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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris (


) in the English Department of Education Faculty

State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Salatiga

Written by:

Nurul Fadilah

NIM. 113 11 028









In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the king of universe

and space. Thank you to Allah because the writer can complete this graduating

paper as one of requirement to finish the study in English Department of States for

Institute Islamic Studies Salatiga.

This graduating paper would not have been completed without support,

guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to

express special thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of States for Institute Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.PD., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head of English Language Teaching

Department of States for Institute Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Sari Famularsih, S. Pd. I.,M.A as counselor who has brings up, expoused,

and given the writer advices, sugestions and recommendations for this

graduating paper from beginning until the end. Thanks you for your

patience and care.

5. All lecturers in the English Language Teaching Department who have

given much knowledge, the writer deeply thanks to you all.


7. All of staffs who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper


Eventually, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide

useful knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to

accept more suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this

graduating paper.

Salatiga, March 11th 2016

The Writer

Nurul Fadilah



Fadilah, Nurul. 2016. “The Use of Authentic Material as a media in teaching text to improve the students in writing skill for the first grade students of

MTs n Cepogo Boyolali in the academic year 2015/2016”. A

Graduating Paper. English Department of Education Faculty State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Salatiga. Consultant: Sari Famularsih, S.PdI.M.A

Keywords: Authentic Material, Writing skill.



TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study ... 1

B. Statement of the problem ... 4

C. The objective of the study ... 5

D. The benefit of the study ... 5

E. Definition of key terms ... 6


G. Review of previous research ... 7

H. Graduating paper organization ... 8


1. Definition of writing ... 9

2. Process of writing ... 10

3. The importance of teaching writing ... 12


1. Definition of authentic materials ... 13

2. The use of authentic materials ... 15

3. Types of authentic materials ... 15

C. TEXT ... 16

1. Definition of text ... 16

2. Types of text ... 16

D. GENRE ... 17

1. Definition of genre ... 17

2. Types of genre ... 17


1. Definition of descriptive text ... 18

2. Generic structure of descriptive text ... 19




A. The Method of Research ... 21

1. Definition of CAR ... 21

2. Characteristics of CAR ... 22

3. Principles of CAR ... 22

B. Place and Time of the Research ... 23

C. The Subject of the Research ... 24

D. The Procedure of the Research ... 24

1. Planning ... 25

2. Action ... 25

3. Observation ... 25

4. Reflection ... 26

E. Technique of Collecting Data ... 26

1. Observation ... 27

2. Test ... 27

3. Documentation ... 27

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 29

1. Statistical Technique ... 29

2. Descriptive Technique ... 31

G. General Situation of MTSN Cepogo Boyolali ... 32

1. The profile of MTSN Cepogo Boyolali ... 33

2. The condition of teachers MTSN Cepogo Boyolali ... 33


4. The list of students ... 34





A. Conclusion ... 51 B. Suggestion ... 52




Table 2.1 : Example of Descriptive Text ... 19

Table 3.1 : The Schedule of The Research ... 24

Table 3.2 : The Scoring Rubric of Writing Descriptive Text ... 28

Table 3.3 : The Students of F Class ... 35

Table 4.1 : Result of Pre Test and Post Test Cycle I ... 38

Table 4.2 : Result of Pre Test and Post Test Cycle II ... 44

Table 4.3 : The Analysis of Students Writing Skill Improvement ... 48




A. Background of The Study

In this era of information and technology, English become very

important as global language. In indonesia, English as the first foreign

language. According to the Curriculum English has been taught from

elementary school level to the university level (KTSP, Depdiknas: 2006). As

a language learner, studying English should be the most crucial aspect.

According to Aini (2015:1) The students have to master the four basic

language skills, they are reading, listening, speaking and writing.Beside that

there are other element such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

The four basic competences especially in writing has the benefit to train the

students to show their idea to other people.

Writing is one part of four skills that important in English.

According to Richards (1990) state that writing form for adult level needs

not only institutional writing but also personal one. The importance of

writing can be seen from the fact that scientific books, novels, reports, letter,

newspaper, magazines, brochures, commercial advertisements are products

of writing. Most of those products are very important for Students being in

their daily activities. When the teacher give writing assigment, Students

don’t know how to express their idea in write text. They always confused


don’t have the motivation when doing it. So, The teacher must use different

technique for students and try to make some technique in teaching English

to be interested in writing class. Other opinion according Febriyani

(2014:13) English teacher should teach harder than other country. To

improve student’s ability in English learning, the teachers have to give some

strategies in teaching English. An interesting teaching and learning process

can motivate students’ learning so their skill also improved. From the

statement, so the teacher must create interesting learning process and they

will be more motivated to learn. The students can understand and

comprehend the material being taught. The teachers can use many ways in

language teaching. For example using media of language teaching. By using

media of language teaching, the teaching-learning process in the classroom

is more comfortable and making exciting classroom. Many kinds of media

of language teaching, one of them is using Authentic material. According to

Aziz (2015:2) It is one of the best media to improve writing skill because the

students enable learners to interact with the real thing and real situation and

it can found in everyday life.

Nunan cited by Oura (1999:67) says Authentic materials as spoken

or writen language data that has been produced in the course of genuine

communication, and not specifically written for purposes of language

teaching. In fact, in his teaching he encourages his students to bring into the

classroom their own samples of authentic language data from “real world”


genuine language drawn from many different sources, including TV and

radio broadcasts, taped conversations, meetings, talks, and announcements.

They also read magazine stories, hotel brochures, airport notices, bank

instructions, advertisements and a wide range of written messages from the

“real world” in situations as they occur.

