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Academic year: 2021



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I hereby declare that this report is my original work based on my research through

journals and related article except for quotations and citations, which have been stated

on references. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted

for any other degree at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin or other institutions.


Name : Siti Nur Hasanah Afiqah binti Anizam

Date : 22nd June 2021





This confirmation is to confirm that this project entitled Support System for Attention

Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Students in Primary School was prepared and

submitted by Siti Nur Hasanah Afiqah binti Anizam (Matric Number:

BTAL19056840) and has been satisfactory in terms of scope, quality and presentation

as partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Computer Science

(Software Development) with Honours in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).

The research conducted and the writing of this report was under my supervisor.

_______________________________ Name : Prof Madya Ts. Dr Fatma

Susilawati binti Mohamad



Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a type of neurological disorder that can

impact the crucial part of brain which help in planning, focusing and executing task.

People with ADHD have difficulty with organizing, impulse-control, and behavioural

control during certain period of time which give a huge impact on their daily life.

They will definitely facing trouble in fitting themselves with society as they cannot

control their behaviour which in result affect their social skills. Early detection is very

important for both parents and people with ADHD to improve their education and

psychosocial issues. In this system, we are going to focus on ADHD in children age 6

until 12 years old in primary school. Normally, parents or teachers who suspect their

children suffers from ADHD needs to bring their child to hospital to take ADHD test

first, and if their child is diagnosed with ADHD, they need to set an appointment to

seek for specialist. This process is definitely time consuming and costly as the

appointment will be held several times. So, we propose to develop a support system

via online platform to assist these special children. The purpose of this study is to

develop a functional and helpful system for parents and teachers to support and

seeking professional help for their children. Parents and teachers can easily register

their children/students before taking the ADHD test for their children. It is intended

for an early detection whether these children has the symptoms or not. If the results

are positive, they can set an appointment with available specialist online. They can set

the appointment or re-set new appointment easily without having to actually go to

hospital which will definitely save time and cost. This system will also provide

assistance for parents and teachers to help and assist their special children and



Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder adalah sejenis gangguan neurologi yang boleh mempengaruhi bahagian penting otak yang membantu dalam merancang, memfokus dan melaksanakan tugas. Golongan ADHD akan mengalami kesukaran untuk mengatur, mengawal impuls, dan mengawal tingkah laku dalam jangka masa tertentu di mana ia memberi kesan yang besar dalam kehidupan seharian mereka. Mereka akan menghadapi masalah untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan masyarakat oleh kerana kesukaran mereka untuk mengawal tingkah laku yang akhirnya mempengaruhi dan memberi kesan yang negative terhadap kemahiran sosial mereka. Pengesanan awal sangat penting bagi ibu bapa dan golongan ADHD untuk meningkatkan pendidikan dan masalah psikososial mereka. Sistem ini memfokuskan ADHD pada kanak-kanak berumur 6 hingga 12 tahun di sekolah rendah. Kebiasaannya, ibu bapa atau guru yang mengesyaki anak-anak mereka menderita ADHD perlu membawa anak mereka ke hospital untuk mengambil ujian ADHD terlebih dahulu, dan jika anak mereka didiagnosis dengan ADHD, mereka perlu membuat janji temu untuk mencari pakar yang bersesuaian. Proses ini pastinya memakan masa dan kos. Oleh itu, pembangunan sistem secara atas talian dapat membantu memudahkan urusan kanak-kanak istimewa ini. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem yang berfungsi dan bermanfaat bagi ibu bapa dan guru untuk menyokong dan mencari bantuan profesional untuk anak-anak mereka. Ibu bapa dan guru boleh mendaftarkan anak / pelajar mereka dengan mudah sebelum mengambil ujian ADHD untuk anak-anak mereka bertujuan untuk pengesanan awal. Sekiranya hasilnya positif, mereka boleh terus membuat temu janji dengan pakar yang ada dalam talian.




CHAPTER 1 ... 1 INTRODUCTION ... 1 1.1 Background ... 1 1.2 Problem Statement ... 2 1.3 Objective ... 3 1.4 Scope ... 4 1.4.1 Admin ... 4 1.4.2 User ... 4 1.4.3 Specialist ... 5 1.5 Limitation of Work ... 5 1.6 Expected Result ... 5 1.7 Gantt Chart ... 6 CHAPTER 2 ... 8


vii LITERATURE REVIEW ... 8 2.1 Introduction ... 8 2.2 Existing System ... 9 2.2.1 Additude website ... 9 2.2.2 ADDA system ... 10 2.2.3 Psycom ... 11

2.3 Related Research Technique and Tools ... 12

2.4 Solution Approach ... 14

2.4.1 Rule-Based System (RBS) ... 14

2.5 Algorithm ... 15

2.5.1 Diagnostic of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Predominantly Inattentive Type ... 17

2.5.2 Diagnostic of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type ... 19

2.5.3 Diagnostic of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Combined Type ... 21

CHAPTER 3 ... 23 METHODOLOGY ... 23 3.1 Introduction ... 23 3.2 Agile Methodology ... 23 3.2.1 Requirement Phase ... 24 3.2.2 Design Phase ... 24


viii 3.2.3 Development Phase ... 25 3.2.4 Testing Phase ... 25 3.2.5 Deployment Phase ... 25 3.2.6 Review Phase ... 26 3.3 System Requirement ... 26 3.3.1 Hardware Requirement ... 26 3.3.2 Software Requirement ... 27 3.4 System Design ... 27 3.4.1 Framework Design... 28 3.4.2 Context Diagram ... 29

