the students when he/she teaches in class, and the teacher needs some media to make students easier for students to understand the material. The picture is one of the visual media that teachers used in the teaching process. To have a good result and, of course, to know the effectiveness of picture in terms of vocabulary teaching and



learning, the writer also needs to know good criteria of good pictures that been used in the research (Yuterlu,2013).

According to MAC M, Ramirez, the pictures should be directly relevant to a specific teaching objective and should be identified by the lesson with which it is to be used. Besides that, the pictures should be simple graphic and easy to use or manipulate. The MAC M, Ramirez‟s statement can be applied as a colourful drawing simple technique, and if we take a picture, it has to be relevant to the theme and easy to understand by the students. The teacher should have the ability to convey good material to the students when he/she teaches in the class, and the teacher needs some media to make students easier in understanding material, the picture is one of the visual media that teacher used in the teaching process.

According to Andrew Wright, there are some criteria for selecting good pictures for the students, such as:

a. The aid must be easy to prepare and organize by the teacher b. The aid must be interesting for students

c. The aid must be an excellent point of view and a sufficient amount of language d. The aid must fit in the best principles of education.

Based on the explanation above, the good picture criteria should be clear and big enough to see, and choosing or selecting a picture is needed to be appropriated with the knowledge of the students and related to the topic discussed.

b. Composition

1) The Understanding of composition



At www.brainly.co.id composition is related arrangement balance, unity, rhythm, and inner harmony a work of art. A good snape picture should be paying attention to the composition so that the picture is made can produce a balanced impression, united, rhythmic, and in harmony.

a) Balance

Balance is a depiction of objects that gives the impression of balance between the parts, meaning not impressed heavy on one side and light.

b) Unity

Unity is a depiction of objects that give the impression of the unity of the elements integrated. Unity means cohesiveness from parts of the image, not impressed as split or separate

c) Rhythm (rhythm)

Rhythm is a depiction of objects that give the impression of movement with a groove regular. The rhythmic image will be felt pleasing to the eye, with a picture dishevelled and unclear object settings.

d) Alignment (harmony)

Alignment is a depiction of objects that give the impression of conformity between one part with another part of an object, or one object with another object combined. Perspective Objects that are located closer to eyesight appear larger in size than objects located far from eyesight. The farther the object will disappear from eyesight (towards a point), for example when looking at a railroad track. The railroad tracks are the same size, but the rail will be narrowed and headed to one point because of the impression of eye gaze.


18 c. Picture composition

1) Definition

In Pradipta (2016) Picture Composition is one type of guide. The researcher should teach picture composition very carefully because the student has to develop the skill of observation and then only they have to arrange their ideas in proper sequence using correct vocabulary and frame grammatically correct sentence (Patel. M.F. & Jain P.M. 2008:128).

In edition based on picture composition, the authors concluded that picture composition from Edu (2012), is an exercise where you describe a picture by writing meaningful sentences. Thus, picture composition involves writing a few meaningful sentences or a paragraph, on a given picture. It allows you to frame sentences and form stories on your own. Picture composition involves writing sentences based on a given or set of pictures. A picture composition requires the writer to carefully observe the given picture and describe it in a story or composition with meaningful sentences. There are two kinds of pictures on which a composition:

a) A single picture with many elements.



Figure 2.1

b) Many pictures having a common element.

Figure 2.2

Before beginning writing picture composition a paragraph, we need to:

a) Carefully observe the picture.

b) Ask questions and note down the answers or observations to these question.

c) Arrange the observations as points in a logical order.

d) Write meaningful sentences to form a composition.

e) Write a title to the composition based on the main theme of the picture.

f) Begin the paragraph away from the margin.

g) Remember to write picture composition in past tense only.

