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G. LAWLER, Department of Mathematics, Box 90320, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0320

e-mail: jose@math.duke.edu

Submitted: September 18, 1995 Revised: February 16, 1996. AMS 1991 Subject classification: 60J65

Keywords and phrases: Planar Brownian Motion, Frontier Dimension, Disconnection Expo-nents.


Let B be a two dimensional Brownian motion and let the frontier ofB[0,1]be defined as the set of all points inB[0,1]that are in the closure of the unbounded connected component of its complement. We prove that the Hausdorff dimension of the frontier equals2(1α)whereαis an exponent for Brownian motion called the two-sided disconnection exponent. In particular, using an estimate on αdue to Werner, the Hausdorff dimension is greater than1.015.



LetB(t) be a Brownian motion taking values in IR2 which we also consider as IC. Let B[0,1] be the image of [0,1]. For any compactAC we define the frontier ofI A, fr(A) to be the set of points inAconnected to infinity. More precisely, fr(A) is the set ofxAsuch thatxis in the closure of the unbounded connected component of IC\A. Take a typical pointxfr(B[0,1]). Then locally atxthe Brownian motion looks like two independent Brownian motions starting atxwith the condition thatxis not disconnected from infinity. In this paper, we use this idea to prove that the Hausdorff dimension of fr(B[0,1]) is given in terms of a certain exponent for Brownian motion.

LetB1, B2 be independent Brownian motions starting on the unit circle, and let


n = inf{t:|Bj(t)|=n}.

Let Dn be the event that 0 is contained in the unbounded connected component of IC\

(B1[0, T1

n]∪B2[0, Tn2]). Let

q(n) = sup IPx1,x2{Dn},

where IPx1,x2 denotes probabilities assuming B1(0) =x1, B2(0) = x2, and the supremum is over all|x1| = |x2| = 1. It is easy to see from the strong Markov property and Brownian

1Research supported by the National Science Foundation and NSERC.


scaling that for alln, m1,


Standard techniques, using the subadditivity of the function f(k) = logq(2k), can be used to

show that there exists anα >0 such that asn→ ∞,

q(n)n−2α, (1)

wheredenotes that the logarithms of boths sides are asymptotic. Moreover,q(n)n−2αfor

alln. We callαthetwo-sided disconnection exponent. (Sometimes 2αis called the two-sided disconnection exponent.) The value ofαis not known. One can give an easy bound ofα1/2, by noting that with probability at leastcn−1/2, a Brownian motion in IC starting at 1 reaches the circle of radiusnwithout hitting the negative real axis (see (7)). IfB1 andB2 both reach the circle of radiusnwithout hitting the negative real axis, then 0 is connected to infinity in the complement of B1[0, T1

n]∪B2[0, Tn2]. Werner [9, 10] has recently shown that 2α≤.985. A

lower bound,α≥(2π2+1)/(8π2), was given by Burdzy and Lawler [2]. There is an interesting conjecture due to Mandelbrot [7] thatα= 1/3, and recent simulations of Puckette and Werner [8] are consistent with this conjecture. Mandelbrot’s conjecture was really about the Hausdorff dimension of the frontier of Brownian motion, but as we see from the main theorem of this paper the two quantities are related. We let dimh(A) denote the Hausdorff dimension of the

set A.

Theorem 1.1 With probability one,

dimh(fr(B[0,1])) = 2(1−α),

where αis the two-sided disconnection exponent.

Using Werner’s estimate, we get an immediate corollary,

dimh(fr(B[0,1]))>1.015. (2)

Bishop, Jones, Pemantle, and Peres [1] have recently given a different argument to show that

dimh(fr(B[0,1]))>1, (3)

but their methods are not sufficient to prove (2). In the course of our proof we will rederive the estimateα <1/2, so (3) can be concluded from this paper alone. The main technical tool in proving the theorem is to improve the estimate in (1). We show that

q(n)n−2α, (4)

where denotes that both sides are bounded by a constant times the other side. Using this estimate (and some slight generalizations) we can compute the Hausdorff dimension by covering the set of “frontier times” by approximate “frontier intervals” of size 2−n and then



Main proof

LetB(t) be a Brownian motion taking values in IC. Let Λ = fr(B[0,1]).

