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THE INFLUENCE OF FULL DAY SCHOOL IM PLEM ENTATION TOWARD ST U D E N T ’S MORAL (A Case Study at SDIT N id a ’ul Hikm ah Salatiga in the A cadem ic Years o f 20062007) A Graduating Paper Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of The Req


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(A Case Study at SDIT N id a ’ul Hikm ah Salatiga in the A cadem ic Years o f 2006/2007)

A Graduating Paper

Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements For The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

in the English Department and Education Faculty Siate Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN) Salatiga




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Salatiga, September 2007



State Islam ic Studies Institute o f Salatiga_________________________________

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Salatiga, Oktober 2nd 2007

Case : Nur Hamidah Wibawani’s Thesis


The Head of Sate Islamic

Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Nur Ilamdah

W ibawani’s thesis entitled “THE INFLUENCE OF FULL


STU D EN T ’S MORAL (A Case Study at SDIT N i d a ’ul

Hikmah Salatiga in the Academic Years o f 2006/2007)” . I

have decided and I would like to propose that if it can be

accepted by the educational faculty. I hope it will be

examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu ’alaikum Wr. Wb.




Jl. Stadion No. 2 Salatiga (0298) 323706



( A Case Study at SDIT N id a ’ul Hikm ah Salatiga in the A cadem ic Years of 2006/2007)


Has been brought to the broad of examiners in October 1st, 2007 / Ramadhan 19th,

1428 H to completly fulfill the requirement of the Degree of Sarjama Pendidikan

Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education Department

c . . October 1st, 2007 M

Salatiga,--- ---Ramadhan 19*, 1428 H

Board Examiners

Hammam, M.Pd NIP. 150 301 298



you hdp d llla k , <$de will kelp you and make you strong

(SHukammad: j )

d ie ts tke angels as angels

d ie ts tke angel be angels

•diets be an angel o f angels


I w ould lik e to dedicate th is thesis fo r them who have alw ays been in m y heart,

they a re :

1. A lla h S W T , who alw ays gives the b est everything in m y life

2 . M y f u ll sp irit M oth er

3 . M y beloveds brothers a n d sisters a long w ith th eir fa m ily

4. M y beloved niece an d nephews A is , Khonsa, A sm a , Shofi, Ro^an, F ayat,

N au fal, Syauqi. W ho alw ays love me

5 . The big fa m ily o f K A M M I a n d L D K

6 . A ll o f m y frien d s in Islam ic boarding house, S afira an d Z am ru t


T ITLE... i




M OTTO... v




CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Statement of The Problem ... 4

C. Objective of the S tu d y ... 4

D. The benefit of the Study ... 5

E. Clarification of Key Term ... 5

F. Previous Research Review... 6

G. Literature R eview ... 7

H. Methodology Research ... 10

I. Outline of the Thesis... 14


1. Definition of Moral or Ethics... 16

2. Source of Moral Education... 18


5. Moral Educatioa... 24

B. The Theory of Full Day School Concept... 27

1. Definition of Full Day School... 27

2. Background of Full Day School... 29

3. Characteristic of full day School... 31

CHAPTER III THE DESCRIPTION OF SDIT N1DAUL HIKMAH A. The History and Geographically Position of SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga... 34

B. School Condition... 35

C. Teacher Condition... 37

D. Students’ Condition... 37

E. School Organization Structure... 37


13. Data Analysis... 40

C. Interpretation... 46

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion... 48

B. Suggestion... 50





In this research, the researcher analysis THE INFLUENCE OF FULL DAY SCHOOL IMPLEMENTATION TOWARDS STUDENTS MORAL (Case Study at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in the Academic Years o f2006/2007)

The education are form significant factor in a human life, with education it make grow up human quality to answer demand of life that pase a way. It is not surprising all of side; especially education agent was competiting to extend the best on education system in order to improve the education quality. Throught full day school system. This system is matched in Integrated Islamic school which need more a long time for implementation Integrated Islamic education concept for students. This research is tried to describe the implementation of full day school system and the influence toward student’s moral which demanded spend time in the school

This research employs a descriptive method. Those are three aim of this research. The first is to describe the implementation of full day school system at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in the academic years of 2006/2007. The second is to describe the student’s moral in their every day live. And the third is to describe the influence full day school system toward students moral in SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in the academic years of 2006/2007

The problems studied in the thesis are,(l) what is the concept of full day school at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in the academic years of 2006 / 2007?, (2) How is the student moral in their everyday life. (3) Are there any negative influences in full day school implementation in education of students’ moral?. In accordance to problems the thesis discuss about, (1) The concept of full day school at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in the academic years of 2006 / 2007. (2) The moral of the student at SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga in academic years of 2006 / 2007.(3) The influence of full day school implementation toward students’ moral at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in academic years of 2006 / 2007.


A. Background of the Study

Education is a significant factor in development and reconstruction of

a country. It has positive effect to the nation development, it means that a

country is said to be developed country if it is supported by a good education

system. According to A1 Ghozali, education is a process of making human

since he or she was bom to the end of life by several of knowledge gradually.

