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Jakarta, Indonesia. Defined period contract


Academic year: 2021

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Information for Applicants – Locally Engaged Staff (KOMPAK) Position Title: Senior Subnational Lead

Position Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Position Type: Defined period contract

Contract Duration: 6 months (with possible extension) Estimated Start Date: November 2016

Application Closing Date: 4:00pm, 21 September 2016 (AEST)


Thank you for your interest in the position of Senior Subnational Lead with the KOMPAK Program as managed by Abt Associates Pty Ltd (Abt Associates) on behalf of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

This document includes information on the following:  Program Overview;

 Introduction to Abt Associates and Company Values;  Application Process;

 Terms of Reference; and  Key Selection Criteria.

Please read this document carefully as applications that vary from the specified requirements may not be accepted.

Program Overview

KOMPAK is a large and complex program that is uniquely placed to add value to the Government of Indonesia’s own efforts to improve the social and economic conditions of its citizens; and is aimed at economic expansion and poverty reduction in Indonesia. Abt Associates is supporting frontline services, including health and education, while identifying governance constraints. The work accompanies the implementation of Village Law, and new national rules that empower local communities and increase the direct flow of money to village governments and services. KOMPAK seeks to strengthen the capacity of all levels of government to improve services, respond to the needs of Indonesian citizens, and contribute to stable prosperity.


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Abt Associates – Who We Are

Abt Associates is a recognised leader in the international development sector. Working with our many partners, Abt Associates implements bold innovative solutions to improve the lives of the community and deliver valued outcomes for our clients. We provide a comprehensive range of services from policy to service delivery in the public and private sectors contributing to long term benefits for clients and communities. Operating in remote and challenging environments, we offer innovative solutions, extensive experience in the region, strong technical capacity, and a proven project management track record. Abt Associates is committed to gender equity and diversity in our employment strategies, and so we encourage applications from experienced and capable women, and people with disabilities. For more information about our company and what we do visit our website at www.abtassociates.com.au

Our Values Mission-Driven.

We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people worldwide. Global.

We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the many challenges faced by today's world.

Committed to Excellence.

We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional standards. Collaborative.

We know that working collaboratively produces excellence. Accountable.

We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it. Balanced.

We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives.

Preparing Your Application

Please read the following information carefully as incomplete applications may not be accepted.

To submit an application:

1. Visit the Abt Associates website (www.abtassociates.com.au) and navigate to the ‘Careers’ section.

2. Locate the position you are applying for and select ‘Job Details’. 3. Click on the ‘Apply Online’ button and follow the prompts.


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It should take between 10-20 minutes for you to complete the online application. Before submitting your application it is recommended that you have the following documentation prepared so that these can be readily uploaded during the application process:

1. An electronic version of your CV in MS Word or PDF format (less than 3MB);

2. A statement addressing the key selection criteria (maximum 3 pages). This document should clearly describe how your skills, experience and qualifications will enable you to meet the requirements of the position; and

3. Details of at least 3 professional referees (preferably your current supervisor and 2 previous supervisors).

Other Points to Consider:

1. You will need to submit a separate application for each position that you apply for. 2. If you are successful in being short-listed or are selected for this position you may be

required to undertake a police check, qualification verification, psychometric assessment and/or a medical examination.

3. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Lodging Your Application

All applications should be submitted online through our website at: www.abtassociates.com.au.

Should you experience any difficulties with the submission process, or have any questions about this role then please contact:

Contact Name: KOMPAK HR Team Email: HR@kompak.or.id


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Terms of Reference

The Services that the successful candidate is to provide include, but are not limited to, fulfilling the following Terms of Reference:

Terms of Reference Kerangka Acuan Kerja

Position Title: Sr. Subnational Lead Nama Jabatan: Sr. Subnational Lead Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Lokasi: Jakarta, Indonesia

Reporting To: Program Delivery Director Melapor Kepada: Program Delivery Director Duration of Assignment: 6 months with

possible extension

Jangka Waktu Penugasan: 6 bulan dan dapat diperpanjang

Abt Associates Values

The incumbent must demonstrate a high level of commitment to following values of Abt Associates:


We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people worldwide.


We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the many challenges faced by today's world. Committed to Excellence.

We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional standards.


We know that working collaboratively produces excellence.


We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it.


We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives.

Nilai-Nilai Abt Associates

Pihak yang menjabat harus menunjukkan tingkat komitmen yang tinggi terhadap nilai-nilai Abt Associates berikut:

Digerakkan oleh Misi.

Kami disatukan oleh misi kami memperbaiki kehidupan orang-orang di seluruh dunia.


Kami merupakan sebuah masyarakat global, yang menghadirkan pengetahuan, keahlian, dan perspektif yang beragam terhadap banyak tantangan yang dihadapi oleh dunia saat ini. Berkomitmen terhadap Keunggulan.

Kami berupaya memenuhi dan melampaui standar profesional tertinggi.


Kami tahu bahwa bekerja secara kolaboratif akan menghasilkan keunggulan.


