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St. Francis of Assisi Parish


Academic year: 2022

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Mailing Address: P.O. Box 612, Belchertown, MA 01007-0612 Phone & Fax: (413) 323-6272

Email: francisatbtown@gmail.com Website: www.stfrancisbelchertown.com

Business Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 AM - Noon, or by appointment Mass Times: Saturday 4 PM ?Sunday 8 AM, 10:30 AM ?Monday - Thursday 8 AM

Holy Day Masses: Consult the weekly Mass schedule

Reconciliation: Consult the weekly Mass schedule, or by appointment Adoration Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 AM - Noon, in the main church

St. Francis of Assisi Parish

24 Jabish Street, Belchertown, MA

 Pastor: Fr. David Darcy Pastoral Minister: Mr. Paul Vanasse

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

November 22, 2020

Bulletin: Copy deadline is Monday at 10 AM. Copy must be submitted in writing to: EditorStFran@gmail.com

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Accept, O Lord, our thanks and praise for all that you have done for us.

We thank you for the splendor of the whole creation, for the beauty of this world, for the wonder of life,

and for the mystery of love.

We thank you for the blessing of family and friends, and for the loving care which surrounds us on every side.

We thank you for setting us at tasks which demand our best efforts, and for leading us

to accomplishments which satisfy and delight us.

We thank you also for those disappointments and failures that lead us to acknowledge

our dependence on you alone.

Above all, we thank you for your Son Jesus Christ;

for the truth of his Word and the example of his life;

for his steadfast obedience, by which he overcame temptation;

for his dying, through which he overcame death;

and for his rising to life again,

in which we are raised to the life of your kingdom.

Grant us the gift of your Spirit,

that we may know him and make him known;

and through him, at all times and in all places, may give thanks to you in all things.




SATURDAY, November 21, 2020 Vigil: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

3:00 PM Reconciliation

4:00 PM < Herbert Squires and Gasper & Mildred DeSantis req. by David Squires & family

SUNDAY, November 22, 2020 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

8:00 AM < Phil & Ray Labrecque & Beulah Story req. by Bob Labrecque

10:30 AM < Leo Plasse req. by Nick & Carolyn Groves MONDAY, November 23, 2020

8:00 AM < Thomas O’Donnell req. by the family TUESDAY, November 24, 2020

8:00 AM < Greg Dorman, OFS req. by St. Pio, OFS WEDNESDAY, November 25, 2020

8:00 AM < Joseph Buteau req. by the family 6:30 PM < Mass of Thanksgiving

THURSDAY, November 26, 2020 Thanksgiving Day 8:00 AM < No Mass

FRIDAY, November 27, 2020 8:00 AM < No Mass

SATURDAY, November 28, 2020 Vigil: First Sunday of Advent

3:00 PM Reconciliation

4:00 PM < Rita Brodeur req. by Loretta Lund

SUNDAY, November 29, 2020 First Sunday of Advent 8:00 AM < Lucille LaBarre req. by her husband Leonard 10:30 AM < K of C Mass of Remembrance req. by Members

of the K of C

Holy Mass

- This Week’s Intentions -

What we have done to the least of our brothers and sisters we have done to Christ. Choose to serve in every instance.

Is God calling you? Visit: www.myvocation.org

  vocations@diospringfield.org Attn: Fr. David Darcy or Fr. Michael Wood Please pray for those in need of the basic necessities of life, may we respond generously to help them, as we would to Christ.

The Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed daily after morning Mass.

Please join us! Our prayer intention is for Priests to be Holy.

Upcoming Events

The Mass of Thanksgiving - will be celebrated on Wednesday, November 25 at 6:30 PM.

There will be no Mass on Thursday, November 26.

This was agreed to by the Spiritual Life Commission last year so that more people can attend since many are cooking their meals or traveling on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. 

Christmas 2020 at St. Francis of Assisi

Due to safety concerns and restrictions on gatherings by the state, there need to be changes in our holiday traditions.

There will be no Lighting of the Crèche Service, Cookie Swap or Children’s Christmas Pageant.