According to Gebhard cited by Oura gives more examples of

authentic materials EFL- ESL teachers have used. Some of his examples,

which may serve as source material for lesson planning, are shown below:

1. Authentic Listening Viewing Materials like TV commercials, quiz

shows, cartoons, news clips, comedy shows, movies, soap operas,

professionally audio, taped short stories and novels.

2. Authentic Visual Materials : slides, photographs, paintings, children’s

artwork, stick-figure drawings, wordless street signs, silhouettes,

pictures from magazines.

3. Authentic Printed Materials : newspaper articles, , spots reports, obituary

columns, advice columns, lyrics to songs, restaurant menus, street signs,

cereal boxes, tourist information brochures coupons, pins with messages,

and bus schedules.

4. Realia (Real world objects) Used in EFL and ESL Classrooms coins and

currency, folded paper, wall clocks, phones,Halloween masks, dolls, and

puppets, to name a few.

According to Brinton (1991:4). The teachers in planning for the


materials has several advantages. Authentic materials is a media can

reinforce for students the direct relationship between the language classroom

and the outside world. Like to Gebhard cited by Oura (1996:68) says that

Authentic materials as a way to “contextualize” language learning. When

lessons are centered on comprehending a menu or a TVweather report,

students tend to focus more on content and meaning rather than the language

it self. This offers students a valuable source of language input, so that they

are not being exposed only to the language presented by the text and the


Based on the explanation above, it gives an inspiration to the writer

conduct a research entitled“The use of authentic material as a media in

teaching text to improve the students in writing skill for the first grade students of MTS N CEPOGO BOYOLALI in the academic year


B. Statements of The Problem

In this research, there are some statements of the problem are as follows:

1. What is the extent use Authentic material as a media to improve the

students in writing skill of descriptive text for the first grade students of

MTs N CEPOGO BOYOLALI in the academic year 2015/2016?

2. How is the implementation of using Authentic material as a media to

improve the students in writing skill of descriptive text for the first

grade students of MTs N CEPOGO BOYOLALI in the academic year


3. How is the result of using Authentic material as a media to improve the

students in writing skill of descriptive text for the first grade students of

MTs N CEPOGO BOYOLALI in the academic year 2015/2016?

C. The Objectives of The Study

Based on the statement of the problems above, the purposes of the

research are as follow:

1. To measure the students in improving of using Authentic material as a

media to improve in writing skill of descriptive text for the first grade

students of MTs N CEPOGO BOYOLALI in the academic year


2. To identify the students apply in writing skill using Authentic material

as a media in teaching descriptive text for the first grade students of

MTs N CEPOGO BOYOLALI in the academic year 2015/2016.

3. To find out the use of Authentic material as a media to improve the

students in writing skill in teaching descriptive text for the first grade

students of MTs N CEPOGO BOYOLALI in the academic year


D. The Benefits of The Study

In this research, the benefits of the study are:

1. Theorical

This research may useful for other English teachers in teaching and


2. Practical

a. For the teacher

The finding of the research can help the teacher to enrich

their teaching media and develop their creativity in teaching writing

especially on descriptive text.

b. For the students

The finding of the research can help the students to know

how to improve writing skill.

c. For the Researcher

The researcher hopes that this study can be used by

researcher to have new experience in teaching learning process and

can be facilitate herself and the English learner in writing skill of

descriptive text using Authentic material.

E. Definition of Key Terms

This research is composed of four main terms which are essential

to be described. The writer wants to explain the meaning of the title.

1. Authentic materials

According Oliver (2000:2) quoted by Rasdhi Authentic Materials

is This term is directly related to the students' real life and prepares them

to face and deal with real world situations.

2. Writing

Writing involved planning what we are going to write. First, draft


final version. Many people have thought that this is linear process but a

closer examination of how writers af all different kinds are involve in

writing process. (Harmer, 2007:13)

3. Writing skill

Writing skill are specific abilities which help students or writers

put their thoughts into words in a meaningful form and to mentally

interact with the message. It helps the learner

independence,comprehensibility, fluency and creativity in writing.

(Bram, Barli.1995:25)

4. Descriptive text

Descriptive text is a type of writing in which the objective is to

describe a certain object, especially about person, place, or thing.

(Pardiyono, 2008:56).

F. Limitation of The Problem

This research is concentrated on the use Authentic materials to

teaching Descriptive text to improve writing skill. The responden of this

research is the First grade students of MTs N Cepogo Boyolali. The topic

must be limited in order to investigate and solve the problems more

accurately, exactly, clearly and correctly. Therefore this research especially

would be focused on how far the result the students mastering in writing


G. Review of The Previous Research

There was a previous research from Miftachul Aziz graduating

paper IAIN Salatiga, 2015. The Title is “The use of community language

learning and authentic material in improving students speaking skill”. The

research focused on speaking skill.

The differences between my research paper and the others research

above are my research is focused on the use of Authentic materials to

improve writing skills to teach descriptive text. The research from Miftachul

Aziz is using Community language learning and authentic material to

Improve Students speaking Skill. It is same in media but it different in skill.