3.4.3 Data Flow Diagram... 30

3.5 Entity Relationship Diagram ... 36

3.6 Data Dictionary ... 37

CHAPTER 4 ... 39


4.1 Introduction ... 39

4.2 Implementation of Support System for ADHD Students in Primary School ... 40

4.3 Interface Design ... 41

4.3.1 Admin Interface ... 41

4.3.2 Specialist Interface... 50



4.4 Testing Analysis ... 73

4.4.1 Black Box Testing ... 73

4.4.2 White Box Testing ... 73

4.5 Test Case ... 74

4.5.1 Login Testing ... 74

4.5.2 Admin ... 76

4.5.3 Specialist ... 82

4.5.3 User - Parents / Teacher ... 87

4.6 Summary ... 94 CHAPTER 5 ... 95 CONCLUSION ... 95 5.1 Introduction ... 95 5.2 System Contribution ... 95 5.3 Result Discussion ... 96

5.4 Project Constraint and Limitation ... 96

5.5 Future Work ... 97





2.1 Homepage additudemag.com 9

2.2 Homepage ADDA system 10

2.3 Homepage psycom.net 11

2.4 Type of ADHD diagnostic 15

3.1 Agile methodology 17

3.2 Framework Design 21

3.3 Context Diagram 22

3.4 Data Flow Diagram level 0 24

3.5 Data Flow Diagram level 1 for manage specialist 25

3.6 Data Flow Diagram level 1 for manage registration process 26 3.7 Data Flow Diagram level 1 for make appointment process 27 3.8 Data Flow Diagram level 1 for manage appointment process 28

3.9 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 29

3.10 Data Dictionary For Admin 30

3.11 Data Dictionary For User 30

3.12 Data Dictionary For Student 30

3.13 Data Dictionary For Specialist 31

3.14 Data Dictionary For Question 31

3.15 Data Dictionary For Choice 31

3.16 Data Dictionary For Test 31

3.17 Data Dictionary For Result 31




4.1 Admin Login Interface 41

4.2 Admin Dashboard 42

4.3 Specialist Report 43

4.4 Add New Specialist 44

4.5 Add New Specialist (continued) 44

4.6 Update Specialist Record 45

4.7 Update Specialist Record (continued) 45

4.8 List of Question 46

4.9 Add New Question 47

4.10 Add New Question (continued) 47

4.11 Update Question 48

4.12 Update Question (continued) 48

4.13 Parents Report 49

4.14 Teacher Report 49

4.15 Specialist Login 50

4.16 Specialist Dashboard 51

4.17 List of Schedule 52

4.18 Add New Schedule 53

4.19 Add New Schedule (continued) 53

4.20 Delete Schedule 54

4.21 Delete Schedule (continued) 54

4.22 Request List 55

4.23 Request List (continued) 55




4.25 Cancel Booking by Specialist 57

4.26 Cancel Booking by Specialist (continued) 57

4.27 Appointment History Report 58

4.28 Update Profile 59

4.29 Update Profile (continued) 59

4.30 Homepage before login 60

4.31 Registration Form 60

4.32 User login 61

4.33 Student Registration Form 62

4.34 Student Registration Form (continued) 62

4.35 ADHD Information 63

4.36 ADHD Information (continued) 63

4.37 ADHD Test 64

4.38 ADHD Test (continued) 64

4.39 ADHD Test (continued) 64

4.40 ADHD Result 65

4.41 Choose Specialist 66

4.42 Specialist Details 67

4.43 Specialist Details (continued) 67

4.44 Specialist Schedule 68

4.45 Booking Details 68

4.46 Booking List 69

4.47 Booking List (continued) 69




4.49 Cancel Booking by User (continued) 70

4.50 Update User Profile 71

4.51 Update User Profile (continued) 71

4.52 Update Child Profile 72





1.1 Gantt chart for FYP Semester 1 6

1.2 Gantt chart for FYP Semester 2 7

2.1 Advantages and disadvantages Additude website 9

2.2 Advantages and disadvantages ADDA website 10

2.3 Advantages and disadvantages Psycome website 11

2.4 Journal related to this research 12

2.5 Journal related to this research 12

2.6 Journal related to this research 13

2.7 Journal related to this research 13

2.8 Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Inattentive Type 17 2.9 Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Hyperactive-Impulsive


19 2.10 Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Combined Type 21

3.1 Hardware and specification 19

3.2 Software and specification 20

4.1 Test Case for Admin to log into the system 74

4.2 Test Case for Specialist to log into the system 75




4.4 Test Case for Admin to add new question 76

4.5 Test Case for Admin to update question 77

4.6 Test Case for Admin to delete question 78

4.7 Test Case for Admin to add new specialist 79

4.8 Test Case for Admin to update specialist 80

4.9 Test Case for Admin to delete specialist 81

4.10 Test Case for Specialist to add new schedule 82 4.11 Test Case for Specialist to delete schedule 83 4.12 Test Case for Specialist to accept appointment request 84 4.13 Test Case for Specialist to decline appointment request 85 4.14 Test Case for Specialist to cancel appointment 86

4.15 Test Case for User to register student 87

4.16 Test Case for User to update student 88

4.17 Test Case for User to perform ADHD Test 90 4.18 Test Case for User to add new appointment 91 4.19 Test Case for User to cancel appointment 93




1.1 Background

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or mostly known as ADHD, is a type

of neurological disorder that can impact the crucial part of brain which help in

planning, focusing and executing task. People with ADHD have difficulty with

organizing, impulse-control, and behavioural control during certain period of time

which give a huge impact on their daily life. They will definitely facing trouble in

fitting themselves with society as they cannot control their behaviour which in result

affect their social skills. Early detection is very important for both parents and people

with ADHD to improve their education and psychosocial issues. In this system, we are

going to focus on ADHD in children age 6 until 12 years old in primary school


2 1.2 Problem Statement

Currently, parents or teachers who suspect their children/students suffers from

ADHD needs to bring their child to hospital to take ADHD test, and if their child is

diagnosed with ADHD, they need to set an appointment to seek for specialist. This

whole process is definitely time consuming and costly as the appointment will be held

several times. Moreover, it is kind of hard for teachers to gain knowledge about the

correct way to handle students with ADHD especially in ordinary school as they do

not have special class for students with special needs. In addition, during this

pandemic crisis, priority is given to those with symptom of covid-19 and critical

disease only. All other inquiries are being hold as most hospital are fully occupied for

covid-19’s treatments. Furthermore, nowadays, most of parents both have a career

which make it hard for them to make times for their children. They tend to delay from

taking their child to hospital for diagnosis as it is kind of a complicated process and

less efficient especially for those with busy career. Hence, we came up with a better

solution by developing a helpful and convenient platform for parents, teachers and


