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Techniques of Analyses


Academic year: 2017

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Retno Murwani

Head of Labor at or y of Nut r i t i onal Bi ochemi st r y Dept . of Nut r i t i on and Feed Sci ence

Facul t y of Ani mal Sci ence Di ponegor o Uni ver si t y Semar ang



Book : Techniques of Analyses in Nut rit ional Biochemist ry; Ret no Murwani (aut hor); 1st Ed; Badan Penerbit Undi p Semar ang; 2009 xii + 184 pages; 16. 5 x 23. 5 cm

ISBN : 978-979-704-838-9

Tit le:



Ret no Murwani copyright2009

Al l r i ght s r eser ved



This book is writ t en t o document empirical experience during

t he course of various research grant s t hat t he aut hor has

received and carried out , as well as t o document experience

of more t han 23 years of t eaching as a lect urer . This book is

writ t en as part of World Class Universit y Program f or Book

Writ ing launched by Diponegoro Universit y in t he year 2009.

The aut hor is one of t welve universit y lect urers who are

assigned t o writ e t he book in English language (SK Rekt or

No. 520/ SK/ H7/ 2009).

This book is writ t en t o help st udent s and ot her readers in

carrying analyses eit her on t heir own, or as a ref erence and

guide in underst anding analyt ical met hods writ t en in scient if ic

j ournals t o support t heir research. The book consist s of t en

chapt ers, covering several maj or and minor nut rient s as well

as phyt onut rient such as polyphenol. It is beyond t he scope of

t his book t o cover all nut rient s known t oday. However, t he

principles and t echniques can be applied t o almost any

nut rient s. Each chapt er is int roduced wit h a paragraph t hat

gives a sample phrase which can ref lect t he need of a nut rient

analysis in t he cont ext of a scient if ic research t hat has been

published in scient if ic j ournals, or on a nut rient label of f eed


vii reader t o relat e t o inf ormat ion or an inst ruct ion f ound in

many published works wit h t he mat erials given in each

chapt er. Af t er reading t his book t he readers wil l hopef ully be

able t o underst and writ t en analyt ical procedures and execut e

t he procedures int o pract ice in nut rit ion analyses.

It is my hope t hat t his book will be usef ul not only f or st udent s

in animal science f acult y, but also f or ot her st udent s and

readers who need a guide t o carry out nut rient analyses.

Grat ef ul acknowledgement is due t o t he f inancial support

f rom World Class Universit y Program f or Book Writ ing,

Diponegoro Universit y, year 2009, and Prof . Dr. Ret mono, who

is a Prof essor in English Educat ion, as t he appoint ed expert f or

t he proof reading of t he English language.

Aut hor

Ret no Murwani



Pref ace ... v

Cont ent s ... vii

Tables and Figures... ix

I Int roduct ion t o Nut rit ion Analysis... 1

II Unit s of A Nut rient Concent rat ion... 11

III Principles of Spect rophot omet er... 31

IV Det erminat ion of Lipid in Serum and Tissue ... 61

V Det erminat ion of Prot ein in Blood Serum... 87

VI Det erminat ion of Phosphor in Feed or Food... 95

VII Det erminat ion of Calcium ... 115

VIII Det erminat ion of DNA and RNA From Cells or Tissue of an Animal ... 123 IX Det erminat ion of Enzyme Act ivit y... 133

X Det erminat ion of Tot al Phenolic Compound... 145

Ref erences ... 157


ix Appendix B

Periodic Table... 165

Glossary ... 167


Tables and Figures


2. 1. The eight base unit s of SI... 13

2. 2. St andard pref ix of unit s... 15

2. 3. Some indicat ors and t heir colour in acid or base solut ions ... 23

2. 4. pH value and it s corresponding Molar concent rat ion ... 24

2. 5. Examples of weak acids and t heir f ormula ... 25

2. 6. Examples of weak bases and t heir f ormula ... 25

2. 7. pKa values of acids and bases usef ull f or buf f er preparat ion ... 27

2. 8. Biological buf f ers and t heir buf f ering range ... 29

3. 1. The wavelengt h of elect romagnet ic light s ... 33

3. 2. Visible colour and t he absorbed colour ... 36

4. 1. An example of calculat ion in t he det erminat ion of t ot al cholest erol in serum sample ... 74