H. Graduating Paper Organization

In this section, the writer will discuss about some parts of

graduating paper organization. Chapter I is introduction, consist of

background of the study, limitation of the problem, statement of the problem,

the objective of the study, the benefits of the study, definition of key terms,

review of the previous research and graduating paper organization. Chapter

II is discussion about literature review . Chapter III is about profile of school

and students, and process of this research. Chapter IV is describe about





1. The Definition of Writing

Generally, writing is a way in sending message from the writer

to the reader. According to Raimes (1983: 76) states that writing is a

skill in which we express ideas, feeling thought which is to be arranged

in words, sentences and paragraph. Other opinion according Scholes

and Comley (1985:7) said that writing is a way of thinking as well as a

means of communication. So, Writing is a way the writer think or a

way of thinking which is shared to the reader. Ken Hyland (2002:7)

also said that writing has various kinds, it can be used as a means to

express the writers idea based on her experience,thoughts, and

feelings. And in many schools, writing is principally conducted to

demonstrate knowledge of deconstextualised facts with little awareness

of a reader beyond the teacher-examiner. Thus it can be stated that

writing is one of the language skills which need the students to

express ideas, feelings, experience, message and opinion through

words. Writing is function communication, making the students able to


2. Process of Writing

Researcher will describe the process of writing activity that

will be easy to do the process of writing and it can application in in the

classroom. The process of writing is Planning, Draffing, Editing and

Final version ( Harmer, 2004 : 4)

Harmer (2004 : 4) Suggested that the process has four main

elements there are:

a. Planning, Before starting to write or type, you try and decide what

it is they are going to say. For some writers this may involve

making details notes.

When planning, writers have to think about three main issues.

In the first place they have to consider the purpose of their writing

since this will influence (amongst other things) not only the type

of text they wish to produce, but also the language they use, and

the information they choose to include.Secondly, experienced

writers think of the audience they are writing for, since this will

influence not only the shape of the writing ( how it is laid out, how

the paragraphs are structured, etc.), but also the choice of language

– wheater, for example, it is formal or informal in tone. Thirdly,

writers have to consider the content structure of the piece- that is,

how best to sequence the facts, ideas, or arguments which they


b. Drafting

The next step is drafting, drafting is the point at which you

begin to put your ideas from planning as a guide. According to

Harmer (2004:5) This first go at a text is often done on the

assumption that it will be amended later.

c. Editing (Reflecting and revising)

It is almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on the

first try. The first try called a first draft. The way to revise and

improve the first draft called editing. The writer edit their own or

their peer's work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction,

sentence structure. the writer should editing after draffting, because

to editing their writing is important if they want to be a

professional writer.

Harmer (2004:4) said that the writers have produced a draft

they then, usually, read through what they have writen to see where

it works and where it doesn’t. Perhaps the order of the information

is not clear. Perhaps the way something is written is ambiguous or

confusing. They may then move paragraphs around or write a new

introduction. They may use a different form of words for a


d. Final Version,

Once writers have edited their draft, making the changes

they consider to be necessary, they produce their final version.This

may look considerably different from both the original plan and the

first draft, because things have changed in the editing process.

Planning Drafting Editing Final Version

So, from the draft process of writing is planning, in the

planning what are going to say. Then, Drafting is the writer needs

to put your ideas from planning. Editing is the process of

rewriting a paper and Final Version is the written form that they


3. The importance of teaching writing

According to Harmer (2002:97) said that the reason for

teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language include

reinforcement, language development, learning style, and the most

importantly writing as a skill in its own right.

According to Hyland (2002:105) there are many advantages of

teaching such as :

a. Discource rehearsal: helps learner establish way of engaging in


b. Learning to write: Provide opportunities to employ genres under

realistic conditions.

c. Rhetorical consciousness resing: promotos understanding of reader

needs and writing as means of achieving social and persuasive


d. Motivate involvement: Provides the students with the reasons for

writing based on their target needs and current interest.

e. Cooperative engagement: requires students to work with others to

collect data, exchange information and make decision.

f. Learner control: Offer learners opportunities to determine their

own routes and strategies to achieve the goal established by the


g. Real feedback: Requires students to respond immediately judge the

effectiveness of their communication and develop reader


B. AUTHENTIC MATERIALS 1. Definition of Authentic Materials

According Harmer (2001:205) Authentic materials is language

where no concessions are made to foreign speakers. It is normal,

natural language used by native of a language. This is what our


learning sources that are used in the classroom in writing class In

which studying about text that given to students without cource book.

Other opinion According to Mark Ellis and Cristine johnson

(1994:152) Authentic materials is any kind of material taken from real

world and not specifically created for the purpose of language

teaching. It can be text, visuals, or audio material and it can be realia

such as tickets, menus, maps, and time tables or it can be objects such

as products, equipment, components, or models. Whereas, According

Heitler, (2005:5) Authentic materials are any texts written by native

English speakers for native English speakers.

This section will go through some of the common definitions of the

term "authentic materials", from the point of view of the following


a. According to Herod (2002) Quated by Azri and Rasdhi said that

Authentic learning 'materials and activities' are designed to imitate

the real world situations.

b. According Nunan (1988) Quated by Azri and Rasdhi defines

authentic materials as the materials "which have been produced for

purposes other than to teach language".

c. According Jordan (1997) Quated by Azri and Rasdhi defines

authentic texts as the ones which are not designed for pedagogical


d. According Jacobson et al (2003, p. 1) Quated by Azri and Rasdhi

sees authentic materials as printed materials, which are used in

classrooms in the same way they would be used in real life.

e. According Stubbs (1996) Quated by Azri and Rasdhi defines

authentic texts as "actual, attested, and such that they have real

authentic instances of use."

f. According to Carter & Nunan (2001, p. 68) Quated by Azri and

Rasdhi authentic materials are "ordinary texts not produced

specifically for language teaching purposes.

2. The use of Authentic Materials

Using Authentic Materials very important to apply in the

clasroom. According Harmer (2001:205) Authentic material can be

used by students at fairly low levels, and it can help students

understand it better, rather than showing them how little they know.

So, The Students will easy understand with material be taught,

Because the students learn with Materials it can found in everyday life.