Iken Edu (2012) 2) Benefit To Use Picture Composition



The instructor ought to spur the understudies within the teaching-learing handle by giving some interisting materials. It may be a great idea to instruct what kind of writing understudies are likely to ought to do in english within the future and what kind of subject and errand they will appreciate. Harmer (2004) contends that this will offer assistance the instructor to select composing errands either since understudies require them or since they are likely to be persuaded by them since the assignments are locks in themselves. An locks in composing errand includes understudies not fair learned people but sincerly as well. To form an locks in composing assignment, the educator ought to give a jolt to energize the understudies to compose. The jolt can be pictures for those who are invigorated by visual input.

Pictures contribute to instructing dialect. Emphaizing in instructing, pictures can be incitement for piciking up the thought. A few things within the picture can construct students‟ lexicon dominance by saying a few objects. The vocabularies can offer assistance understudies to build the section to type in.

There are a assortment of exercises can be made by utilizing picture.

Wright (1989) clarifies that indialect learning pictures can contribute to intrigued and inspiration, a sense of setting, and more spurred since pictures give the common fabric that the understudies can watch and distinguish. It is in line with Akbari's (2008) statement that picture can motivate students and nowadays, motivation is an important factor in learning everything. Pictures are also contextual in which a teacher can draw a certain situation on them. Pictures bring the outside world into the classroom in a concrete way. They can improve



students' stimulus because after observing the picture, they will immediately need the vocabularies, idiom, and sentence structures to discuss or explain what they see.

Writing products which are accompanied with pictures will make the readers more interested. Dils (2009) says that this is interesting to open a beautifully illustrated book and beautifully written. The harmony between the written and the visual will be able to inspire and entertain the readers. It can be concluded that pictures also contribute to inspiring and entertaining.

The picture is one of the visual helps utilized by the instructor to assist memorize. Employing a picture in composing movement can offer assistance produce and capture plenty of thoughts, which people can at that point adjust or select from to their backstories (Bearne and Wolstenscroft). Raimes citied in Akbari (2008) states that pictures can offer assistance teachers and understudies educate and learn lexicon and other dialect components. Moreover, a picture can offer assistance understudies to assume the genuine protest. As Krashen (1982) pointed out in Wright (1989), in EFL instructing, pictures are considered an proficient device for restricted English capability learners to extend their comprehension. It can be concluded that the picture is exceptionlly. It can be concluded that the picture is exceptionally supportive for the instructor and the understudies in educating and learning composing for its benefits.

Wright (1989: 17) cites a few parts for pictures in profitable skills.

a) Pictures can persuade the understudy and make them need to pay consideration and need to require part.



b) Pictures contribute to the setting in which the dialect is being utilized.

c) The picture can be described objectively („this could be a train.‟) or deciphered („it‟s likely a nearby train.‟) or reacted to subjectively („i like voyaging by train.‟).

d) Pictures can prompt reactions to questions or prompt substituations through controlled hone.

e) Pictures can invigorate and give data to be alluded to in discussion, dialog, and storytelling.

f) Help in composing significant sentences.

5. Writing a. Definition

In English learning, writing is one of the language skills in which the learners should master.

Writing is a system for interpersonal communication using various styles of language (Jalaludin, 2011). It plays a fundamental role in our personal and professional lives. In academia, writing has become central as a measure for academic success. Students attempt to gain more control over the improvement of English writing skill (Hamid, 2012). As writing process approach has changed the way of teaching writing from students' final products to writing, peer feedback has come to take an important part in writing instruction.

Traditionally, teachers are only one who has high knowledge to provide feedback to students' writing. But nowadays, peer feedback has been known as a critical technique for improving students' writing worldwide. A growing body of



research has recommended the use of peer feedback because of its social, cognitive, and affective benefits (Hinkel, 2004; Lundstorm & Baker, 2009; Min, 2008; Pol et al., 2008; and, Storch, 2004) because good feedback helps students understand their subject area and gives them clear guidance on how to improve their learning(Orsmond et al., 2013).

b. Types Writing

there are funamental sorts of composing: interpretive, expressive, enticing, and story. Each of these composing styles is utilized for a particular reason. A single content may incorporate more than one composing fashion.

