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Code switching as seen in Hitam Putih Talkshow in 12 June 2013.


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Code Switching as Seen in Hitam Putih Talk Show 12 June 2013.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2014.

Nowadays, most people use more than one language in communicating for some

considerations such as to whom they speak, choice of topic, and situation. They produce

utterances and even they may decide to change one language to another language. This

phenomenon is considered as code switching. Based on this background, this study is conducted

to discuss the use of code switching in some aspects which one of them is talk show. In this case,

the writer focuses on code switching occurring in

Hitam Putih

talk show 12 June 2013 because

the host of this talk show mostly does code switching to the guests.

In this study, there are two problems to be discussed. The first problem is what are the

typex of code switching occurred in

Hitam Putih

talk show in 12 June 2013? The second

problem is what are the functions of code switching occuring

Hitam Putih

talk show 12 June

2013? The objectives of the study are to identify and analyze the types and the functions of code

switching in

Hitam Putih

talk show 12 June 2013.

In identifying those two problems, the writer uses purposive sampling method that is

focused on the judgment. The writer applies critical case sampling in collecting the data. The

critical case sampling here is used to explain further on the phenomenon of the study. In this

study, the writer collects the utterances consisting of code switching from

Hitam Putih

talk show.

Furthermore, the writer analyzes the problems based on the structure and context of sentence.

According to the results, the writer finds that the three participants in

Hitam Putih


show 12 June 2013 employed three types of code switching. The first type is Tag Switching

which is the switch occurs as a tag.The second type is Intersentential switch that is the switch

occurs between sentences or after pause employment and the last Intrasentential switch which is

the switch occurs within one sentence. The writer also finds that the functions of code switching

occurred in

Hitam Putih

talk show. The first function is Quotation which means to quote what

people say. The second function is Interjection, the switch is functioned to mark a sentence filler.

The third function is Reiteration, the switch occurs to clarify what is said by the speaker. The

forth function is Message qualification, the switch appears to convey the main message of the

sentence. The fifth function is Personalization vs Objectvization means that the switch occurs to

show speaker’s knowledge or opinion. The last function is lexical gap filling which the switch

occurs to fill the relevant word of other language in Indonesian utterances.



Code Switching as Seen in Hitam Putih Talk Show 12 June 2013.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2014.

Sekarang ini, banyak orang menggunakan lebih dari satu bahasa karena beberapa

pertimbangan seperti kepada orang yang diajak bicara, pemilihan topik, dan situasi. Mereka

dapat menghasilkan beberapa ungkapan dan mengubah ungkapan-ungakapan tersebut dari

bahasa satu ke bahasa yang lain. Fenomena ini disebut alih kode. Berdasarkan latar belakang

tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendiskusikan alih kode dan salah satunya di acara



. Dalam hal ini, penulis fokus pada alih kode yang terdapat di

Hitam Putih talk show.

Pada penilitian ini, ada dua masalah yang diidentifikasi. Rumusan masalah pertama apa

tipe alih kode yang terdapat pada

Hitam Putih talk show

tanggal 12 Juni 2013? Rumusan

masalah kedua apa fungsi alih kode yang terdapat di

Hitam Putih talk show

? Beberapa tujuan

dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa tipe-tipe dan fungsi-fungsi

alih kode yang terdapat dalam

Hitam Putih

talk show


Dalam mengidentifikasi dua rumusan masalah tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode

pengambilan data secara


yakni berfokus pada pertimbangan. Penulis mengambil

sampel secara kritis yakni dipakai untuk menjelaskan fenomena alih kode secara mendalam.

Penulis mengambil beberapa ungkapan yang mengandung alih kode dari

talk show


Penulis menganalisa dua rumusan masalah sesuai struktur dan konteks kalimat.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penulis menemukan bahwa ketiga peserta

talk show


Hitam Putih

talk show

menggunakan tiga tipe alih kode. Tipe pertama adalah alih kode buntut kalimat, alih

kode muncul sebagai label. Tipe kedua yakni alih kode antar kalimat atau alih kode yang muncul

di antara kalimat. Tipe ketiga adalah alih kode dalam kalimat atau alih kode yang muncul di

dalam sebuah kalimat. Penulis juga menemukan fungsi dari alih kode seperti Kutipan atau alih

kode dipakai untuk mengutip perkataan orang, Interjeksi atau alih kode berfungsi sebagai

penanda label atau pengisi kalimat, Pengulangan atau alih kode berfungsi untuk mengklarifikasi

hal yang telah dikatakan sebelumnya, Kwalifikasi pesan atau alih kode dipakai untuk






IN 12 JUNE 2013


Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number : 104214061










IN 12 JUNE 2013


Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number : 104214061











Joel Oesteen




Dedicated to

Jesus Christ


Morizon B. D. Kapa





First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for His everlasting

blessings. He is always beside me and gives me strength in every condition until I

finish this thesis. I thank my great advisor Adventina Putranti, S.S.,M.Hum., for

guiding me to finish this thesis. I thank Miss Venti for her help, her suggestion,

and her time for the consultation. I also thank my co-advisor Harris Hermansyah

Setiajid., S.S, M.Hum. and Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd.M.Hum. who give advice to

make this thesis much better.

I would like to thank Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik

Indonesia for giving me chance to get scholarship, Beasiswa Unggulan, until I finish my study in Sanata Dharma University.

To my beloved parents, Morizon Kapa and Salomy Leonora Welkis and

my lovely siblings Loudya Ester Kapa and Triyanto Deni Kapa, I would like to

say thanks for their love, their prayers, supports, and their care for me. I also

thank my other family Endang Koli for her suggestions and her help.

I would like thank all lecturers and my friends at English Letters

Department, AIESEC UPNVY, UKM Taekwondo USD, Great Community at

English Cafe, Komisi Pemuda GKI Gejayan, and Sanata Dharma University for

teaching me many valuable things. I thank my lovely and greatest friends in

Class C English Department 2010 especially Dea, Ray, Gita, Kiky, Dien, Ciko,

Gradi. I thank them for giving me many beautiful things to learn.

I also thank my sweetest friends, Hanny, Mbak Puteri, and Okie for their

prayers, support, and their help to make me enjoy this life with happiness. For

Anak bimbingan Miss Venty: Nino, Osa, Mayang, and Yanis, I thank them for their supports in finishing this thesis. The last for my lovely boyfriend, Kristian

Adi Perbowo, I thank him for coloring my days with smiles and supports.