3 1.3 Objective

The objectives of this system are identified as below:

a) To design a system as a platform for parents, teachers and specialist to manage

the whole process from diagnosis to treatment of ADHD in one place.

b) To develop a system based on rule-based algorithm in diagnosing whether the

students or children is suffered from ADHD by performing the test online

c) To test and evaluate the functionality of the system in executing accurate result


4 1.4 Scope

The system is developed as web-based and the user scope are Admin, User

(Parents and Teacher) and Specialist.

1.4.1 Admin

In this system, some of admin’s scope are:

i. This system allows admin to manage all the users which are parents, teacher

and specialist.

ii. Admin can view report of parents, teacher and specialist’s list.

iii. Admin can view report of students that are diagnosed with ADHD.

iv. Only admin is eligible to add new account for specialist to avoid data


1.4.2 User

In this system, some of user’s scope are:

i. This system allows user to manage their children’s profile.

ii. User can take the ADHD test for their child and gain result.

iii. Parents can set appointment with specialist for further treatment.

iv. User can access information and article about ADHD on their dashboard.

v. User also can view ADHD test result’s history.

vi. Parents can access the previous appointments results of their children from the


vii. Parents can access parenting tips and guides for their children online while


5 1.4.3 Specialist

In this system, some of specialist’s scope are:

i. This system allows specialist to log into their account using username and

password created by admin beforehand.

ii. Specialist can manage their appointment such as create new appointment,

update, delete and view appointment’s record.

iii. Specialist also eligible to view their patient’s record throughout the treatment.

1.5 Limitation of Work

As for the limitation work, there are two limitation for this system which are:

a) This system will be implemented to only focus on supporting student age 6 to

12 years old in primary school.

b) This system will be focused on those in Terengganu area only.

1.6 Expected Result

There are three expected result for this system which are:

a) Rule-based algorithm can be implemented to generate accurate result of

diagnosis based on the test answered by parents and teachers.

b) The system will provide a helpful and basic knowledge on handling students

and children with ADHD.

c) This system will provide a functional platform for parents, teacher and


6 1.7 Gantt Chart


Table 1.1 shows the gantt chart for FYP Semester I.

Table 1.1 Gantt chart FYP semester 1

Month October November December January

No Week 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Final Year Project I Briefing

Topic Discussion and Determination 2 Project Title Proposal

3 Proposal Writing Chapter 1 – Introduction 4 Proposal Writing

Chapter 2 – Literature Review 5 Proposal Writing

Proposal progress

6 Proposal Progress Presentation and Panel’s Evaluation 7 Proposal Writing Chapter 3 – Methodology 8 SEMESTER BREAK 9 Proposal Writing Chapter 3 – Methodology (Proof of concept)

10 Final Year Project Format Writing Workshop

11 Drafting Report of Proposal

12 Draft report submission to supervisor 13 Preparation for final presentation 14 Final presentation & Panel’s


15 Final report submission & Supervisor’s Evaluation



Table 1.2 shows the gantt chart for FYP Semester I

Table 1.2 Gantt chart for FYP Semester 2

Month February March April May

No Week 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3

1 Project meeting with Supervisor 2 Project Development 3 Project Development (continued) 4 Project Development (continued) 5 Project Development (continued)

6 Proposal Progress Presentation and Panel’s Evaluation 7 Project Development



9 Project Testing

10 Final Year Project Format Writing Workshop 11 Project Testing


12 Draft report submission to supervisor

13 Submit poster & Preparation for final presentation 14 Seminar/Final presentation &

Panel’s evaluation 15 Final Thesis submission &




2.1 Introduction

This chapter will discuss the selected literature review of developed systems

and explain about technique used for that particular system. The main purpose of

literature review is to identify research method, technique and strategies that might be

helpful in developing this system. This chapter also will discuss about previous

research and existing system that are related to this proposed system. Hence, the

literature review is carried out to be used as a references in developing the proposed



Figure 2.1 homepage interface for additudemag.com

2.2 Existing System

In this section, we are going to review three example of existing system that are

having almost the same function as the proposed system.

2.2.1 Additude website

Figure 2.1 shows the homepage interface for additude system which provides many

information and article about ADHD.

Table 2.1 shows the advantages and disadvantages for additude system.

Table 2.1 Advantages and disadvantages Additude website

Description Advantages Disadvantages

Additudemag.com is a website that provides many article and

information about ADHD which cover different layers of society.

Provides useful and helpful article for reference.

The interface for this website is not user friendly because there are too many ads.

Provide different types of ADHD test depends on gender and age.

This website only provide self-test without further treatment by specialist on their website.



Figure 2.2 homepage interface for ADDA website

2.2.2 ADDA system

Figure 2.2 shows the homepage interface for Attention Deficit Disorder Association

(ADDA) website.

Table 2.2 shows the advantages and disadvantages for ADDA system.

Table 2.2 shows advantages and disadvantages ADDA system

Description Advantages Disadvantages

Add.org is a web-based system that provide useful help and support for people with ADHD.

Have a large group of support for different purpose such as ‘Parent Support Group’ and ‘Virtual Peer Support Group – beginner’

Does not provide a specialist treatment through this system and the test is done manually.

Can join as a volunteer to help ADHD community grow.

There is a registration fee to get access through the support group.



Figure 2.3 homepage interface for psycom.net

2.2.3 Psycom

Figure 2.3 shows the homepage interface for psycom.net webpage which provide help

for almost all type of mental health.