1) Expository

Expository composing is one of the foremost common sorts of composes in an informative style, all they are attempating to do is clarify a concept, conferring data from themselves to a more extensive group of onlookers.

Interpretative composing does not incorporate the author‟s conclusion but centers on ackbowledged trughts approximately a theme, counting insinghts or other evidence.

2) Descriptive

Descriptive composing is frequently found in fiction, in spite of the fact that it can make an appearance in nonfiction as well (for case, diaries, first-hand accounts of occasions, or travel duides). When an creator composes in a clear fashion, they are potray a picture in words of a individual, put or thing for their gathering of people. The creator might utilize representation or other scholarly gadgets to depict the author‟s impressions by means of their five faculties ( what



they listen, see, scent, taste, or touch). But the creator isn‟t attempting to persuade the gathering of people of anything or clarify the scene simply depict as they are.

3) Persuasive

Persuasive composing is the most style of composing you may utilize in scholastic papers. When an creator composes in a enticing fashion, they attempt to persuade the gathering of people a position or conviction. Influential composing contains the aothor‟s conclusions, inclination, legitimizations, and reasons given by the creator as prove of their position‟s rightness. Any “argumentative” essay you compose in school ought to be within the enticing fashion of writing.

4) Narrative

Narrative composing is utilized in nearly each longer piece of composing, whether fiction or nonfiction. When an creator composes in a story fashion, they are not fair attempting to give data, and they are attempting to develop and communicate a story, total with characters, struggle, and settings (Jeffrey,2016).

c. The Concept Writing

five noteworthy components in composing. There are substance, organization, lexion, dialect utilize and workman. The detail clarification takes after:

1) Content

Composing ought to be clear for the perusers to get it the message passed and pict up data from it. To have great substance composing, its substance ought to be well bound together and completed. This learns as a rule known as solidarity and completeness, which gotten to be characteristic of great composing.


25 2) Organization

In the writing organisation, the writer focused on arranging and organising the ideas chronologically. The also should present their ideas based on the order which flow from the beginning to the end. There are many ways used to organized or arrange writing. This organization is mainly recognized as an order.

3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the dialect perspective managing with the method of writing study. In composing, the author always thinks almost putting words into sentences and after that putting sentences into sections until they can make a bit of composing. So, acing word choice can offer assistance us to create or to write.

4) Language Use

Language utilize in composing includes the right utilization of the rules of dialect or language structure. It centers on verbs, thing, and assention. Particular things and solid verbs donate a peruser a mental picture to the depiction. This particular thing can be characterized by utilizing an descriptive word, qualifiers, errors in verb and botch within the arrangement.

5) Mechanics

Mechanics in composing bargain with capitalization, accentuation and spelling suitably. This angle is exceptualionlly vital since it leads the peruser to perceptive what the author implies to precise quickly. The utilize of great composing mechanics will perusers get it the passing on thoughts other messages expressed in composing. Mechanics concerns with the capacity to utilize redress



words to The composed dialect such as utilizing of capitalization, accentuation, spelling (Heaton in Sari,2019).

d. Process Writing

Composing prepare isn‟t a straigt prepare since after the writers‟ arrange, draft, and alter, they regularly re-plan, re-draft, and re-edit. Harmer (2004) focuses out that it tends to be a recursive process and speaks to the method in an unexpected way, called process wheel. Underneath is the figure of the method wheel displayed by Harmer (2004).

Figure 2.3

The Writing Wheel by Harmer (2004)

The figure shows that there are some directions in the process of writing.

The final process in this wheel is in the final version of the writing product.

1) Planning (pre-writing)

Richards and Renandya state that pre-writing stage is any activity that can promote students to write. Since it is the first stage in writing, the students should be stimulated to get information and ideas on writing. In this stage, Richards and Renandya (2002) suggest that some activities stimulate the students. The activities



are group brainstorming, clustering, rapid free writing, and WH-Questions. In group brainstorming activity, the students are grouped, and they spew out any ideas in their mind. There is no right or no answers. It is aimed to flow the idea in students‟ mind, and after that, they can select the ideas and then develop the chosen ones into a draft.