Attendance at each Mass is limited to 200. As a result, Christmas Masses this year will be by reservation only to ensure that we stay below the limit, social distancing is maintained, and everyone is safe.

Anyone without a reservation will not be allowed entrance.

Persons who do not feel well or who are particularly vulnerable to Covid- 19 due to age or underlying conditions are encouraged to stay home. We will miss you, but your health and safety are everyone’s main concern.

Christmas Mass will be televised on BCTV 191 at 4:30 PM on Christmas Day and will also be available online.

Attendance at All Christmas Masses Must Be Reserved in Advance The Parish Office will be taking reservations for the Christmas Masses beginning Tuesday, December 1. 323-6272 x1 For those who do attend, masks and social distancing are required.

Cleaning and sanitizing protocols are in place.

Anyone without a reservation will not be allowed entrance.

Please arrive no later than 15 minutes (earlier if possible) before the Mass and enter only by the front doors. This will allow time to check names against the reservations list, direct seating and maintain social distancing. Ushers will also monitor the entering and exiting of the church.

Please note the following holiday celebrations times, for changes:

Sacrament of Reconciliation During Advent In lieu of a Sunday afternoon Penance Service, Fr. David will be hearing confessions during Advent on

Wednesdays, December 2, 9, 16 & 23 from 6-8 PM.

Holy Day - The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Vigil Mass - Monday, December 7 at 6:30 PM

Holy Day Masses - Tuesday, December 8 at 8 AM & 12:10 PM (This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Please note the new times.)

Christmas Masses

Christmas Mass Attendance is by Reservation Only.

Christmas Eve Masses - Thursday, December 24 at 4 PM & 6 PM Christmas Day Masses - Friday, December 25 at 8 AM & 10:30 AM

The Feast of the Holy Family

This feast will be celebrated the during the regular weekend Masses December 26 & 27. Family Blessings will be offered following each Mass.

Holy Day - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (New Year’s) The Vigil Mass - Thursday, December 31 at 6:30 PM Holy Day Masses - Friday, January 1 at 8 AM & 12:10 PM (This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Please note the new times.)


Jesus said to His disciples:

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit upon His glorious throne,

and all the nations will be assembled before Him.

And He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.

He will place the sheep on His right and the goats on His left.

Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed by My Father.

Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink,

a stranger and you welcomed Me, naked and you clothed Me, ill and you cared for Me, in prison and you visited Me.’

Mt 25:31-46

This Week’s Gospel

Scripture Readings for November 28-29, 2020

Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7/1 Cor 1:3-9/Mk 13:33-37

From the Office

The Business Office Will Be Closed November 23-27.

Regular Parish Business Office Hours are:

Monday - Friday 9 AM - 12 Noon, and by Appointment.

Please call before coming to be sure someone is available.

Face masks are required for staff and visitors.

Diocesan Directives and Information under COVID-19 have been updated as of September 18 & 25.

The link to these directives can be found on the parish website at stfrancisbelchertown.com

Gospel Meditation

Many Americans are fascinated with England’s monarchy. For many different reasons, we are drawn to the regal pageantry and all of the protocols associated with royal lifestyles. What’s most amazing is that for all of the media attention focused on the comings and goings of English royalty, they really have very little effect on the day to day dealings of their country. Thoughts and images of kings and queens are often centered on this story book understanding of who and what they are. We associate protocols, etiquette, and proper words and actions to how we approach members of a royal family. These tools serve the necessary purpose of keeping them isolated, enthroned, and at a distance. There is something attractive about being an observer of ritual, pomp, and circumstance. It’s almost theatrical.

Is this how we see Jesus Christ, too? We often behave as if Christ is an isolated, enthroned, royal, and even ineffective king. Jesus wants nothing to do with having the status of an earthly king. Jesus also does not want to be watched, observed, or set apart. He wants to get down and dirty with the very stuff of life especially the poor, marginalized, confused, hurting, lost, broken, imprisoned, and forgotten ones. Jesus is the king who turns the tables on us and wants not only our attention but our engagement and conversion. He wants us to get dirty too.

