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english unsmk narrative text and tenses


Academic year: 2017

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Bahasa Inggris

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Choose the correct answ er

The follow ing text is for questions no 1 -4

One day, a young w anderer got lost on a w ood. Suddenly he saw a light from an old hut . He knocked on t he door, and an old w oman opened it . She w as crying. She said t hat t he devil had st olen her magic candle. The candle could grant anyt hing she asked. The w anderer asked her w here t he devil lived. “ In a cast le not far from here” , said t he old w oman.

The w anderer went t o t he cast le. There she found t he devil but he w as old and w eak. Therefore w hen t he w anderer grabbed t he magic candle t o t he old w oman, but he kept if for himself. He lit t he candle and made a w ish, “ I w ant t o go far aw ay from here.”

Suddenly t he genies appeared and t ook him t o a beaut iful palace. There w as a part y in t he palace. The w anderer w ant ed t o make some money. So he lit t he candle again and w ished for some jew elry. He sold t hem t o t he guest s and w as soon making a lot of money. Then t he Princess came t o buy t he jew elry, but t here w as not hing left . The w anderer felt in love w it h her and asked her t o marry him. The kind Princess said yes, and t hey got married t he next day.

In his happiness, t he w anderer t old t he Princess about his advent ure and t he magic candle. Hearing t hat , t he Princess got very angry. At night she lit t he candle and w ished t hat t he w anderer disappeared.

In t he morning, t he w anderer aw oke and found himself back in his ugly house in t he village.

1. What should special did t he candle have? (A) It w ouldn’t fulfill w hat ever w e needed (B) It had t o refuse w hat ever w e asked (C) It could grant anyt hing w e w ished (D) It might not accept someone’s w ish (E) It couldn’t grant anyt hing w e w ished

2. From t he st ory w e learn t hat …. (A) We must easily believe someone (B) We must n’t t rust someone easily (C) We can t ell our secret t o anyone

(D) We w on’t believe w hat ever someone says (E) We believe w hat ever someone says

3. …… but he kept it f or himself. (Paragraph 2). Conjunct ion ‘but ’ can be replaced by …. (A) how ever

(B) moreover (C) hence (D) t herefore (E) furt hermore


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Choose the correct answ er

The follow ing text is for questions 11 to 14

One day, In Arabian cit y, a w oman w ent t o t he market and bought a beaut iful hen.

A few days lat er t o her surprise t he hen she bought laid a silver egg. If t he hen could only be persuaded t o lay more t han one egg each day, t he w oman w as sure she w ould never have t o w ork again.

So t he w oman decided t o make t he hen eat more, so t hat it could lay more eggs. But t he only result w as t he hen died of indigest ion and did not lay more eggs at all.


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The questions 15 to 20 are not based on the text

15. I gradually forgot all t he French I …… at school. (A) am ever learning

(B) w ould ever learnt (C) have ever been learnt (D) had ever learnt (E) ever learnt

16. I t hought he needed some fresh air, he …… t here reading all morning. (A) had been sit t ing

(B) w as sit t ing (C) w ould be sit t ing (D) has been sit t ing (E) w ill be sit t ing

17. By t he t ime t he manager ret urns from abroad, he …... the new cont ract . (A) w ill be signed

(B) w ill sign

(C) w ill have signed (D) w ill have been signed (E) w ill have been signing

18. X : “ Why are you crying ?”

Y : “ I …… up onions for t he last t en minut es.” (A) have been cut t ing

(B) have been cut (C) had been cut (D) had been cut t ing (E) w as cut t ing

19. “ M y fat her …….his ow n car t o his office every day.” “ So does my mot her.”

(A) is driving (D) drives (B) w as driving (E) drive (C) has been driving


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