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The media viewpoint on the issue of the resignation of South Korea`s Prime Minister in The Korea Herald and in The New York Times


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 104214090








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 104214090




Everything you can

imagine is real


Picasso-Nothing can be so precious than the

Almighty God, the family, the loveable

partner, and good friends.

So I dedicate this thesis to all of them.

And you,



My greatest gratitude goes to the Lord for always guiding me to finish this

thesis. Now I finally learn that everything will be beautiful at its time. God’s timing is

always perfect.

I would like to thank my family, my mother, my two kind-hearted fathers, and

my lovely sister. I especially thank my beloved mother, Hanavia Rini who is always

there whenever I need shoulder to lean on. I also thank her for her prayers in every

single night and also her endless care for me.

Then, I would thank my thesis advisor, Adventina Putranti, SS., M. Hum., my

co-advisor Anna Fitriati, S.Pd. M.Hum., and my examiner Dr. F. B. Alip, M.Pd.,

M.A. for giving me so many useful suggestions in order to make this thesis better. I

also thank them for their patience in guiding me to finish this thesis.

I would also thank my beloved friends, Fanny Herdioktavi, Ni Kadek Septi

Ratnasari, Graviela Jessica, Vania Williany, Shela Gandhiningtyas, Nyke Emitusia,

Dea Kaloka, Radiaska, Sisilia Dyah Ayu, Cory Adriani, Cynthia Rani, Pramestia,

Gracia Atika, Rosadelima and many other friends who cannot be mentioned one by

one. I thank them for supporting me through their care and wise advices.

Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude for the one who always

pushes me to work harder, Mizan Tegar Aditya. I thank him for making me

understand that success is surely not for the lazy ones.



TITLE PAGE ………. ii






A. Review of Related Studies……….. 5

b. Theory of Grammatical Cohesion……….. 11


2. Data Analysis……….... 22


A. The Cohesion in The Korea Herald and The New York Times in Order to Convey the Context of the Resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister.. 24

1. The Cohesion of the text from The Korea Herald entitled ―Prime Minister Quits over Ferry Disaster‖ ……… 25

a. The Arrangement of the Subtopics……… 25

i. The offer of Prime Minister’s resignation……….. 26

ii. The Prime Minister’s statements on his resignation …………. 26

iii. The governmental issue related to the resignation ……… 27

iv. The Prime Minister’s comment on the issue of some irregularities related to the ferry disaster ……… 27

v. The opinion about the resignation of the Prime Minister ……. 27

vi. The description about the sinking of the ferry ……….. 28

vii. The critics toward the government about their bad response to the ferry sinking ……….. 28

2. The Cohesion of the text from The New York Timesentitled ―South Korean Prime Minister Offers to Resign over the Deadly Ferry Disaster‖ ……… 35

a. The Arrangement of the Subtopics……….. 35

i. The offer of Prime Minister’s resignation ……… 35

ii. The critics toward the government about their bad response to the disaster ……….. 36

iii. The Prime Minister’s statements on his resignation …………. 36

iv. The irregularities on the operator of the ship which cause high death toll ………... 36

v. The governmental issue related to the resignation of the Prime Minister ………. 37


vii. The grief of the nation due to the disaster ……… 37

b. Lexical Cohesion……….. 37

i. Reiteration ………. 37

ii. Collocation ……… 39

c. Grammatical Cohesion……….. 42

i. Reference ……….. 42

ii. Substitution ………... 43

iii. Ellipsis ……….. 43

iv. Conjunction ……….. 43

B. The Media Viewpoint on the Issue of the Resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister……… 44

1. The urgency of the resignation of the Prime Minister ………. 45

2. The cultural practice within the government of South Korea ……….. 46

3. The description of the condition of the people after the disaster happened……… 47

4. The irregularities on the operator of the ferry which is related to the disaster ……….. 49




Appendix 1: The News Article of The Korea Herald Entitled ―Prime Minister Quits over Ferry Disaster‖……….. 54



LUPITASARI, AGUSTINA RIZKY. The Media Viewpoint on the Issue of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister in The Korea Herald and in The New York Times. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters,

Sanata Dharma University, 2015.

Mass media have their own viewpoint toward a certain issue. The viewpoint of one newspaper can be different from the viewpoint of other newspapers depending on how they are linguistically presented. The linguistic aspect can be the lexical choice, grammar or textual organization. This study is conducted to analyze the

media viewpoints toward the issue of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister

in The Korea Herald and in The New York Times through their linguistic presentation. This study focuses on the textual organization and the cohesion of a text.

There are two problems formulated in this study. The first problem is focused to analyze how each newspaper builds their cohesion in conveying the context of the

resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister. The second problem is focused to

analyze the media viewpoint on the issue of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime

Minister through the cohesion of the text and their textual organization.

This study uses critical discourse analysis (CDA) because this study concerns with how the lexical choice in the news article can show how the language is ideological that it contains certain viewpoints in the context of South Korea’s Prime Minister’s resignation due to the government’s bad handling on the ferry disaster. This study studied an event in depth by comparing two articles that were different in certain ways but had same topic. The two articles are taken from the media inside Korea and outside Korea in order to understand how this issue is presented inside Korea and outside Korea.



LUPITASARI, AGUSTINA RIZKY. The Media Viewpoint on the Issue of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister in The Korea Herald and in The New York Times, Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Media massa mempunyai sudut pandang masing masing terhadap suatu berita. Sudut pandang sebuah surat kabar terhadap sebuah berita dapat berbeda satu sama lain tergantung dari bagaimana mereka mempresentasikannya secara linguistik. Aspek aspek linguistik tersebut antara lain pilihan kata, tata bahasa, dan organisasi tekstual. Studi ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis sudut pandang media terhadap berita tentang mundurnya Perdana Menteri Korea Selatan dalam surat kabar The Korea Herald dan The New York Times melalui presentasi linguistik masing masing surat kabar. Studi ini fokus pada organisasi tekstual dan kohesi sebuah teks.