MOTTO PAGE ………. vii




ABSTRACT ……….. xii

ABSTRAK ……… xiii


A. Background of the Study……….………. 1

B. Problem Formulation ……… 3

C. Objectives of the Study ………. 3

D. Definition of Terms ……… 3


A. Review of Related Studies ………. 4

B. Review of Related Theories ……….... 1. Sociolinguistics ……… 2. Code Switching ……… 3. Types of Code Switching ………. 4. Functions of Code Switching ……….. 5. Indonesian Grammar ………... 5 5 7 8 10 13 C. Theoretical Framework ……….. 17


A. Object of the Study ………. 18

B. Approach of the Study ……… 18

C. Method of the Study ……….. 1. Data Collection ……… 2. Data Analysis ……… 19 19 20 CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ………….. 22

A. Types of Code Switching in Hitam Putih Talk Show 12 June 2013

1. Tag Switching ………

2. Intersentential Switch ………

3. Intrasentential Switch ………

22 22 24 30

B. Functions of Code Switching in HItam Putih Talk Show 12 June


1. Quotation ………

2. Interjection ……….



3. Reiteration ………..

4. Message Qualification ………

5. Personalization versus objectivization ………...

6. Lexical Gap Filling ………


A. Script of conversation in Hitam Putih talk show ………

B. List of Code Switching data ……….

41 43 45 47




CORY ADRIANI KAPA. Code Switching as Seen in Hitam Putih Talk Show

12 June 2013. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2014.

Nowadays, most people use more than one language in communicating for some considerations such as to whom they speak, choice of topic, and situation. They produce utterances and even they may decide to change one language to another language. This phenomenon is considered as code switching. Based on this background, this study is conducted to discuss the use of code switching in some aspects which one of them is talk show. In this case, the writer focuses on

code switching occurring in Hitam Putih talk show 12 June 2013 because the host

of this talk show mostly does code switching to the guests.

In this study, there are two problems to be discussed. The first problem is

what are the typex of code switching occurred in Hitam Putih talk show in 12

June 2013? The second problem is what are the functions of code switching

occuring Hitam Putih talk show 12 June 2013? The objectives of the study are to

identify and analyze the types and the functions of code switching in Hitam Putih

talk show 12 June 2013.

In identifying those two problems, the writer uses purposive sampling method that is focused on the judgment. The writer applies critical case sampling in collecting the data. The critical case sampling here is used to explain further on the phenomenon of the study. In this study, the writer collects the utterances

consisting of code switching from Hitam Putih talk show. Furthermore, the writer

analyzes the problems based on the structure and context of sentence.

According to the results, the writer finds that the three participants in Hitam




CORY ADRIANI KAPA. Code Switching as Seen in Hitam Putih Talk Show

12 June 2013. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2014.

Sekarang ini, banyak orang menggunakan lebih dari satu bahasa karena beberapa pertimbangan seperti kepada orang yang diajak bicara, pemilihan topik, dan situasi. Mereka dapat menghasilkan beberapa ungkapan dan mengubah ungkapan-ungakapan tersebut dari bahasa satu ke bahasa yang lain. Fenomena ini disebut alih kode. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan

untuk mendiskusikan alih kode dan salah satunya di acara talk show. Dalam hal

ini, penulis fokus pada alih kode yang terdapat di Hitam Putih talk show.

Pada penilitian ini, ada dua masalah yang diidentifikasi. Rumusan masalah

pertama apa tipe alih kode yang terdapat pada Hitam Putih talk show tanggal 12

Juni 2013? Rumusan masalah kedua apa fungsi alih kode yang terdapat di Hitam

Putih talk show? Beberapa tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa tipe-tipe dan fungsi-fungsi alih kode yang

terdapat dalam Hitam Putihtalk show.

Dalam mengidentifikasi dua rumusan masalah tersebut, penulis

menggunakan metode pengambilan data secara purposive yakni berfokus pada

pertimbangan. Penulis mengambil sampel secara kritis yakni dipakai untuk menjelaskan fenomena alih kode secara mendalam. Penulis mengambil beberapa

ungkapan yang mengandung alih kode dari talk show tersebut. Penulis

menganalisa dua rumusan masalah sesuai struktur dan konteks kalimat.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penulis menemukan bahwa ketiga peserta talk





A. Background of the Study

Language is very important because it is used as a tool to communicate and

also deliver messages to each other. People use language as a system to convey

their ideas, their thoughts, and also their attitudes. According to Palmer, if

language is regarded as an information system, or more strictly as a

communication system, it will associate the main message with a set of signs that

means the sound of language of the symbol of the written text (1997: 6).

Nowadays, most people use more than one language in communicating for

some considerations, such as to whom they speak to, choice of topic, situation etc.

When two or more people communicate to each other, they produce some

utterances. People employ a system of communication called code. According to

Wardaugh,“code is a system used for communication between two or more

parties” (1992:103). They use code whenever they want to speak and they may

decide to change one language to another language. This phenomenon is regarded

as a language feature called code switching. Code switching involves two

languages or linguistic varieties in the same utterance or conversation (Hoffman,

1991:110). The examples of code switching are; Anyway bagaimana kabar

kakakmu? And Tolong searching data-data ini di komputer anda. The examples are the mixture of English and Indonesian. The speaker inserts English word into


In fact, code switching exists as well in some fields for example in social

media like facebook, twitter, mass media like newspapers, magazines, and

journals, and in entertainments like talk show, reality show, soap opera, etc.

Although code switching occurs in various fields, the writer will only focus in talk

show because today code switching appears more often in conversational or

spoken occasions and it is also found in talk show. Talk show is part of television

or radio show which is hosted by one person and the guests can be more than one

person. According to Morissan talk show is a program that shows some persons

to discuss about a certain topic and the program is guided by a host (2008:222).

In this study, the writer chooses Hitam Putih talk show as the source of code

switching data. The writer selects Hitam Putih talk show because the host always

does code switching to the guests who are bilingual speakers. Then, the writer

identifies the use of code switching by the host and the guests in 12 June 2013. In

this study, the writer analyses the utterances created by Dedy Corbuzier, Joe

Taslim and Daniel Mananta which consist of code switching. The writer finds that

the episode in 12 June 2013, they do more code switching since the guests in this

episode are bilingual speakers which can be seen from the background of the

guests. This motivates the writer to conduct a research to reveal the types of code

switching and the functions of using code switching in Dedy Corbuzier, Joe


B. Problem Formulation

This study has two problem formulations to be answered. The problems can

be formulated below:

1. What are the types of code switching that occur in Hitam Putih talk show in

12 June 2013?

2. What are the functions of code switching appearing in Hitam Putih talk

show in 12 June 2013?