In developing ideas, Hutchinson (2005) suggests making writing more interesting by developing the ideas clearly and easy to understand, supplying specific details, examples, and reasons. She also suggests some development methods; they are time, space, increasing complexity, support, and climax. In time development, it involves describing events or steps in the order of occurrence. In space development, it involves describing from outskirts to centre or from left to right. Complexity development involves concluding the previous discussions.

Support development involves completing the idea and general statement with specific examples, details, and reasons. In climax development, it involves adding the most exciting moment or result.

Besides, Grenville (2001) points out four ways to get ideas: making a list, making a cluster diagram, researching or independent investigation, and free writing. Making a list is a kind of brainstorming. It involves writing anything that comes to mind. Making cluster is grouping the same ideas so that the writer can develop them easily. In researching or independent investigation, the writer finds some information to use in writing, while free writing means „non-stop talking onto the page‟. In other words, freewriting is called speed writing or free- associating.



Those are some ways of generating ideas proposed by some experts.

However, there are some factors which can stop ideas. Grenville (2001) cites that the voice of doom, „inspiration‟, early planning, and writer‟s block are considered as the obstacles in generating ideas. Voice of doom here means feeling unconfident about the ideas. The writers with the voice of doom always think that the ideas are not good. Writer‟s inspiration sometimes comes from anywhere. It sometimes comes when someone is conscious or even unconscious. It means to get ideas, and the writers have to let the mind do brainstorming wherever it wants to. The writers should have time to think, time to plan, and time to let their mind think freely.

2) Drafting

In the drafting arrange, a few thoughts are assembled. After gathering the thoughts, the understudy scribbles down thoughts that they got within the past organize. In this organize, the student does not got to secure almost the language structure of their composing. They are fair spurred in gathering the ideas into the draft. They fair ought to scribble down their thoughts. It‟ll be a unpleasant draft of their composing.

After getting the draft, the writers will have the first product of writing. In classroom activity, the teacher responds to the students‟ products. However, responding to students‟ writing can be accomplished by their peers. Responding to students‟ writing is an important point to achieve good writing because there will be feedback from responders about the draft. Richards and Renandya (2002) point out that responding to students‟ writing can be oral or written, and it has a central



role in the successful implementation of process writing. It is helpful for the improvement of writing a paragraph.

3) Revising

This organize can be said are examining arrange. The understudies will reconsider around the unpleasant draft that has been composed within the to begin with draft, more white there ae a few thoughts to be excluded or not. At that point the understudies are moreover able to include tha thoughts on off chance that it is fundamental. In this organize, the understudy can check the subtance, lexion, linguistic use, and so on,

Besides, the writers review the texts based on the feedback given in the previous stage. Revising stage includes checking for language errors, content, and ideas organization. Muschla (2006) cites revising as the activity that makes draft better by rereading, rewriting, reviewing, rethinking, rearranging, restructuring, tightening, deleting, moving, expanding, unifying, correcting, and redrafting. For many students, this stage can be puzzling and frustrating since the work had on draft but do not know how to make it better. That is why the students need guidance and encouragement of the teacher.

4) Editing

Editing is considered the final step of revising, with special attention to implementing all those three stages. The writers have to think about all of their writing parts to achieve good writing (Gebhard in Sari, 2019). Editing stage involves checking and tidying up the texts since the writers prepare the final draft.

This includes checking grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction, sentence



structure, and accuracy of supporting textual material. Evaluating is accomplished after the editing stage. In classroom writing, it is the teacher who evaluates students‟ writing. In evaluating students‟ writing, the scoring may be analytical or holistic.