Dalam studi ini terdapat dua rumusan masalah. Rumusan masalah pertama fokus untuk menganalisis bagaimana masing masing surat kabar membentuk kohesi mereka dalam menyampaikan konteks tentang mundurnya Perdana Menteri Korea Selatan. Rumusan masalah kedua fokus untuk menganalisis sudut pandang media terhadap issue tersebut melalui kohesi teks dan organisasi tekstual mereka.

Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan Citical Discourse Analysis (CDA) karena studi ini fokus tentang bagaimana pemilihan kata dalam sebuat artikel dalam surat kabar dapat memperlihatkan bahwa bahasa itu ideologis dengan mengandung sudut pandang tertentu terhadap isu mundurnya perdana menteri Korea Selatan akibat buruknya penanganan tenggelamnya kapal feri. Studi ini mempelajari tentang sebuah peristiwa secara mendalam dengan cara membandingkan dua artikel yang berbeda dalam beberapa hal namun memiliki topic yang sama. Kedua artikel diambil dari media massa di dalam Korea Selatan dan di luar Korea Selatan dalam rangka untuk memahami bagaimana berita ini disajikan di dalam dan di luar Korea Selatan.




A.Background of Study

As social beings, people cannot live without communicating with others

which is through language. As George A. Miller says, ―Social organization without

communication is impossible. The influence of a group can extend only as far as the

group has effective channels for communication.‖ (1951: 249) In order to

communicate with others, people need language as the media of it. This is where

language takes its role over the relation among human being. As the media of

communication, language becomes the main aspect that shall exist in order to


Language is used in daily life both verbally, like when we talk to be heard by

others, and non-verbally, like when we write something to be read by others. Through

the use of language, language functions as the media to deliver any kinds of message

or information.

One kind of information that is delivered through language is news.

According to Henry Compton B. A, the definition of news is,

―What is ―news‖? It is the new things that have happened recently--the things that have made the world different from what it was yesterday. Not the things that happened centuries ago, or even last year. They are now history. Not the things that happen every day. The sunrise is the most important and wonderful happening of all, but it is not news. (If the sun did not rise one morning, that


The language of the news is different from the other kinds of written

language, especially in the choice of words. According to Fowler, narrators, speech

and thought presentation, the transitivity system of the language, the modality system,

the lexical choices or pragmatics all contribute in one way or another to reveal

different aspects of the ―angle of telling‖ in a text. (Sierra, 1994: 94) From that

quotation, we can conclude that ―the angle of telling‖ in a text can be determined by

its use of language especially in the aspect of lexical choices.

This undergraduate thesis examines the lexical choices used by two news

articles in order to present their viewpoints from about the issue of the resignation of

South Korea’s Prime Minister due to the sinking of a ferry which carries almost 400

students on a trip

The topic of how different lexical choices can show different viewpoint on the

same issue is chosen because nowadays, lexical choices in the language of newspaper

is such a strong power. Just like what Sierra quoted from Fowler,

―What is being said is that, because the institutions of news reporting, and

presentation are socially, economically, and politically situated, all news is

always reported from some particular angle.‖ (Sierra, 1994: 93)

As we know that the life of the people nowadays cannot be separated from the mass

media, so how mass media show their viewpoint about a certain issue which later can

influence the reader’s mind is interesting and worth studying.

Then, the issue which is brought up in this study is about the resignation of the

South Korea’s Prime Minister after the accident of the sinking of a Ferry which kills


Public opinions about the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister differ from

one to another. That is why I bring this topic out.

The two newspapers being examined are chosen also because of a reason. The

first news article is taken from Korean newspaper, The Korea Herald, and the other

news article is chosen from the newspaper outside Korea, The New York Times. The

two articles are considered the representation on the issue of the resignation of South

Korea’s Prime Minister from the Korean mass media viewpoint and the mass media

viewpoint outside Korea.

B.Problem Formulation

In order to guide and limit the points of discussion, there are two problems

formulated, those are:

1. How do The Korea Herald and The New York Times build the cohesion of their

lexical items in order to convey the context of the resignation of South Korea’s

Prime Minister?

2. What are the viewpoints of The Korea Herald and The New York Times about the

issue of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister seen through the cohesion

of the lexical items?

C.Objectives of the Study

Based on the two problems formulated before, there are two objectives of this

study. First objective is to examine how The Korea Herald and The New York Times

build the cohesion of the lexical items which convey the context of the resignation of


articles, the writer wants to reveal how both news articles present their ―angle of

telling‖ or their viewpoint about the issue of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime


D.Definition of Terms

Media viewpoint is media’s attitude or opinions. In addition to more specific concept of the viewpoint of the media, Sierra quoted what Fowler said in her journal about

point of view of the media discourse,

―What is being said is that, because the institutions of news reporting, and

presentation are socially, economically, and politically situated, all news is

always reported from some particular angle.‖ (Sierra, 1994: 92)

According to Fowler, narrators, speech and thought presentation, the

transitivity system of the language, the modality system, the lexical choices or

pragmatics all contribute in one way or another to reveal different aspects of the

―angle of telling‖ in a text.

So, media viewpoint is the angle of reporting news by the media which is

presented in the aspect of linguistics. It can be from the lexical choices or pragmatics,

speech and thought presentation, or anything else in the aspect of language. In this

study, the aspect of linguistics which is used to reveal the media viewpoint is

cohesion especially the cohesion of lexical items.

Lexical item is a useful and fairly neutral hold-all term which captures and, to some

extent, helps to overcome instabilities in the term word, especially when it becomes




This chapter consists of three parts which are reviews of related studies,

reviews of related theories and theoretical framework. Review of related studies

contains the reviews of other related studies previously done by other writers on the

slightly similar topic. Then, review of related theories is review of the theories

applied in this undergraduate thesis, and the last one is theoretical framework. In this

part, the writer explains, one by one, the contribution of the theories and reviews in

solving the problems of the study: why the theories are needed and how they are

applied in the study.