C. Objectives of the Study

The first objective of this study is to identify the types of code switching

that occur in Hitam Putih talk show 12 June 2013. According to the identification

on the types of code switching, the writer also find the functions of code

switching. Therefore, the second objective of this study is to analyze the functions

of code switching in Hitam Putih talk show 12 June 2013.

D. Definition of Terms

Code is a system used for communication between two or more parties

(Wardaugh, 1986:103). It can be understood that code is a tool that people may

employ to communicate to each other.

Code Switching involves the alternate use of two languages or linguistic

varieties within the same utterance or conversation (Hoffman, 1991:110). It means

that code switching is a language mixture of two different languages used that






This chapter consists of three important parts namely review of related

studies, review of related theories, and theoretical framework. The review of

related studies presents the relation of this study with some researches which are

Mandiri’s and Murniati’s. The review of related theories explains the theories are

used by the writer to show the goal of this study while the theoretical framework

gives the step arranged to accomplish this study.

A. Review of Related studies

1. Mandiri’s thesis “The Occurrence of Code Switching within Social

Networking Website Facebook “.

This undergraduate thesis discusses the occurrence of code switching in

Facebook. Mandiri tries to identify the language that is used by Facebook users in

updating their status. Mandiri sees that most Facebook users today like to update

their status with language feature called code switching and they sometimes

employ word, phrases, or sentences from English language juxtaposed with

Indonesian words, phrases, or even sentences to create interesting language

utterances. In Mandiri’s thesis, his objectives are to identify the types of code

switching occur in Facebook users’ status and the reasons of using code switching

by the Facebook users (Mandiri, 2010:2).

Actually, the focus of this study is different from Mandiri’s thesis in a way


examining the functions of code switching that occurs in Facebook users’ utterance. The difference can be seen from participants who used code switching.

In Mandiri’s thesis, he analyses Facebook users’ utterances while in this study the

writer identifies the participants’ utterances in Hitam Putih talk show.

2. Murniati’s article on Celt journal “An analysis of Indonesian – English

Code Switching in Electronic Mails”.

This article explains the analysis of Code Switching in Electronic Mails. In

Murniati’s article, she identifies the types and the functions of Indonesian –

English code switching in Electronic Mails. She observes that code switching is a

common phenomenon in Indonesian because most people in Indonesia are

bilingual. Murniati sees that the upper middle class teenagers are already familiar

with English in their daily life given that they are also exposed to Western movies

and films and the high competition to enter the most prestigious schools in

Indonesia and abroad. In her study, Murniati takes the electronic mails as the data

from University graduate, students of undergraduate and graduate programs in

Ohio, and the Indonesian Fulbrighters in the US who speak English well

(Murniati. 2004:127). Related to this study, the writer takes the conversations

among three participants in Hitam Putih talk show as the data.

B. Review of Related Theories  

1. Sociolinguistics

The study of language used by society is called sociolinguistics. This

comprehension is supported by Hudson (1980:4-5) “sociolinguistics is the study


Wardaugh also stated that sociolinguistics is focussing on the relationship

between language and society with the purpose to have a better understanding of

the structure of the language and of how languages function in communication


According to Trudgil (1978:11) as cited by Wardaugh sociolinguistics also

covers some works such as structure of discourse and conversation, speech acts,

studies in the ethnography of speaking, investigations of such matters as kinship

systems, studies in the sociology of language such as bilingualism,

code-switching, and diglossia and certain practical concerns such as various aspects of

teaching and language behaviour in classroom (1992 : 14).

In this case, bilingualism, code switching, and diglossia are related to each

other in terms of sociology studies of language. Bilingualism here more concerns

to one person and his knowledge of certain languages. According to Wei,

bilingualism is considered as the alternate of two or more languages by the same

person (2000:27). It can be said that bilingual speaker is a person who speaks

more than one language.

On the other hand, diglossia is defined as the situation which two or more

persons will switch their languages only in a particular situation. According to

Asher said that there are two distinctive varieties of code that exist in diglossic

communities, namely high (H) and low (L) variety. High (H) variety is the

prestige variety which is used in formal discourses, while low (L) is used in less


interview, workshop, presentation. People will also use (L) in informal situation

such when they speak to close friend or family at home.

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that a person who switches

his language to another language is obviously a bilingual speaker and it happens

for some particular reasons which is one of them is a setting or situation.

Therefore, this phenomenon is called code switching.

2. Code Switching 

There are several definitions of code switching viewed by some linguists.

They have different ways in defining code switching. Thus, in order to have

in-depth understanding of code switching, this study presents several definitions of

code switching from several linguists.

Code switching occurs amongst people who can speak more than one

language and this is also agreed with the idea from Shana as cited by Duran that

“code switching is the juxtaposition within the passage of someone’s speech

which involves items of two different languages” (1984:10). This can be

understood that code switching occurs when the speaker inserts two different

languages in his utterance.

The other linguist states that code switching is language mixture is

Akmajian. He stated that “Code switching refers to a situation in which the

speaker uses a mixture of distinct language varieties as discourse proceeds”

(2001:307). It means that code switching is a situation when the speaker combines


Code Switching relies on the meaningful juxtaposition of what speakers must consciously or sub-conciously process as strings formed according to the internal rules of two distinct grammatical systems (Gumperz,1982 : 66).

Besides, Hoffman stated that code switching includes two languages or

linguistic varieties in the same utterance or conversation (1991 : 110). Therefore,

code switching is a situation when the speaker juxtaposes two different languages

to communicate and it occurs in the same speech event.

Furthermore, there is code mixing that also relates to code switching.

According to Wardaugh (1992:107) “code mixing occurs when conversants use

both languages together to limit that they change from one language to the other

in the course of a single utterance”. It means that code mixing is also juxtaposition

of two languages that occurs in a single sentence. According to Muysken,

Poplack, and McLaughin as cited by Hoffman, code mixing refers to

intrasentential switch (1991:104). The difference between code mixing and code

switching can be seen from their occurrences. Code mixing occurs at the lexical

level within sentence. Code switching occurs within phrases or sentences

including tags and exclamations at the end of the sentence (Hoffman, 1991:104).

3. Types of Code Switching 

There are three types of code switching according to Stockwell (2002 : 33)

that are described as follow:

a. Tag switching

This type of code switching only switches an interjection, a tag, or sentence


Romaine (1989:122) also mentioned that tags are easily inserted at a number of

points in monolingual utterance without violating syntactic rule.

The example can be seen below:

Guys, ikutan yukz donor darah...hari ini jam 10.00 s/d 13.00 di HKBP

Rogate Jl. Cemara Raya No. 16.