The educational process is responsible of parent and societies expansibility in

order to approach God, and become perfect human.1

The globalization era demanded innovations and new discoveries from

various life side especially educational sides. To increase the educational

quality not rarely school as one of the components or elements of education,

uses new innovation in curriculum application to achieve the purpose

According to Big Lines of Work Direction of the education purposes

in Indonesia are to upgrade Indonesian quality. It is a human which is faithful

and pious for God, reasonableness, individualities, autonomous, progressive,

strong, intelligent, creative, competent, disciplined, work ethic, professional,

responsible, productive, and healthy in physic and spiritual* 2. In other word,

education is not only makes a student know about knowledge, technology, art,

‘Abidin Ibnu Rusn, Pemikiran Al Ghozali Tentang Pendidikan, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, 1998, page56

2 Pidarta Made, Landasan Kependidikan Stimulus Ilmu Pendidikan Bercorak Indonesia, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 1997, page 11


but also makes person who has noble individualities, respectful, obedient,

autonomous etc.

Islam is perfect religion. It gives the clear base about purpose and

reality education. That is trick of fitrah human potential which inclined to

truth value in order to be able make their function as slaves. Based on Qur’an

Sura Adz Dzariat: 56

Because of that, education it means the building process all of human

potential as faithful creatures and pious, think and work, powerful healthy and

high competent to self benefit and their circle. System and method is very

determined of qualitation lives intact (spiritual, physical, and intellectual)

In a general manner of integrated school are Islamic school, organized

with integrated in a compherehensive and integrative manner value in and

Islamic theory in curriculum building with effective teaching approach,

optimally involving and cooperative between teacher and parent, a long with

society to building character and competention of student.

Based on Allah says about education in Qur’an Sura A1 Baqoroh : 151

“Even as we have sent unto you a messenger from among you, who reciteth unto you our revelations and causeth you to grow, and *

Muhammad Abdul Haleem Eliasii, Holy Qur'an Transliteration In Roman Script,

Dabirpura, Hyderabod, India, Second Edition, 1981, page 516


teacheth you the scripture and wishdom, and teacheth you that which

ye knew not” 4

To increase educational quality, several Integrated Islamic Schools

have a new step in teaching learning concept, called full day school as applied

in SD IT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga. Full day school is one of the educational

systems which recently bloom. It has a characteristic that is using time from

morning to afternoon.

The problem of education is not simple. Elementary school level is

admitted as one of important phase in the cycle life of children. Besides giving

children knowledge foundation in the form of reading, writing, arithmetic

lesson, in this level, also detected interest and talent of children and

development of identity is more and more forms in a steady manner5. Such as

the attitude problem, self care, autonomous, respectful etc.

In one side full day school gives children more opportunity to study,

but must give attention in other side as health, motivation and opportunity to

the children for study in the other environment such as family and community,

because the educational purpose is not only gotten in formal school. The

children also need to learn about balance, which need break time for the brain.

It is one of the reason for the writer to do the research, is entitled “THE


STUDENTS’ MORAL (A Case Study at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in

the Academic Years o f 2006/2007)”

4 Ibid., page 26


B. Statement of the Problem

From the background there are some problems that must be solved in

this research. The questions of the problem in this research are:

1. What is the concept of full day school at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in

the academic years of 2006 / 2007?

2. How is the student moral in their life everyday?

3. Are there any negative influences in full day school implementation in

education of students’ moral?

C. Objective of the Study

Considering the problems above the objective of research can be

specified as follow:

1. To understand the concept of full day school at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah

Salatiga in the academic years of 2006 / 2007

2. To understand the moral of the student at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga

in academic years of 2006 / 2007.

3. To find out the influence of frill day school implementation toward

students’ moral at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in academic years of

2006 / 2007.

D. The Benefits of the Study

1. Give the real description about concept of the full day school system at SD


“There is positive influence between the full day school implementation

toward student 's achievement. 1

G. Literature Review

1. Moral

Moral behaviour means in conformity with the moral code of the

social group “Moral” come from the Latin word mores meaning manner,

custom, and folkways. Moral is controlled by the moral concept the rule

of the moral to which the member of culture have become accustomed and

which determine the expected behaviour pattern of all group members11 12

2. Source of Moral Education

Society is not having religion, sometimes the moral be based on

society habit (culture) or from kind’s philosophy and ideology, also from

intellectual and learned opinion, and experience every day. In reality, it is

appeared bad influence and product. Source of moral is Qur’an and

sutinah with natural tendency (fitrah) in every body, added with lows

which prevail in the middle of society.13

3. Factor of Moral Development

Environment is very influential to establishment and development

children. Environment is family that is educating and increasing children,

11 Poni RahayiPendidikan Keluarga Pengaruhnya Terhadap Akhlaq Anak di Sekolah Pada Siswa Kelas II SLTP PGRI I Prembon kec. Prembun Kab. Kebumen Th 2003 / 2004”,

Unpublished thesis, Salatiga, 2004,

12 Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Child Development Six Edition, Mr Graw-Hill, Book company, page386


school is educating location, and society is associate and plays location

every day and surrounding condition with its climate, flora and fauna.14

The family is often called as first environment, because in this

environment first of all the children get education, guidance, bring up,

making people accustomed and practice.15 School as a second environment

is formal characteristic (family is informal characteristic) because is not

likes family. There is any curriculum an education and teaching program,

professional teacher, medium infrastructure and special education facilities

as proponent education process, and special education management.