A.Review of Related Studies

1. Rezkiyana’s thesis “The Study of Media Perspective through Reference and Repetition seen in RT News and Reuters in the issue of North Korean Nuclear Edition April 1, 2013

This undergraduate thesis discusses the media perspective about the issue of

North Korean nuclear seen through the reference and repetition. This research focuses

on the analysis of the use of reference and repetition in the publication of North

Korea nuclear issue from two different media; Reuters and RT News. The researcher

took two different articles from on-line newspaper; Reuters and RT News in the

North Korean nuclear issue on April 1, 2013. There are two reasons of choosing the


same issue of North Korea differently. The second reason is that North Korea became

the hot issue around the world because of their surprising statement of nuclear war

against South Korea on March 31, 2013.

While Rezkiyana discusses the issue about North Korean nuclear issue in RT

News and Reuters, this present thesis discusses about the issue of the resignation of

South Korea’s Prime Minister after the accident of the ferry sinking. This present

thesis takes the data as same as Rezkiyana’s thesis, that is from two articles on two

different newspapers but the difference is that Rezkiyana’s articles are about North

Korean Nuclear, while this present thesis is about the resignation of South Korea’s

Prime Minister due to the sinking of Ferry which kills almost 400 passengers. Both

articles are published on April 27 at the day the Prime Minister resigns.

This present thesis develops Rezkiyana’s thesis. The main topic about the

viewpoint of the media discussed by the present writer is slightly similar to the topic

discussed by Rezkiyana in her thesis although the scope of analyzing media

perspective is deeper than the analysis of the media viewpoint.

What makes this present thesis different with Rezkiyana’s thesis is also on the

analysis of the reference and substitution as her base of further analysis about the

media perspective on the issue of North Korean Nuclear while this present thesis

analyzes the viewpoint of media through the cohesion of the lexical items which


2. Estiningsih’s thesis “News Ideology of Suharto’s Fall Event in “After

Suharto” in Newsweekand “End of Era” Article in TimeMagazine”

This undergraduate thesis discusses about the fall of Suharto event seen in two

articles from TIME magazine and NEWSWEEK. The first article entitles ―After

Suharto‖ while the second article entitles ―End of an Era‖. This research tries to seek

the news ideologies brought in those two articles in understanding the fall of Suharto

event in Indonesia, through its representation on the vocabularies choices.

Both of this present thesis and Estiningsih’s thesis analyze the lexical choice

in conveying certain issue. While this present thesis analyzes the cohesion of the

lexical items or vocabulary in conveying the resignation of South Korea’s Prime

Minister, Estiningsih’s thesis analyzes the lexical choices without analyzing its

cohesion in order to convey the fall of Suharto event. This is what makes this present

thesis similar with Estiningsih’s thesis; the analysis of the lexical choices.

Then, the thing that makes this present thesis different with Estiningsih’s

thesis is the further analysis after analyzing the vocabulary choices. The further

analysis of this present thesis is about the viewpoint of media, while further analysis

of Estiningsih’s thesis is the news ideologies.

B.Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis according to James Paul Gee in his book ―How to do

Discourse Analysis‖ is the study of language in use. Better put, it is the study of


Margaret Wetherell explains that discourse is constitutive of social life. Discourse

builds object, worlds, minds and social relations. It does not just reflect them. Words

are about the world but they also form the world as they represent it. What is the case

for humans, what reality is, what the world is, only emerges through human

meaning-making (Wetherell, 2001: 16). By those elaborations, it can be concluded that

discourse analysis concerns with the analysis of how language can do something and

how discourse constitutes social life, and how social life in the world only emerges

through human meaning-making. For example, language can be used to build

reputations, manage social relations among people, or event it can be used to harm

people. All of those things are possible just by language, whose meanings are made

by people to do those kinds of things.

Relating to the human meaning-making through the discourse, it is important

to examine the aspect of cohesion of the discourse itself. Halliday and Hasan stated


Cohesion refers to the range of possibilities that exist for linking something with what has gone before. Since this linking is achieved through the relation of meaning, what is in question is the set of meaning relations which function this way: the semantic resources which are drawn on for the purpose of creating text. We can interpret cohesion, in practice, as the set of semantic resources for linking a sentence with what has gone before (1976: 10)

Cohesion is expressed partly through the grammar and partly through the vocabulary.

We can refer therefore to lexical cohesion and grammatical cohesion. Lexical

cohesion deals with reiteration and collocation while grammatical cohesion deals


a. Lexical cohesion i. Reiteration

Reiteration is a form of lexical cohesion which involves the repetition of

lexical item, at one end of the scale; the use of a general word to refer back to a

lexical item, at the other end of the scale; and a number of things in between the use

of synonym, near-synonym, or superordinate (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 278) Let us

illustrate each of these in turn.

a. There was a large mushroom growing near her, about the same height as herself; and, when she had looked under it, it occurred to her that she might as well look and see what was on the top of it.

She stretched herself up on tiptoe, and peeped over the edge of the


b. Accordingly… I took leave, and turned to the ascent of the peak. The climb

is perfectly easy…

c. Then quickly rose Sir Bedivere, and ran,

And leaping down the ridges lightly, plung’d

Among the bulrush beds, and clutch’d the sword

And lightly wheel’d and threw it. The great brand Made light’nings in the splendor of the moon

d. Henry’s bought himself a new Jaguar. He practically lives in the car (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 278)

In (a), there is repetition: mushroom refers back to mushroom. In (b) climb refers

back to ascent, of which it is a synonym. In (c) brand refers back to sword, of which it

is a near-synonym. In (d), car refers back to Jaguar; and car is a superordinate of

Jaguar – that is, a name for a more general class (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 278)

All those instances have in common the fact that lexical item refers back to

another, to which it is related by having common referent (Halliday and Hasan,


repetition of the same lexical item but also the occurrence of a related item, which

may be anything from a synonym or near synonym of the original to a general word

dominating the entire class. For example: I turned to the ascent of the peak.

a. The ascent is perfectly easy (same lexical item)

b. The climb is perfectly easy (a synonym) c. The task is perfectly easy (a superordinate)

d. The thing is perfectly easy (a general noun)