LetLbe the set of frontier times forB,

L={t∈[0,1] :B(t)∈Λ}.

It is well known [5] that with probability one Brownian motion doubles the Hausdorff dimension of sets. Hence it suffices to prove that with probability one

dimh(L) = 1−α.

Throughout this paper we useB(x, r) to denote the closed disc of radiusraboutx.

For any compactAC we will writeI Q(A) for the unbounded connected component of IC\A

and ¯Q(A) for the closure ofQ(A). Note thatA1 ⊂A2 impliesQ(A1)⊃Q(A2). For every n, letI(j, n) = [(j1)/2n, j/2n]. We will say thatI(j, n) is an approximate frontier interval if

B([j−1 2n ,


2n])∩Q(B[0, j2

2n ]∪B[ j+ 1

2n ,1])6=∅.

LetKj,n be the indicator of the event “I(j, n) is an approximate frontier interval” and let

Ln= [


I(j, n).

Note thatL1 ⊃L2⊃ · · ·, andL⊂Ln.

Lemma 2.1 With probability one,

L= ∞




Proof: It is easy to see that with probability one there exists an nsuch that 0,16∈Ln. Let 0< t <1. Suppose t6∈ L, i.e., B(t)6∈Q¯(B[0,1]). Since ¯Q(B[0,1]) is a closed set, there is a

δ >0 with

B(B(t),2δ)Q¯(B[0,1]) =.

It is easy to see that this implies that

Q(B[0,1]∩ {z:|zB(t)| ≥δ}) =Q(B[0,1]),


B(B(t), δ)Q(B[0,1]) =.

But by continuity ofB, for allnsufficiently large,

B([j−2 2n ,

j+ 2

2n ])⊂ B(B(t), δ),

where j =jt is chosen withj −1< t2n ≤j. Hence I(j, n) andI(j+ 1, n) are not frontier

intervals and hencet6∈Ln.

The next lemma will be proved in the next section (see Lemma 3.15). In this paper we use


Lemma 2.2 There exist c1, c2 such that for2n−2≤j≤k≤3·2n−2,

c12−nα≤IE{Kj,n} ≤c22−nα,


IE{Kj,nKk,n} ≤c22−nα(k−j+ 1)−α.

Letµn be the (random) measure on [0,1] whose density with respect to Lebesgue measure is

2αnon every intervalI(j, n) with 2n−2< j3·2n−2andK

j,n= 1. On all other intervals the

density is zero. Note that µn is supported onLn[1/4,3/4] and hence any weak limit of the

µn is supported on L[1/4,3/4]. Let

Jn= X

2n−2<j≤3·2n−2 Kj,n.

Note that µn[0,1] =µn[1/4,3/4] = 2n(α−1)Jn.

The upper bound on dimh(L∩[1/4,3/4]) is easy. We can coverL∩[1/4,3/4] byJn intervals

of length 2−n. It follows from Lemma 2.2, that

IE{Jn} ≤c22(1−α)n.

If β >1α, Markov’s inequality gives

IP{Jn ≥2βn} ≤c22(1−α−β)n,

and hence by the Borel-Cantelli Lemma,

IP{Jn2βni.o.}= 0.

By standard arguments this implies that dimh(L∩[1/4,3/4])≤β with probability one and

since this holds for allβ >1−α,


1 4,


4])≤1−α}= 1. To get the lower bound we first note that Lemma 2.2 implies

IE{Jn} ≥c12(1−α)n.

IE{(Jn)2} ≤c222(1−α)n.

Hence by standard arguments, there exists ac3>0 such that for alln,

IP{Jn ≥c32(1−α)n} ≥c3, and hence

IP{µn[1 4,


4]≥c3i.o.} ≥c3. (5)

LetIβ(µ) denote theβ-energy of a measureµon [0,1], i.e.,

Iβ(µ) =

Z 1


Z 1

0 |


Suppose β= 1αǫwithǫ >0. Then (using Lemma 2.2),

β is a positive constant, depending on β, whose value may change from line to line. In particular,

IP{Iβ(µn)≥2uβ/c3} ≤

There is nothing special about the interval [1/4,3/4]. By a similar argument we can show that for every 0a < b1, there exists au=u(a, b)>0 such that

IP{dimh(L∩[a, b]) = 1−α}=u,

IP{dimh(L∩[a, b])≤1−α}= 1.