How we treat other people is at the heart of Christ’s kingdom. “Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” At different times in our lives we are all counted among the “least” ones. We may not be physically poor, but we can easily become emotionally and spiritually poor. We may not be marginalized as many physically are, cast aside because they have too many needs or don’t quite fit in. But who hasn’t experienced isolation, loneliness, inner turmoil, angst, heartache, or loss?

Almost every human being has experienced brokenness at one point or another, or will most definitely at some future point, facing discouragement, fear, insecurity. People are thirsty for more than water.

We are imprisoned by our prejudices, misconceived notions and ideas, self-focused obsessions and ideologies. There is a lot of pain and many least ones around us. Stop, look and listen. This is what Christ the King is asking us to do. Look deeply into the eyes and soul of your sisters and brothers, all of them, and see Christ himself.

Being a spectator and observing all of the pageantry isn’t enough. Jesus wants us to inherit the kingdom and live the kingdom. It is built on the blocks of love, mercy, compassion, hope, faith, and blessing. It engages those who want it, changes and informs minds, inspires and transforms hearts, converts and renews souls, and sets things right. There is such a great need around us. Are you ready and willing to do whatever you can to

serve in God’s kingdom? ©LPi

The Take & Eat program is in need of a few volunteers.

We are looking for a few more people to serve as bakers. This entails baking at home, packaging items individually and delivering them to the Pine Room the morning of Take & Eat.

We are also looking for a few people to serve as drivers to deliver meals to our recipients. This position requires a CORI check to be done prior to delivering.

If interested, The Office at 323-6272 x1 

Volunteer Opportunities

See our Safe Worship Guidelines on page 7 of this bulletin.


Men of St. Joseph

The Men of St. Joseph is a group of Catholic men dedicated to being the spiritual leaders of their families. The Men of St.

Joseph aim to emulate St. Joseph and support each other as witnesses for Jesus Christ in daily life. It is a spiritual enrichment group, for men to gather together to break open the Word and share how it relates to everyday lives in today’s world.

Zoom meetings are held every Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30 PM.

John Rakouskas at john5star@hotmail.com or Steve Corbin at gmsteve512@gmail.com

Teen Bible Chat

Please stay tuned for updates and/or emails from Gerri.

Gerri Amprimo at 323-8633 or Pat Hegarty at 687-7870

Order of Franciscan Seculars

Elizabeth of Hungary understood well the lesson Jesus taught when he washed his disciples’ feet at the Last Supper: The Christian must be one who serves the humblest needs of others, even if one serves from an exalted position. Elizabeth is also an example to us in her following the guidance of a

spiritual director. Growth in the spiritual life is a difficult process. We can play games very easily if we don’t have someone to challenge us.

Learn more about the joy of living as a Secular Franciscan, contact:

Pat Skaza, OFS at 213-0592 or Kathy Ricardi, OFS at 323-9023

Women of Grace

We are currently discussing a series of talks given by Fr. John Riccardo of Acts XXIX. He produces a weekly podcast that touches on a wide array of topics such as discussions with fellow priests on how lay people can support them so they can feed us and Reimagining Church in this Time of Covid.

Zoom meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 PM.

Rita Lee at 774-200-6464or Kathy Kervick at 323-8592

Knights of Columbus

St. Francis of Assisi Council 10698’s information is available at: facebook.com/belchertownkofc


The Knights of Columbus are currently meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month at 7 PM via Zoom.

kofcbelchertown@gmail.com or PGK Tom Grady at 323-4036 Now available for St. Francis parishioners. 

Visit www.srancisbelchertown.com,  then click on “Online Giving.”

Thank you for your generous response to the needs of our parish.

Please remember that we rely on your commitment of weekly stewardship.

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. (Ps 23:1) Father Darcy and the Finance Committee pray that Our Lord shepherd you in all areas of your lives.

Remember, God will not be outdone in generosity!

From the Finance Committee

Faith and Fellowship Weekly Stewardship

Numbers were not available at press time.


Solemnity Of Our Lord Jesus Christ The King Of The Universe - Excerpt from Divine Intimacy

Presence of God - O Jesus, Prince of Ages, King of Nations, be the sole Ruler of my mind and heart.