(Halliday and Hasan, 1976:278)

ii. Collocation

Collocation is regarded as the most problematical part of lexical cohesion,

cohesion that is achieved through the association of lexical items that regularly

co-occur (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 284). According to Halliday and Hasan, the form of

collocation can be so many, such as:

a. Pairs of synonym- near synonym. For example climb and ascent, beam and rafter, disease and illness.

b. Pairs of superordinates. For example elm and tree, boy and child, skip and play.

c. Pairs of opposites of various kinds, complementaries such as boys and girl, stand up and sit down, antonyms such as like and hate, wet and dry, crowded and deserted, and converses such as order and obey.

d. Pairs of words drawn from the same ordered series. For example dollar and cent, north and south, colonel and brigadier.

e. Pairs drawn from unordered lexical sets. For example basement and roof, road and rail, red and green.

f. Pairs which often stand in some recognizable semantic relation to one another, they may be related as part to whole, like car and brake, box and lid, or as part to part, like mouth and chin, verse and chorus; they may be co-hyponyms of the same superordinate term, ie both members of the same more general class, such as chair table (both hyponyms of furniture), walk and drive (both hyponyms of go).


The cohesive effect is not limited to a pair of words. It is very common for

long cohesive chain to be built up out of lexical relations of this kind, with words

pattern like candle, flame, and flicker, hair, comb, curl, and wave, poetry, literature,

reader, writer, and style, and also sky, sunshine, cloud, and rain. Such patterns occur

freely both within the same sentence and across sentence boundaries; they are largely

independent of grammatical structure (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 286). In brief,

collocation is not limited only by pair of words but it can occur as long cohesive

chains of words which share similar environment.

b. Grammatical cohesion

Grammatical cohesion deals with reference, substitution, ellipsis, and

conjunction. Let us take a look at those forms one by one:

i. Reference

According to Halliday and Hasan, what characterizes this particular type of

cohesion, which we are calling reference, is the specific nature of the information that

is signaled for retrieval. In the case of reference the information to be retrieved is the

referential meaning, the identity of the particular thing or class of things that is being

referred to; and the cohesion lies in the continuity of reference, whereby the same

thing enters into the discourse a second time (1976: 31).

Reference is a semantic relation. Since the relationship is on the semantic

level, the reference item is in no way constrained to match the grammatical class of

the item it refers to (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 32). So, what must be looked


not necessarily have been encoded in the text; they may be retrievable from the


According to Halliday and Hasan, reference to the situation is the prior form

of reference, and that reference to another within the text is a secondary or derived

from this relation (1976: 32). The meaning of situational reference is a form of

referring to a thing as identified in the context of situation while textual reference is a

form of referring to a thing as identified in the surrounding text.

As a general rule, therefore, reference items may be exophoric or endophoric;

and, if endophoric, they may be anaphoric (referring to preceeding text) or cataphoric

(referring to following text). An exophoric item is one which does not name anything;

it signals that reference must be made to the context of situation.

In its relation to lexical cohesion, all the types of lexical cohesion involve

identity of reference; no matter whether the reiterated item has been a repetition, a

synonym, a superordinate or a general word, it has been assumed to share a common

referent with the original. So, if the lexical item had been reiterated it would have had

the same referent.

ii. Substitution

By contrast to reference, substitution is a grammar relation. Substitution is

subject to a very strong grammatical condition: the substitute must be of the same

grammatical class as the item for which it substitutes. Since substitution is a

grammatical relation, a relation in the wording rather than in the meaning, the


criterion is the grammatical function of the substitute item. According to Halliday and

Hasan, there are three types of substitution. Those are nominal, verbal, and clausal.

The following is a list of the items that occur as substitutes:

Nominal : one, ones, same Verbal : do

Clausal : so, not

(Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 91)

There is a borderline where substitution shades into lexical cohesion,

involving the use of general words such as thing in a cohesive function (Halliday and

Hasan, 1976: 91). The general words, which correspond to major classes of lexical

items, are very commonly used with cohesive force. The substitute one and do can be

thought of as being as it were the highest point in the lexical taxonomy of nouns and

verbs respectively; as such, they constitute a closed class, and so acquire a purely

grammatical function. But they do function more or less as lexical items.


The next form of grammatical cohesion is ellipsis. Ellipsis is very similar to

substitution. It can be defined simply as „substitution by zero’. The starting point of

the discussion of ellipsis can be the familiar notion that is „something left unsaid’ and

another way of referring to ellipsis is in fact as „something understood’, where

understood is used in special sense of „going without saying’ (Halliday and Hasan,

1976: 142)

Where there is ellipsis, there is a presupposition, in the structure, that


that something which is present in the selection of underlying options is omitted in

the structure-whether or not the resulting structure is in itself „incomplete’ (Halliday

and Hasan, 1976: 144).

In brief, the difference and similarity among the concept of reference,

substitution, and ellipsis is that reference is presupposition at semantic level. A

reference item signals that the meaning is recoverable, though not necessarily be

replaced by what it presupposes; even if the presupposed item is present in the text.

Then, substitution and ellipsis are presupposition at the level of words and structures.


According to Halliday and Hasan, conjunction is rather different in nature

from the other cohesive relations, from both reference, on the one hand, and

substitution and ellipsis on the other (1976: 226). It is not simply an anaphoric


Conjunctive elements are cohesive not in themselves but indirectly, by virtue

of their specific meanings; they are not primarily devices for reaching out into the

preceding (or following) text, but they express certain meanings which presuppose

the presence of other components in the discourse (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 226).

Later Halliday and Hasan classify conjunction into four types of conjunction. Those

are additive, adversative, causal, and temporal. The distinction of those types can be


For the whole day he climbed up the steep mountainside, almost without stopping.

a. And in all this time he met none. (additive)

b. Yet he was hardly aware of being tired. (adversative) c. So by nighttime the valley was far below him. (causal) d. Then, as dusk fell, he sat down to rest. (temporal) (Halliday and Hasan, 1976: 226).

The additive is generalized semantic relation in text-forming component of the

semantic system, that is based on the logical notion of „and’; and it is one of a small

set of four such relations that are grouped together under the heading of conjunction.