Table 2.3 shows the advantages and disadvantages for PSYCOM system

Table 2.3 advantages and disadvantages for psycom

Description Advantages Disadvantages

Psycom.net is a web-based system that provide help and information for

various mental health such as autism, depression, eating disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and many more.

Provide many article and helpful content for various mental health issues.

This system just show result of the test and provide link to different website to reach

professional help. Provide free online test for

almost all type of mental health.

The treatment and appointment is done on different website which is name.org (National Alliance on Mental Illness)


12 2.3 Related Research Technique and Tools

Table 2.4, Table 2.5, Table 2.6 and Table 2.7 shows the information and details for all the journal related to this research.

Table 2.4 Journal related to this research

Table 2.5 Journal related to this research

Author / Year

Title Objective Problem

Statement Method Result Samy S. Abu Naser, Bashar G. Bastami (2016) A Proposed Rule Based System for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Proposed to implement Rule-Based System to help others by preventing with early detection as this cancer does not have cure yet.

By 2016, there are still no expert system that focus directly on diagnosis breast cancer. Rule-Based Method

The result for this study is produce an accurate result of breast cancer diagnosis and provide information about this disease. Author / Year

Title Objective Problem

Statement Method Result Prableen Kaur, Manik Sharma (2019) Diagnosis of Human Psychological Disorders using Supervised Learning and Nature-Inspired Computing Techniques: A Meta-Analysis

The goal of this research is to highlight the role of various supervised learning and nature-inspired computing techniques in the diagnosis of ten different major human psychological disorders such as stress, autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, insomnia and others.

For the past few years, the total amount of people with psychological disorders has been significantly increased. Hence, this research is made to review these various types of disorder using different method. Supervised learning techniques, Nature-inspired techniques, Classification Accuracy The result for this study is produce the accuracy of various disorders using different techniques.



Table 2.6 Journal related to this research

Author / Year

Title Objective Problem

Statement Method Result Jesse C. Bledsoe, Danica Xiao, Art Chaovalit wongse, Sonya Mehta, Thomas J. Grabowsk i, Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, Steven Pliszka, and David Breiger Diagnostic Classificatio n of ADHD Versus Control: Support Vector Machine Classificatio n Using Brief Neuropsycho logical Assessment The main objective of this study is to determine the utility of machine learning in predicting and classifying children with ADHD-Combined presentation (ADHD-C) using neuropsychologi cal measures. Manual diagnosis typically include clinical interview, observation of patient and also report from parents and teacher. An evaluation from psychiatrist or other specialist can involve several times which are time consuming and costly for both patient and specialist. Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine (SVM) using Neuropsy chological Assessme nt 1. SVM model successfully produce accurate classification of individual children whether diagnosed with ADHD or not. 2. Decision tree identified people with and without ADHD-C with 100% specificity and sensitivity.

Table 3.7 Journal related to this research

Author / Year

Title Objective Problem Statement Method Result Senuri De Silva, Sanuwani Dayarathna, Gangani Ariyarathne, Dulani Meedeniya, Sampath Jayarathna, Anne M.P. MichalekGav indya Jayawardena A Rule-Based System for ADHD Identificatio n using Eye Movement Data The objective of this study is to analyse the accuracies of decision tree classifiers in order to identify ADHD subject.

There are many other studies that addressed

various data types in classifying ADHD such as fMRI, EEG, and others. However, the machine learning approaches still lack of accuracy to be implement in real practice. Eye movement, rule based, decision tree, classification rules. Result of this study is produce the diagnosis of ADHD using eye movement data with a rule-based approach to achieve the accurate result.


14 2.4 Solution Approach

This section is where we determine the possible approach that will be chosen

in developing this system. The capability of implementation using the approach

chosen need to be identified first in order to find the solutions. Hence, the technique

that will be used for this system is Rule-Based System (RBS).

2.4.1 Rule-Based System (RBS)

In this system, parents and teacher are required to perform ADHD test first

before proceed to seek for treatment from specialist. However, only parents whose

children’s diagnosed with ADHD are eligible to make appointment with specialist to

perform their therapy. In order to get final result of whether that particular person is

diagnosed with ADHD or not, Rule-Based technique will be applied to generate an

accurate result.

Rule-based system is a set of “IF-THEN” statements that is used to store and

manipulate data. The rules will be used to provide recommendations or diagnoses and

determine action to solve that particular problem. This algorithm approach is perfect

for this system as it help to generate accurate result of diagnosis based on the test

answered by parents and teachers. The term rule in Artificial Intelligence can be

defined as an IF-THEN structure which relates given information or facts in IF part to

other action in THEN part. Rule will provides the details on how to solve the problem.



Rule consists of two different parts which first, the IF part is called the

antecedent or premise while second, the THEN part is called the consequent or

conclusion. Rule also can have multiple antecedents joined by any keyword between

AND, OR and maybe a combination of both keyword.

2.5 Algorithm

There are three different type of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

diagnosis which are Combined Type, Predominantly Inattentive Type and

Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive type. Figure 2.4 shows the different type of

ADHD diagnostic.



Q1, Q2, Q3, … , Q18 stands for the question number related to the particular

ADHD type. The questionnaire used for this system is taken from Ministry of Health

Malaysia’s website. There are total of 18 questions which nine of them are related to

Inattentive type while another nine are related to Hyperactive-Impulsive type.

Question 1 until Question 9 focus on diagnosing user with Inattentive type while

Question 10 until Question 18 are focusing on Hyperactive-Impulsive type diagnostic.