Kami bertanggung jawab dengan apa yang kami lakukan dan bagaimana cara kami melakukannya. Seimbang.

Kami mempertahankan energi dan komitmen yang kami bawa pada peran kami dengan mempromosikan keseimbangan yang sehat antara kehidupan pribadi dan kehidupan profesional kami.

Project Summary:

KOMPAK (Governance for Growth) is a large and complex program that is uniquely placed to add value to the Government of Indonesia’s own efforts to improve the social and economic conditions of its citizens; it is aimed at

Ringkasan Proyek:

KOMPAK (Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan) merupakan sebuah program yang besar dan sangat kompleks dan ditempatkan sedemikian uniknya sehingga menjadikan nilai tambah terhadap usaha-usaha Pemerintah Indonesia sendiri dalam


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economic expansion and poverty reduction in Indonesia. Abt Associates is supporting frontline services—including health and education—while identifying governance constraints. The work accompanies implementation of Village Law, new national rules that empower local communities and increase the direct flow of money to village governments and services. KOMPAK seeks to strengthen the capacity of all levels of government to improve services, respond to citizen needs and contribute to stable prosperity.

meningkatkan kondisi sosial dan ekonomi dari warga negaranya; yang ditujukan pada perluasan ekonomi dan penanggulangan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Abt Associates mendukung penyelenggaraan pelayanan dasar – termasuk kesehatan dan pendidikan – sambil mengidentifikasi hambatan dan kendala yang ada dalam tata kelola. Pekerjaan ini akan mendampingi implementasi Undang-Undang Desa, peraturan nasional baru yang memberdayakan masyarakat lokal dan meningkatkan pengarusan uang langsung ke pemerintahan dan pelayanan desa. KOMPAK berusaha untuk memperkuat kapasitas di semua tingkat pemerintahan guna meningkatkan pelayanan, memberikan tanggapan akan kebutuhan-kebutuhan warganya serta memberikan kontribusi demi stabilitas kemakmuran.


Oversee and manage subnational implementation of KOMPAK activities in 7 provinces (Aceh, Central Java, East Java, NTB, South Sulawesi, Papua and Papua Barat), ensuring coherence with the KOMPAK strategic framework and contribution to End of Facility Outcomes.


Mengawasi dan mengelola pelaksanaan kegiatan subnasional KOMPAK di 7 provinsi (Aceh, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, NTB, Sulawesi Selatan, Papua dan Papua Barat), memastikan koherensi dengan kerangka kerja strategis KOMPAK dan kontribusi untuk Hasil Akhir Fasilitas.

Specific Duties and responsibilities

 Lead and manage the Subnational team in Jakarta to provide technical backstopping and coordinate operational support to KOMPAK provincial teams;

 Provide oversight and support to KOMPAK sub-national offices and provincial teams in implementing field-level activities together with the Outcome Leads;

 Support the Program Delivery Director in developing consolidated workplans and activities between national and sub-national; coordinate development and implementation of province-specific workplans, including endorsement by the local governments and preparation of BAST documentation;

 Provide general technical oversight and quality control to ensure effective delivery of KOMPAK support in the selected provinces in collaboration with the Outcome Leads;  Coordinate and source technical support to

the provincial teams, including assistance

Tugas dan Tanggungjawab

 Memimpin dan mengelola tim subnasional di Jakarta untuk memberikan dukungan teknis dan mengkoordinasikan dukungan operasional untuk tim provinsi KOMPAK;  Mengawasi dan memberi dukungan kepada

kantor daerah dan tim propinsi KOMPAK dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan di daerah bekerjasama dengan Outcome Leads;

 Mendukung Direktur Pelaksana Program dalam mengembangkan rencana kerja yang mengintegrasikan kegiatan nasional dan sub-nasional; mengkoordinasikan pengembangan dan pelaksanaan rencana kerja daerah, termasuk dukungan dari pemerintah daerah dan persiapan dokumentasi BAST;

 Memberikan pengawasan teknis umum dan pengendalian mutu untuk memastikan pelaksanaan dukungan KOMPAK yang efektif di provinsi-provinsi terpilih bekerja sama dengan Outcome Leads;

 Mengkoordinasikan dan menyalurkan dukungan teknis yang dibutuhkan oleh tim


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from Jakarta-based KOMPAK technical staff, consultants, TAs, and other resource persons;

 Implement (operationalise across the relevant provincial offices) and maintain all necessary operational systems and processes in the provincial offices with assistance from COB staff in Jakarta, ensuring adherence to KOMPAK operational guidelines and requirements are adhered to;

 Coordinate and source adequate operational support from the COB Jakarta office to the provincial operational teams, involving all relevant COB operational focal point staff. Coordinate and monitor operational work plans and facilitate regular meetings between provincial teams and COB;

 Support COB Director in coordination between the provincial operational teams and relevant COB operational support staff requirements;