Next, the basic meaning of the adversative relation is „contrary to expectation’. The

expectation may be derived from the content of what is being said, or from the

communication process, or the speaker-hearer process. Under the subtopic of causal

relations are included the specific ones of result, reason, and purpose. These are not

distinguished in the simplest form of expression; so, for example, means „as result of

this’, „for this reason’, and „for this purpose’. The last one is temporal relation. It is

expressed in its simplest form by then.

2. Theory of Semantic Features

In order to elaborate the significant differences between the lexical items which

appear as reiteration or collocation, the analysis of their semantic feature are needed.

The analysis of the semantic feature of a word or lexical items is known as

componential analysis. According to Ruth M. Kempson,


What is meant by components of meaning can be clearly described by the following


The word spinster might be analysed as a semantic complex made up of the features (equivalently called components or markers) [FEMALE], [NEVER MARRIED], [ADULT], [HUMAN] (1997: 18).

3. Theory of Media Viewpoint

Everything that is written in a newspaper has to be transmitted through the

medium of language. The transmission of a message through language almost of

necessity encodes value into the message. Language gathers its own emotional and

cultural „loading’. What this loading is will depend on the nature of the culture or

subculture in which the language exists. For example if a particular culture has little

respect for certain groups, concepts or beliefs, then the language for expressing ideas

about those groups, concepts or beliefs will reflect that attitude. Therefore, when

these things are written about, people reading the text will have their attitudes

reinforced by the way the language presents these things to them. A simple and

obvious way in which language can be used to present specific ideas about a group is

through the choice of words used to name and describe that group. (Reah, 2004: 55)

Language is never objective. Whenever a message is uttered, a number of

implicit choices are made by the speaker which ultimately determines how reality is

linguistically portrayed. Grammar, textual organization or lexical choices, among


Sierra in her journal quotes Fowler:

We choose language according to the circumstances, and those circumstances are ideologically and socially determined. This makes linguistics critical because it assumes that the links amongst people and society are not arbitrary and accidental, but are institutionally determined. (1994: 92)

In addition to more specific concept of the viewpoint of the media, Fowler said:

―What is being said is that, because the institutions of news reporting, and

presentation are socially, economically, and politically situated, all news is

always reported from some particular angle.‖ (1994: 92)

The discourse of the press is probably the clearest example of how objective facts can

be understood in completely different ways depending on how they are linguistically


According to Fowler, narrators, speech and thought presentation, the transitivity

system of the language, the modality system, the lexical choices all contribute in one

way or another to reveal different aspects of the ―angle of telling‖ in a text. (Sierra,

1994: 92)

C.Theoretical Framework

In order to analyze the data, the writer uses the theories that have been

elaborated before as the tools to answer the two problems formulated in this research.

The first problem formulated in this research about how The Korea Herald and The

New York Times in building the cohesion of the lexical items which convey the

context of the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister is answered using the

theory of Discourse Analysis especially in the aspect of cohesion which includes


the lexical items and identifying the cohesion of the lexical items which convey the

context of resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister. This theory also enables the

writer in describing the cohesion of the lexical items supported by the grammatical


After figuring out the cohesion of the lexical items which covey the context of

the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister, this study goes further into the

analysis of the viewpoint of the media to the issue. In order to answer the second

problem formulation, the theory of semantic feature and the theory of viewpoint of

media are applied. These theories enable the writer to compare each text’s

employment of lexical items by its semantic feature. Then, these theories also enables

the writer to compare each media’s viewpoint on the issue of the resignation of South

Korea’s Prime Minister based on the principles that media always have certain

viewpoint in certain issue which are presented on the language used especially on the




In this chapter, the writer presents the description on the methodology used in

conducting this study in order to have a guidance to do the research systematically.

There are three main parts of this chapter: object of study, approach of the study, and

method of study.

A. Object of the Study

This study deals with the lexical items related to the context of the resignation

of South Korea’s Prime Minister used in two articles from The Korea Herald and The

New York Times. The one from The Korea Herald entitled “Prime Minister Quits

over Ferry Disaster” and the one from The New York Times entitled “South Korean

Prime Minister Offers to Resigns over Deadly Ferry Disaster”. Both articles are taken from the on-line version of the newspapers. ―Prime Minister Quits over Ferry

Disaster‖ in The Korea Herald is written by Yoon Min-sik while ―South Korean

Prime Minister Offers to Resigns over Deadly Ferry Disaster‖ in The New York Times

is written by Choe Sang Hun.

April 16, 2014 may be the day that many Koreans will never forget. Over 300

people died or went missing on the accident of the sinking ferry. Many of them are 16

and 17 years old high school students on a school trip to Jejudo Island from Incheon.

While the chaotic situation was arousing at the moment when the family of the


Minister Chung Hong-Won made a statement to resign from the government. This

kind of situation became highlight to mass media since this moment has

newsworthiness and news value. Both national and International mass media

published this news all together including The Korea Herald as the daily media in

South Korea and The New York Times as the media outside South Korea.

This study focuses on the analysis of the lexical items in the two news-articles

that build the cohesion of each text. Then, after analyzing the cohesion, this study

goes further on the media viewpoint of each news article seen from the cohesion. The

example of the data of this study, in The Korea Herald,

―Witnessing the sorrows of those who lost their loved ones and sadness and

anger of the people, I felt the right thing for me to do was to take all

responsibility as the prime minister.‖

The bold and underlined words in the sentence above are the sample of lexical

items which contribute to the cohesion of the text as a form of reiteration. That is the

sample of the data in this study.

B. Approach of the Study

This study uses Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as the approach to be

applied in this study in order to answer the two problems formulated in this research.

According to Ruth Wodak, CDA regards language as social practice and takes

consideration of the context of language use to be crucial. Moreover, CDA takes a

particular interest in the relation between language and ideology (2006: 2). Since this


the language is ideological that it contains certain viewpoints in the context of South

Korea’s Prime Minister’s resignation due to the government’s bad handling on the

ferry disaster, therefore, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is considered relevant in

this research.

C. Method of the Study

In this part, the writer explains the method used in this research, including the

data collection and data analysis. This thesis uses a qualitative method in the analysis

because this study is meant to prove how the analysis of linguistics details, especially

the cohesion of the lexical items can show the viewpoint of the media in the issue of

the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister.