(Mandiri, 2010 : 40)

b. Intersentential Switch

Intersentential switch occurs between sentences made by the speaker. The

topic of the conversation may be switched by pause employed by one of the

speaker. The pause employed here shows a brief suspension of the voice to

indicate limits or relations of sentences. Intersentential Switch occurs between

more than one sentence.

The example can be seen as follows:

Awal dr hari yang indah. Sunday with full member of my little family.

Feel so happy.

(Mandiri, 2010 : 38)

c. Intrasentential Switch

Intrasentential switch occurs within a sentence or a clause. The form of code

in this switching can be in the form of a single word, a phrase, or clause.

The instances can be seen below:

Bersiap untuk pelatihan contract drafting hari ke-2 dr jam 7-17.30.


In addition, Intrasentential switch has the same occurrence with tag

switching but Intrasentential switch is not a sentence filler. If the intrasentential

switch is omitted, the sentence will produce the ambiguity and often violate

grammatical or syntactical rule of certain language.

3. Functions of Code Switching

According to Gumperz (1982:75-81), there are five functions of code

switching that explained as follows;

a. Quotation

Code switching here is used to mark direct quotations or reported speech.

Here is the switch from Slovenian to German, The conversation from an

informal business discussion among neighboring farmers, called to discuss the

sharing of farm machinery. The speaker is reporting on a conversation with a

German speaking businessman:

Pa prawe (then he said) wen er si nit calt gib I si nit (If he does not pay for it, I will not give it).

From the conversation above, the switch shows what is said by another

speaker previously and the farmer reports the one’s speech in German.

b. Addressee specification

The switch here serves to direct the message to one of several possible

addressees. The example is the switch from Slovenian to German and it is shown

from informal conversation about the weather in a village home (a strong wind is

blowing and there is a danger of rain and of the fruit being blown off the trees):

A : (Speaking to B) Nceaba prisu, vo ki su vaitar (it wil not come, it will


B : (Speaking to A ) Ya ki teke naBasan zapkama pa ye zie ciu stem ye pastrane ( it is so overloaded with apples and the entire tree is bent already).

B : (B continues turning to C sitting apart) Regen vert so ain vint is drausen

(It will rain, it is so windy outside).

Based on the example above, after speaking to A, B switches his language

in speaking to C. It seems like B does not agree with A, so that he gives his

opinion to C by switching his language. Therefore, the switch from B is

functioned to direct the message to C.

c. Interjection

The function of code switching here is to mark the sentence filler or the

interjection in the sentence. For instance; here the main message is in Spanish and

the speaker switches into English, A is talking to someone else later on in the

same situation

Pero como (but how) you know la Estella y la Sandi relistas en el telefon

(Stella and Sandi are very precocious on the phone).

Based on the sentence above, the switch “you know” is the sentence filler.

The function of the sentence filler is to signal to other addressee that A has paused

but A has not finished speaking yet.

d. Reiteration

Sometimes a message in one code is repeated in other code either literally or

in somewhat modified form. The function of the repetition here is to clarify what

is said and often to emphasize the message. For example : Father in India calling

to his son, who was learning to swim in a swimming pool. The switch is Hindhi


Baju-me jao beta, andar mat (go to the side son, not inside) Keep to the side.

The switch “keep to the side” here has the same meaning with “Baju-me jao

beta” or go to the side. The speaker reiterates his calling by switching to English.

Then, the function of the switch here is to clarify what has been said in the


e. Message qualification

The function of the language switch is to qualify the message or to convey

the main message. The form of switch here such as sentence, verb complements,

predicates following a copula.

The example from college student conversation and B :

A : Bina vet kiye ap a gae ( without waiting you come)

B : Nehi. I came to the bus stop peccis per (about nine twenty-five).

According to the example above, B switches Hindhi to English. The

switch of English is functioned to convey B’s main message.

f. Personalization vs Objectivization

The code is related to some cases such as; a message whether a statement

reflects personal opinion or knowledge and whether it reflects in specific

instances or has the authority of generally known fact. For example: Austrian

village farmers making plans for sharing machinery and dealing with problems

that might come up.

A : Ale mormaya teke nadrita (O.K. let us do it like this) dann von etwas

is, no guet (then if something happens, O.K. fine). Pa tole gax wikolna

(if sometimes the motor must be rewound) kos sibn axthundert siling (it costs seven or eight hundred shillings)

B : Ja jap aye denar tau (O.K., O.K., then the money is there) [later in the


A : Yes sak leta dien oli nter (I put in oil every year). Kost virzen siling (it costs fourteen shillings).

According to example above, A begins with a personalized statement

suggesting what the group should do. The function of the switching from A in his

first utterance is to reflect his opinion. Then, in his last utterance, he shifts to

German as to imply the, as is the cost of the oil. The shift to German gives the air

of objective factuality and it can reflect his knowledge toward how much cost

they need.

4. Indonesian Grammar

Since the data are about the insertion English into Indonesian, the writer

uses Indonesian grammar. According to Chaer (1988 : 329 – 347), there are seven

sentence structures in Bahasa Indonesia that explained below:

1. Simple sentence (Kalimat Tunggal)

Simple sentence is formed by one clause that consists of simple word or

phrase. In Indonesian simple sentence, subject and verb are required.

The examples can be seen as follow:

a. Ayah membaca koran

My father reads newspaper.

b. Temanku seorang dokter

My friend is a doctor.

In English, the simple sentence should also consist of subject and verb in

example (a) the sentence consists of subject (ayah), predicate (membaca), and


between Indonesian and English. The difference can be seen from the example

(b). The sentence in example (b) consists of subject (temanku) and predicate

(seorang dokter). The words seorang dokter are a predicate because those words

represent the verb adalah that can be omitted. When it is translated into English,

the verb (is) is required because it has the function as a predicate.

2. Elliptical Sentence (Kalimat Luas Rapatan)

Density compound sentence or elliptical sentence is formed by integrating

the same element in the sentence.

For example: Ayah makan nasi goreng dan minum teh (My father eats fried

rice and drinks). The sentence is formed from two clauses:

a. Ayah makan nasi goreng

My father eats fried rice

b. Ayah minum teh

My father drinks tea

Based on the example above, the similarity between Indonesian and English

grammar is seen from the integrating of the same element which is the verb. The

difference is that in Indonesian the example belongs to compound sentence, while

in English the example belongs to simple sentence that consists of compound

verbs (eats and drinks). In Indonesian not only the predicate that can be integrated


3. Compound Sentence (Kalimat Luas Setara)

This sentence is constituted by two clauses. The role of each clause in this

sentence is same. The clauses are connected by the conjunctions dan, tetapi, atau,

apalagi, and kemudian. For example:

a. Ibu memasak di dapur dan Ayah menyiram tanaman

My mother cooks in the kitchen and my father waters the plants

b. Saya ingin melanjutkan belajar ke perguruan tinggi tetapi orang tua saya

tidak mampu membiayayainya.