4. 2. An example of calculat ion in t he det erminat ion of HDL cholest erol in serum sample ... 76

6. 1. Dilut ion of P st ock solut ion t o obt ain a series of P st andard concent rat ion ... 104

6. 2. The amount of ml st andard solut ion and reagent added in t he det erminat ion of P in a sample ... 105

6. 3. Preparat ion of blank solut ion ... 105


xi of colour (colour band) which consist s of purple, blue, green, yellow, and red (Whit e et al . , 1965; absorbance and concent rat ion ... 41

3. 5. Several t ypes of spect rophot omet ers’ cuvet t e; t op: rect angular & oval like shape cuvet t es, bot t om: micro-cuvet t es (Sigma, 2007)...


3. 6. Out line of a spect rophot omet er (modif ied f rom Segel, 1975) ... 43


3. 8. Spect ronic 20 (DIGITAL Spect rophot omet er f rom Thermo Fisher Scient if ic, 2009) ... 45

3. 9. Spect ro UVS-2700 is a double-beam UV-VIS Spect rophot omet er wit h eight cuvet t e holders (Labomed, 2001) ...

3. 12. UV-1201 Spect rophot omet er rear view (Shimadzu,

1994) ... 51

3. 13. UV-1201 Spect rophot omet er rear view (Shimadzu, 1994) ... 51

3. 14. Sample compart ment UV-1201 spect rophot omet er (Shimadzu, 1994) ... 52

3. 15. Keypad f unct ions (Shimadzu, 1994) ... 53

4. 1. Preparat ion of serum or plasma f rom whole blood ... 63

4. 2. Serum is kept in eppendorf t ube ... 71

4. 3. Procedures f or det erminat ion of t ot al cholest erol (modified from DiaSys, 2006; Murwani and Bayuardhi, 2007)...


4. 4. Lef t : t he colour of blank, st andard, and sample solut ion bef ore reading in spect rophot omet er; right : blank, st andard and sample in cuvet t e ready f or absorbance reading ...


4. 5. Procedures f or det erminat ion of HDLcholest erol (modified from DiaSys, 2006; Murwani, 2008b) ... 77



(modified from DiaSys, 2006; Murwani, 2008b) ... 79

4. 7. Fresh sample meat is weighed ... 83 reagent and developed int o color solut ion Concent rat ion of st andard solut ion f rom lef t t o ready f or absorbance reading (sorghum sample) ...


C ha p te r I

Intro d uc tio n to


xv In human, nut rit ion is def ined as “t he sci ence of f oods, t he

nut r i ent s and t he subst ances t her ei n, t hei r act i on, i nt er act i on