Beside both of environment above (family and school), the children also

get influence and education of society, as third environment.16

4. Matter of Moral Education

Education must appropriate with age and comprehension level

people. Thus expectations which are to achieved from education become

clear. Model of education have to give at children in his age level must be

interest seriously. Not all main of education norm can application in every

age level.17

They are matters of moral education, as follows:

a. Polite behaviour and simplicity in eat, get dressed and sleep.

b. Discipline

l4Ahmadi. Abu dan Sholeh. Munawar, Psikology Perkembangan, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2005, page55

15Sukmadinata. Nana Saodih, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, PT Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung, 2004, page6

16 Ibid, page7


c. Making children accustomed and practice is to keep the children a way

from disgraceful moral

d. Practice of devout and diligently of Islam low ( syari ’a t )

5. Method of Moral Education

Method is effective and efficient manner in investigate guidelines

for education which is influential in efforts o prepare children in a

mentalist, moral, spiritual and social manner. So, the children can be able

i o

to achieve top of perfection, maturities and overripe of thinking.

Before the children can logical thinking and understand abstract

matters as soon as unable determine which is good and bad. Which is right

and wrong, so samples, practices and habit forming has important role in

establishment personal children, because childhood is a good period to

invest the foundation moral education.* 19

Now, those are methods of model and education moral of children

as follows:

a. Method of model

b. Practice method

c. Story method

d. Guiding or advise method

e. Motivation method

f. Supervision method

g. Punishment method

,8Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, Pendidikan Anak Menurut Islam, Rosda Karya, Bandung, 1992, page 1


6. Integrated Islamic Elementary School

Integral school is a school that to make character potential grow in

a whole and comprehensive manner. Include spiritual, intellectual, and

physical aspect or often called include spiritual, intellectual, and emotional

aspect. From process of study in integral school come into generation that

have balance or integrity between tree aspects above.20

7. The Concept of Integrated

a. Integrated between parent and teacher in introduce their children.

b. Integrated in curriculum, for example when a teacher teach mathematic

lesson, so explained that mathematic is not stand alone but that is part

of integrity.

c. Integrated in concept, for example as teacher also gives a model.

H. Methodology Research

Methodology is the way to get knowledge or to solve the problem, so

the method can be called scientific method, which is used to identity problems

iti a research.21 In this thesis, the writer takes some method to collect data:

1. Data collecting Method

1) Observation

Observation studies have been fundamental to qualitative

research. The writer will suggest tree stages to organize an observation


20 Satria Darma, Pengertin Sekolah Integral, http://www.lukman-al-hakim. info/index.php?subaction=showfull&id= 1142703.549&archive=&start-from=xucat= 18&


a. Beginning Research

One way to assembly data is to begin with a set of very

general question. For example: What is going on here? What do

people in this setting have to know (individually and collectively)

in order to do what they are doing? How skill and attitudes are

transmitted and acquire, particularly the absence of intentional

efforts at instructions? Already here, the questions are guide by a

particular theoretical focus on people’s knowledge and skills

b. Looking as well as Listening

In a setting, the writer knows that casual enjoyment and

informally as one appropriates. Therefore, it will be the instruction

as a part of observational study at this research, there are:

1) What is the activity type e.g., drill, role-play, or dictation used

in the school?

2) How far is the rule of proper conduct used in the school?

3) How does the teacher use the technique to make good condition

in moral education student?

4) How far is the correlation between students with teacher?

c. Writing field notes

In the field research, always make notes as supplement of

the data, while she does not use electronic recordings (audio or


The point of this practice project is to experience interviewing

and being interviewed and to see the condition of process possibilities.

3) Documentation

Documentation is method used to get data about variables, like

magazine, recording, transcript, book, and letter. This method is used

to get data above consideration historically of Elementary School of

SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga, structure organisation, teacher,

students, official employee condition physical data which has

correlation with the research.

2. Data Analysis Method

The data are collected with all for method above, then they are

analyzed descriptively in some ways they are:

a. To understand about research result the students’ moral in their daily

life according to the data are collected.

b. Comparing about research result the students’ moral to know the

difference and similarities with the concept of full day school.

c. Organizing research result the students’ moral according to focus of

research and show them descriptively.

d. The interview data are analyzed by using content analysis of the

teacher answer. The content analysis included categorization and


Chapter IV presents data analysis. It discusses the description o f the

data analysis, pre and post test data analysis. And review on the research


Chapter V is closure which consists of conclusion and suggestion.


This chapter will review the literature related to the topic of the study,

namely the influence of full day school and the implementation toward students’

moral. First, the theory of moral will he overview. Second, the concept of full day


A. The Theory of Moral

1. Definition of Moral or Ethics

Moral behaviour means in conformity with the moral code of the

social group “ moral “ came from the Latin word mores meaning manner,

custom, and folkways. Moral is controled by the moral to whish the

members of culture have become accustomed and which determined

toward the expected behaviour pattern of all group members1.

Moral is concerning the principles o f what is right and wrong. It is

also standards of behaviour. Even thoughs, it is an attitude which is

practiced in natural and reflex actions, but it is not an unconscious deeds.

Islamic moral retains Moslem to avoid waste of their potential and

motivates them in order to use those potentials based on their true purpose

in life. A good Moslem will have Islamic moral because actually moral is

one of the result of strong faith and the growth of religious attitude of a


1 Elisabeth B. Hurlock, Child Development Six Edition, Mr Grow-Hill, Book Company. page.386


For completely discussion in this chapter the writer also writing

about education moral. Education is general means a conscious effort to

realize process and condition learning in order to produce learners who can

develop their potentials to achieve spiritual force, self control, moral

intelligence, and skill which are needed by themselves, society and

nation. Me Load said that is the process of activities to find the

knowledge while based on dictionary of psychology, education is the

institutional procedure which are employed in accomplishing the

development of knowledge, habits, attitudes, etc but usually the term is

applied informal institution.