 Ensure integrated and holistic delivery of KOMPAK interventions in these provinces together with the Provincial Managers;  Supervise and support the Provincial

Managers in the KOMPAK dedicated provinces in carrying out their responsibilities and tasks;

 Develop the necessary institutional arrangements for effective collaboration between local government, KOMPAK and other partners in the province and district level together with the Provincial Managers; ensure linkages between subnational and national-level stakeholders; and

 Provide periodic monitoring and evaluation of KOMPAK activities at subnational level and ensure adequate documentation and reporting by the provincial teams.

provinsi, termasuk asistensi dari staf teknis KOMPAK yang berkantor di Jakarta, konsultan, TA, dan narasumber lainnya;  Melaksanakan (mengoperasionalisasikan di

seluruh kantor provinsi yang relevan) dan mengelola semua sistem dan proses operasional yang diperlukan kantor provinsi dengan bantuan dari staf COB di Jakarta, memastikan kepatuhan terhadap pedoman operasional dan persyaratan KOMPAK;  Mengkoordinasikan dan menyalurkan

dukungan operasional yang memadai dari COB Jakarta ke tim operasional provinsi, melibatkan semua staf operasional COB yang dijadikan focal point. Mengkoordinasikan dan memonitor rencana kerja operasional dan memfasilitasi pertemuan rutin antara tim provinsi dan COB;

 Dukungan kepada Direktur COB dalam koordinasi antara tim operasional provinsi dengan staf operasional COB yang relevan;  Memastikan pelaksanaan intervensi KOMPAK

secara terpadu dan holistik bekerjasama dengan Manajer Provinsi;

 Mengawasi dan mendukung Manajer Provinsi di provinsi KOMPAK dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawab dan tugas-tugasnya mereka;  Bersama dengan Manajer Provinsi

mengembangkan pengaturan kelembagaan yang diperlukan untuk kolaborasi yang efektif antara pemerintah daerah, KOMPAK dan mitra lainnya di provinsi dan tingkat kabupaten; memastikan hubungan kerja antara para pemangku kepentingan subnasional dan tingkat nasional; dan

 Melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi kegiatan KOMPAK secara periodik di tingkat subnasional dan memastikan dokumentasi yang memadai dan pelaporan oleh tim provinsi.

Other tasks

 Immediately report any suspected fraudulent or corrupt activities to your KOMPAK supervisor or relevant Director.  Proactively identify and report risks, and

manage risks within your level of accountability.

Tugas-tugas Lainnya

 Segera melaporkan kepada atasan anda atau Direktur yang relevan setiap ada kecurigaan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan kecurangan atau korupsi.


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 Undertake other duties as required by your supervisor.

 Comply with Abt Associates and Program’s policies on gender, disability, fraud and anticorruption, HIV and AIDS, child protection and the environment.

 Secara proaktif mengenali dan melaporkan resiko, dan mengatasi resiko sebatas tingkat akuntabilitas anda.

 Melakukan tugas-tugas lain yang diperlukan oleh atasan anda.

 Mematuhi semua kebijakan-kebijakan Abt Associates dan Program mengenai jender, keterbatasan gerak, kecurangan dan anti korupsi, HIV and AIDS, perlindungan anak dan lingkungannya.

Core Competencies  Delivers Results

 Builds Internal and External Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

 Develops People  Communicates

 Sets Vision and Direction

 Demonstrates Sound Financial and Business-Related Practices

 Builds Teams and Cooperation

 Promotes Technical Excellence and Quality  Promotes Diversity

Acts as a Role Model

Kompetensi Utama  Memberikan Hasil

 Membangun Loyalitas dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Internal dan Eksternal

 Mengembangkan Orang  Melakukan komunikasi  Menetapkan Visi dan Arah

 Menunjukkan Praktek Keuangan dan Praktek Terkait Bisnis yang Baik

 Membangun Tim dan Kerjasama

 Mempromosikan Mutu dan Keunggulan Teknis  Mempromosikan Keragaman


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Key Selection Criteria

For your application to be considered by the panel, interested applicants must submit a response to each of the following Key Selection Criteria:

KSC 1. Strong leadership and management competencies with at least 7-8 years experience managing large teams

Kompetensi kepemimpinan dan manajemen yang kuat serta pengalaman mengelola tim besar setidaknya 7-8 tahun

KSC 2. Proven experience (at least 3-5 years) managing subnational/field operations for donor-supported programs

Pengalaman terbukti (setidaknya 3-5 tahun) mengelola operasional


KSC 3. At least a Bachelor’s degree in relevant field

Memiliki gelar sarjana di bidang terkait

KSC 4. Some technical background related to decentralisation, service delivery and community-driven development

Beberapa latar belakang teknis yang terkait dengan desentralisasi,

pelayanan publik dan pembangunan berbasis masyarakat

KSC 5. Mastery of English and Bhs Indonesia

Menguasai Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia

If no response to the above Key Selection Criteria is made, applications will not be considered further.

We encourage applications from experienced and capable women, and people with disabilities.


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