and bal ance i n r el at i on t o heal t h and di seases” . Anot her

nut rit ion def init ion is “t he sum of t he pr ocesses i nvol ved i n

t he t aki ng i n of nut r i ent s and t hei r assi mi l at i on and use f or

pr oper body f unct i oni ng and mai nt enance of heal t h. The

successi ve st ages i ncl ude i ngest i on, di gest i on, absor pt i on,

assi mi l at i on, and excr et i on” (AHMD, 2007). In shor t Nut r i t i on

i s “ t he sci ence of f ood at wor k i n t he body” . Food f or ani mal s

or l i vest ock i s t er med as f eed. Theref ore, adopt ing t his

def init ion of nut rit ion f or animal, animal nut rit ion can be

def ined accordingly as t he sci ence of f eed at wor k i n t he body

of an ani mal . According t o WHO of t he Unit ed Nat ions, healt h

is f urt her def ined as “A st at e of compl et e physi cal , ment al

and soci al wel l -bei ng and not mer el y t he absence of di sease

and i nf i r mi t y” . Animal nut rit ion deals wit h t he science of

f eed at work in t he body t o support opt imal product ivit y. The

product ivit y can be f urt her grouped according t o t he purpose

of t he animal being raised, i. e. as livest ock f or human

consumpt ion, as companion animals, sport s (such as race

horses), work (such as buf f alo in rice producing count ries), or

cont est . Product ivit y of livest ock animal s is dif f erent f rom

t hose f or work and ot her purposes. However, t hey all deserve

t o have proper nut rit ion in order t o achieve opt imal physical

and physiological development . Furt her, recent development



C ha p te r II

Units o f a Nutrie nt

C o nc e ntra tio n



In a st udy of provit amin A β-carot ene supplement at ion in a

diet , t he dist ribut ion in t he body, and t he act ivit y of t he

enzyme involved in β-carot ene met abolism in chicks, a

publicat ion under Mat er ials & Met hods described t he f ollowing

procedures (Murwani, 2002):

One-day-old male leghorn chicks were given a vitamin A deprived diet ad libitum (Table 1). They were kept under controlled light and warm temperature, and water was provided on free access. After feeding the chicks on vitamin-A deprived diet for 10 days to lower and equalise hepatic retinol storage, 28 chicks with similar average body weight were assigned into four treatment groups to receive diet containing: 1) 20% gluten protein supplemented with 1.5 µg β-carotene/g diet, 2) 20% gluten protein supplemented with 15 µg β-carotene/g diet, 3) 20% casein protein supplemented with 1.5 µg β -carotene/g diet, 4) 20% casein protein supplemented with 15 µg β-carotene/g diet.

Anot her publicat ion (Murwani, 2001) described t he assay of an

enzyme involved in t he conversion of β-carot ene int o ret inol in

chick int est inal mucosa wit h t he f ollowing procedures :


C ha p te r III

Princ ip le s o f


xxi Nut rient analysis in f eed or f ood is an import ant st ep in

composing a good diet t o provide all nut rient s needed f or

normal growt h and development . It is also import ant in

st udying or t he f at e of nut rient s during met abolism as has

been described in Chapt er I. Macro and micro nut rient s in f eed

or f ood (animal product is part of f ood f or human

consumpt ion), or in cert ain part s of body organs can be

det ermined qualit at ively or quant it at ively by var ious met hods.

Quant it at ive analyses can be done wit h t he aid of analyt ical

equipment called Spect rophot omet er. Spect rophot omet er is

an analyt ical inst rument which works on t he basis of simpl e

colourimet ric principles i. e. absorbance of light by colour

solut ion. Thus t his chapt er begins wit h an underst anding of

t he light and colourimet er principles. Consequent ly,

spect rophot omet ry as t he science of spect rum of a compound

and as t he basis of quant it at ive det erminat ion of a nut rient

has a broad and growing applicat ion.


Light t hat is emit t ed by t he sun and seen by human eyes as

whit e light consist s of various colours. If a beam of light

passes t hrough a prism, a range of colour light (purple, blue,

green, yellow, and red) will be emit t ed f rom t he prism (see

Figure 3. 1).

Light is an elect romagnet ic radiat ion which consist s of bands

of cert ain wavelengt hs and so does sunlight which



C ha p te r IV

De te rm ina tio n o f Lip id

In Se rum a nd Tissue


To st udy t he ef f ect of f reshly made garlic powder on t he

serum concent rat ion of lipid in broilers, a publicat ion under

Mat erials & Met hods described t he f ollowing procedures :

One hundred male Ross 308 chicks were divided

into two equal groups. Group 1 received regular

broiler diet supplemented with 2% garlic powder.

Group 2 received regular broiler diet. All chickens

were slaughtered on day 50, every carcass was

weighed and its adipose tissue content was

determined. At the time of slaughtering, a 5-ml

blood sample was collected into a test tube from

each chicken. Tubes were labelled and then

centrifuged at 3,000 RPM for 10 min to collect blood

serum samples. The sera were analyzed to

measure total cholesterol and total triglyceride using

enzymatic colorimetric methods (Dehkordi et al.,


We can not e f rom t he above procedure t hat blood serum

samples were collect ed and t he concent rat ion of t ot al

cholest erol and t ryglyceride were det ermined by colorimet ric

met hod or in anot her word by spect rophot omet ry t hat has

been discussed in Chapt er 2. The f irst st ep in det erminat ion of

cholest erol in serum is preparat ion of serum samples f rom

blood wit hdrawn f rom t he chicken or ot her experiment al



C ha p te r V

De te rm ina tio n o f

Pro te in in Blo o d Se rum


To st udy t he act ivit y of t he enzyme involved in β-carot ene

met abolism in chicks f ollowing supplement at ion wit h nat ural

β-carot ene, a publicat ion under Mat erials & Met hods described t he f ollowing procedures (Murwani, 2002):