Thus, two word-moral and education- compose a new term. Moral

education is series of basic principle of moral and the virtue of attitude and

behaviour which must be possessed by a person and made into his habits

from childhood until adulthood.2 3 According Gutmanns definition, moral

education is a conscious effort shared by parents, society, and professional

educators to shape the character of less educate program.

From the definition f moral education above, it is clear that moral

education is very important thing Moslem life. Urgent issues are broke of

young moral, such as sexual abuse and the dangers of drug are indication

of lack of moral instruction. Unfortunately, many Moslem have not

responded to such matters. More over they have no concern for the young

2 Permin Silaban, UU RI No.20 th 2003 Tentang Sisdiknas PT Kloang Kiede Putra Timur, 2003, page.3

3 Jacques S Beningga, Moral Character and Civic Education in the Elementary School,


generations to increase their genuine understanding of rightness and


2. Source of Moral Education

As we know that basic aim of education is until on moral formed,

the thing is applicative character not just be know, just understand but until

on form stage at personal character of someone. The next problem is

values problem like what is be applicative, where value are came from that

make into guidance to realize in moral.

Islamic education very pays attention on structuring of individual

and social which brings followers to Islam application in a comprehensive

manner. So as to their follower be able to shoulder mandate as desire by

God, Islamic education must be in detail understand because that existence

of reference or Islamic education source is prominent source from Islamic

itself, qur’an and sunnah.* 3 4

3. Factor of Moral development

Environment is very influential the establishment and development

children. Environment is family educating and increasing children, school

is an educating location and society associates and plays location

everyday, and surrounding condition with its climate flora and fauna5.

More distant explained three factors in environment which influence of

children development included moral development.

4 An Nahlawi Abdurrahman, Pemdidikan Islam di Rumah, Sekolah dan Masyarakat, G1P, Jakarta, 1995, pagc.28


a. Family

The family often called as first environment, because in this

environment first of all the children get education, guidance, bring up,

making people accustomed and practice.6 In development children

moral parent play important role especially On the childhood.

According Kohlberg, the core o f moral education is the practice

of engaging students in reasoning about moral issues within supportive

environment.7 Whatever the age of children, their parents must create a

supportive environment that helps them to understand the various

perspective of other. Such environment will be baneful for the children

to have an ideal educational condition for their growth.

Several parent attitude need interested in connection with moral

development children as follows8 :

1) Consistent in Children Educating

Father and mother have been same attitude and treatment in

prohibits a permit attitude for children.

2) Parent Attitude in Family

In an indirect manner attitude of parent toward children,

attitude father toward mother, and the other way can influence

moral development of children. It is by means of imitation process.

The hard attitude of parent is incline express discipline appearance

6 Sukmadinata, Nana saodih, Landasan Psikologi Pendidikan, PT Remaja Kosda Karya, Bandung, 2004, page.6

7 Jacques S Beningga, op.clt, page.64


attitude for children. While attitude for children incline develop

less responsible attitude for children. The attitude should be

possessed of parent is love and affections, openness, dialogic and

consistent attitude.

3) Full Comprehension and religion implementation that followed.

Parent is model for their children’s include in implementing of

doctrine religion. Parent is created religion climate with give

guidance about religion values for children so children will be

good development moral.

4) Consistent attitude of parent in norm implementation.

Parent is not requiring their children falsehood than they must be

avoid themselves from falsehood attitude. When the parent

teaching of children in order to honest behaviour but them parent

showed opposite attitude, the children will experience conflict at

them and make parent not consistent as reason to reject what is

patent wanted,

b. School

School is formal institute which have systematic program in

application of guidance, instruction, and practice for children in order

to their development appropriate with their potential. According to


big, because school is institution from family and teacher is institution

of parent.9

About the role of school in moral children development

Hurlock explain that school is decisive factor for moral children

development, even in thinking manner or have a certain attitude. Some

reason that why the school have important role for establishment

students’ moral, those are as follows:

1) The students have to present in the school.

2) School give influence to children in early manner, appropriate with

development of themselves concept.

3) Many children spend their time in school.

4) School give opportunity for children to get success.

5) School give first opportunity for children to evaluate themselves

and their capability in a realistic manner.10

School efforts in facilitate of duties student development (like

activity above) will be good, effective, and related to management

aspect or professionalism of personal,

c. Society

ticsidc family school, society have important role to influence

for children moral development. The influences think are as follows:

1) Mass Media

2) Friends associate

9 Ibid, page. 140


3) The other activity

4) Way of life (environment)11

In the interaction with other people mass media and social

institutions children get knowledge, value and some or different skill

that is given in family or school. In society children face and tetich the

practical matters, especially related problems. In society the children is

pursued and try to applied what is get from family or school. Society

education is more opened characteristic, material that is studied

include all of life aspect and method that is used include all of

interaction form and communication among people as well as direct or

indirect is using electronic or form.

The third factor above has important role in made of moral

children development. Because of that, it is needed attention in three

factors above.

4. Matter of Moral Education

Moral education as the essence of Islamic education aim at

developing good behaviour by educating moral education to the children,

it will be easier for the children to be kind, polite, honest and sincere


Matter more of moral educations in accordance with A1 Ghozali,

those are as follows11 12 :

11 Roestiyah, dkk , Masalah - masalah Ilmu Keguruan, Bina Aksara, Jakarta, 1986, page. 154-155


a. Polite behaviour and simplicity in eat, get dressed, and sleep.