Example If teachers use magazines, they can use them for several

activities like Pictures can be used for description, comparison, or for

writing mysteries or movie plots, and procedure. if the teacher uses

newspapers, they can use them to work with modals, use the first

paragraph of a story to complete who, what, where, when and


3. Type of Authentic Materials

Many Kind of type Authentic Materials. According to Genhard

(1996) classified authentic materials into three categories as follows:

a. Authentic listening materials, such as radio news, cartoons, songs,


b. Authentic visual materials, such as street signs, magazines and

newspapers pictures, post cards, etc.

c. Authentic printed materials, such as sports reports, newspapers,

restaurant menus, train tickets, etc.


1. Definition of text

Text is a semantic unit that is realized in the form of word, clause,

and sentence. It is not only a group of words or sentences.

According Hyland (2004: 6) states that the text is an autonomous

object which can be analyzed and described independently of

particular context, writer or reader.

2. Type of Text

According Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson (1997:3) There are

two types of text, They are:

a. Literary texts

Literary texts include Aboriginal Dreaming Stories, movie

scripts, limericks, fairy tales, plays, novels, song lyrics, mimes, and


on our life and considers our beliefs. There are three main text

types in this category: narrative, poetic and dramatic. Media text

such as films, videos, television shows, and CD can also fall in this



b. Factual texts

Factual texts include advertisement, announcements,

Internet web sites, current affairs shows, debates, recipes, reports

and instructions. They present information or ideas and aim to

show, tell or persuade the audience. The main text types in this

category are recount, response, explanation, discussion,

information report, exposition and procedure.


1. Definition of Genre

According Ken Hyland (2004:18) Genre is a term for groping texts

together, representing how writers typically use language to respond to

recuring situations. So, Genre (in classroom context) is simple texts or

type of literature which is communicative in its explanation to the


2. Types of Genre

There are eight of genre text According Pardiyono, there are :

a. Narration

Narration is story told to make a point. The purpose of narrative is

to amuse and give moral to the reader. It consists of conflict,

climax, resolution (Pardiyono, 2008-93).

b. Exposition

Exposition is the common method of development whether evokes

specific sensory detail (Pardiyono, 2008:86)

c. Procedure is a type of writing that used to explain an activity or a

way to do something in sequent steps (Pardiyono, 2008:125)

d. Recount

Recount is a text created to provide information about past

activities. e.i about weekend activities. (Pardiyono, 2008:97)

e. Anecdote

Anecdote is a story about funny events that have occurred in order

to invite teaders to share your emotions with the reader. Because it

is ridiculous, basically has a funny character (Pardiyono, 2008:104)

f. Newsitem

News item is a type of writing that has the main function or

communication purpose is to inform readers or listeners about

events of the day that are considered newsworthy or important


g. Discussion

Discussion is a type of witing to inform the ideas or opinion of the

writer. This discussion text, the writer progress their idea and they

share with their partner (Pardiyono, :2008:185)

h. Descriptive

Descriptive is a type of writing in which the objective is to describe

a certain object, especially about person, place, or thing

(Pardiyono, 2008:56)


1. Definition of descriptive text

Descriptive text is a kind of text with a purpose to give

information. According to Hartman and Blas (1999:63), Descriptive

text says what a person, animal or a thing is like. Its purpose is to

describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Other opinion

about Depdiknas,(2016:93) Descriptive text is a text which presents

information about something specifically.

2. Generic Structure of Descriptive text

The Generic Structure of descriptive text consists of:

a. Identification : Introduce a particular person or thing or place.

b. Description : Describing physical appearance, quality, behavior,


3. Language Features


b. Using Being verb/to be (am, is, are)

c. Using Verb (Like, have)

d. Adjective (Big, Hard, Beautiful, expensive, large, dsb)

e. Using Noun phrase (Long hair, slim body, clever student, pointed

nose, soft fur, dsb)

f. Using Simple Present Tense Sentences

4. The Example of descriptive text

The following are the example of descriptive text and the generic


Table 2.1

Example of Descriptive text

Identification There are eighteen lectures in my

college. Most of them are helpful and kind. But

my favorite one is Prof. Patuan Raja, my


Description Prof. Patuan Raja is tall and slim

enough. His skin is black and short. He has an

oval face with a sharp. He is tall and slim

enough. His skin is black and short. He has an

oval face with a sharp nose.

Prof. Patuan Raja is humorous but he

can be a serious one in some situations. His

class is never boring. He has a lof of jokes

which make the lecture interesting and alive. I

always feel excited to study English with him.

Because I always get something new not only

English but also lesson of life. I am lucky to

have a lecturer like him. He is friendly,

dedicated and experienced in his work, and so




A. The Method of the research 1. Definition of CAR

In this research, the writer applied classroom action research

(CAR). According to Stephen Kemmis as quoted by Hopkins (1993: 44),

Classroom Action Research is a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken

by participants in social (including educational) situations in order to

improve the rationality and justice of (a) their own social or educational

practices, (b) their understanding of these practices, and (c) the situations

in which the practices are carried out. So, CAR is educational research that

undertaken by teacher (researcher) in order to improve quality of learning,

social practice, and other aspect of education in the class.

According to Arikunto (2006:2) Classroom Action Research is

coming from three words they are: Research, Action and Class. So, there

are three terms that can be explained :

1. Research is an activity to find out accuracy some subjects using

methodology which are interest and important for the writer.

2. Action is Some activities deliberately done by having several aims, in

the research in form activities cycles.

3. Class is a group of students in same time, have same lesson, from


2. Characteristics of CAR

There are two main characteristics of CAR, those are: first, the

problem will be carried is the teacher’s problem which is faced in the

classroom. Second, there is certain action to repair the process of

teaching-learning in the classroom (Supardi, 2006: 108-109).