As for the scoring method, user need to ensure that symptom of ADHD have

persisted for at least 6 months. If user answer ‘Yes’ for 6 or more symptom on

Question 1 until Question 9, hence user’s child or student is diagnosed with Attention

Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Predominantly Inattentive Type while if user answer

‘Yes’ for 6 or more symptom on Question 10 until Question 18, hence user’s child or

student is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Predominantly

Hyperactive-Impulsive Type. However, if both criteria is met, hence user’s child or



2.5.1 Diagnostic of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Predominantly Inattentive Type

Table 2.8 below shows an example of this technique to diagnose Predominantly

Inattentive Type.

Table 2.8 Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Predominantly Inattentive Type

Rule ID IF THEN Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Y N 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 0 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 1 0 3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N 1 0 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N 1 0 5 Y Y Y Y Y N N N N 0 1 6 Y Y Y Y N N N N N 0 1 7 Y Y Y N N N N N N 0 1 8 Y Y N N N N N N N 0 1 9 Y N N N N N N N N 0 1 10 Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 0 81 N N N N N N N N N 0 1



An example of rule based taken from Table 2.8 is illustrated as below.

R1: IF Q1 is Yes AND Q2 is Yes AND Q3 is Yes AND Q4 is Yes AND Q5 is Yes AND Q6 is Yes AND Q7 is Yes AND Q8 is Yes AND Q9 is Yes

THEN {(Yes,1),(No,0)}.

R5: IF Q1 is Yes AND Q2 is Yes AND Q3 is Yes AND Q4 is Yes AND Q5 is Yes AND Q6 is No AND Q7 is No AND Q8 is No AND Q9 is No

THEN {(Yes, 0),(No, 1)}

For rule R1, user is diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive type because he/she fulfilled

the criteria by answering ‘Yes’ for 6 or more questions. While for rule R5, user is not

diagnosed with ADHD because he/she does not fulfilled the criteria by only answering



2.5.2 Diagnostic of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

Table 2.9 below shows an example of this technique to diagnose Predominantly

Inattentive Type.

Table 2.9 Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

Rule ID IF THEN Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Y N 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 0 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 1 0 3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N 1 0 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N 1 0 5 Y Y Y Y Y N N N N 0 1 6 Y Y Y Y N N N N N 0 1 7 Y Y Y N N N N N N 0 1 8 Y Y N N N N N N N 0 1 9 Y N N N N N N N N 0 1 10 Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 0 81 N N N N N N N N N 0 1



An example of rule based taken from Table 2.9 is illustrated as below.

R1: IF Q10 is Yes AND Q11 is Yes AND Q12 is Yes AND Q13 is Yes AND Q14 is Yes AND Q15 is Yes AND Q16 is Yes AND Q17 is Yes AND Q18 is Yes

THEN {(Yes,1),(No,0)}.

R5: IF Q10 is Yes AND Q11 is Yes AND Q12 is Yes AND Q13 is Yes AND Q14 is Yes AND Q15 is No AND Q16 is No AND Q17 is No AND Q18 is No

THEN {(Yes, 0),(No, 1)}

For rule R1, user is diagnosed with ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive type because

he/she fulfilled the criteria by answering ‘Yes’ for 6 or more questions. While for rule

R5, user is not diagnosed with ADHD because he/she does not fulfilled the criteria by



2.5.3 Diagnostic of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Combined Type

Table 2.10 below shows an example of this technique to diagnose Combined Type.

Table 2.10 Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Combined Type

Rule ID IF THEN Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Y N 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 0 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N 1 0 3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N 1 0 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N 1 0 5 Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N N N N 0 1 6 Y Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N N 0 1 7 Y Y Y N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N 0 1 8 Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y N N N N N N N 0 1 9 Y N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N 0 1 10 Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 1 324 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 1



An example of rule based taken from Table 2.10 is illustrated as below.

R1: IF Q1 is Yes AND Q2 is Yes AND Q3 is Yes AND Q4 is Yes AND Q5 is Yes AND Q6 is Yes AND Q7 is Yes AND Q8 is Yes AND Q9 is Yes AND IF Q10 is Yes AND Q11 is Yes AND Q12 is Yes AND Q13 is Yes AND Q14 is Yes AND Q15 is Yes AND Q16 is Yes AND Q17 is Yes AND Q18 is Yes

THEN {(Yes,1),(No,0)}.

R5: IF Q1 is Yes AND Q2 is Yes AND Q3 is Yes AND Q4 is Yes AND Q5 is Yes AND Q6 is No AND Q7 is No AND Q8 is No AND Q9 is No AND IF Q10 is Yes AND Q11 is Yes AND Q12 is Yes AND Q13 is Yes AND Q14 is Yes AND Q15 is No AND Q16 is No AND Q17 is No AND Q18 is No

THEN {(Yes, 0),(No, 1)}

For rule R1, user is diagnosed with ADHD Combined type because he/she fulfilled the

criteria by answering ‘Yes’ for all questions from question 1 until question 18. While

for rule R5, user is not diagnosed with ADHD because he/she does not fulfilled the

criteria by only answering five question with ‘Yes’ for question 1 until question 9 and




3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, we are going to discuss about the methodology that is going to

be used in developing this system. Methodology is a technique for developer to do

research which will provide effective ways in order to gather data, categorized and

analyse information to produce a conclusion. Project methodology is very important

during development as it help developer to organize research to overcome certain

problems. As for this system, it has been decided that the methodology that will be

used is Agile Methodology.

3.2 Agile Methodology

Agile Methodology is a process where a team can manage a project by

dividing it into several stages which are requirement, design, development, testing,

deployment and review phase. Agile Methodology involved constant collaboration

between developer and stakeholders and continuous improvement at every stage. Each

iteration is very well organized and for every iteration, it contains tasks such as adding

new functionalities, requirement analysing and planning, designing, coding, testing

and documenting. This methodology is popularized by the Manifesto for Agile

Software Development. Agile methodology is such a good practice that ensure the



Figure 3.1 agile methodology

3.2.1 Requirement Phase

For the first phase, the title for this propose system is determined which is a

Support System for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Students in

Primary School. Next, the Gantt Chart is created as a guideline for this project. All the

requirement needed to implement and develop this system are determined in this

phase. Based on thorough research of information, the method and technique approach

for implementing this system is decided.