I want to continue studying in university but my parents do not have enough money.

This kind of sentence is similar to English sentence. In English, this

sentence is called compound sentence and in this sentence, the clauses are also

connected by the conjunctions and, or, but. Besides, the clauses in English

compound sentence are always called independent clauses. This is similar to

Indonesian sentences that the clauses have the same role. Furthermore, In

Indonesian equivalent compound sentence, the clause can be connected by the

conjunctions apalagi (moreover) and kemudian (then) while in English

compound sentence, the clauses can only be connected by and, or, so and but.

4. Complex Sentence(Kalimat Luas Bertingkat)

This sentence consists of two clauses which are main clause and minor

clause.Below are two examples of complex sentence;


He is drowned because he cannot swim

b. Monumen nasional itu dibuat ketika kamu masih kecil.

The national monument was built when you were a kid

c. Orang yang duduk di depan itu gendut sekali.

The one who sits in front is very fat

On the other hand, the clauses in this type of sentence are also connected by

other conjunctions such as sehingga (so), kalau, agar (in order to), meskipun

(athough), kecuali (except), bahwa (that), and seperti (alike).

Actually the sentences above are similar to English sentence which is called

complex sentence. The English complex sentences are also connected by because,

when, although, in order to, except etc. Azar (1941 : 239) also added When the

conjunctions are because or although in the English complex sentence, the

clauses are divided into main clause and minor clause which is called an adverb


5. Complex Compound Sentence (Kalimat Luas Kompleks)

This sentence is established from two or more clauses. The clauses in this

complex compound sentence are connected by the conjunctions of compound and

complex sentence.

The first example is connected by the conjunctions tetapi and karena while

the second example is connected by the conjunctions karena and dan.

a. Orang itu meminta tolong kepada saya, tetapi saya tidak mau menolongnya karena dia adalah seorang penipu.


b. Kemarin saya tidak masuk kantor karena hujan lebatnya bukan main dan kesehatan saya agak terganggu.

Yesterday I did not go to work because the rain was so heavy and I got


Based on the examples above, the sentences consist of two or more

independent clauses and one dependent clause. The clauses of the sentences above

are connected by the conjunctions tetapi/but, karena/because, dan/and. This

sentence also similar to English that these sentences are called complex

compound sentence. In English complex compound sentence, there are also two

or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

C. Theoretical Framework

The objectives of this study are to identify the types and the functions of

Code Switching that occurs in Hitam Putih talk show in 12 June 2013. The first

problem is the identification of the types of code switching that occur in Hitam

Putih talk show in 12 June 2013. In answering the first problem, the writer uses theory of type of code switching from Stockwell and then the writer will also

apply the theory of Indonesian Grammar from Chaer because the form of the data

is in oral type so that the Indonesian Grammar can help the writer identifying the

types of code switching in Indonesian sentence.

The second problem is the analysis on the functions of code switching

which occur in in Hitam Putih talk show in 12 June 2013. In discussing the

functions of code switching, the writer will use the theory of conversational






A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is the conversation consists code switching. As

mentioned previously, Hitam Putih talk show in 12 June 2013 was chosen as the

source of the data. In this study the writer identified code switching that occurs in

Joe Taslim, Dedy Corbuzier, and Daniel Mananta utterances in Hitam Putih talk

show. Therefore, the writer identified all forms of code switching when it occurs.

B. Approach of the Study

The topic of this study is about the use of code switching. As code switching

is used in some certain communication by people, the approach of this study

belongs to Sociolinguistics. As seen from the characteristics of the data,

sociolinguistics approach is more appropriate.

Sociolinguistics is the study of language used by society. According to

Trudgill (1974:2), these two aspects of language behavior are very important from

a social point of view; first, the function of language in establishing social

relationship; and second the role played by language in conveying information

about the speaker.

When people communicate with each other, they employ code. According

to Wardaugh,“code is a system used for communication between two or more


and they may decide to switch from one code to another code. Here, code

switching has the effects of enabling speaker to signal two identities at once.

C. Method of the Study

1. Data Collection

According to this study, the researcher found that there are 343 data that

belong to population study. In this study, the researcher took 197 data as the

sample. Since this study is a sample study, the writer will use the purposive

sampling method which the data investigated based on the judgment. The writer

applied purposive sampling which is critical case sampling. Purposive sampling

focused on the judgment of the writer when it comes to the units selected. In this

study, the writer took some pieces of the data to be analyzed deeper.

“Critical case sampling is a type of purposive sampling technique that is

particularly useful in exploratory qualitative research, research with limited

resources as well as research where a single case (or small number of cases) can

be decisive in explaining the phenomenon of interest”

(http://dissertation.laerd.com). In fact, there were many episodes Hitam Putih talk

show but Hitam Putih talk show’s episode that consists of code switching is


Exploratory qualitative research is an initial research where a researcher has

observed something and tried to understand more about it

(http://education-portal.com). In exploratory qualitative research, this type of purposive sampling


applied critical case sampling in identifying the data based on structure, context,

and main idea of the sentences.

According to this study, the writer took the utterances that consist of code

switching as the sample of the data. The writer collected the data by taking the

video of Hitam Putih talk show in 12 June 2013 from Youtube and made the script

of the conversation in the talk show. In the script, the writer numbered on every

exchange of speaker’s role and named the exchange; Utterance Number or UN.

The writer took the utterances that consists of code switching into a table and

analyzed them. After that, the writer numbered the utterance which was analyzed

and named them Data Number or DN. In taking the data the writer used code like

A- DN/2–UN/5 which means Appendix 1, Data Number 2, and Utterance Number

5 or B-DN/1-UN/5 that means Appendix 2, Data Number 1 and Utterance

Number 5 .

2. Data Analysis

In organizing the data, the writer inserted the utterances consist of code

switching in the script into a table. Thus, the writer categorized and explained the

data based on the types of code switching. In the first problem, the writer

classified the data according to the three types of code switching and analyzed

them based on the structure of the sentence. The writer also added some

explanations about Indonesian grammar related to the explanation toward types of

code switching especially intrasentential and intersentential switch. Then, the

writer related the type with the function of code switching. In the second problem,


analyzing the second problem, the writer analyzed the function of code switching

based on the context of the data. Therefore, the conclusion was given after whole


analysis and discussion done.

Table of code switching data can be seen below:





This research has two problems formulation that are stated previously. The

problems are the types of code switching and the functions of code switching

occur in Hitam Putih Talk show 12 June 2013. Therefore, this chapter presents the

findings and the discussion on those problems.