Those characteristics will support the success of CAR, that is

improve the quality of learning. If the teacher (researcher) does not

know what are the students’ problems in the class, automatically there

is no certain action which aprropriate with students’ needs, so

objectives of CAR will not attained.

3. Principles of CAR

Hopkins (1993: 57) suggest the following six principles for CAR :

a. The teachers’ primary job is to teach, and any research method should

not interfere with or disrupt the teaching commitment.

b. The method of data collection must not be too demanding on the

teachers’ time.

c. The methodology employed must be reliable enough to allow teachers

to formulate hypotheses confidently and develop startegies applicable

to their classroom situation.

d. The research problem undertaken by teachers should be one to

which the are committed.

e. Teacher-researchers to pay close attention to the ethical


f. As far as possible classroom research should adopt a ‘classroom

exceeding’ perspective.

By comprehend those principles above, the principles of CAR are

expected to be able overcome the problems occur in the class and help

students to develop their progress during learning activity.

B. Place and Time of the Research

The research is located at MTs N CEPOGO BOYOLALI, this

school located in Bakulan Village, Cepogo, Boyolali. The research was

applied for the first grade students in this school. The place selection was

based on the consideration that it’s near the place of researcher and the

institution has never conducted research about writing by using Authentic

Material. The students get motivation in learning English even they still

have some difficulties in Writing mastery, be shy and be afraid to create

mistakes which let them to use language to explain their idea in English.

MTs N CEPOGO BOYOLALI is a junior high school which still

consists of the 3th grade of the students. There are six classes of the 7th

grade students, Six classes of the 8th students, and also six classes of the 9th

grade students. The research was done November 2015 until January 2016.

The schedule of research can be drawn in the table below:

Table 3.1

The schedule of the research


1. Saturday January,

4. The subject of the Research

The subject of the research is F class for the first grade students of

MTs N Cepogo Boyolali in the academic year of 2015/2016. It consists of

28 students with 6 boys and 22 girls. The writer chooses F class because of

the students have a lack in writing skill.

5. The procedure of the Research

This study applying Classroom Action Research as a method,

according to (Hopkins, 1985) the major steps are planning, action,


1. Planning

Researcher prepared some instrument which’s support in teaching

learning process, they are:

a. Preparing the Materials, making lesson plan and designing the

steps in doing action.

b. Preparing the students attitude assessment sheet

c. Preparing the students’ list and scoring

d. Preparing sheet for classroom observation (to know the situations

of teaching learning process when the method or technique or

using media is applied

e. Preparing the teaching instrument, it was authentic material as a

media especially using Magazine.

2. Action

The researcher implemented the Classroom Action Research with the

activities bellow:

a. Giving pre-test.

b. Explain the material.

c. Teaching writing using Authentic Material as a Media.

d. Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or problem

e. Giving post-test.

3. Observation

Observation is one of the instruments in collecting data. As a


and note the phenomena investigated like the students' feeling,

thinking, and something they do in teaching learning process. So, the

researcher will observe the students by analyzing the result of field

note which is made by the partner of researcher. Moreover, the

researcher will analyze the result of pre-test and post-test to know

whether the students' writing achievement improves or not.

4. Reflection

Reflecting is an activity in expressing of experience that have

by teacher as a self evaluation. After the researcher has accomplished

analyzing the observation, the researcher will plan the next cycle. If

the researcher find problems in teaching in the first cycle, she will try

to solve the problem in the next cycle. The procedure are briefly

described in the following scheme: (Adapted from Arikunto, 2006: 93)

Revised Plan


F. Technique of collecting Data

The techniques of collecting data are ways to acquire data in a

classroom action research. The act of collecting data will be presented as


1. Observation

Observations will be gets information about human behavior which

occurs in reality. The observation carried outatSaturday, January, 2016, 07.00-08.30. The researcher planed this observation and wrote

something that happens in the classroom. It was used to know the

situation of the teaching learning process. The writer taught the

students in the class. The teacher observed how the teaching learning

process whether the students enthusiasms or not in the class.

2. Test

Test is a number measuring a person ability, knowledge, or

performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004:3). In this research, the

writer used pre-test and post test to know the differences of students’

improvement of writing before and after the teacher used Authentic

Material. The function of pre-test is to know how far the writing

mastery of the student before they teach by using authentic material as

a media, and the function of post-test is to know the improvement of

writing mastery after they teach by using authentic material as a media

. Pre-test and post-test are to know the differences of the students'


3. Documentation

According Arikunto (2010: 274) states that documentation method

is an activity to look for variable like notes, transcribes, books,

newspaper, magazines, etc. The researcher needs some documentations

and data to know about the school and class situation of this research.

Documentation technique has benefits in the collecting students’ grade

as secondary data to know their advancement writing skill.

Table 3.2

The Scoring Rubric of Writing Descriptive text


and word G. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer conducts the action research of teaching writing

using Authentic Material at 7th grade students of MTs N Cepogo Boyolali.

In Analysis data, the writer uses two technique, namely statistical

technique and Descriptive technique.


In Analysis data, the writer uses a statistical technique to mean

score of the students. The steps are as follow:

a. Mean

The writer uses a formula proposed by Purwanto (1985: 38) by

comparing the mean score, the writer calculate the students’ score

by using the following formula:


M = ─



M = Mean of student’s score

Σ Fx = The sum of student’s score

N = the total number of student

b. Standard Deviation

The writer will calculate Standard Deviation with formula as

follows :


SD = Standard Deviation for one sample t-test

D = Difference between pre-test and post-test


c. T-test

After calculating the SD, the writer will calculate T-test to

know is there any significant differences between pre-test and

post-test with the formula as follows:


t = T-test for differences of pre-test and post-test

SD = Standard Deviation for one sample t-tes

D = Difference between pre-test and post-test

N = Number of observations in sample

d. Percentages score

P =

X 100%


P : Percentages

F : Frequency

N : Number of group

The standardized score (the minimum of passing criteria) is 70.

