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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department of UNIMED Medan In Partial as Fulfillment of the Requirement for

The Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number 2103220020






Alhamdulillah, all the praise to ALLAH SWT for the blessing, mercy, and

guidance in giving the writer full strength and patience to complete this thesis.

This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the S1 degree of

Sarjana Sastra at English Department in Faculty of Languages and Arts, State

University of Medan.

In accomplishing this thesis, the writer has been helped by a lot of beloved

people especially for the loyal supporters. Therefore, the writer would like to

express her sincere and greatest gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and


Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Rika

S.Pd, M.Hum., Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the

Head of English Literature Department, and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar,

M.Ed., the Head of English Education Department.

Dra. Sortha Silitonga, M.Pd, his Thesis Adviser.  Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum., as Academic Adviser.

 All beloved lecturers in English and Literature Department who advised

and guided the writer during academic years.

Mam Eis for her kind help in providing academic administrations to the writer.

 The best family of the author, his beloved Mother, Mrs. Jenni Tanjung,

his beloved father,Mr. Abdul Razak, his sisters Lila Hanum and Lidya

Arafah, and his brother Three Syahputra, for their endless love, support,



togetherness in fun, futsal and unforgotten memories.

 All Students of English Department in Applied Linguistics A and B

Reg’10, that could not be mentioned one by one. Thanks for their support, info, assistance, and best moment ever during the academic years.

 All friends in Gg. Habir No. 31 for the support and cares.

 All the emotional stuffs as the mood booster that accompanied the writer

in accomplishing this thesis, Alone at Last*, The Sigit, Metallica, In

Flames, Nightwish and etc.

 Everyone who has been involved directly or indirectly in the writing of this thesis that cannot be mentioned one by one, and thanks for all the

memories that thewriter got during his study at this beloved campus.

Thank you very much. May Allah bless us all.Amin.

Without their deep and sympathetic understanding, this thesis could not

complete, may all the assistance can be their charity.

Medan, July 2014 The writer,

Jaka Sampoerna




Table 4.1 Total Metaphor in The Poet and The Pendulum ... 27

Table 4.2 Total Metaphor in Bye Bye Beautiful ... 29

Table 4.3 Total Metaphor in Amaranth ... 32

Table 4.4 Total Metaphor in Cadence of Her Last Breathe ... 33

Table 4.5 Total Metaphor in Master Passion Greed ... 35

Table 4.6 Total Metaphor in Eva ... 36

Table 4.7 Total Metaphor in Sahara ... 37

Table 4.8 Total Metaphor in Whoever Bring Me The Night ... 39

Table 4.9 Total Metaphor in For The Heart I Once Had ... 41

Table 4.10 Total Metaphor in The Islander ... 42

Table 4.11 Total Metaphor in Seven Days to The Wolves ... 43

Table 4.12 Total Metaphor in Meadows of Heaven ... 44




APPENDIX The Analysis of the Types of Metaphor in Nighwish`s





A. The Background of the Study

Language has unlimited enchantment and a substance that will never be

removed from human being. Language divided into spoken and written language.

Except as a tool of communication between human, language also constitutes as a

media to reveal expression, imagination, and emotion. So that, Language has a lot

of variety in order to give information and it needs a deep understanding in gain

the pure information such as figurative language. In some cases many people face

difficulties in understanding figurative language.

Metaphor is one of the figurative languages that compare two dissimilar

things in its purpose. According to Goatly (1997:8) metaphor occurs when a unit

of discourse is used to refer unconventionally to an object, process, or concept, in

unconventional way. Since ancient time, many great poets certainly use metaphor

in their works. For example in William Shakespeare`s quote, “all the world`s a

stage”. Using metaphor in literary works will increase the value of aesthetic and

mystery of the works. It makes many poets even politicians love to use this kind

of figurative language in their works and language. Metaphor has dynamic

characteristic because it develops following the culture. But the old contexts of

metaphors are not fade away. In its expansion, there are so many fresh metaphors

based on context of social, culture, even religion of the subject who use metaphor.

Absolutely irrefutable, music becomes public daily consumption since it



people added song in music in order to help it in emphasizing messages more

dramatically. Almost each song that has been created consists of metaphor, but the

level is different. A song that has not figurative language especially metaphor

music is not only as the media of entertainment but also transformed as the media

to struggle the freedom, criticize the government and as the media of propaganda.

In fact, mostly rock and metal as subgenre from blues dominantly as the pioneer

of rebellion in their music style. They usually use thematic freedom in their song.