3.2.2 Design Phase

After collecting data and information regarding the system, we will be working

on the design phase, which all the data is transformed into a diagram to show the flow

of this system. Some diagram that will be designed throughout this process are

Context Diagram (CD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD), and Entity Relationship Diagram

(ERD). All these diagrams will be helpful as a guideline in developing the system.

After succeeding in designing the diagram, we will be moving to design the database


25 3.2.3 Development Phase

During this phase, the implementation of the system will be done by coding

from the design made in previous phase. User requirement and system requirement

will be the main benchmark in developing this system. In order to develop this system,

Xampp server is used as a database, Sublime Text 3 as a medium to code and the

language chosen is PHP which is Hypertext Preprocesseor.

3.2.4 Testing Phase

In testing phase, the system will be tested in order to find any error and make

sure that the system is functioning well. Any bugs and error that occurs during this

phase will be fixed until the system meet its objective. For this phase, the functionality

of the Support System for ADHD Students in Primary School will be determined

whether the system can produce an accurate result of ADHD test perform by parents

and teacher.

3.2.5 Deployment Phase

During this phase, the Support System for ADHD students in Primary School

should be ready to use by users. After ensuring the system is functioning well during


26 3.2.6 Review Phase

Last but not least, as for the final phase, user will give their review and

feedback on the system to be used for maintenance of this support system. In this

phase will be determined whether the system meets both user and system requirements

as well as the main objectives of this system.

3.3 System Requirement

There are two important requirement that are needed in order to make sure the

project is success which are hardware requirement and software requirement. Both

hardware and software requirement used for this project are shown below.

3.3.1 Hardware Requirement

Table 3.1 shows type of hardware and its specification used in developing this system.

Table 3.1 Hardware and its specification

No Hardware Specification

1. Laptop Asus X55B

2. Processor AMD Dual Core A9

3. Random Access Memory 4 GB

4. Operating System Windows 10

5. System type 64-bit Operating System


27 3.3.2 Software Requirement

Table 3.2 shows type of hardware and its specification used in developing this system

Table 3.2 Software and its specification

No Software Specification

1. Xampp Server used to run localhost

2. Sublime Text 3 Used as a medium to write code

3. Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) Programming language

4. Microsoft Word 2016 Used for system documentation

5. MySQL For system database

6. Chrome Browser used to run localhost

7. Draw.io Application to design CD, DFD and ERD

3.4 System Design

Modelling and design is important in order to represent the details which help

in explaining the mechanism or function of the system. It also helps in designing

database, interface and the way of implementation method in the system. The process

of data modelling requires the graphical representation of functions and processes in

the system before system implementation takes place. It is explained by framework


28 3.4.1 Framework Design

Figure 3.2 below shows the framework design of Support System for ADHD

Students in Primary School. This framework design will explain the main process

occurs in the system. There are three main elements which are admin, user and

specialist where user consists of two different type based on their relationship with

students either parents or teacher. All of the information will be saved directly into the

database. As for admin, only admin is eligible to register specialist. User will register

themselves as a parents or teacher, take ADHD test and make appointment with

specialist through the system. While specialist can manage appointment and give

consultation to user regarding their children’s ADHD result.


29 3.4.2 Context Diagram

This system consists of three different entities which are Admin, User and

Specialist. Admin can manage user and specialist, where admin can add new specialist

into the system and system will return report to admin. As for user, user can perform

ADHD test and gain result from the test. If positive, then user is eligible to make

appointment with specialist and receive appointment information from the system.

Last but not least, specialist can manage appointment and system will return

appointment information to the specialist. The context diagram for this system is

shown as figure 3.3 below.


30 3.4.3 Data Flow Diagram

There is one data flow diagram for level 0 and four process for data flow diagram

level 1. The diagram will be discuss as follows. DFD Level 0

The Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0 shows the main process that occurs in

this system. This system consists of three entities which are admin, user and specialist.

There are total of seven main processes that are involved in this system which are add

specialist, register, perform ADHD test, generate result, make appointment, manage

appointment and generate report. Admin has one process which is manage specialist

while user has four major process which are register, perform test, gain result and

manage appointment. While specialist has one major process which is manage





Figure 3.5 Data Flow Diagram level 1 for manage specialist DFD level 1

Data Flow Diagram Level 1 shows the details of process that are involved in

this system which are manage specialist, manage registration, make appointment and

manage appointment. Manage Specialist

Figure 3.5 below shows the details of manage specialist process perform by admin. Admin can add new specialist, update specialist and view list of specialist.



Figure 3.6 Data Flow Diagram level 1 for manage registration process Manage Registration

Figure 3.6 below shows the flow for the process of manage registration. User can

create new account by register to the system and update their information while admin



Figure 3.7 Data Flow Diagram level 1 for make appointment process Make Appointment

Figure 3.7 below shows the flow for the process of make appointment. User can create



Figure 3.8 Data Flow Diagram level 1 for manage appointment process Manage Appointment

Figure 3.8 below shows the flow for the process of manage appointment perform by

specialist. Specialist can create available appointment, update available appointment



Figure 3.9 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

3.5 Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram is a representative diagram which shows relationship

between one entities to another throughout the system. As for this system, there are

nine different entities which are admin, user, student, specialist, question, choices,

test, result and appointment. The full ERD for this system is shown as in figure 3.9



Figure 3.10 data dictionary for admin

Figure 3.12 data dictionary for student Figure 3.11 data dictionary for user

3.6 Data Dictionary

Data dictionary is a collection of tables with metadata. It contains all information

about the objects in the database such as data relationship, usage, meaning, format and

other information as well. Therefore, database management system software needs



Figure 3.15 data dictionary for choice

Figure 3.16 data dictionary for test

Figure 3.17 data dictionary for result

Figure 3.18 data dictionary for appointment Figure 3.13 data dictionary for specialist