Protein concentration in intestinal mucosa preparation was measured following Lowry method

Prot eins make up 6–8% of t he bl ood. The maj orit y of prot ein

f ound in serum consist of albumin, globulin, f ibrinogen and

prot hrombin. Normal prot ein in chicken serum is 3-3. 3 g/ dl,

and in human plasma is 7-7. 5 g/ dL. Prot ein in blood carry a

variet y of import ant f unct ions i. e. circulat ory, prot ect ion, and

regulat ion. As circulat ory f unct ion it t ransport s biomolecules

such as carbohydrat e, lipid, prot ein, vit amins, minerals,

hormones, enzymes, complement component s, prot ease

inhibit ors, et c. As regulat or, it regulat es pH, t emperat ure and

osmot ic balance. As

using Bovine Serum Albumin as standard. The same microsome preparation was assayed for the enzyme activity which catalysed the esterification of retinol (as the result of β -carotene splitting) into retinyl ester.

The above procedures described t he det erminat ion of prot ein

concent rat ion of int est inal mucosa preparat ion. This

det erminat ion is needed t o express t he act ivit y of enzyme in

Unit per mg prot ein. Anot her mat erial and met hod can

describe t he det erminat ion of prot ein concent rat ion in serum

in order t o see normalit y or abnormalit y which might occur


C ha p te r VI

De te rm ina tio n o f

Pho sp ho r in Fe e d o r


xxix A st udy was conduct ed t o evaluat e t he ef f icacy of

25-hydroxycholecalcif erol [ 25-(OH)D3] t o minimize t he

development of t ibial dyschondroplasia (TD) and improve

phyt at e phosphorus ret ent ion in Ross cockerels during t he

st art er period (Ledwaba and Roberson, 2003). Part of

mat erials and met hods was described below.

A total of 240 1-d-old male broiler chicks were used for

each experiment. Ten chicks per pen were assigned

randomly to each of 24 pens in an electrically heated

battery brooder housed in a room without windows.

Room temperature was maintained at approximately

23°C . Feed and water were provided ad libitum in all

experiments. The compositions of the corn-soybean

meal based diets are listed in Table 1. Dietary

25-(OH)D3 premix was donated and delivered from

commercial mill. Chromix oxide was used as an

external indicator at 0.10% of the basal diet to

determine phytate phosphorus retention. Feed

phosphorus was determined colorimetrically with a


Phosphor is a macro mineral essent ial f or bone f ormat ion.

Phosphor combines wit h calcium t o f orm calcium

hydroxyapat it e which is t he const it uent of bone and t eet h. using the method described by

Gomori (1942).

In t he mat erial and met hod it is writ t en t hat det erminat ion of

phosphor in f eed was done by spect rophot omet ry.



Chapter VII

Determination of




A st udy was conduct ed t o evaluat e t he ef f icacy of

25-hydroxycholecalcif erol [ 25-(OH)D3] t o minimize t he

development of t ibial dyschondroplasia (TD) and improve

phyt at e phosphorus ret ent ion in Ross cockerels during t he

st art er period (Ledwaba and Roberson, 2003). Part of mat erials

and met hods is described below :

Blood samples were obtained at 13 d of age via

cardiac puncture from one chick per pen and were

analyzed for each individual chick picked randomly as a

representative of the pen. The blood was centrifuged

for 15 min at 3,000 x g to extract serum and analyzed

for serum phosphorus (Goldenberg and Fernandez,

1966) and calcium (Moorhead and Biggs, 1974)

concentrations using the same spectrophotometer

Calcium is one of macro minerals which plays a cent ral role in

bone f ormat ion and maint anance in animals and human. In

chicken, 94% of egg shell is composed of calcium carbonat e.