1. Data Collection

The writer took the data from two articles from two on-line newspapers; The

Korea Herald and The New York Times. Since this research aims to know the

viewpoints of the media about the issue that happened in South Korea about the

resignation of its Prime Minister, the data was purposively taken from the media

inside Korea and from outside of Korea. The data of this analysis were in form of

news-article. The steps in collecting the data of this study was first, the writer chose

two news-articles about the resignation of the Prime Minister of South Korea. Then

second, the writer divided every news article into smaller subtopics according to the

flow of the idea. Third, after dividing the news into some parts with each its own


associated one another. Those lexical items were the data which were analyzed later

on the aspect of cohesive force.

2. Data Analysis

There were four steps in conducting this study. The first step was collecting

the data. The data were in form of lexical items. The lexical items were collected

according to their number of repetition and their association with the other lexical

items. These lexical items were taken from the article as chains of cohesive keywords

representing every smaller subtopic of the texts. Each of news articles has 7

subtopics. The 4 subtopics were same between The Korea Herald and The New York

Times and the 3 subtopics of each news articles were different. The 4 similar

subtopics between the two articles were: the offer of Prime Minister’s resignation, the

statements of the Prime Minister on his resignation, the governmental issue related to

the resignation of the Prime Minister, and the criticism toward the government about

their bad response to the disaster.

The second step after collecting the lexical items, the writer analyzed the

cohesion among the lexical item, and then related it with its grammatical cohesion

including reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Then, the third step after

defining the lexical and grammatical cohesion within the texts, the analysis went

further into comparing the semantic features of the lexical items between The Korea

Herald and The New York Times that were repeated and collocated according to the


each media were built from the comparison of the meaning of each text which was




This chapter is divided into two subchapters. The first subchapter answers the

first problem formulation about how The Korea Herald and The New York Times

build their cohesion in order to convey the context of the resignation of South

Korea’s Prime Minister. Then, the second subchapter answers the second problem

formulation about how the media viewpoints on the issue of the resignation of South

Korea’s Prime Minister are seen through the cohesion of the text.

The first subchapter is divided into two parts, which are the analysis of

cohesion in The Korea Herald and the analysis of cohesion in The New York Times.

Then, every part is divided into three parts which are the analysis on the arrangement

of topics, the lexical cohesion and the grammatical cohesion. The analysis of lexical

cohesion is divided into reiteration and collocation, and then the analysis of the

grammatical cohesion is divided into reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction.

Then, in the second subchapter, the writer reveals the media viewpoint on the issue of

the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister according to the cohesion of the


A.The Cohesion in The Korea Herald and in The New York Times which Convey

the Context of the Resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister

1. The Cohesion of the text from The Korea Herald entitled “Prime Minister

Quits over Ferry Disaster”

The article from The Korea Herald entitled “Prime Minister Quits over Ferry

Disaster” has 7 subtopics which the 4 subtopics are similar to the article from The New York Times, while the rest 3 subtopics are different from The New York Times.

This article maintains its cohesion by using the cohesion forms of reiteration,

collocation, reference, and conjunction. This text does not use the cohesion forms of

substitution and ellipsis.

a. The Arrangement of Subtopics

The order of the topics in news-writing is not merely a placement without

carrying a purpose. According to the theory in news-writing, the topics should flow

from the most important to the less important. Although the topic flows from the

most important to the less important, all of the topics which convey the whole context

give contribution to the cohesion of the text. We cannot say that what is stated in the

last part is not important. It is also important but it is just being less stressed by the

media in order to set the right angle from their perspective.

Another thing that matter is the appearance of particular subtopics. A news

about certain issue can provide some detail information which is different from other

news from the other mass media. This loss and gain is what makes the angle of telling


The New York Times, vice versa because some detail information can carry some

perspective about the issue that is discussed. This matter also can show what points

that each newspaper wants to highlight. The Korea Herald elaborates the context of

the resignation of South Korea’s Prime Minister into 7 subtopics. The subtopics and

its elaboration are in the following points.

i. The offer of Prime Minister’s resignation

This subtopic is in the beginning part of the news article which describes the

offer of the resignation of the Prime Minister. So, according to its placement in the

text, the offer of the resignation of the Prime Minister is the most prominent

information that the readers should catch at their first sight of reading. The

prominence of this topic also reflected on the headline, ―Prime Minister Quits over

Ferry Disaster‖. The headline of the article does not mention ―South-Korea‖ which is

different from The New York Times because this article is an article which is

published inside South Korea, so the people who read this article already share the

same background knowledge about which Prime Minister that resigns.

ii. The Prime Minister’s statements on his resignation.

In this subtopic, this text elaborates about some statements of the Prime

Minister in the moment of his resignation. In his resignation, the Prime Minister

stated his apology to the people. He apologized for a series of problem that the

government did due to the disaster of the ferry sinking. What he apologized for

includes the preventive steps, the initial response, and the follow-up measures.


resign. He stated that his decision to resign was the right thing to do for he had

witnessed the sorrows, sadness, and anger of the people which were caused by his

bad handling at the disaster.

iii.The governmental issue related to the resignation.

After elaborating the statements of the Prime Minister in his moment of

resignation, the text continues to elaborate about the governmental issue related to the

resignation. The resignation of the Prime Minister causes some changes in the

government. The Prime Minister’s resignation caused a cabinet reshuffle but it

seemed that the cabinet reshuffle would be delayed because the offer of the

resignation would be accepted by the President after the accident was resolved.

iv.The Prime Minister’s comment on the issue of some irregularities related to the ferry disaster.

This subtopic only appears on The Korea Herald. The Korea Herald includes

this subtopic in the news article while The New York Times only mentions about the

irregularities without adding the comment of the Prime Minister on it. In this

subtopic, The Korea Herald shows the response of the Prime Minister about the

irregularities in the disaster not just merely describes the irregularities that

contributed to the disaster like in The New York Times

v. The opinion about the resignation of the Prime Minister.