One thing usually happen to children in possess of greedy

characteristic, so this is necessary educated. How about it if eat with

good behaviour, also educated to take pot tuck, chose eat everything

provide nutrias and allowed, until decrease spoiled character for

children. That is also certain other education values like when together

eat will plant united sense in family and respect sense to the other,

train children to appreciate the other people. Children can eat alone

and parent can respect haw children attitude when they eat

About of polite and simplicity in dressed because likeness,

luxury, and lavishness at the little make negative influential in moral

development likes as not less patient, resolute, and their soul is easy to

lose hope.

Education of sleep is related to invest of children soul to hard

work, active study, enthusiasm to work and fervent strong

individuality, because when too much sleep is identical with laziness.

b. Discipline

A1 Ghozali is give precedence discipline priority to avoid

which is not suitable deeds for looked to the public or which is not

appropriate with prevail of norm. Self discipline has many purpose,

discipline will be move and adjust itself, and handle the emotion and


Self discipline is important value and universal because it’s

existence beneficial our and other people while not his existence

whether will make detriment.

c. Making people accustomed and practice is to keep the children a way

from disgraceful deed.

According to A1 Ghozali deed o f good or bad, disgraceful or

price, right or wrong, command or prohibited, considered and decided

by society opinion and Islamic low. Right or wrong behaviour

becomes core o f moral education, so when we will reach with

educating children to good personality we must prevent bed of deeds.

d. Practice of devout and diligently of Islamic Law (syari ’at)

A1 Ghozali says: “If the child is seven until ten years old this

time certainly, he is already called “tamyis” that can differentiate

between good or bad, so never give him a change to leave ritual

prayers. In month o f Ramadhan, he should be commanded fast in a

good manner, as practice it can formerly some day and the year after

increase until fast full one month. Invest and found society value,

morality and religious eventually will give shape too individually

which appropriate with doctrine of Islam.

5. Moral Education

The word 'method' means a way o f doing something.13 This is

better given in order to get something hopped by users of such method.


Moral education that aims at developing good behaviour have to use

suitable methods based on the conditions in which it is taught by


M. Athiyah A1 Abrasyi says that there are many methods of

Islamic moral education, those are :14

a. A Direct Education

It is the method that uses an instruction, admonition and

explanation of the profile and loss of deeds. This method usually

uses poem and poetry which can bring about lasting impression in

people soul.

b. An Indirect education

In this case, educators persuade someone to be of the some

opinion indirectly. For instance, by giving wise words in story,

poem, poetry etc. In which educators can make their pupils sure and

of course want to do what they hope.

c. Profit Making of Children’s Talent

The most important factor of developing habit is an imitation.

Children usually imitate what they see and hear. Here, educators

have to be good models for them. Because it determines the result of

moral education itself.

Such methods can be used by educators in general. The writer

asserts that three methods above are better given in order to get


something hoped by all educators. However it will have an impact on the

process of teaching moral education itself. While, technically it can be

see from this effective method, those are:

a. Method of model

The model method in education is part form number of

method which the most effective in prepare and transform children

in moral, spiritual and social, because a teacher or parent is good

models in children opinion which behaviour and respectful imitated.

Consciously or not that all of model adheres on self and felling in

communication form and behaviour which sensory or spiritual

characteristic. Because model is factor of that establish good or bad

of children moral.15

b. Method of model and exercise

About it, like excerpted Zainudin, al ghozali says that “if the

children permitted to puts anything good, give approach to this

direction, he will be grow at goodness, positive impact he will

happiness in the world and hereafter, parent and educator, teacher

and than baby sitter get reward for moral conduct and the other


c. Method of story

Story has big role in strengthen children memory and think

awareness which influence children mind. Story is including

15 Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, Pendidikan akhlaq Menurut Islam, Rosda Karya, Bandung ,

1992, page.2


education medium that the most effective because that can

influenced of sensation with prevent. It is also can be fantasy change

with impressions evident; all of characteristic will be change from

one characteristic to others.

d. Motivation Method

Education medium that is successful in Islamic manner is

motivation children, as well as sensory or spiritual motivation.

Educate by this manner is consider important element in Islamic

education with pre requirement that motivation is balance without

less or more. Motivation has big role for childhood, so it is

continuous to do.

e. Control Method

Parent or teacher must be control the children in carry out

their activity that loudly for them with patient and well behaved. So

the purpose that was wanted will get and their character is also


B. The Theory of Full Day School Concept

1. Definition of Full Day School.

Nowadays, begin develop school that applying of integration

curriculum in teaching program structure, it means that course of material

which taught always follow at national curriculum under national

education department which is reached with natural approach. Because


systems begin to apply in integrated schools one of them is Islamic

Integrated Elementary School (SDIT). This system is more familiar with

full day school system.

SDIT is the shape of elementary school unit which operate six

years education program based on national curriculum that reached with

Islamic education. Model of learning which developed with integrated

among religious and general education, school, parent and society with

optimally development cognitive, affective psychomotor aspect. The

purpose of SDIT is making student become human pious, intelligent, a

wide perspective, creative and positive behaviour.