We can adapt the proof above to prove a slightly different result. Let ˜Kj,n be the indicator function of the event “I(j, n) is an approximate frontier interval;B(I(j, n))⊂ {1≤ ℑ(z)2}; By using the same argument as above, we can then show that

IP{dimh[B[0,1]∩ {1≤ ℑ(z)≤2}] = 2(1−α);ℑ(B(1))≥3}>0. (6)


that for every interval, with positive probability the Hausdorff dimension of the set of “cut times” in that interval was given by a certain value, 1ζ. In order to show that this result holds with probability one, it was shown that there were cut times arbitrarily close to t= 0 and then a zero-one law could be used. This idea will not work in the case of the frontier of Brownian motion because B(0) is not a point on the frontier. However, by concentrating on a different point, the point at which the imaginary part ofBt is a minimum, we can show that the dimension of L is 1−α with probability one. We will only sketch the argument which is due to K. Burdzy. (It is not too difficult to give the complete details, but this is such an “obvious” fact that it should not take up too much of this paper.)

WriteBt=Xt+iYtwhere Xt, Ytare independent one-dimensional Brownian motions. Let

R= inf{Yt: 0≤t≤1}.

It is easy to check that with probability one there is a unique (random) time σ∈(0,1) with

Yσ=R. LetVn be the event that

Let W, Z be independent h-processes in the upper half plane starting at 0, i.e., W, Z are independent Brownian motions “conditioned to have positive imaginary part for all positive times.” It is intuitively clear that nearBσ, the Brownian motionB looks like two independent

h-processes conditioned to have imaginary part greater thanR. Burdzy and San Martin made this notion precise (see [3, Lemma 2.1]) and showed that any “local” event atBσ has the same probability as the corresponding local event for W, Z. Let En be the event that

dimh[fr(Z[0,1]∪W[0,1])∩ B(0,2−n)] = 2(1−α).

Then by the result of Burdzy and San Martin,


It is not hard to show using 0-1 Laws that

IP By the strong Markov property and the transience of theh-processes this implies that there is ac >0 such that


(We have extended the definition of frontier in a natural way to include some noncompactA.) In particular,

IP{En} ≥c >0.



( \




= IP

( \




= 1.


Brownian motion estimates

LetB1, B2be independent Brownian motions taking values in IR2= IC starting at

|x1|=|x2|= 1. For the first part of this section, we will also assume an initial configuration is given. An initial configuration will be an ordered pair ˜Γ = (Γ1,Γ2) of closed subsets of{z: 0<|z| ≤1} such that

Γj∩ {z:|z|= 1}={xj}, j= 1,2.

We setT1j= 0; forn >1 we set, as before,


n = inf{t:|Bj(t)|=n};

and we let

Γjn = ΓjBj[0, Tnj],

Γn= Γ1n∪Γ2n.

We letDn =Dn(˜Γ) be the event that 0 is connected to infinity in IC\Γn, Dn={0∈Q(Γn)}.

For each n ≥1, let Θj(n) be the argument of Bj(Tnj). We will consider arguments modulo 2π, i.e., 0 and 2πare the same argument.


q(n) = sup IPx1,x2{Dn},

where the supremum is over all |x1| = |x2| = 1 and the initial configuration is given by Γj ={xj}. By Brownian scaling and the strong Markov property,


and hence by standard subadditivity arguments there exists anαsuch that as n→ ∞,


Heredenotes that the logarithms of both sides are asymptotic. Moreover,q(n)n−2α. We

know (see Section 1) thatα(0,1).

LetYn =Yn(˜Γ) be the supremum of allǫ >0 such that

0∈Q[Γn∪ B(B1(Tn1), nǫ)∪ B(B2(Tn2), nǫ)].