A. Types of Code Switching in Hitam Putih Talk Show 12 June 2013

In revealing the language feature occured in Hitam Putih talk show, the

writer used some literature reviews focusing to that language feature. It directs the

writer that the language feature occurred in Hitam Putih talk show 12 June 2013

was regarded as code switching.

After the whole data were analyzed, the writer found that the three

participants in Hitam Putih talk show applied two kinds of language which were

Indonesian and English or vice versa. Besides, the three types of code switching

were also employed by the participants in their utterances during the talk show.

1. Tag Switching

Tag switching means the switch of language occurs as a tag or sentence

filler. The occurrence of this type of code switching will not change the main

point of the sentence because it does not violate the syntactic rule of a sentence.

This type of code switching occurs almost anywhere. Based on the findings, there


These are three evidences of Tag switching that occur in Hitam Putih Talk show:



“Jadi sebenarnya basically dia

bikin kerangka suatu pertarungan. Jadi dia bikin kerangkanya dari sini ke sini dan

beberapa angle dan kita latihan

dulu untuk dapetin flow-nya”

In A-DN/48-UN/52, the switch in this case appears in the middle of the

sentence. Based on Daniel’s utterance the phrase “basically” is categorized into

tag switching because it occurs as a tag and its occurrence will not change the

meaning of the sentence such “Jadi sebenarnya basically dia bikin kerangka suatu

pertarungan”. The message of the sentence is about Joe’s statement about Bruce

Neyder who made a flow for the fighting scene. Therefore, the phrase “basically”

is omitted, it does not change the main message of the sentence for example;

(omit “basically”) “Jadi sebenarnya dia bikin kerangka suatu pertarungan”.



“Umm. Gak secepat ini, I mean

like pasti butuh kerja keras yang

banyak. ”

In A-DN/38-UN/42, the switch appears in the middle of the sentence. The

clause “I mean like” is Tag Switching because it occurs as a tag, “Gak secepat ini,


does not change the point of the sentence. The idea of the sentence is about hard

working to join in Hollywood team work. When the form is omitted, the idea is

still similar. “Umm, Gak secepat ini (omit I mean like) pasti butuh kerja keras

yang banyak”.



“Bangga aja sih, tapi ada royalti of course

In A-DN/3-UN/6, the switched language exists on the last part of the

sentence. The phrase “of course” is Tag Switching because it occurs as a tag and

its occurrence will not change the main point of the sentence. It can be seen from

“bangga aja sih, tapi ada royalti of course”. In this case, the point of sentence is

about Joe’s pride and royalty. When the phrase is omtted, it will be; “bangga aja

sih, tapi ada royalti”. Therefore, the point of sentence is still same.

2. Intersentential Switch

Intersentential Switch is the switch that occurs between sentences and it

occurs after pause employment. The writer sees that the data of Intersentential

switch occur in various Indonesian sentences. Based on the findings, there are 18

data that belong to Intersentential switch. Below are six examples of

Intersentential switch that occur in Hitam Putih talk show:



“Kalo film Box Office so far sih

kayaknya jarang. I don’t know.


In A-DN/17-UN/28, the clause “I don't know” is the evidence of

Intersentential switch because it occurs after pause employment. This can be seen

from, “Kalo film Box Office so far sih kayaknya jarang (pause) I don't know.

Tapi gak berani bilang belum pernah. Tapi kayaknya jarang banget”. The pause

here occurs to indicate the limit of sentences. In this case, it points out the limit

between the first sentence, “Kalo film Box Office so far sih kayaknya jarang” and

the switch “I don’t know”. The switch is also categorized into Intersentential

switch because it occurs within sentences and in this case it occurs between three

simple sentences, “Kalo film Box Office so far sih kayaknya jarang”, “tapi gak

berani bilang belum pernah”, and “tapi kayaknya jarang banget”.



Jadi ceritanya memang itu grup kan

multiculture, dan kita udah kerja bareng di beberapa proyek sebelumnya. Emang gak terlalu

di-explore terlalu banyak. So we understand each other. Kita bicara 4-5 bahasa, gue ngerti bahasa dia dan dia ngerti bahasa gue. Kita

udah seperti demikian satunya. 

According to A-DN/86-UN/118, the clause “so we understand each other” is

the evidence of Intersentential switch because it occurs after pause employment. It

is seen from, “Emang gak terlalu di-explore terlalu banyak (pause) so we

understand each other. The occurrence of the pause here is to indicate the limits


the switch “so we understand each other”. The clause is also the evidence of

Intersentential switch because it occurs within sentences. It appears between

simple sentence, “Emang gak terlalu di-explore terlalu banyak” and complex

compound sentence; “Kita bicara 4-5 bahasa, gue ngerti bahasa dia dan dia ngerti

bahasa gue”.



“to be honest, gue sendiri masih liat dulu ya dari segi timnya sendiri gimana nih

untuk marketing Killers

-nya dan feed back dari

masyarakat sendiri film

Killers-nya. Next-nya sih kita udah ngeliat beberapa

script yang gue suka banget

to be honest, dan gue

pengen banget nge-produce

beberapa film dari beberapa

director ini. So we’ll see.

Ini gue masih open banget

sih, jadi gue masih belum tau apa-apa.”

Based on A-DN/193-UN/340, the switch “so we'll see” is categorized into

Intersentential switch because it occurs after pause employment. It is shown from,

Next-nya sih kita udah ngeliat beberapa script yang gue suka banget to be honest

dan gue pengen banget nge-produce beberapa film dari beberapa director ini

(pause)so we’ll see”. The pause occurs to indicate the boundary of the sentences.


kita udah ngeliat beberapa script yang gue suka banget to be honest dan gue pengen banget nge-produce beberapa film dari beberapa director ini” and the

switch “so we’ll see”.

The clause also belongs to Intersentential switch because it occurs between

complex compound sentence “Next-nya sih kita udah ngeliat beberapa script yang

gue suka banget to be honest, dan gue pengen banget nge-produce beberapa film

dari beberapa director ini” and second compound sentence is “Ini gue masih open

banget sih, jadi gue masih belum tau apa-apa.”  



“ya ya lumayan kayak Paul Walker dia sering

banget ke Indonesia. He

is a surfer. Kayaknya dia lebih tahu banyak tentang pelosok-pelosok

Indonesia untuk surfing

dibanding gue. Dia nyebutin beberapa pulau yang gue gak pernah

denger kan, “ I’ve been

there, I’ve been here.”