This time full day school is still become a certain of debate from

society circle generally or educator in particular about positive and

negative side. The disagree opinion says that:

a. This system is seizing during their youth and happiness of children,

because they are demanded to continue of study. So in the society the

children difficult to socialization.

b. Problem of overfull children, weakness of physically and socialization

of student in society environment.17

While, the opinion of agree said that with the full day school

benefit of times student can be optimal. Beside that, full day school system

contently with any activity which benefit in under of supervision from

school side. Of course: 11


a. Parents go to the office while accompanied his children to go to


b. Parent return home from office while fetch children from school.

c. While parent in the office, children in safe condition in the school.

d. The children also give opportunity to plays in the school, but all of

them directionally by teacher with Islamic game. So the children

spared from game and promiscuity18.

2. Background of Full Day School

Full day school system is realization from one of government

policy about management base of school (MBS). Because of that,

according the writer background or reason of application full day school in

education institute is same with the reason of implementation MBS in

Indonesia, those are as follows:

a. With gift the large of autonomy for the school, it will be more

initiative and creative in up grade of the school quality.

b. With gift the large of flexibility for school to manage his resources, so

the school hope better in organize and make use of his resources in

optimally manner to up grade the school quality.

c. School is more understand of strength, weakness, opportunity and treat

for themselves, so personality of school can optimally used of resource

available to improve their school


d. The school is more understand necessity of institution especially

education input which will developed and used in education process

appropriate development level and student necessity.

e. Decision making which apply of school is more suitable for meet

school needs, because side of school which better know what is the

best to school.

f. Used of education resource is more efficiency and effective if

controlled by the local society.

g. Involvement all members of school and society in decision making the

school create transparency and a real democracy.

h. The school can be responsible about each education quality for

government, parent, and generally of society. So the school hoped

maximally applying and reach education quality of program.

i. The school can applying a healthy competition with the other school to

up grade education quality by means o f innovative efforts with support

for parent, student, society and government territory itself.

j. The school can fast response society aspiration and changes of

• IQ

environment .

Beside that, appropriate with product and opinion of investigation

which conducted by the Salman Alfarisi education institute in Bandung

it's conclude that there arc any factor bring about judgment applied

education with full day school system, Those are as follows:

19 Hadiyanto, Mencari Sosok Desentralisasi Manajemen Pendidikan di Indonesia,


A. The History and Geographically Position of SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga

Preceded from the meeting descendants of Abdul Fatah family, so

desire is beginning realization. Appointment a team preparation founding for

SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah on syawal month in 1425 H exactly November month

in 2004. That team consists from Ahmad Rohim, Fakhri Niswati, Assadullah

Muntakhob, Malikhah, syarifudin, and Muntafifah. In a row course of time

this team we with added some people which competence among others Agus

himawan, Heri T, Titik. Some meeting monthly applied in a intensive manner

beginning November 2004.

The first building, this SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah just has enthusiasm

as capital and an education concept. Beginning of it’s to used auditorium

building Annida boarding school, but with judgement to developing of school

the last these offers not take. Thanks to God at the moment team beginning

hard thinking about location, there is a women have big service for history of

SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah with donated his land 500 square meters. She is Mrs

Sugiyarti, KH Drs. Ahmad Nuh Muslim wife one of a designer SDIT Nida’ul

Hikmah in Salatiga. It is located in village Macanan RT 01/02 Sidorejo Kidul

subdistrict Tingkir Salatiga. It is Around 1, 5 kilometres from centre of

Salatiga city. When the problems of land finish that is continued building


problem, while the acceptance of new student will begin month o f April in

2005. With have donation as capital 200 thous and rupiah, and than we make

proposal that send for some people us know. Begin from this proposal is not

less than 15 million rupiah. The problem appeared again when will begin to

build, those are rise in prices of BBM make into prices soared of material.

One again help from God is come, this time hand somebody names H.

Muhtarom (Pabelan). He was build two simple class, with manner instalment

without interest. Prise is to God and the ends have self building in the middle

of the garden. Although, it is very simple. SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah take setter

under Wahana Bina Masyarakat (WABIM) institute, the institute focussion


Firstly, many people one hesitant with this school, because it just has

two classes, in the middle of the garden again. Exactly at April 2005 opened

of acceptance new student, and praise be to God the finish of accepted new

student, 28 children collected together study in SD IT Nida’ul Hikmah. In the

second years respond of society is better, proven with amount interested

people that register their children in this school. Even, it rejected some

students because of the capacity. In this second year, SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah

got legal budget operational from Head of Education Official Salatiga.

B. School Condition

SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah stands on 1200 square maters that forms

religion foundation, capacity the building is 207 square maters consisting of


Beside, it be found seven bathrooms, one mosque, that all in good condition.

For the other physically medium are eight set table and chair, eight

blackboards? In order to be easy in administration work and to lighten for the

teachers, SDIT Nidaul Hikmah has completely medium with four computers.

Teaching learning process is used Full day school concept, the

children are study full in the school, with guarding they are as follow:

Monday - Thursday: 07.30 - 15.30, Friday: 07.30 - 13.00 and, Saturday;

07.30- 10.00.

As new school, SDIT Nida’ul hikmah Salatiga have some

characteristic that is not have the other elementary school in salatiga, they are

as follows:

a. Full Day school

b. Contextual Teaching and learning

c. Integrated Curriculum

d. Every Day With Qur’an

e. Multiple Intelligence

Table I

Building Condition of SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga

• Nq.'