When diet ary calcium is not suf f icient it can lead t o a

decrease in egg product ion, weight , and specif ic gravit y, f eed

consumpt ion, body weight , bone densit y and st r engt h. Diet ary

calcium t heref ore is essent ial f or f ast growing birds such as

broilers and egg producing birds such as layers. In layers,

t here is a high demand f or calcium during egg product ion.

When t his demand is not met it can lead t o t he occurence of as


C ha p te r VIII

De te rm ina tio n o f DNA

a nd RNA fro m C e lls o r


xxxv A st udy was conduct ed t o invest igat e t he development al

relat ionship bet ween f at t y acid composit ion in dif f erent lipid

f ract ions and st earoyl -CoA desat urase (SCD) gene expression in

st eer muscles during growt h. Under Mat erials & Met hods part

of t he procedures is described below :

Twenty male Korean Hanwoo steers were used in this

study. Steers were slaughtered at 6, 12, 18, 24 and

30-months old, respectively. Muscle samples were taken

from longissimus dorsi between 5th and 6th lumbar

vertebrae of steers. All samples were immediately

frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C until

analysis. Total RNA was isolated from loin muscle

using Trizol reagent (Life Technologies Inc., Grand

Island, NY, USA) according to the manufacturer’s

instructions. Following RNA isolation, the concentration

and purity of the prepared RNA were analyzed by

optical density measurements

DNA st ands f or Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid and RNA st ands f or Ribo

Nucleic Acid. DNA and RNA are t he genet ic codes t hat

det ermine t he charact erist ic of an individual. Nucleic acids

are f ound in t he nucleus of animals, plant s, and microbial at 260/280 nm (Lee et

al., 2005).

The mat erials and met hods above showed t hat RNA was

det ermined by opt ical densit y measurement . Opt ical densit y

or abbreviat ed as OD is t he same as absorbance and indicat es

t hat it is measured spect rophot omet rically (See Chapt er 2).



C ha p te r IX

De te rm ina tio n o f

Enzym e Ac tivity


A st udy was conduct ed t o measure t he act ivit y of int est inal

phyt ase act ivit y in broiler chickens as af f ect ed by diet ary

calcium and vit amin D. Under mat erials and met hods t he

f ollowing procedures were described:

Hubbard x Peterson, male chicks were fed diets with or

without 0.21 mg/kg 25-OH D3 with varying dietary Ca

concentrations (4 or 9 g/kg) supplied primarily from

CaCO3 from 7 to 21 d of age (five pens/diet, three

birds/pen) in brooder battery cages. All birds were fed

diets calculated to contain 0.20% nonphytate P. Diets

contained Celite as an inert filler and as a digestive

marker at a minimum of 10 g/kg diet to allow for

determination of apparent phytate phosphorous (PP)

hydrolysis. Dietary Ca and total P were determined by

inductively coupled plasma-emission spectroscopy

(ICP). Phytate-P content of diets was determined as

described below. At 7 d of age, birds were weighed

individually and allocated to experimental pens, such

that BW differences were minimized. At 21 d of age,

birds were euthanized by cervical dislocation. The

duodenum and jejunum were rinsed in ice-cold saline,

and the mucosa was scraped and frozen (-80°C) for

future isolation of brush-border vesicles (BBV) and

subsequent intestinal phytase determinations

Enzymes are prot ein t hat speed biochemical react ions.


C ha p te r X

De te rm ina tio n o f To ta l

Phe no lic C o m p o und


xli Polyphenols or phenolics are groups of subst ance nat urally

f ound in t he plant kingdom wit h chemical charact erist ics of

having aromat ic ring wit h one or more hydroxyl groups. They

are locat ed in t he vacuole and t end t o be wat er -soluble as

t hey are f ound in associat ion wit h sugars. Included in

polyphernols are 1) simpl e phenols and t heir derivat ives such

as cat echol, eugenol, hydroxycinnamic acids (p-coumaric,

caf f eic, f erulic and sinapic acids), and coumarins, 2)

f lavonoids such as f lavonols and f lavones, chalcone and aurone

pigment s, f lavanones, and isof lavonoids, 3) ant hocyanins, 4)

Flavan-3-ols and f lavan-3, 4-diols, 5)Tannins which consist of

hydrolysable t annins and condensed t annins (proant

o-cyanidins) (Scalbert and Williamson, 2000; Bennick, 2002).