Dan waktu gue di Spain, gue ketemu Chris Hemswort yang main

Thor yang pernah ke

Sumba island”.

According to A-DN/170-UN/327, the clause “He is a surfer” is the evidence

of Intersentential Switch because it occurs after pause employment. It can be seen

from; “ya ya lumayan kayak Paul Walker dia sering banget ke Indonesia (pause)


sentences. It indicates the boundary between the first sentence “ya ya lumayan

kayak Paul Walker dia sering banget ke Indonesia” and the switch “He is a


This switch is categorized into Intersentential switch because it appears

between complex sentences; “ya ya lumayan kayak Paul Walker dia sering banget

ke Indonesia” and “kayaknya dia lebih tahu banyak tentang pelosok-pelosok

Indonesia dibanding gue”.



“ya ya lumayan kayak Paul Walker dia sering banget ke Indonesia.

He is a surfer. Kayaknya dia lebih tahu banyak tentang pelosok-pelosok

Indonesia untuk

surfing dibanding gue. Dia nyebutin beberapa pulau yang gue gak pernah denger kan. “ I’ve been there, I’ve been here.” Dan waktu gue di Spain, gue

ketemu Chris Hemswort yang main

Thor yang pernah ke

Sumba island.”

In A-DN/172-UN/327, these clauses “I've been there, I've been here” are

Intersentential Switch because they occur after pause employment; “Dia nyebutin

beberapa pulau yang gue gak pernah denger kan (pause) I’ve been there, I’ve


sentence of the utterance “Dia nyebutin beberapa pulau yang gue gak pernah

denger kan” and the switch “I’ve been there, I’ve been here”.

Besides, these clauses are also categorized to Intersentential switch because

they occur between complex sentence “Dia nyebutin beberapa pulau yang gue gak

pernah denger kan” and complex compound sentence “Dan waktu gue di Spain

gue ketemu Chris Hemswort yang main Thor yang pernah ke Sumba Island”.



it’s imposible karena I think

untuk bikin set selebar itu akan lebih makan waktu.

Which is mereka ngejar

waktu karena scene-scene

-nya Vin Diesel dan Ben Jonshon udah gak bisa digeser sama mereka pake

actual lokasi. Jadi mereka

block Waterloo station untuk ekstrati ada 200. Jadi mereka

hire extras untuk ngisi. Which is cost lot of money. 

In A-DN/71-UN/79, the clause “which is cost lots of money” is

Intersentential Switch because it occurs after pause employment. It is shown

from; “Jadi mereka hire extras untuk ngisi (pause) Which is cost lot of money. In

this case, the pause occurs to indicate the boundary between the forth sentence

“Jadi mereka hire extras untuk ngisi” and the switch “which cost lots of money”.

In this case the switch occurs after complex compound sentence; “Which is


gak bisa digeser sama mereka pake actual lokasi” and compound sentence “Jadi

mereka block Waterloo Station untuk ekstrasi ada 200 jadi mereka hire extras

untuk ngisi”.

3. Intrasentential Switch

Intrasentential switch means the switch occurs within a sentence or a clause.

Based on the data, the writer sees that the data of Intrasentential switch also occur

in various Indonesian sentences. Based on the findings, there are 156 data that

belong to Intrasentential switch. These are some evidences of Intrasentential

switch that occur in Hitam Putih talk show:



Really nice. Jadi sangat-sangat dibantu oleh The

Raid kan. I think

hampir semua industri di

Amerika, Film

maker,casting director, director, rata-rata udah nonton The Raid semua. Jadi setelah gue nyampe di sana ketemu orang, mereka langsung I love your movie, I love the Raid. Jadi udah break the ice.

Mereka bilang we


let's work together. Jadi gak


In A-DN/32-UN/36, the switch occurs as a phrase. The phrase “break the

ice” is the evidence of Intrasentential switch because it occurs within sentence. In

this case, the phrase occurs in forth sentence; Jadi udah break the ice”. In

addition, based on Indonesian grammatical rule the switch appears in a simple




“mungkin, it is one of the land mark, gue rasa sih untuk orang di London Waterloo Station otomatis banyak sih kayak film Borne syuting disitu. Jadi kayak suatu tempat yang catchy sih.

According to A-DN/73-UN/81, the switch occurs as single word. The word

“catchy” is categorized in Intrasentential switch because it occurs within sentence.

In this case it occurs in the last sentence “Jadi kayak suatu tempat yang catchy

sih”. According to Indonesian grammatical rule, the switch occurs in the sentence




“Jadi ceritanya memang itu grup kan multiculture dan kita udah kerja bareng di beberapa proyek

sebelumnya. Emang gak terlalu di explore terlalu

banyak, So we

understand each other kita bicara 4-5 bahasa, gue ngerti bahasa dia dan dia ngerti bahasa gue. Kita udah seperti demikian satunya”

In A-DN/84-UN/118, the switch occurs as single word. The switch

“Multiculture” is categorized into Intrasentential switch because it occurs within

sentence. The word “multiculture” occurs in the first clause of the first

sentence;Jadi ceritanya memang itu grup kan multiculture.” In this case, the

phrase occurs in the first sentence which is a compound sentence.



“sebagai seorang

aktor di Indonesia tentu aja sih pengen setinggi-tingginya dan sejauh-jauhnya


tapi setelah The

Raid keluar semua

pintu kebuka. Mereka melihat talenta yang ada di

The Raid keluar dan gue sangat beruntung dipilih

which is sempat di Hollywood


www.deadline.com sempat bilang "Joe Taslim in fast land". Sebenarnya untuk masuk ke industri sebesar itu sulit. Biasanya harus dari TV

dulu, extra

supporting baru


Based on A-DN/42-UN/44, the switch occurs as a phrase. The phrase “extra

supporting” is categorized into Intrasentential switch because it occurs within

sentence. In this case the switch occurs in the last sentence; “Biasanya harus dari

TV dulu, extra supporting baru bisa”. In Indonesian grammatical rule, the last

sentence is named compound sentence. So, the switch here occurs in compound





di rumah kalo anda ingin bertanya, anda bisa langsung gunakan hashtag ask Joe.

Sebelumnya untuk mengingatkan sedikit dulu, kita akan melihat

adegan fighting

Joe Taslim di fast & furious.

In A-DN/43-UN/45, the switch occurs as single word. The word “fighting”

is the evidence of Intrasentential switch because it occurs within sentence. In this

case it occurs in the second sentence and specifically in the second clause. It is

seen “kita akan melihat adegan fightingJoe Taslim di fast & furious”.

According to Indonesian grammatical rule, the phrase occurs in the second

which is a complex sentence. It is shown from “Sebelumnya untuk mengingatkan

sedikit dulu, kita akan melihat adegan fightingJoe Taslim di fast & furious”.