4.1 Introduction

Implementation phase is a phase where a whole system is being developed to

meet the requirements of the system. During this phase, the project’s plan is put into

action where it involve the process of carrying out, execute, testing and model or

design based on the specification stated on user requirement. The main purpose of this

chapter is to explain the flow throughout the system which is Support System for

ADHD Students in Primary School. The method or technique that is being

implemented to this system which is Rule Based Technique is being used to diagnose



4.2 Implementation of Support System for ADHD Students in Primary School

In order to develop this system, XAMPP version 3.2.2 with Apache version

2.4.29 are used to run the local host server. As for the medium to write code, Sublime

Text version 3.0 is used to fulfil the task. Next, the interface for the system is design

using HTML and JavaScript to ensure user’s smooth experience. As for programming

language, Hypertext Pre-Processor or usually known as PHP is used as PHP is widely

known as a powerful tool for general-purpose scripting language that can be

embedded into HTML.

The rule based technique is implemented where system will produce or

generate a result based on questions answered by user to determine whether the user is

suffered from ADHD or not and the type of ADHD that match with their behaviour.

User must answer all the questions given and by clicking the submit button, system

will calculate user’s answers and produce the result of the type of ADHD based on the

scale set by Ministry of Health, Malaysia. There are three types of ADHD which are



Figure 4.1 admin login interface

4.3 Interface Design

The interface design for this system is shown as below, where it consists of

Admin’s Interface, Specialist’s Interface and User’s Interface. The interface is

developed based on the data decomposition and the system requirements.

4.3.1 Admin Interface

Figure 4.1 shows the login page for admin to fill in their details such as email



Figure 4.2 Admin Dashboard

Figure 4.2 shows the dashboard for admin after they have successfully log into

the system. Through the dashboard, admin can see total of parents registered, teacher

registered, specialist registered in their system and also total of appointment that are



Figure 4.3 Specialist report

Figure 4.3 shows the list of specialist that has been registered in the system.

Only admin is eligible to add new account for specialist to avoid data falsification. As

for the details shown in this page, admin can only view password that has not been

occupied by any specialist yet. If the account has been logged into the system by

specialist, then the password will be hide from admin view and admin cannot update



Figure 4.4 Add new specialist

Figure 4.5 Add new specialist (continued)

Figure 4.4 shows the form for admin to add new specialist. Admin need to

enter information such as email and password. This account will be created by admin

first before given to specialist for them to log into the system. After clicking on the

submit button, admin will be redirected to list of specialist interface and a successful



Figure 4.6 Update specialist record

Figure 4.7 Update specialist record (continued)

Figure 4.6 shows the interface for admin to update specialist record. Admin

can only update specialist record that has not been used by specialist yet. If the

account has been logged into the system by specialist, the edit icon will be hide from

admin view. After clicking on submit button, a successful message will be displayed



Figure 4.8 List of question

Figure 4.8 shows list of question that has been added by admin. All this

question will be used to determine type of ADHD that will be answered by user in the

ADHD Test menu. This questions is taken directly from Minister of Health (MOH)



Figure 4.9 Add new question

Figure 4.6 Update specialist record

Figure 4.10 Add new question (continued)

Figure 4.9 shows the form that admin need to fill in to add new questions. A

successful message will be displayed as shown in Figure 4.10.



Figure 4.11 Update question

Figure 4.12 Update question (continued)

Figure 4.11 shows the interface for admin to update question. This is useful if

there is any changes of questions made by MOH. After updating the question, a



Figure 4.13 Parents report

Figure 4.14 Teacher report

Admin also can view the report of parents and teacher registered into their

system. Only admin can view the information and details about the user registered in



Figure 4.15 Specialist log in

4.3.2 Specialist Interface

Figure 4.15 shows the login page for specialist to fill in their details such as

email and password. Specialist can only enter the email and password that has been

created by admin beforehand. After clicking the sign in button, specialist will be



Figure 4.16 Specialist dashboard

Figure 4.16 shows the dashboard for specialist where specialist can view the

total of patient registered under them, the total of booked appointment, pending



Figure 4.17 List of Schedule

Figure 4.17 shows the list of schedule for that particular specialist. There are

various type of status such as ‘Available’ which mean the schedule can be booked by

patient, ‘Pending’ that mean the schedule is waiting for an approval by specialist,

‘Booked’, where the schedule has been successfully booked by user, ‘Cancelled by

Specialist’ that mean the appointment has been cancelled by specialist and lastly,



Figure 4.18 Add new schedule

Figure 4.19 Add new schedule (continued)

Figure 4.18 shows the interface for specialist to add new schedule. Specialist

can simply click on Add Schedule button, and a form will popped up which need to be

filled by specialist. Information such as date, time start, time end and status is needed

in order to create a new schedule. After clicking on the ‘add’ button, a successful



Figure 4.20 Delete schedule

Figure 4.21 Delete schedule (continued)

Figure 4.20 shows the interface for specialist to delete the schedule. Only

schedule which their status is ‘Available’ can be deleted by specialist. Else, the delete

icon will be hide from specialist interface. After clicking on the icon, a successful



Figure 4.23 Request list (continued) Figure 4.22 Request list

Figure 4.22 shows list of request that are currently pending, waiting for

approval from specialist. Specialist has two choices, approve the request or decline.

Either way, a message will be sent to user to notify them whether their appointment is

approved or declined by specialist. For example, if specialist want to approve the

request, they can click the approve icon and a successful message will be displayed as



Figure 4.24 Booking details

Figure 4.24 shows the details of booking that has been approved by specialist.