If the students’ mark less than the standardized, they have not

passed. While students who passed the standardized are students


2. Descriptive technique

Descriptive technique is used to know the students behavior in

teaching and learning process. In descriptive technique, the writer analyzes

the observation sheet which has been made by her partner. the writer

invited an observer of research. The observer of research was one of

student at IAIN Salatiga, named Dewi Nur Waryani. She was in English

Education Department 2011th.

H. General Situation of MTs N Cepogo Boyolali


Address : Gunung Wijil RT 07/ RW 03, Bakulan Cepogo Boyolali

District : Cepogo / Boyolali

Status : Accreditation A

Telp/ fax : 0276-333084

Email Address : mtsncepogo@kemenag.go.id

The School is a junior high school located at Gunung Wijil,

Bakulan, Cepogo, Boyolali. The school was built in 1952 and change

become MTs N in 1997. The location of this school is in the middle of the

village. The location near from mountain Merapi. The distance between of

the school and highway is about 6 km.

The width of this school is about 2545 m2. It has 18 classrooms,

office, laboratory and others. The environment is clean and cool. At the


school. Therefore, the sceneries make the school looks beautiful and cool

atmospheres. Beside the school, there is mosque which is used to pray

together exactly in dhuhur time. In the morning the students always

togethers doing Dhuha. The students and the teachers always pray together

in the Mosque. They use to go to the mosque when they hear the bell on

the second rest.

The total number of students of MTs N Cepogo Boyolali in the

academic year of 2015/2016 is 580. They consist of 201 students of the

first grade, 177 students of the second grade and 202 students of the third

grade. In this research, the writer chooses the first grade students as the

sample of the research.

1. The profile of MTs N Cepogo Boyolali

a. The profile of MTs N Cepogo is in the following:

School name : MTs N Cepogo Boyolali

Address : Gunung Wijil

Village : Bakulan

Sub district : Cepogo, Boyolali

Province : Central java

Pos code : 57362

Phone number : 0276 – 3330845

b. The Name of Headmaster


Status : PNS

Education : S2

Phone : 081329025966

2. The condition of Teachers MTs N Cepogo Boyolali

Teacher is someone who transfers knowledge for the students. the

teacher is important in teaching learning process. In this school, there are

38 teachers and 10 staff. Drs. Kirno Suwanto M.pd took as head masters.

Those teachers in this school teach different subject matter out of 17

subjects matters. There are: Indonesian Language, Javanese Language,

Mathematics, Computer, Civic Education, English, Social Sciences,

Natural Sciences, Islamic Education, Sport, Education Trade System,

Arabic Literature, Biology, Ushuludin, Chemistry, Psychology, and

Indonesian Language and Literature. While the staff members in this

school consist of head of administration, administrative staff, librarian,

cleaning service, gardener, and security guard. Both of them do actively

their job in teaching learning process.

3. The list of educational facilities

Facilities and tools are needed in each school to support

teaching-learning process. MTs Negeri Cepogo Boyolali consists of 28 buildings to

support in teaching learning process, they are 18 classrooms. The other


administration office, computer laboratory, chemistry laboratory, canteen,

mosque, toilet., and another. The condition all of them are good.

4. The List of Students in Writing Class by Using Authentic Material

The researcher conducted this action research in MTs N Cepogo

Boyolali especially concern in F class of the first grade students of MTs

Cepogo Boyolali. This class consists of 28 students, they are 6 males and

22 females. The data could be seen in the table below:

Table 3.3

The Students of F Class for the First grade students of

MTs N Cepogo Boyolali in the Academic Year 2015/2016


1 3806 Armelia yolandari Female

2 3807 Aulia eka wulandari Female

3 3809 Awatuf mega ardana Female

4 3813 Bayu aji prakoso Male

5 3819 Danis astute Female

6 3820 Desi rohmalia tri kusuma Female

7 3821 Destri safrila Female

8 3831 Dwi lestari Female

9 3834 Dwi rahayu Female

10 3837 Eka ratnaningsih Female


12 3863 Iva arindila putrid Female

13 3869 Karisma putri aulia rofiah Female

14 3879 Llistiyana Female

15 3886 Maya aprilia adi Female

16 3896 Muhammad arsadulngibad Male

17 3902 Muhammad tri wahyudi Male

18 3907 Novi lestari Female

19 3914 Nurul istiana Female

20 3926 Putri siti solikah Female

21 3930 Reni sustiany Female

22 3938 Saiful anwar Male

23 3945 Siti alfiah Female

24 3962 Ummi ghoniyah Female

25 3965 Wahyu cahyaningsih Female

26 3967 Wahyu hidayat Male

27 3974 Wakhid nur islamudin Male




In this chapter, the writer explain about the implementation of research

and description students’ writing skill improvement . These answer the problems

of this research.

A. The Implementation of Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Using

Authentic Material

In this implementation of research, the writer devide it into to cycles. They

called Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. Each cycle consisted of planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting.

1. Cycle

a. Planning

In this activity, the writer planned some activities:

1) Preparing the Materials, making lesson plan and designing the

steps in doing action.