“O divine King, most amiable Jesus, my Redeemer, my Savior, my Spouse, my Master and model, I renew today the total consecration of my being to You, begging You to take absolute dominion over me.

Be my Sovereign, my Ruler, my Guide. Direct and govern me entirely, so that everything may turn to Your greater glory. Be King of my memory, of my intellect, of my will, of my emotions; I wish all to be completely subject to You and I invite You to reign in me.

Your Kingdom is a kingdom of Truth, of Love, of Justice and of Peace.

Grant that Your reign of Truth may be established in my mind, destroying all error, deceit, and illusion. Enlighten me by Your divine Wisdom.

Grant that Your reign of Love may be completely established in my will, to move it, draw it, and direct it always, so that I may no longer be moved by self-love, or by creatures but by Your Holy Spirit alone.

Make this weak, mean, rebellious will of mine strong, generous, constant; make it grow stronger by the persevering exercise of virtue, and by the gifts of Your Spirit.”

(Sr. Carmela of the Holy Spirit, O.C.D.)

spiritualdirection.com/2018/11/25/solemnity-our-lord-jesus-christ-the-king-of-universe To become an adorer, Debby Bowen at 323-7080

Adoration Line at 323-6272 x6

Adoration Hours on the cover of this bulletin - Masks Required

Please pray for all of the intentions listed on our prayer line, for the sick and dying, the imprisoned and all those in need of spiritual, emotional, physical and/or financial support and healing. Especially please pray:

i Continued prayers requested for R. D., and for Gods will to be done with peace for his family.

i For David, recently diagnosed with cancer, for healing.

i For a homeless family with special needs children, to find a home.

i Continued prayers for good medical results and proper diagnosis for Colton.

i Continued prayers for peace of mind and heart for L. B.

i Continued prayers for successful surgery and relief of pain for B. E.

i Continued prayers for successful treatment, healing and relief of pain for T. C.

i For relief of pain for an elderly woman with colon cancer.

i For the safety of first responders.

i For a cure and eradication of the Corona virus i For an increase in vocations.

i For the health of the priests of the diocese.

i For the intentions of the seminarians.

i In Thanksgiving for the lives of Rita Gallagher, Joan Sullivan and Martha Lofland. Please pray for the repose of their souls and for their family and friends in their bereavement.

i In thanksgiving for all God’s graces and answers to the requests of the prayer line.

To have the prayer line members pray for you or a love one:

Office at 323-6272 x1 or francisatbtown@gmail.com;

or visit www.stfrancisbelchertown.com, click Liturgy and Prayer, then Prayer.

Michael Sweeney Prayer Line

The Search (4 episodes) - What is this journey in between the event we call “birth” and the one we call “death”? Is the journey taking you somewhere, or are you leading yourself to some kind of destination – a destination that could extend beyond your last breath? What do you want from your life during the in between? The questions are there. And, the answers are too.

Catholic Resources - Formed.org

Go to FORMED.org.

Enter Parish Code: 42CFV7.

Access life changing content!

Pro-Life - Because Life is Sacred

The Church is Open for Visitation

(the chapel is not available)

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until 6 PM Please remember to wear a mask and follow all safety protocols posted at the church.

Clarity and Support for Pregnant Women Visit: https://clearwayclinic.com

Call: 413-351-0070 Text: 774-314-8298

1259 E. Columbus Avenue, Springfield, MA 01105

Roman Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts Statement Regarding House Budget Amendment Expanding Abortion Access

The Catholic Church teaches that life itself starts at conception and ends with natural death.

The Massachusetts state legislature is currently debating the annual budget to fund state government for the balance of the fiscal year. As part of that process many amendments are filed for consideration. House amendment number 759 will be considered by the full House in the coming days. This amendment would expand abortion access in the Commonwealth well beyond what is enshrined in state law.

While we acknowledge the amendment addresses some concerns that were raised about the deeply troubling provisions of the ROE legislation, the fact remains that abortion would remain an option under certain circumstances for the full term of the pregnancy. That fact alone is in direct conflict with Catholic teaching and must be opposed.