Specialist can see information such as user’s name, their child information, results of



Figure 4.25 Cancel Booking by Specialist

Figure 4.26 Cancel Booking by Specialist (continued)

If specialist want to cancel the appointment, they can click on Cancel Booking

button and a confirmation message will be shown as in Figure 4.25. If they still want

to cancel the booking, proceed on clicking the confirm button and a successful

message will be displayed as shown in Figure 4.26. The status will be changed from



Figure 4.27 Appointment history report

Specialist also can view the report of appointment history. All the record of

appointment that has been booked, pending, and cancelled will be displayed as shown

in Figure 4.27. This is important so that specialist can keep track of their appointment



Figure 4.28 Update profile

Figure 4.29 Update profile (continued)

Figure 4.28 shows the interface for specialist to update their profile. They can

update their information as well as their profile picture in this page. After clicking the

submit button, a successful message will be displayed as shown in Figure 4.29 and the



Figure 4.30 Homepage before login

Figure 4.31 Registration form

4.3.3 User Interface

Figure 4.30 shows the interface of user homepage before log in. User can

register their account by clicking on the ‘Join Us’ menu and choose ‘Register’. A

registration form will be displayed as shown in Figure 4.31. User needs to fill in all



Figure 4.32 User log in

After clicking on the submit button, system will redirect user to log in page,

where user need to log in using the email and password created on registration page as



Figure 4.33 Student registration form

Figure 4.34 Student registration form (continued)

After logged into the system, a successful message will be displayed and user

is redirected to student’s registration page as shown in Figure 4.33. User need to fill in

their dependent’s information which are first name, last name and age. After clicking



Figure 4.35 ADHD information

Figure 4.36 ADHD information (continued)

Figure 4.35 and Figure 4.36 shows the page for ADHD info where several of



Figure 4.37 ADHD test

Figure 4.38 ADHD test (continued)

Figure 4.37 shows the interface for user to perform the ADHD test. User can

answer the test by simply clicking on the ‘Take New Test’ button. System will



Figure 4.39 ADHD test (continued)

Figure 4.40 ADHD result

After completing the first section, user will be redirected to Section B which is

the second section of the test as shown in Figure 4.39. After finish answering all the

question, user can click on the submit button, and system will generate the result



Figure 4.41 Choose specialist

If the result shows that user is diagnosed with either Inattentive type,

Hyperactive-Impulsive type or Combined type, user can proceed to book appointment

with specialist of their choice by clicking ‘book appointment’. If it is user first time to

book appointment, user need to choose a specialist first as shown in Figure 4.41.



Figure 4.42 Specialist details

Figure 4.43 Specialist details (continued)

After clicking the ‘Choose’ button, user can see the details of that specialist as

shown in Figure 4.42. If they wish to continue, simply click on confirm button and a



Figure 4.44 Specialist schedule

Figure 4.45 Booking details

Figure 4.44 shows the schedule of the chosen specialist. User can see the

available schedule and choose the schedule that they want by clicking on ‘Book Now’



Figure 4.46 Booking list

Figure 4.47 Booking list (continued)

If user wish to proceed, they can simply click on ‘Submit button and the

system will redirect user to booking list interface as shown in Figure 4.46. The status

will remain ‘Pending’ unless approved by specialist. After specialist has approved the



Figure 4.48 Cancel booking by User

Figure 4.49 Cancel booking by User (continued)

If user want to cancel the booking, simply click on the delete icon as shown in

Figure 4.48. System will show a success message and the status will be changed into



Figure 4.50 Update user profile

Figure 4.51 Update user profile (continued)

User also can update their profile by clicking on the dropdown button on

navigation menu and choose ‘Profile’. User will be redirected to update profile page

as shown in Figure 4.50. After updating their information, simply click on ‘Submit’



Figure 4.52 Update child profile

Figure 4.53 Update child profile (continued)

User also can update their child’s information by choosing the ‘Child Profile’

tab. System will show the form to update the information as shown in Figure 4.52.

After updating the details, a successful message will be displayed as shown in Figure


73 4.4 Testing Analysis

After the completion of this system, a test will be performed by using two

techniques for software testing which are black box testing and white box testing. This

is to ensure that this system run smoothly and minimize the possibilities of error and


4.4.1 Black Box Testing

Black box testing refers to a method of testing the system without knowing the

internal structure of the code or program. The main goal of this testing is to test the

behaviour of the software. The module involved in this testing are login, manage user,

manage student, manage question, manage specialist, manage schedule and manage


4.4.2 White Box Testing

White box testing on the other hand is a testing method where it involved the

internal structure or the internal operation of the system. The module related to this


74 4.5 Test Case

A test case is a set of actions carried out to ensure that a specific feature or

functionality of the software or system is working properly. The method of developing

test cases often help in identifying the issues that might occur within the system. The

table below shows the test cases for some of the process in Support System for ADHD

Students in Primary School.

4.5.1 Login Testing

Table 4.1 Test Case for Admin to log into the system

Test Case for Admin to log into the system

Step Procedure Expected Result

1. Login page Preview page

2. Admin enter the details in the login form:

Email : ana@gmail.com

Password : ana Click Sign in button

Admin successfully logged into the system.

System will redirect admin to homepage.



Table 4.2 Test Case for Specialist to log into the system

Table 4.3 Test Case for User to log into the system

Test Case for Specialist to log into the system

Step Procedure Expected Result

1. Login page Preview page

2. Specialist enter the details in the login form:

Email : jannatul@gmail.com

Password : jannatul Click Sign in button

Specialist successfully logged into the system.

System will redirect specialist to homepage.

Test Case for User to log into the system

Step Procedure Expected Result

1. Click Join Us button and choose login menu. System will display the form for user to fill.

2. User enter the details in the login form:

Email : afiqah@gmail.com

Password : afiqah Click Sign in button

User successfully logged into the system.

System will redirect user to homepage.


Figure 2.2 homepage interface for ADDA website
Figure 2.3 shows the homepage interface for psycom.net webpage which provide help  for almost all type of mental health
Figure 2.4 type of ADHD diagnostic
Table 2.8 below shows an example of this technique to diagnose Predominantly  Inattentive Type.


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