2) Preparing the students attitude assessment sheet

3) Preparing the students’ list and scoring

4) Preparing sheet for classroom observation (to know the situations

of teaching learning process when the method or technique or

using media is applied

5) Preparing the teaching instrument, it was Authentic material as a


b. Acting

On Wednesday, January 2016 the teacher with her partner entered the class. The teacher greeted students and introduced himself

to students of grade VIIF. Unfortunately, the English class began for

the last two hours of the day. It seemed that some of the students were

tired and do not enthusiastic to get the lesson. Then, the teacher giving

brainstorming and connecting with the lesson and introduced herself to

students of grade VIIF. After that, the teacher started in explaining

little material about descriptive text. Then, the teacher gave the pre test

for the students. The student made a descriptive text about their father.

The students did the assignment individually for the time. After that,

Teacher explained about the definition of Descriptive text, its generic

structure and its lexical grammatical feature to students. The teacher

gave example of descriptive text using magazine as a media. The

students observed public figures picture in magazine. They looked

very enthusiastic. The Teacher asked to students how to describe the

figure personality. Actually they could express its using Indonesian

well. And after that, the teacher gave post test. In post test, the teacher

provided magazines (Nova and Bintang). The student observed public

figure picture in magazines, after that they chose one figure that they

prefer. They cut and paste in the worksheet. The students did the

assignment individually for the time given and submitted on that day .


about they have learnt and the teacher asked the students to prepare the

next topic about describing people.

c. Observation

In this first cycle, the teacher get the notes observation from the

observer. By observed the students’ activity in this teaching-learning

process. The teacher understand that the students were nervous, still

some difficulties to say in English and to write. They still confused

with descriptive text about person. It may caused they less with


Furthermore, The writer will calculate the result of pre test and

post test above to know the students improvement in learning writing,

the calculating is as follow :

Table 4.1 Result of Pre-Test and Post-test Cycle 1


8 25 60 35 1225

9 30 65 35 1225

10 65 85 20 400

11 60 80 20 400

12 65 85 20 400

13 50 60 10 100

14 50 55 5 25

15 65 65 0 0

16 50 70 20 400

17 25 40 15 225

18 55 65 10 100

19 55 45 -10 100

20 25 55 30 900

21 70 85 15 225

22 25 55 30 900

23 50 65 15 225

24 65 75 10 100

25 60 80 20 400

26 25 55 30 900

27 25 25 0 0

28 65 75 10 100


1) Calculating Mean of Pre-test and Post-test Cycle 1

Mean of pre test 1

M =

M =

M = 45.89

Mean of post test 1

M =

M =

M = 62.5

2) SD of post test and pre test


= = =

= 11.24

3) T test Calculation

T =






T =

T =

T = 7.76.

4) Percentages Score

P = ≤ 70 = X 100%

= 64.28 %

≥ 70 =

X 100%

= 35.71%

From the percentage in the cycle I, based on the standardized

score (KKM) is 70 and the students who get the score approach with

the KKM is 35.71 % students. The writer wants to get 70 % students

who get score is 70.

It is necessary for the writer to conduct cycle II because from

the results of this cycle is not suitable with the target’s writer. The

writer hopes the students who will pass the KKM in cycle II more than

cycle I.


After analyzing the result of the cycle 1, the teacher and her

partner concluded that the teacher had to be more creative to make

students more interested and more active to give opinion or idea to

express their writing skill. The teacher also had to be more careful in

correcting students’ grammar and vocabulary.

2. Cycle 2

Based on the result of cycle 1, it is necessary for the teacher to

continue to the next cycle In the second cycle, the teacher still used the

same strategy, it was consist of planning, implementation, observation

and Reflection:

a. Planning

1) Preparing the Materials, making lesson plan and designing the

steps in doing action.

2) Preparing the students attitude assessment sheet

3) Preparing the students’ list and scoring

4) Preparing sheet for classroom observation (to know the

situations of teaching learning process when the method or

technique or using media is applied

5) Preparing the teaching instrument, it was Authentic material as

a media especially using Magazine.

b. Action

The second meeting for the cycle 2 was held on


entered the class. The students very enthusiastic when she

entered the class. Then, the teacher greeted students and

reviewed the materials last day. The teacher gave stimulus to

the students to make a paragraph about their friend the next sit.

After that, the teacher remained the students about the previous

meeting material. The teacher explained about descriptive text

and gives another example using authentic material. They

observed some pictures in magazines. They were happy to

learn the material around. Then, she gave the students

assignment to take their post test score.

c. Observing

In the cycle 2, the observation was focused on the

activities done by the students during teaching and learning

process. In this cycle, most of the students was not afraid or

nervous in asking question and express their idea. When they

did not know the translation of some words in English, they

could ask to the teacher, and then the teacher gave the

translation. They also became more active and enthusiastic

when the teacher explains descriptive text using authentic

material. They look so serious and the student that sitting

behind looked serious too in doing their task. That was a good


Furthermore, The writer will calculate the result of pre

test and post test above to know the students improvement in

learning writing, the calculating is as follow:

Table 4.2

Result of Pre-Test and Post-test Cycle 2

Students Number

Score of Pre Test(X)

Score of post Test


Score of


( )

1 55 85 30 900

2 60 80 20 400

3 35 85 50 2500

4 40 85 45 2025

5 60 75 15 225

6 65 80 20 225

7 70 90 25 400

8 50 75 25 625

9 75 80 5 25


11 60 75 15 225

12 60 85 25 625

13 45 70 25 625

14 60 90 30 900

15 55 75 20 400

16 65 80 15 225

17 55 85 30 900

18 45 70 25 625

19 75 85 10 100

20 70 55 -15 225

21 80 90 10 100

22 25 75 50 2500

23 75 75 0 0

24 65 80 15 225

25 50 75 25 625

26 25 65 40 1600


28 50 85 35 1225

∑ 1550 2205 655 21550

1) Calculating Mean of Pre-test and Post-test Cycle 2

a. Mean of pre test 2

M = F

M = 0

M = 55.35

b. Mean of post test 2

M = Fy

M = 0

M = 78.75

Mean of Pre-test = 55.35

Mean of Post-test = 78.75

Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test

There is an improvement of writing mastery by using authentic

material between pre test 2 and the post 2

2) SD of pre test and post test






SD = 14.91

3) T test Calculation

T =

T =

T =


T =

T = 8.14

4) Percentages score

P = ≤ 70 =

X 100%

= 7.14 %

≥ 70 =


= 92.85 %

From the calculation above, 92.85% students pass the KKM.