“Tapi kadang-kadang kita tidak boleh melupakan siapa Joe Taslim sebenarnya,

siapakah dia dulu. Jadi setiap manusia tu ada yang

namanya ugly truth


According to A-DN/116-UN/208, the switch occurs as a phrase. The phrase

“Ugly truth” is categorized as Intrasentential Switch because it occurs within

sentence. It can be seen from; “Jadi setiap manusia tu ada yang namanya ugly

truth yang orang sudah lupa sebenarnya”. Based on Indonesian grammatical rule,

the phrase in this case appears in the complex sentence.



“Kalo emang karakter itu nggak penting untuk ngomong, dan mereka ngerasa kayak nggak ada kebutuhan untuk di

cerita, they don't

give them lines. Biasanya seperti itu”

In A-DN/11-UN/20, the switch occurs as a clause. The clause “they don’t

give them lines” is the evidence of Intrasentential switch because it occurs in a

one sentence. In this case, it occurs in the first sentence. According to Indonesian

grammatical rule, the first sentence is a type of complex compound sentence.

Therefore, the switch here occurs in complex compound sentence.



“ya tapi karena untuk adegan itu kita harus

nge-block Waterloo

Station which is


yang sangat padat, dan it costs lots of money”.

Based on A-DN/63-UN/77, the switch appears as a clause. The clause “it

costs lots of money” belongs to Intrasentential switch because it occurs only in

one sentence. The occurrence of the switch can be seen from; “ya tapi karena

untuk adegan itu kita harus nge-block Waterloo Station which is salah satu stasiun

yang sangat padat, dan it costs lots of money”. According to Indonesian

grammatical rule, the switch here also occurs in the complex compound sentence.

B. Functions of Code Switching in Hitam Putih Talk Show 12 June 2013

According to the theories mentioned previously, there are six functions of

conversation code switching. After the whole data were analyzed, the writer found

that code switching that were employed by the three participants in Hitam Putih

talk show only have functions as Quotation, Interjection, Reiteration, Message

Qualification, Personalization vs Objectivization. Nonetheless, the writer also

found new function of code switching aside the theory from Gumperz which is

lexical gap filling.

1. Quotation which means the switch is used to mark a reported speech.

Based on the findings, there are 4 data of code switching that functions as

quotation. The evidence of quotation that occurs in Hitam Putih talk show can be

seen as follow:

B-DN/30-UN/30 Utterance


Raid kan. I think hampir semua industri di Amerika,

Film maker, casting director, director, rata-rata

udah nonton The Raid

semua. Jadi setelah gue nyampe di sana ketemu

orang mereka langsung "I

love your movie, I love the

Raid", jadi udah break the

ice. Mereka bilang we really

love you to be in our project, let's work together.

Jadi gak awkward.

The function of the switch occurs in this data is closely related to the main

idea of every sentence. According to B-DN/30-UN/30, the main idea of the first

sentence is The Raid film was very helpful. In the second sentence, the main idea

is almost all American industries have watched The Raid. The main idea of the

third sentence is Hollywood team work were happy to work with Joe and already

break the ice. The idea of the forth sentence is Hollywood team workers’ feeling

of happiness to welcome Joe. The idea of the last sentence is Joe’s conclusion that

he did not feel awkward.

In this case, the writer focuses on the switch which is functioned as

quotation. According to this data, the switch “we love you to be in our project” is

considered to be quotation. The switch here has the function to clarify a reported

speech. It can be seen from the last sentence; “Mereka bilang we really love you


The occurrence of the switch is to show the Hollywood team workers’

welcoming statement to Joe. In this last sentence, there is change of the subject as

the characteristic of reported speech. The change can be seen from the word

mereka (they) into we. In this switch, the pronoun “we” refers to Hollywood team workers and the pronoun “you” refers to Joe. This can be said that Joe switched

his language into English by reporting the speech from Hollywood team workers.



“ya ya lumayan kayak Paul Walker dia sering banget ke

Indonesia. He is a surfer.

Kayaknya dia lebih tahu banyak tentang pelosok-pelosok Indonesia untuk surfing dibanding gue. Dia nyebutin beberapa pulau yang gue gak pernah denger

kan. I’ve been there, I’ve

been here. Dan waktu gue di Spain, gue ketemu Chris Hemswort yang main Thor yang pernah ke Sumba


The function of code switching is closely related to the main idea of every

sentence. Based on B-DN/166-UN/327, the main point of the first sentence is

about Paul Walker who often comes to Indonesia. The main point of the second

sentence is about Paul’s knowledge toward some small islands in Indonesia for

surfing. In the third sentence, the main point is about Paul’s statement about some


in Indonesia. The main idea in the last sentence is about Joe’s meeting with Chris

Hemswort who has been in Sumba island.

According to the data, there are some switches that occur in the utterance

above. The switch in this case is considered as quotation because it marks a

reported speech. There is the changing of the subject as the characteristic of in

from word “Dia” into I. The pronoun “I” in the switch form refers to Paul Walker.

So, in this particular object, Joe reports what is said by Paul Walker.

Based on the explanation above toward quotation, the writer finds that the

types of code switching are also involved. In B-DN/30-UN/30 , the switch occurs

as Intrasentential switch and in B-DN/166-UN/327, the switch occurs as

Intersentential switch. Therefore, it can be said that the type of code switching

that are functioned as quotation can be Intrasentential and Intersential switches.

2. Interjection which is the switch serves to mark an interjection or sentence

filler. Based on the findings, there are 24 data of code switching that has the

function as interjection. The examples of interjection in Hitam Putih talk show

can be seen as follows:



Umm, Gak secepat ini, I

mean like pasti butuh kerja keras yang banyak.

The function of the code switching occurs in the data above is related to


first sentence is without the Raid he cannot be in Hollywood. In the second

sentence, the main idea is about the need to work hard.

In the data above, there is a switch which occurs in tag form. In this

particular object, the switch is functioned as interjection since it serves to mark a

tag or sentence filler. It can be said that the switch is used for short pause. The

sentences filler used by Joe to signal to Dedy that Joe has paused to think but has

not finished speaking yet. In addition, the switch “I mean like” in this context is

also used for an emphasis. Since the main point of the utterance occurs in the first

sentence, so the switch here occurs in the second sentence to support the idea in

the first sentence.



“Jadi sebenarnya basically

dia bikin kerangka suatu pertarungan. Jadi dia bikin kerangkanya dari sini ke

sini dan beberapa angle

dan kita


Table of code switching data can be seen below:


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