Note that {Yn > 0}= Dn. In the proofs we will use a standard estimate about Brownian motion. Let

Aθ={z∈C :I −θ

2 <Arg(z)<



Then ifx= 1,0< θπ,

IPx{B1[0, Tn1]Aθ} ≍n−π/2θ. (7) The θ=π/2 result is the standard “gambler’s ruin” estimate for Brownian motion, and the estimate for otherθ can be derived by conformal mapping.

Lemma 3.1 There exists a constant c1 >0 such that if Γ˜ is any initial configuration with

Y1>0, then

IP{Y2≥ 1

4} ≥c1(Y1) 4.

Proof: IfY1>1/10 then it is easy to prove the lemma by direct construction of an event so we assumeY1=r≤1/10. Without loss of generality we will assume that 0 = Θ1(1)≤Θ2(1) =

θ≤π. Consider the events

U1={B1[0, T21]⊂ B(x1, r/4)∪ {z:|z|>1,Arg(z)(π/4,r/16)}; Arg(B1(t))∈(−π/4,−π/8), T31/2≤t≤T21}, U2={B2[0, T22]⊂ B(x2, r/4)∪ {z:|z|>1,Arg(z)(θ+ (r/16), θ+ (π/4))};

Arg(B2(t))(θ+ (π/8), θ+ (π/4)), T32/2tT21}.

By standard estimates (using conformal mapping) it can be shown that IP{Uj} ≥cr2.

It is easy to see thatU1U2⊂ {Y

2≥1/4}, and hence we get the result.

The next lemma is a very important technical lemma. It states in a uniform way that two Brownian motions conditioned not to disconnect the origin from infinity have a reasonable chance of being “not too close to disconnecting.” Let Fs be theσ-algebra generated by

{Bj(t) : 0tTsj, j= 1,2}.

Lemma 3.2 There exists a constant c1 >0 such that if Γ˜ is any initial configuration with


IP{Y2≥ 1

4} ≥c1IP{D2}. Proof: For every 3/2ρ2, letV(ρ) be the event

V(ρ) ={Yr≥


4, ρ≤r≤2}.

For anyǫ >0, it is easy to see by direct construction of an event (see, e.g., the proof of Lemma 3.1) that there is auǫ>0 such that for any initial configuration withY1≥ǫ,


2)} ≥uǫ. Choose integer N sufficiently large so that

exp[ ∞




LethN = 3/2 and forn > N, let


so thathn ≤15/8 for alln. Let

r(n) = infIP{V(hn)} IP{D(hn)},

where the infimum is over all initial configurations with Y1 ≥ 2−n. By the comment above,

r(n)>0 for each fixedn. We will show below that there is ac2>0 such that for alln > N,

r(n)(1 c2

n2)r(n−1), (8)

and hence there exists ac1>0 such thatr(n)≥c1 for alln. This clearly gives the lemma. By the strong Markov property, Brownian scaling, and the definition ofr(n), we can see that ifn > N, 1sexp{n22−n}andA∈ Fswith

A⊂ {Ys2−(n−1)},


IP{A∩V(shn−1)} ≥r(n−1)IP{A∩D(shn−1)}.


IP{AV(hn)} ≥r(n1)IP{AD(hn)}. (9) Choosen > N, and let ˜Γ be an initial configuration withY1≥2−n. By Lemma 3.1,

IP{D2} ≥c2−4n. (10)

Letsj =sj,n= exp{j2−n}and let

σ=σn= inf{j:Ysj ≥2



By (9), ifj < n2,

IP{V(hn)∩ {σ=j}} ≥r(n−1)IP{D(hn)∩ {σ=j}},

and hence

IP{V(hn)∩ {σ < n2}} ≥r(n−1)IP{D(hn)∩ {σ < n2}}.

If we can show that

IP{D(hn)∩ {σ < n2}} ≥(1− c2

n2)IP{D(hn)}, (11) we will have derived (8).