Bassed on the passege, the analyst concludes, composing is the mental of work, and the author can pour everything contemplation, making learners conceivable to make envisioned universes of theit plan. It implies that, throught composing, learners can express thought, feeling, thoughts, and ecounters. The reason of composing is to allow data perusers so that the perusers can get it what they studies.

6. Descriptive Text

a. Descriptive Text Definition

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. In a broad sense, description, as explained by Kane (2000), is defined as in the following sentence:

The description is about sensory experience-how, something looks, sound, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but the description also deals with other kinds of perception thus, if we conclude it Kane‟s explanation above, the descriptive text is the meaningful text that describes the experience related to the senses, such as what shape, sound, the taste is. Most descriptive text is about visual experience, but, experience other than the sense of sight can also use it to make descriptive text. But in particular, the descriptive text is,”.... is a text



purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing”. So it can be said that describing text is a text that explains whether a person or an object is like, whether its form, its properties, its amount and others. The purpose of the descriptive text is clear, that is to describe, present or reveal a person or an object, either abstract or concrete.

Bucemi in sadana (2017) states that the depiction is the composing utilized display a person‟s verbal representation or question. This article is utilized when the creator needs to supply nitty gritty data and make clear composing. In order words, utilized to create an picture of “what looks like” appears an elucidation the creator will colour the comes about of composing. That‟s since the creator doesn‟t as it were give the data itself, but moreover make the picture of specific protest.

b. Generic Structure Of Descriptive Paragraph

Bima in Sadana (2017) states that expressive content has the taking after structure:

1. Identification; distinguish the marvel to be explained.

2. Description; depict wonders in parts, quality, or/and characteristics.

c. Language Feature Of Descriptive Text 1. Use attributive processes and identification.

2. The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun.

3. The use of the simple present.

4. Action verb.

d. Types Of Description Text

1. The Object, Talk about one specific thing

2. Resources, based on the objective fact of the thing



3. The Example (Tittle), my beautiful cat ( describe the cat‟s writer ) e. The Assessment Of Descriptive Paragraph

The objective of classrom appraisal is to upgrade understudy learning result. Educates utilize a assortment of strategy within the classroom to urge input almost student‟s learning in terms. There are nine categories of composing graphic content evaluation taken from collage scholarly composing: a gendre- based viewpoint book. Each category is evaluated on a five-point scale. The most noteworthy score conceivably procured is 100 in the event that a understudy gets the most elevated point in each category (Susanti,2017).

Related on suppostion over, the analyst can conclude that the expressive section makes visual pictures and tactile impression through words and how the author clarifies something based on the characteristic and based on what they see.

Illustration of tangible encounter something looks, sound feel. For the most part, it‟s around visual encounter, but portrayals moreover relate to other of discernments.

C. Conceptual Framework

Anom et al. (2018), a system on existing hypothesis in inquiry-related, reflects the research‟s speculation. It is the diagram frequently „borrowed‟ by analysts to construct their possess homes or inquirw abaout examination. It serves as the estabilishment on which inquire about is based build. The part of the hypothetical system with the outline or travel plans.



Figure 2.4 Conceptual Framework

This research focused on two-class. The first was the experiment class, and the second was the control class. In this conceptual framework, this research conducted input (writing), process (treatment), and output (improving students‟

paragraph writing). The researcher conducted this research in writing skill. In the process (treatment), the researcher applied picture composition media in experiment class and the students should be writing text by adopting the picture composition learning media so that students were expected to be able to develop











write paragraphs correctly in learning class, in control class researcher applied picture and picture media in the teaching process. This research's output significantly improved the students' writing skill, which consisted of gaining idea, grammar and active vocabulary between the students who were taught by using picture composition and those were taught by using picture and picture.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the theory mentioned previously, it can be arranged hypothesis as follows:

H1: The Use of Picture Composition Enchance Paragraph Writing Ability of The Tenth Grade Students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School.

H0: The Use of Picture Composition Does not Enchance Paragraph Writing Ability of The Tenth Grade Students of 3 Polewali State Senior High School.