There were 26 students who pass the KKM. Meanwhile, 3 students

didn’t pass the KKM. It can be concluded that students’ progress of

their writing skill, especially in Descriptive text was good. Thus, the

implementation of authentic material as a media to improve students’

writing skill was successful.

d. Reflection

After analyzing the result of cycle 1 and 2 it can be conclude that

using authentic material can interest the students to involve actively in

learning writing in the class. The result of the written test is also good

in cycle II than cycle I.

B. Analysis between cycle I and cycle II

From the result of analyzes in cycle I and II, the writer analyzed

the students improvement from cycle I to cycle II. The improvement is as


Table 4.3

The Analysis of Students’ Writing Skill Improvement

Class: VII F

Analysis Cycle I Cycle II


Post-test mean 62.5 78.75

t-table = N=28 2.76 2.76

t-test > t-table 7.72 > 2.76 8.14 > 2.76

The table display that the improvement of the students’ writing

skill from the cycle 1 and cycle 2. This meant that the treatment, by using

magazine as a media could improve the students’writing skill.

The table above also showed that t-calculation in cycle 1 to 2 were

greater than t-table, it meant that there were differences between mean of

pre-test and post-test.

Based on the comparison among T-calculation of cycle 1 and cycle

2, the implementation of magazine as the authentic material could improve

the students’ writing skill. It can be seen in the table. The table showed

that T-calculation of cycle 1 was 7.72 and cycle 2 is 8.14.

In addition, the mean of pretest and post test of each cycle

increased. The table above showed that the mean of cycle 1 improved, the

mean of pre-test was 45.89 and the mean of post test was 62.5. In cycle 2,

the mean of pre test and post test also increases. The mean of pre test and

post test in cycle 2 was 55.35 and 78.75.


Table 4.4

The Percentages of Students’ Score

Category Cycle I Cycle II

≤ 70 64.28% 7.14 %

≥ 70 35.71% 92.85%

The table shows the improvement percentages of students’ score

from cycle I to cycle II. The percentage score displays the students who

pass the standardized score it increases. From 35.71 % in cycle I to 92.85

% in cycle II

From the explanation above, it can be shown that using authentic

material could improve students’ writing skill in organizing descriptive

text. Before the media was implemented, the students encountered many




This chapter discussed about research’s conclusion and some suggestions

in teaching writing descriptive text using authentic material.

A. Conclusion

After conducting the research of teaching writing about descriptive text by

applying Authentic Material as a media, the writer draws some conclusions

based on the results of the research. The conclusions are:

1. In Writing There is influence of The use Authentic material as a media

improves students skill in teaching descriptive text for the first grade students

of MTS N Cepogo Boyolali in the academic year of 2015/2016 . Before

applied the media the students were mostly has low motivation and

interest in writing. They were also low in vocabulary in writing descriptive

text and dis not know how to write descriptive text. After the application

of authentic material, the students become more active and it is not only

successful to improve their vocabulary but also increase their writing

skills. It is shown by the increase of mean score of the tests. In cycle I, the

mean of posttest is higher than mean of pretest i.e 62.5 to 45.89

respectively. Besides, the mean of posttest in cycle II is higher than mean

of pretest i.e 78.75 to 55.35 respectively.

2. The implementation using authentic material as a media to improve the

students on writing skill in descriptive text was an alternative way. It is the


media, the students feel bored when they writing. But, after used this

media, the students feel happy and interest to learnt, because they learnt

using material from around them.

3. There is significant improvement by using Authentic material as a media

to teach writing descriptive text. It is the improvement can also be seen by

the calculation based on T-test in each cycles. The t-calculation in cycle I is

7.72 and in cycle II is 8.14. The findings show that the improvement of the

students’ writing skill is significant after applying authentic material. It is

strengthened by the result on passing grade. The Result shows in cycle I are

able to improve students’ writing skill.There are 10 students who passed

the grading, whereas the 18 are not. It is in the percentages of 35.71% on

the post test cycle I. whereas in the cycle II, the post test shows 92.85%.

There is only 2 students who did not pass the grading and 26 students pass

the grading. It can be concluded that students’ progress of writing skill,

especially in Descriptive text is good. Thus, the implementation of

Authentic material as a media to improve students’ writing skill was

successful to apply in the students for the first grade of MTs N Cepogo


B. Suggestions

Based on the research finding and conclusion above, the writer would like

to suggest as follows:

1. For the teacher

Realization of the using authentic material could improve the students

writing skill in Descriptive text. It is recommended for the teacher to

apply this material which can be taken from daily life.

2. For the students

For the students the writer suggest to practice their writing as much as

possible. All the materials around can be used as a topic. So Students

can train themselves and improve their skill in expressing their ideas

logically and orderly in writing. Thus they will have better in writing


3. The Readers

This research hopefully could give information and useful to improve

writing skill.


Table 3.1
Table 3.2 The Scoring Rubric of Writing Descriptive text
Table 3.3
Table 4.1 Result of Pre-Test and Post-test Cycle 1


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