Unfortunately, kind of this music attracts a huge attention from young generations

who psychologically want freedom in their life.

This situation is exploited by several musicians who want to spread

deviant propaganda to influence young generations in bad attitude. And using of

metaphor in their song is one of the ways to deceive their target who generally

still teenagers and do not understand about the purpose of their song. Rock

musician Jimmy Hendrix state that, “music is a spiritual thing of its own. You can

hypnotize people with music and when you get them at the weakest point, you

preach into the subconscious what we want to say”. It means that music has a

power to influence someone and implant dogma to the people. For example in



rose as a metaphor means woman or specifically Maria Magdalena. This metaphor

means that the truth is in Maria Magdalena. This song was inspired by novel of

Dan Brown titled Da Vinci Code. Based on that novel the Maria Magdalena is the

wife of Jesus Christ and inherited the duty of Jesus Christ to spread Christianity. It

is contradictory with the Bible that stated Jesus is never married with woman. In

this case, Within Temptation want to convince the people with their song to

believe the paradigm about Jesus Christ in Da Vinci code novel which the novel

got a resistance from Vatican.

So, the topic is chosen as an idea that learning metaphor is very important

to avoid an error in interpreting it then prevent misunderstanding between subject

who use metaphor and the object who receive it. Metaphor is part of language, it

means that metaphor is universal. Every people has a right in utilizing it for good

and bad purpose. The main reason this topic is chosen is to expand the knowledge

of people especially the teenagers about metaphor and music and also to warn

them to selective in choosing songs that they want to enjoy in order to prevent bad


The writer take one of the best symphonic metal band from Finland named

Nightwish and their sixth studio album “Dark Passion Play” as the object of

research. Almost the entire band from Finland that carried metal as their genre use

paganism as their theme in music and full of high level of metaphor that hard to

interpret. Separated from the use of metaphor, it is a phenomenon in language that



B. The Problem of the Study

The problems of this study are formulated as the following:

1. What types of metaphor are used in Nightwish`s Dark Passion Play


2. Which type of metaphor is the most dominant in Nightwish`s Dark Passion

Play album?

3. Why does the most dominant type of metaphor imply?

C. The Scope of the Study

The study focuses on finding the types of metaphor suggested by Goatly

(1997) in the Dark Passion Play Album of Nightwish. There are twelve songs

written in the Album, namely: The poet and the pendulum, bye bye beautiful,

amaranth, cadence of her last breath, master passion greed, eva, sahara, whoever

bring me the night, for the heart I once had, the islander, seven days to the

wolves, and meadows of heaven.

D. The Objective of the Study

The objectives of this study:

1. To describe the types of metaphors are used in Nightwish`s Dark Passion

Play album.

2. To describe the most dominant metaphor that used in Nightwish`s Dark



3. To describe the reason of the most dominant metaphor implied in the


E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be useful for:

1. Students of English Department who study metaphor to help them

understand and comprehend it.

2. Those who are interested in the study of metaphor as tool of

communication in understanding meaning in the study of literature.

3. Researchers that are going to conduct a further study on literature that





A. Conclusions

After analyzing and determining the types of metaphor in the transcript of

the Dark Passion Play Album Song by Nightwish, the conclusions are presented as


1. The eight types of metaphor were occurred in Dark Passion Play Album

Song by Nightwish. They are active metaphor (7), inactive metaphor (3),

subjective metaphor (2), mimetic metaphor (17), phenomenalistic

metaphor (4), precision metaphor (7), symbolism metaphor (20) and

approximate metaphor (23).

2. The most dominant type of metaphor is approximate metaphor written by

the songwriter with 23 occurrences (27,71%) in Dark Passion Play Album

Song by Nightwish.

3. The songwriter of the album has a purpose to make this album become a

mystery by using approximate metaphor dominantly. There is no certainty

about precise interpretation of song that use approximate metaphor. It

created many different interpretation from reader and hearer and made this

album never stopped being argued.



B. Suggestions

By considering the research finding and the conclusions, there are some

suggestions which are presented as follows:

1. The students need to improve their knowledge about metaphor so that they

can avoid misunderstanding in communication and can understand the

purpose of literary works such as song or poem that usually using


2. English teachers are suggested to enrich their teaching material by using

song that has quality in its lyrics to get an attraction from student and

make the study become interesting.

3. Other researchers are suggested to make a more depth analysis of




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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightwish (accessed on 20.30, 2 February, 2014)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Passion_Play(accessed on 20.33, 2 February, 2014)


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