In addition, current law requires a young woman under the age of 18 years old to gain the consent of a parent, guardian or the court to have an abortion. The amendment under consideration would decrease the age of consent to 16 years old. In its simplest terms, a 16 or 17 year old girl would be deprived of the guidance and support of an adult at the time of making this life changing decision.

Finally, although life-supporting equipment would be required to be in the room for abortions performed after 24 weeks, the specific language in the amendment is nuanced enough that the physician would not be required to use the equipment.

Specifically, it would “enable” the physician performing the abortion to take appropriate steps, in keeping with good medical practice….to preserve the life and health of a live birth and the patient.

For these reasons we urge the full House of Representatives not to pass amendment number 759.

His Eminence Seán P. O’Malley, OFM, Cap. - Archbishop of Boston Most Reverend Robert J. McManus - Bishop of Worcester Most Reverent Edgar M. da Cunha, SDV - Bishop of Fall River


Faith Questions

The Prayer Shawl Ministry

creates handmade shawls for bereaved or seriously ill individuals. Each shawl is lovingly made to provide comfort during a difficult time and serves as a reminder that the individual is not alone.

Do you know someone who would appreciate a reminder that they are not alone and who would like to be held up

in prayer during a difficult time?

Bonnie Miller at 253-2293 or Diane Plante at 237-3001

The Food Pantry

is in need of:

bagged pasta mixes, bagged rice mixes, and canned chicken.

Donations can be left between the doors of the parish office or church.

Your generous response helps us serve the needs of the community throughout the year. Thank you!

Food Pantry at 323-6272 x8

Take & Eat

provides nourishing meals and a short visit to the elderly and homebound in Belchertown on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. It is run entirely by volunteers and your generous donations. If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity which provides great service to our community, please consider joining our team. Our wonderful volunteers shop, bake, cook, pack and/or deliver for our program.

Michele at 323-7959

The Mats for the Homeless Ministry

makes sleeping mats for the homeless in the diocese. Parishioners of almost any age can help in either making the ‘plarn’ (plastic yarn) out of plastic grocery bags or crocheting them together to make mats.

Please remember to save your plastic bags for donation to this ministry.

Becky Walton at 345-1757

There Is Much to Be Done - Growing up Catholic means I must have heard a million times the passage in Matthew’s Gospel about how doing things for the “least of these” means you have done them for Jesus. Okay, that is an exaggeration to make a point. But it has been a slogan for so many social justice activities, from clothing and canned food drives, to letter writing campaigns and peaceful protests.

Growing up I only knew how to help the least of these through the school and church activities of the time. Today, YouTube and GodTube are filled with videos of creative ways people reach out to one another. Have you seen the one about the pizza party for the homeless? How about the fake lottery ticket or the house bought from online donations for a poor man?

There are even videos of people paying for the car behind them at the drive-through! The awesome thing about this is that it serves as a witness to others. It is not boasting but instead sharing the Good News. Giving and good stewardship can be contagious!

Our pastor has several times over the years handed out $10 bills to confirmation candidates and asked them to “pay it forward.” They can keep the money or use it to make a difference in someone else’s life. One teen planted a garden for an elderly woman. One bought ingredients for brownies and sold them to give even more than $10 to charity. The teens not only learned something about good stewardship in the process, but also served as great examples to the parish community.

As always, there is much to be done. The King is coming soon! Let’s spread the news and some love at the same time!

- Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi

Stewardship Reflection

Service and Outreach Catholic Community News

Christmas at the Vine & Branches Gift Shop located at Sacred Heart Parish, 1061 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 AM–3 PM and Saturday 9:30 AM–3:30 PM. Masks are required. Credit or Debit card payment encouraged. We have a beautiful selection of gifts and home décor for Advent and Christmas that you, your family and friends will cherish for many years to come.

Pastoral Minister Deb Briancesco RN at 786-8200 x3.

Advent Calendar Raffle - St. Mary’s Academy at 56 Hopkins Place, Longmeadow, MA 01106 is offering their 11th Annual Advent Calendar Raffle with tickets available through November. This raffle raises much need funds for the school. - $10 for 1 chance, $20 for 3 chances - Cash prizes range from $75 to the grand prize of $500. Chances can be purchased by mailing a check with the number of chances you wish to purchase, along with your name and phone number.