After elaborating about the Prime Minister’s comment on the issue of some

irregularities related to the ferry disaster, The Korea Herald continues to elaborate the


from the public but also from the main opposition of the government. Mostly, the

opinions about the resignation of the Prime Minister are negative. The main

opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy blasted the Prime Minister’s offer to

resign as utterly irresponsible and cowardly while the public called it as abrupt.

vi.The description about the sinking of the ferry.

In this subtopic, The Korea Herald gives the details about the sinking of the

ferry including the weight of the ferry, the route of the ferry, the total numbers of the

passenger and the numbers of the passenger which were sunk.

vii. The critics toward the government about their bad response to the ferry sinking.

The Korea Herald elaborates the critics toward the government about their

bad response to the ferry sinking as terrible. The bad response of the government

toward the ferry sinking can be seen from what they had done. The government

mistook the situation by giving false report which claimed all passengers had been

safely rescued. The government also failed to act promptly or put enough efforts into

search and rescue operation especially when the pan-government headed by the Prime

Minister was formed more than a day after the accident. Another bad response from

the government can be seen on their inconsistent report about the official numbers on


b. Lexical Cohesion i. Reiteration

In the aspect of reiteration, there are 6 lexical items which are reiterated in

The Korea Herald. The form of reiteration includes the reiteration of the same lexical

items, reiteration of the synonym, and the reiteration of the near-synonym. There is

no reiteration in the form of superordinate in The Korea Herald.

There are 3 lexical items in The Korea Herald which are reiterated by its same

lexical item. Those lexical items are ―Prime Minister‖, ―Chung‖, and ―response‖. The

lexical item of ―Prime Minister‖ is repeated 3 times while the lexical item of

―Chung‖, which is the short name of the Prime Minister, is repeated 6 times. That is

more frequent compared to the repetition of the lexical item of ―Prime Minister‖. The

Korea Herald tends to mention the Prime Minister by his short name rather than by

his position in the Government. The third lexical item which is repeated by its same

lexical item is ―response‖. This lexical item is repeated twice.

The other form of reiteration in The Korea Herald is reiteration of the

synonym. There are two pairs of lexical items which are repeated by its synonym.

The lexical item which is repeated by its synonym is ―outrage‖. It is repeated by the

lexical item of ―anger‖. Then, the second lexical item is ―sorrow‖ which is repeated

by its synonym ―sadness‖. Another form of reiteration is the repetition of the near

-synonym. In this type, there is a repetition of the lexical item ―irresponsible‖ with its


ii. Collocation

In The Korea Herald, there are 8 chains of lexical items which occur as

collocation which support the text in building its lexical cohesion. Each chain has its

own semantic relation which conveys the context about the resignation of South

Korea’s Prime Minister.

The first chain of lexical items occurs in the first subtopic about the offer of

Prime Minister’s resignation. Those lexical items are ―offered to resign‖ and ―public

outrage‖. In this topic, the semantic relation between the two lexical items can be

described as cause and effect. It is perceived by the keyword „outrage’ as the cause of

the „offer’. On other words, the offer of Prime Minister’s resignation is caused by the

outrage of the public.

Then, there are two chains of lexical items in the second subtopic about the

Prime Minister statement’s on his resignation. There are two chains of lexical items

because there are two points that the Prime Minister mention in his resignation. The

first point that the Prime Minister mentions in his resignation is his apology to the

people for a series of problems that he had done in handling the disaster. This

subtopic is represented by the chain of lexical items including the lexical items of

―apologized‖, ―a series‖, ―steps‖, ―response‖, and ―measures‖. Then, the second chain

of lexical items which convey the context about the statements of the Prime Minister

in his resignation includes the lexical items of ―witnessing‖, ―sorrow‖, ―sadness‖, and


that one factor out of many factors which make him resigns is that he had witnessed

the sorrow, sadness, and anger of the people.

The next chain of lexical items occurs in the subtopic of the governmental

issue related to the resignation of the Prime Minister. The lexical items which occur

as collocation in this subtopic are ―accept‖ and ―resolved‖. These lexical items share

semantic relation of being complementary. The offer of Prime Minister’s resignation

will be accepted if the disaster is resolved.

Then, in the subtopic of Prime Minister’s comments on the issue of some

irregularities related to the ferry sinking, the chains of lexical items which collocate

are ―rampant ―corruption and malpractices‖‖, ―rooted out‖, irregularities‖,

―revealed‖. This subtopic only appears on The Korea Herald. The Korea Herald

includes this subtopic in the news article while The New York Times only mentions

about the irregularities without adding the comment of the Prime Minister on it.

The next subtopic in The Korea Herald is the opinions about the resignation

of the Prime Minister. This subtopic only appears in The Korea Herald. The New

York Times does not mention about the opinion of the public about the resignation of

the Prime Minister. The resignation of the Prime Minister is considered „abrupt’. By

the main opposition, the resignation is considered as „utterly irresponsible’ and

„cowardly’. So, the meaning relation of this set of lexical items is that they are all

describing the opinions about the resignation of the Prime Minister.

The Korea Herald describes the accident by the lexical items of „capsized’


description of the accident by those lexical items. Then, the last chain of lexical items

which occur as collocation in The Korea Herald is in the subtopic of the critics

toward the government about their bad response to the disaster. The lexical items are

almost negative including ―mistook‖, ―false report‖, ―failing to act promptly‖, and


c. Grammatical Cohesion i. Reference

Reference is a semantic relation. The relation between reference and lexical

cohesion is that all types of reiteration involve identity of reference. All of the

reiterated items must have same referent. In The Korea Herald, the lexical items

which are reiterated are the lexical items of ―Prime Minister‖, ―Chung‖, and

―response‖. Those lexical items are repeated by its same lexical items. Then, there is

lexical item of ―outrage‖ which is reiterated by its synonym ―anger‖. Next is the

lexical item of ―sorrow‖ which is reiterated by its synonym ―sadness‖. Then the last

lexical item which is reiterated is the lexical item of ―irresponsible‖ which is

reiterated by its near-synonym ―abrupt‖.