Let β > 0 be the probability that a Brownian motion starting at the origin, stopped upon reaching the sphere of radius 2, disconnects the ball of radius 1 from the sphere of radius 2. Then, fornsufficiently large, we can see that if ˜Γ is any initial configuration withY1≤2−(n−1),

IP{Ys5= 0} ≥β


Likewise, by scaling we can see that for allj < n2,

IP{Ysj+5= 0|Ysj ≤2

−(n−1)} ≥β2.

Iterating this, we can conclude that

IP{σ≥n2;Ysn2 6= 0} ≤c1e



IP{D(hn)∩ {σ≥n2}} ≤IP{σ≥n2;Ysn2 6= 0}.

Combining this with (10), we can conclude (11).

By applying this lemma to the configuration Γn−1, we see (using Brownian scaling) that for n2, and any initial configuration,


4 | Fn−1} ≥cIP{Dn| Fn−1}, (12) and hence

IP{Yn≥ 14|Dn} ≥c. (13)

Since paths with Yn ≥1/4 can be extended with positive probabilty to distance 2nwithout

producing a disconnection, we get the following corollary.

Corollary 3.3 There exists ac >0such that


For the remainder of this paper, we will not need to consider any initial configurations. Let

B1,B2 be independent Brownian motions starting on the unit circle. For anyt

1, t2 (perhaps random), letJ(t1, t2) denote the set ofθsuch that there exists a continuous curveγ: [0,∞)→ I

C satisfying:

γ(0) = 0, γ(1) =eiθ, |γ(t)| → ∞, t→ ∞ |γ(t)|>1, 1< t <∞,

γ[0,∞)∩(B1[0, t1]∪B2[0, t2]) =∅.

We consider J(t1, t2) as a subset of the unit circle. It is easy to verify that J(t1, t2) is one of: empty, an open interval of the unit circle, or the union of two disjoint open invervals. Moreover, if J(t1, t2) =∅, then J(s1, s2) =∅for alls1 ≥t1, s2 ≥t2. LetXn =l[J(Tn1, Tn2)]

where l denotes Lebesgue measure on the unit circle. Note that Dn ={Xn >0}. It seems

intuitively clear that if Dn holds then there should be a reasonable chance that J(Tn1, Tn2) is

not very small. The next lemma gives a rigorous statement of this.

Lemma 3.4 There exists a δ >0such that for alln1, sup IPx1,x2{Xn> δ} ≥


Proof: It suffices to prove the result for n >2. For any δ >0, letVδ(t1, t2) be the event that

J(t1, t2) contains an open interval (a, b) witha, b6∈J(t1, t2) and 0<|b−a| ≤δ. We will show that forδsufficiently small and|x1|=|x2|= 1,

IPx1,x2{Vδ(Tn1, Tn2)} ≤ 12q(n),

and hence for some|x1|=|x2|= 1,

IPx1,x2{Xn> δ} ≥ 12q(n).


0 =τ02=σ11=σ21= 0 and define inductively

τkj= inf{t > σkj :|Bjt|= 2},

σkj+1= inf{t > τkj:|Btj|= 1}.

First consider the event Vδ(τ11,0). Let ρbe the first time such thatVδ(ρ,0) holds. Then it is

easy to check that B1(ρ) is on the unit circle and is an endpoint of an interval of length at mostδ contained in J(ρ,0). Let uǫ denote the probability that a Brownian motion starting

at the origin does not make a closed loop aboutB(0, ǫ) before reaching distance 1. Note that

uǫ→0 asǫ→0. Ifρ < τ11,and we start the Brownian motion at B1(ρ), the probability that the interval of sizeδis not surrounded by timeτ1

1 is bounded above byuδ. If it is surrounded,

there is at most one interval inJ(τ1

1,0). We can do the same argument on this interval if its length ever becomes smaller thanδ. We conclude

IPx1,x2{Vδ(τ11,0)} ≤2uδ. Similarly,

IPx1,x2{Vδ(0, τ12)} ≤2uδ.