Amy Mendrala at 567-0907 or amendrala@stmaryslongmeadow.org


What is Eucharistic Adoration?


The practice of Eucharistic Adoration is a centuries old ritual and falls within a broader category of devotions and rituals that are associated with the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In a particular way, Eucharistic Adoration is an extension of the worship and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament that occurs in every Mass.

In a long-standing practice, a period of Eucharistic Adoration often ends with “benediction,” the blessing of the faithful with the Blessed Sacrament.

Several parishes throughout the United States have introduced the practice of perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, while other communities have the custom of shorter periods of Eucharistic Adoration. Care should always be taken that these periods of adoration respect the instructions outlined in Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside of Mass, the liturgical book that gives the instructions for the proper celebration of Eucharistic Adoration.

Although adoration of the Blessed Sacrament can never take the place of Eucharistic Communion, many Catholics find great comfort and consolation in their prayers before the Eucharist enshrined in the tabernacle or when it is exposed in the monstrance (both are equally valid, as the Christ is not more present in one than in the other). But when we consider our eucharistic devotions, it is always important to remember the fundamental connection these acts of devotion have to the celebration of the Eucharist in the Mass and reception of Christ in Communion. ©LPi


Safe Worship Guidelines - Please Be Observant

Weekend and daily Masses have resumed with changes since the Covid- 19 outbreak. Here is what we are doing to meet the guidelines for a safe worship environment at St. Francis.

We are blessed with a large open worship space that easily accommodates the 6-foot social distancing requirement. Every other pew has been taped off and people who do not live as families are asked to sit separately. Attendance is still low, so there are many open seats between worshipers.

The church doors will be open before and after Mass to eliminate the need to touch door handles.

Hand sanitizer has been placed around the church for all to use but we encourage everyone to bring their own. Ushers are present to ensure people are following the guidelines.

Offertory baskets are not passed but are available as you enter the worship space. All hymnals and worship materials have been removed from the pews. Bulletins are distributed by ushers wearing gloves.

Masks must be worn at all times, upon leaving your car, during Mass and until returning to your car. Fr. David removes his mask once at the altar, away from the congregation. He dons it again for distribution of the Eucharist and the exit procession. The cantor and readers wear masks except when performing their role in the sanctuary, where they are 6 feet away from anyone.

Father and Eucharistic ministers sanitize their hands before and after handling and distributing the Eucharist. And, as communion is only to be received in the hand, it is placed in the receiver’s hand without touching, while the 6-foot distance is maintained by those in the communion line.

There are only two Eucharistic ministers per Mass, with Fr. David continuing to bring the Eucharist out to parishioners in their seats as needed.

Following every Mass, the church is cleaned and sanitized by many generous volunteers and the maintenance staff.

We continue to record and upload the weekend Mass to our Website (www.stfrancisbelchertown.com), our Facebook page and to YouTube.

It also airs on BCTV 191 on Sundays at 4:30 PM.

The celebration of Mass is the center of our Catholic faith and as such we recognize the hardship of those who are not yet able to attend. Please note that the Bishop’s dispensation from the obligation of weekend Mass attendance remains in place. We pray for God to give us consolation in these trying times.

For those who attend Mass, please keep your masks on and maintain a 6-foot distance while in the church.

You are encouraged to refrain from singing.

Thank you for observing the above safety guidelines so that we can continue to keep our church open for worship.

As Cases Rise Again, It Is Important To Remain Vigilant.

Did You Know? Safe Environment Program: Do you know about our parish’s commitment to creating a safe environment for all children and youth in our ministries and programs? These include abuse prevention training for children; background checks and training for those who work with young people and vulnerable adults; and resources for parents. A designated Child Advocate in the parish helps create and maintain these programs, and is available if you have concerns about child safety.

Speak to: Fr. David or Child Advocate, Cynthia Reed at 259-7536 or the Diocese of Springfield Office of Counseling, Prevention and Victim Services at 452-0624 for further information.

Child Protection

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