Those reiterated items must have the same referent. For example, the lexical

item of ―Prime Minister‖. It is repeated for 3 times in 3 different sentences but in all 3

sentences, the lexical item of ―Prime Minister‖ has same referent. That lexical item

refers to The Prime Minister of South Korea, the one which becomes the center of the


Then, the next lexical item is the lexical item of ―Chung‖. It is repeated for 6

times in 6 different sentences in the text but in all 6 sentences the lexical item of

―Chung‖ has same referent. It refers to the sort name of the Prime Minister. Then, the

lexical item of ―response‖ which is repeated for twice has same referent too. It refers

to the action of the government in order to cope with the disaster.

Those lexical items are the lexical items which are repeated by its same

lexical item. Then, there are 2 lexical items which are repeated by its synonym. The

first lexical item is the lexical item of ―outrage‖ which is reiterated by its synonym

―anger‖. Both lexical items share the same referent of the public’s anger especially

the family of the victims. The next lexical item which is reiterated by its synonym is

―sorrow‖ which is reiterated by ―sadness‖. Both lexical items ―sorrow‖ and ―sadness‖

have same referent of the sadness of the people due to the disaster.

The last reiterated item is the lexical item of ―irresponsible‖ which is

reiterated by its near-synonym ―abrupt‖. Both lexical items refer to the opinion about

the resignation of the Prime Minister.

ii. Substitution

The borderline between the lexical cohesion and substitution is in the use of

general words such as ―thing‖ in cohesive function. The general words, which

correspond to major classes of lexical items, are very commonly used with cohesive


Based on the analysis in the text, The Korea Herald uses no substitution in the


in the meaning, The Korea Herald presents the text with no substitution with general

words cannot be said that it carries no implication. The fact that The Korea Herald

uses no general words in the text implies that The Korea Herald wants to presents the

issue with its details by using no general words but by using specific nouns and verbs


Ellipsis is very similar to substitution. It can be defined simply as

―substitution by zero‖. The starting point of the discussion of ellipsis can be the

familiar notion that is „something left unsaid’ and another way of referring to ellipsis

is in fact as „something understood, where understood is used in special sense of

„going without saying’.

By that definition, the analysis goes in The Korea Herald finds no use of

ellipsis in the text. It implies that The Korea Herald wants the reader to understand all

information clearly. So, there are no words which are omitted. Everything is clear

with its details.


Conjunctive elements are cohesive not in themselves but indirectly, by virtue

of their specific meanings. In The Korea Herald, there are only two conjunctions

used, the conjunction „and’ and „or’. The conjunction „and’ is used for 11 times and

the conjunction „or’ is used for twice.

The use of conjunction in The Korea Herald is only limited to the additive

type. Mostly, the conjunctions used in The Korea Herald are only maintaining the


of conjunction cannot be said to have cohesive relation because they do not hold

between sentences and make the flow of the idea clear.

2. The Cohesion of the Text from The New York Times entitled “South Korean

Prime Minister Offers to Resign over Deadly Ferry Disaster”

The article from The New York Times entitled “South Korean Prime Minister

offers to resign over Deadly Ferry Disaster” has 7 subtopics which the 4 subtopics are similar to the article from The Korea Herald, while the rest 3 subtopics are

different from The Korea Herald. The number of subtopics between The New York

Times and The Korea Herald are the same. The cohesion forms used by The New

York Times are similar to The Korea Herald which maintains its cohesion by using

the cohesion forms of reiteration, collocation, reference, and conjunction. This text

does not use the cohesion forms of substitution and ellipsis.

a. The Arrangement of Subtopics

The New York Times elaborates the context of the resignation of South

Korea’s Prime Minister into 7 subtopics. The subtopics and its elaboration are in the

following points.

i. The Offer of Prime Minister’s Resignation

This is the first subtopic that appears in this article from The New York Times

which describes the offer of the resignation of the Prime Minister. The headline of the

article mention ―South-Korea‖ unlike The Korea Herald because this article is an

article which is published outside South Korea, so the people who read this article do


ii. The critics toward the government about their bad response to the disaster.

Then, The New York Times continues the topic with the elaboration about the

critics toward the government about their bad response to the disaster. In the subtopic

of the critics toward the government about their bad response to the disaster, The New

York Times elaborates the critics by the public toward the government which are

mostly negative.

iii.The Prime Minister’s statements on his resignation

The New York Times continues the flow of the subtopics to the subtopics

about the statements of the Prime Minister in his resignation. The New York Times

elaborates this subtopic very similar to The Korea Herald. In his resignation, the

Prime Minister stated his apology to the people. Rather different from The Korea

Herald, The New York Times does not state the details of what the Prime Minister

apologizes for. Besides stating the apology to the people, the Prime Minister was also

stating his offer to resign. He stated that his decision to resign is the right thing to do

for he had seen the sadness and fury of the people which were caused by his bad

handling at the disaster.

iv.The irregularities on the operator of the ship which cause high death toll

The next topic is about the irregularities on the operator of the ship which

cause high death toll. This subtopic only appears on The New York Times. The Korea


related to the disaster, but different from The New York Times, it does not discuss the

kinds of irregularities which cause high death toll like in The New York Times.

v. The governmental issue related to the resignation of the Prime Minister

The next topic is about the governmental issue related to the resignation. The

resignation of the Prime Minister must have impacts toward the government. While

The Korea Herald discusses about the acceptance of the resignation by the President,

The New York Times adds the stereotype of the position of the Prime Minister and

President in Korean society.

vi.The recent report about the death toll and rescue struggle

After presenting the topic about the issue on the government after the

resignation of the Prime Minister, The New York Times continues the flow of the

topics with the recent report about the death toll and rescue struggle. Again, this

subtopic only appears on The New York Times.

vii. The grief of the nation due to the disaster

Then, the next topic is the grief of the nation due to the disaster. Mostly, the condition

is described as very sad and tragic. This subtopic is in the last part of the text.

b. Lexical Cohesion i. Reiteration

In the aspect of reiteration, there are 5 lexical items which are reiterated in

The New York Times. There are 2 lexical items in The New York Times which are


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