1. Classroom 6

2. Office Room 1

3. source of study room 1

4. Bathroom 7


C. Teacher Condition

This time, in the second year SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah propped up by

eight teachers, one administration staffs, which have several of education


Tabel II

The List of Teacher of SDIT Nidaul Hikmah

No Name Female/

M ale-" ;v Position Education•;Y .-'V' " Status Subject

1. Ahmad


Male Teacher SI UGM Swasta SAIN

2. Fahri

5. Dakhori Male Teacher SI IAIN Swasta PAI

6. Wasono

8 Susilowati Female Teacher SI UPN Swasta SAINS

I). Students’ Condition

Total of the students SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga in academic years


Table III

The students of SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga

No Class Group of study Boys Girls Total

1. I 2 27 21 48

2. II 2 19 12 31

E. School Organization Structure

In this formal education, it needs qualified people as teacher and staff

as administrators to run teaching learning process well. Teachers and staff in

SDIT Nidaul Hikmah are as follow:


This chapter will present and discus the result of the data analysis. First, it

is the full day school concept in Islamic Integrated Elementary School (SDIT)

Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga. Second, it is the moral of student including the influence

of full day school implementation towards moral student.

A. The Research Description

The research considers the available observation and interview

schedule, which provide the framework for interpreting what follows. The

section would describe what the writer meant by full day school concept

research and find it is in the moral field.

Certain education system, does not completely change the education

system already. The society is being threatened especially for the next

generation. The change of application system nothing other than wish to take

the best for education process.

One of them is lull day school concept, the quite recently

implementation in Islamic Integrated Elementary School (SDIT). What is the

concept or how it is applied? So this time, the writer tries to analyze

information about full day school concept implementation.

Several of debate about negative or positive side in the full day school

system. The opinion of agree said that with the full day school system benefit

of time student can be optimal, and children in save condition in the school.


The opinion of disagree said that this system is seize during them youth and

happiness of children, because they are demanded to continue of study, so in

the society the children difficult to socialization.

Full day school concept is certainly having a purpose especially to the

students. In fact many parents have a reason to send their children in SDIT

Nidaul Hikmah in order to have good moral. There are many factors

contributing to teaching learning process with full day school system being


B. Data Analysis

Doing the actual research is essentially a matter of data collection and

analysis. Typically, the writer needs some data and describe the full day

school concept implementation and moral student in SDIT Nidaul Hikmah


At the previous chapter there are data presentation as a means of

analyzing the problem and should be related to the problem of this scope.

1. The full day school concept

Islamic Integrated Elementary School (SDIT) Nidaul Hikmah

Salatiga is pioneer full day school concept implementation. Besides

teaching learning process the children study everyday in the school, some

characteristic to get good product. That is student with balance among

spiritual, intelligence, and physic. In the same manner as characteristic of

SDIT Nidaul Hikmah. In the following, it is more detail the characteristics


a. Full Day School

It teaching learning process, the student is fully study in the

school, with guarding they are as follows: Monday until Thursday:

07.30 - 15.30, Friday: 07.30 - 13.00 and Saturday: 07.30 - 10.00. So

that it can help parent in controlling their children especially in their


b. Contextual Teaching and Learning

The study of conceptual will be children can be understood

really context from knowledge studied and meaning of it.

c. Integrated Curriculum

The curriculum integration will be made for the children to

understand several of correlation between courses. The study created

in theme study type.

d. Every Day With Qur’an

Every day the children are usually read the quran, at some time

memorize that, It is increase interaction children with quran and able to

develop adult of children in spiritual side. The target be granted from

SDIT Nidaul Hikmah the children able to memorize three section in


e. Multiple Intelligence

Every study must be served various intelligence aspect, not

only Intellectual intelligence but also emotional intelligence and

spiritual intelligence. So the student can grow become a whole


2. The moral of students

The level of moral degradation is more in serious condition

already become the duty to repair, especially education institute. Many

bargaining of the method about moral education but the key to success is

more depend on how to the method implementation. Be based on matter

the moral education they are as follows:

a. Polite behaviour and simplicity in eat, get dressed, and sleep.

b. Discipline

c. Making people accustomed and practice for children to distant

disgraceful deed.

The writer try around application in SDIT Nidaul Hikmah how

far the which applications and how to process establishment of moral


Moral educations in base level become significant attention

Include in Islamic Integrated Elementary School (SDIT) Nidaul Hikmah

Salatiga, more attention about establishment moral student process. In


establishment. Without forget the role teacher in introduce and give a

model for student how to attitude. That is as follows :

a. Mentoring

Except Monday, every day before teaching learning process

in the classroom, Activity student is mentoring. That is all student

divide in several group become a small group. Every group have one

teacher as guide which have three roles, first give motivation study

for the children, second as model, and three controlling establish

moral student. So the students exactly have attention they establish

of moral. In mentoring program be found any activity as follows:

memorize the quran, sunnah, and prayer, evaluate of ritual and

prayer everyday, story etc. That is all head for establishment of

moral student.

b. Lunch Together

Because in SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah, the student are study full

in the school so, there are lunch program. The student in lunch

activity practiced to be autonomous. In this activity they must place

foods and washing plate himself. About eat, while the student in the

school they are get snack two fold and lunch. There instruction is not

buy foods for practiced the student not lavish.

According to the interview result from the interviewees, According

Mrs Yarti from the result of interview with her, about application of full


moral student development, as look t school activity that is appear moral

student development start from religious service activity (pray duha, pray

dluhur and pray ashar together), eat together, wash the plate until take

care of rabbits and fishes.