A. Research Design

This research focused on quasi-experimental research and selected two classes in this research. The first class was the experimental group, where students were given pretest and treatment using picture composition and posttest. The second class was the control group, where students were given pretest treatment without picture composition text and posttest.

The Quasi-Experimental research design as follows:

Table 3.1 Research Design

E O1 X1 O2

C O1 X2 O2

Where :

E : The experimental class C : The control class O1 : Pretest

O2 : Post-test

X1 : Usual treatment (by using picture composition) X2 : Control treatment (without picture composition)



36 B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The populace was a generalization locale comprising of objects or subjects with certain qualities and characteristics set by the analysts to be considered and after that drawn conclusions. This inquire about populace were all the tenth review understudies of 3 polewali state senior tall school in scholarly 2019/2020.

It was isolated into a few classes of MIPA (Science major), which comprise of 6 classes with 386 understudies un add up to.

2. Sample

The test was portion of the number and characteristics had by that populace. When huge populaces, the analyst was not likely to think about everything within the populace due to time imperative, so the analyst took tests from that populace. In this manner, this investigate utilized cluster testing.

Concurring to sugiono (2012) cluster inspecting is the question to be inspected employments broad information and the assurance of information through two stages, to be specific the arrange of deciding the review level and the moment assurance of the lesson will be inspected which gives database on issue articulation within the analyst. Thus, the researcher selected MIPA 1 and X MIPA 2 as samples of this research because it has the same learning ability. The sample in this research were all students of class X MIPA 2 consisted with 36 students as the experimental class because in this class many students really like English and always wanted to improve their English skill and X MIPA 1 consisted with 36 students as the control class.


37 C. Variables and Indicators

1. Variables

In this investigate, there were two factors, to be specific the autonomous variable and the subordinate variable.

a. Independent Variable

The autonomous variable in this investigate was the picture composition instructing show.

b. Dependent variable

The subordinate variable in this investigate was the students‟ composing ability.

2. Indicators

The investigate marker in composing abilities centered on upgrade section composing and common understanding in clear content.

D. Research instrument

The disobedient of this inquire about were the composing test. The analyst gave the understudies a test approximately expressive content, and the understudies made passage expressive after that the understudies composed and clarified the content, wheter the understudies cought on what they had made. The researcher applied the descriptive test by using picture composition technique in pretest and posttest segment. The pretest was used to determine the students' prior writing skill level, while the posttest was designed to enhance the students' writing paragraph.

E. Procedure Data Collection


38 1. Pretest

Before doing the treatment, students were given descriptive text tests and wrote paragraphs about descriptive text to determine their knowledge. The pretest was given in the next step on the procedure of collecting data.

a. Treatment for experimental class

The researcher used picture composition in teaching English. It used in some steps. The researcher conducted treatment for six meetings. Each meeting consisted of 90 minutes. Each meeting was given a topic by using picture composition by following steps below :

1. The teacher explained the material and gave some questions related to the topic.

2. The students were allowed to ask questions about things that have not been understood about the material or topic.

3. The teacher was given some instruction about what will be done.

4. The teacher showed a picture composition by using LCD Proyector as a media for experimental class

5. The teacher gave an assignment to the students to describe the picture composition in several paragraphs.

6. The teacher asked the students to tell their work for 2-3 minutes in front of the class.

7. The teacher was given conclusions about the material and then closed the class meeting.

b. Treatment for control class


Illustration of tangible encounter something looks, sound feel. For the most part,  it‟s  around  visual  encounter,  but  portrayals  moreover  relate  to  other  of  discernments
Figure 2.4 Conceptual Framework
Table  3.1 Research Design
Table  3.2 Range Score


Dokumen terkait

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tempat

dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait resep makanan/minuman dan manual, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat,

Indikator : 3.18.3 Menyimpulkan (C5) unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana,

Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat,

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tempat