Polyphenols can excert dual ef f ect i. e. as f unct ional

phyt onut rient and as ant inut rient . As f unct ional

phyt onut rient , many polyphenols have been shown t o have

ant ioxidant propert ies which are import ant in biological

syst em. The ant ioxidant propert ies of isol at ed or pure

polyphenols are used t o enrich f eed and f ood t o improve

nut rit ional st at us of animals and human. Nat urally occurring

poliphenol in f eed mat erials such as sorghum can also be used

(Murwani, 2008a, b, c). The ant i-nut rient ef f ect of nat urally

occurring poliphenolic compounds of sorghum is well known. It

is det riment al t o poult ry when given in large amount s (Nyacot i

et al. , 1996). However, when it is used in small amount in t he

diet , it can exert it s biological f unct ion as immunomodulat or



Re fe re nc e s

Alexander, R. R. , Grif f it hs, J. M. and Wilkinson, M. L. 1984. Basic Biochemical Met hods. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New Yor k. AHMD. 2007. The American Herit age® Medical Dict ionary. Hought on

Mif f lin Company. diet ary calci um, 25-hydroxycholecalcif erol , or bird st rain on small int est inal phyt ase act ivit y in broiler chi ckens. Poult ry Sci ence 82: 1140-1148. t he Societ y f or Experiment al Biology and Medicine 41: 814-817.

Bohac, C. E. , Rhee, K. S. , Cross, H. R. and Ono, K. 1984. Assessment of met hodologies f or col orimet ric cholest erol assay of meat . Journal Food Science 53(6): 1642-1693.

Coles, E. H. 1986. Vet er inary Cli nical Pat hology. 4t h Ed. W. B. Saunders Company, Phi ladelphia.

Dehkor di, S. H. , Moghadam, A. Z. , Maghsoudi, N. , Aali, E. , Gerami, R. , and Dehsadeghi, E. 2009. The ef f ect s of f resh garlic on t he ser um concent rat ion of t ot al cholest erol , t ot al t riglyceride and adipose t issues of broi lers. Comparat i ve of Clinical Pat hology. Published on line 25 Agust us 2009. DiaSys. 2006. Technical Sheet of Triglyceride, Cholest erol and

HDL-Cholest erol . DiaSys Diagnost ic Syst ems GmbH. Germany. Dorey, R. C. , and Draves, J. 1998. Quant it at ive Anal ysis Laborat ory:

A New Approach. Universit y of Cent ral Arkansas, Depart ement of Chemist ry. Conwey. Arkansas.




Ato m ic We ig hts o f

The Ele m e nts




Pe rio d ic Ta b le






AAS : At omic Aborpt ion Spect rophot omet er, an analyt ical inst rument which ionizes mineral sample and t he absorpt ion of t he ionized at om is measured spect rophot omet rically.

Abdominal fat : Fat which is deposit ed in t he abdominal cavit y of broilers or commercial meat chicken.

Albumin : A t ype of prot ein t hat is soluble in wat er and in wat er half sat urat ed wit h a salt such as albumin is a component of blood serum. Egg and milk also cont ain albumin. Seeds cont ain very small amount s of albumins.

Antibody : Prot ein which is secret ed by specialized immune cells i. e. B cells. It prot ect s t he body against f oreign ant igen.

Antibody titers : The quant it y of ant ibody produced by B cells in response t o ant igen.

Antigen : Spesif ic molecules of f oreign microorganism or cells or t issue.

Aqueous phase : liquids t hat are wat er-soluble. Because t hey mix wit h wat er, t hey f orm a liquid phase which are not separable. For example, met hanol is mixed wit h wat er, t heref ore t hey do not f orm a separat e phase.

Arachidonic acid

: is a carboxylic acid. Arachidonic acid is import ant because t he human body uses it as a st art ing mat erial in t he


li aminohexanoic acid, 13, 19



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