However to make moral development students also have

obstruction. The big of obstruction is appearing from student family

background. Where students in SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah have various family

background. In fact any some student comes from broken home. For this,

one program in SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah are realization for response this

problem. Those are home visit, there are school side come into home

student is looking for and communication about student condition.

As homeroom class in student moral development by applying role

play in teaching learning process, when there are punishments, it is also

with education punishment beside always controlling and aimed student.

According Mr. Imam from the result of interview with him ,He is

receive about the influence of full day school implementation toward

student moral, good enough because with frill day school system that

applying in SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah beside that this can decrease negative

influence from society at large.

The method that he used as homeroom in moral development

student re to give example and continue of participated or remembrance.

The gilts are usually making habit. Here the teacher is not only teaching


According to the head master of SDIT Nidaul Hikmah, Mr. Ahmad

Rohim from the result of interview with him, the applying method in

SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga that is foil day school system, will bring

student grown up better through school activities. As a long this time in

school there are not complaints, even responds of society from years to

years is mounting.

There are two student necessity that will be fill in the full day

school system applied. Those are playing and study necessary, so

development condition is fun, which motivation student to study hard.

There are POMG (meeting for parent and teacher) program as medium for

student moral education completely, that realize at one month one times in

every class level. The purpose of POMG is to develop emotional

correlation of parent and teacher. Their motivation is to educate their

children together, so not only teaching learning process in the school but

also in home.

According to Mrs Eny send her children to school in SDIT Nidaul

Hikmah in order that the children have Islamic characteristic. About the

system of foil day school in this school, she is agreeing because with the

full day school system the condition of student can decrease negative

influence from society large. Her children in the home activity are good,

although some time difficult. Because they are is on the learning process

of study. With the usually in the school about prayer wish the plate, can be


From the result of interview with him, the reason of sending his

children to school in SDIT Nidaul Hikmah because with the full day

school concept can help their children to study more seriously. Because in

the house difficult to study. In the house activity, the child is not bad.

Obedient with parent not yet definite, sometime good but some time

difficult of arranged. About the full day school concept their opinion are

positive and negative impact. One side good for study but not bad for

physic, is very tired and nothing have the more time to playing with friend

on village.

According to Mr.Supardi, her children activity rather obstructed

becomes a part of time used in the school. But that is exactly good,

because the time used profitable. About obedience, the child is very good.

The reason of sending to school in order to be familiar with Islamic value.

C. Interpretation

Analyzing the teacher and parents answer to the Interview questions,

the answer could find some more information about the influence of full day

school concept toward moral student:

1. The influence of full day school implementation toward student moral,

good enough because with full day school system that applying in SDIT

Nida’ul Hikmah will reduce negative influence to the students about


2. The method is realization in SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga that is full

day school system, he looks that the student grow up throught school


3. To improve student also have obstruction. The strongest of obstruction is

appearing from student family background. Where students in SDIT

Nida’ul Hikmah have various family background.

4. Many parents of student have a reason to send their children in SDIT

Nidaul Hikmah in order to have good moral (Islamic attitude)

5. With the full day school system, any problem about overfull children,


A. Conclusion

From the explanation and the analysis of full day school concept in

Islamic Integrated Elementary School (SDIT) Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga, and

moral of student, the writer infers:

1. The concept of foil day school at SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga.

a. Islamic Integrated Elementary School (SDIT) is a school that make

character potential grow in a whole and comprehensive manner.

Include spiritual, intellectual, and physical aspect or often called

include spiritual, intellectual and motional aspect. From process of

study in integral school come into generation that have balance or

integrity between three aspects above.

b. Full day school concept is teaching learning process that bring the

children to folly study in the school.

c. Implementation of full day school concept must be considered on

balancing the intelligent, emotional and physic aspect.

d. Several debate about negative or positive side in the foil day school

system. Some people agree that the foil day school system benefit to

the optimizing time consumins, and children save at school.

e. Some other said that this system is as seize during their youth so in

that the children difficult to adapt in social interaction.


2. The moral of the student at SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga

By means of teaching learning concept was applied in SDIT Nidaul

Hikmah based on result of parent and teacher interview. There are many

student morals as follows:

a. Student are accustomed to do sholat in five time

b. Student is close with their teacher

c. Student have motivation to study the quran

d. Student is easier to sympathetic with their family

e. Student has relationship with their friend

3. The influence of full day school implementation toward students’ moral at

SDIT Nida’ul Hikmah Salatiga in academic years of 2006 / 2007.

The influence of full day school in morals student based on

explanation of parent those are:

a. Student is very chummy with teachers

b. Student was not familiar with their environment

c. Student is earlier on sleep

d. Student have not many time to watching television, So they are not


B. Suggestion

The writer, finally, formulates the suggestions addressed to:

1. Head master

In the application of full day school concept the head master

need attention program which support building of balancing intelligent,

emotional and spiritual aspect.

2. Teacher

From the teacher in application of their role, that is as educator

in the full day school system need attention skill in the teaching

learning process. Teaching learning condition should be fun. The

student not overfull experience.

3. Parent

From the parent is necessary meaning that responsible of

education not only from school side, but also in the family. Although


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Table IBuilding Condition of SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga
Tabel IIThe List of Teacher of SDIT Nidaul Hikmah
Table IIIThe students of SDIT Nidaul Hikmah Salatiga


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