W(k, m) =Vδ(τk1, τm2)\[Vδ(τk1−1, τm2)∪Vδ(τk1, τm2−1)],

where for convenience we defineVδ(τk1, τm2) to be the empty set ifk=m= 0 or if eitherk or mis negative. Then ifk >0,m0,

IPx1,x2{W(k, m)} ≤IPx1,x2{J(τk1−1, τm2)=6 ∅}IPx1,x2{Vδ(τk1, τm2)|Vδ(τk1−1, τm2)c;J(τk1−1, τm2)6=∅},

with a similar expression if k ≥0, m >0. The argument in the previous paragraph can be repeated to show that

IPx1,x2{Vδ(τk1, τm2)|Vδ(τk1−1, τm2)c;J(τk1−1, τm2)6=∅} ≤2uδ.

Letv be the probability that a Brownian motion starting distance 1 from the origin makes a closed loop about B(0,1) before reaching the circle of radius 2. It is easy to see thatv >0, and by the strong Markov property we can easily see that


k−1, τm2)6=∅} ≤(1−v)k+m−1.



By the strong Markov property, we get (forn >2),

IPx1,x2{W(k, m);Tn1> τk1;Tn2> τm2;Vδ(Tn1, Tn2)}

≤ IPx1,x2{W(k, m)}IPx1,x2{Dn|W(k, m);Tn1> τk1;Tn2> τm}2 ≤ cuδ(1−v)k+m−1q(n/2)

≤ cuδ(1−v)k+mq(n).



( [

k=0 ∞



[Vδ(Tn1, Tn2)W(k, m)]


≤cuδq(n) 1 2q(n), ifδis chosen sufficiently small. But it easy to verify that

Vδ(Tn1, Tn2) = ∞


k=0 ∞



[Vδ(Tn1, Tn2)∩W(k, m)].

Lemma 3.5 Let δbe as in Lemma 3.4. Let Vnj =Vnj(ǫ)be the event

Vnj(ǫ) ={Bj[0, Tnj]∩ B(0,1)⊂ B(Bj(0), ǫ)}.

Then there exists ac >0such that for eachn >1, ǫ >0 sup IPx1,x2{V1

n ∩Vn2;Xn> δ} ≥cǫ2q(n),

where the supremum is over all |x1|=|x2|= 1.

Proof: We will first show that there exists acsuch that for eachn, there exist |x1|=|x2|= 1 with

IPx1,x2{Vn1;Xn≥δ} ≥cǫq(n).

Choosex1, x2(depending onn) that maximize

p(n) = IPx1,x2{Xn≥δ}.

By Lemma 3.4, we know that p(n)q(n)/2. Let

ρ=ρ(ǫ) = inf{t:B1(t)∈ B(0,1)\ B(B1(0), ǫ)}, σ=σ(ǫ) = inf{t:|B1(t)|= 1−ǫ}, τ=τ(ǫ) = inf{tρ:|B1(t)|= 1},

It is easy to check that there is au >0 (independent ofǫ) such that IP{σ < τ|ρ < T1

n} ≥u.


B1[0, τ] disconnects 0 from infinity given thatρ < T1

n is greater than cǫ. IfB1[0, τ] does not

disconnect 0 from infinity, the strong Markov property says that the probability thatXn ≥δ

is at mostp(n). Therefore

IPx1,x2{(Vn1)c;Xnδ} ≤(1cǫ)p(n),

and hence

IPx1,x2{Vn1;Xn≥δ} ≥cǫp(n)≥cǫq(n).

Now choosex1, x2that maximize IPx1



n;Xn ≥δ}and do the same argument onB2.

Letδbe as in Lemma 3.4 and fixǫ=δ/20. For any λ >0,|x|= 1, let Wj(λ, x) be the event

thatBj[0, T2j] disconnectsB(x, λ) from the sphere of radius 2. Let

p(λ) = IPx1,x2{W1(λ, x1)∩W2(λ, x2)},

where |x1| = |x2| = 1. Note that the probability is indepedent of the x1, x2 chosen and

p(λ)1 asλ0. By the strong Markov property and Corollary 3.3,

IPx1,x2{Dn∩[W1(λ, x1)∩W2(λ, x2)]c} ≤c(1−p(λ))q(n).



n ∩Vn2∩ {Xn > δ} ⊂Dn,

by choosingλsufficiently small we can conclude the following from Lemma 3.5. Corollary 3.6 Let δ, ǫbe as above andVj

n =Vnj(ǫ)as in Lemma 3.5. LetWj(x) =Wj(λ, x)

be as above. There existλ >0and c >0such that

sup IPx1,x2{Vn1Vn2W1(x1)W2(x2);Xn≥δ} ≥cq(n),

where the supremum is over all |x1|=|x2|= 1.

We now fix aλthat satisfies Corollary 3.6. Suppose we start the Brownian motions atyj with |yjxj| ≤λ/2. To determine whether or not the event

Vn1Vn2W1(x1)W2(x2)∩ {Xn δ}

occurs, we need only view the paths after the first time they hit the sphere of radiusλabout

xj. Hence, using either the exact form of the Poisson kernel or the Harnack inequality for

harmonic functions, we can see for any|y1|=|y2|= 1 with|yjxj| ≤λ/2,

IPy1,y2{Vn1Vn2W1(x1)W2(x2);Xn> δ} ≥cIPx




Hence we can conclude the following. Corollary 3.7 Letδ, ǫbe as above andVj

n =Vnj(ǫ)as in Lemma 3.5. LetWj(xj)be as above.

There exist λ >0and c >0such that sup






{Vn1Vn2W1(x1)W2(x2);Xnδ} ≥cq(n),


Proposition 3.8 There exists a constantc >0such that for alln, m1,


Proof: Let ǫ, δ, λ be as in Corollary 3.7. Let A = {eiθ : δ/4 < θ < δ/4}. It follows from

Corollary 3.7 and the rotational invariance of Brownian motion that for everym, there exist

|x1|=|x2|= 1 andc >0 such that for every|y1|=|y2|= 1 with|yjxj| ≤λ/2,


m∩Vm2∩W1(x1)∩W2(x2);A⊂J(Tm1, Tm2)} ≥cq(m).

Letx1=eiθ1, x2=eiθ2. Clearly,x1, x26∈A.

LetWn =Wn(x1, x2, ǫ, δ, λ) be the event

Wn={|Bj(Tnj)−nxj| ≤ λn

2 , j= 1,2;

0 isǫconnected tonAinB(0, n)\(B1[0, Tn1]B2[0, Tn2])}.

To say that 0 is ǫ-connected to nA inB(0, n)\(B1[0, T1

n]∪B2[0, Tn2]) means that there is a

continuous functionγ: [0,1]C satisfyingI γ(0) = 0;γ(1)nA;|γ(t)|< n, t <1; and

γ(0,1)[B1[0, Tn1]B2[0, Tn2]∪ B(B1(Tn1), nǫ)∪ B(B2(Tn2), nǫ)] =.

If we can show that there is a csuch that for allnand allx1, x26∈A,

sup |z1|=|z2|=1

IPz1,z2{Dn∩Wn} ≥cq(n), (14)

then by the strong Markov property and Corollary 3.7,


But (14) can be derived easily from (12) by attaching an appropriate event of positive proba-bility. We omit the details.

By considering the superadditive function

f(k) = logq(2k) + logc,

it follows from standard arguments that there existc1, c2 such that for alln


In fact, we can make an improvement on this. If we start the Brownian motions at any points

x1, x2 on the unit circle, then with at least some positive probability (independent of the starting points),Y2≥1/4. Hence we can then connect as in the proof of Proposition 3.8 to a configuration that does not produce a disconnection to conclude that

IPx1,x2{Yn>0} ≥cn−2α.

By using (12), we can see that




Corollary 3.9 There exist c1, c2 such that for all |x1|=|x2|= 1,





1 4} ≤IP



{Yn>0} ≤c2n−2α.

LetDn =D

2n and let Wn be the event that the Brownian paths reach distance 2n without

hitting the negative real axis,

Wn={(B1[0, T21n]∪B2[0, T22n])∩ {z∈C :I z <0}=∅}.

A standard estimate gives that forx1=x2= 1,

IPx1,x2{Wn} ≥c(2n)−1.

However ideas similar to the one above (i.e., using Lemma 3.2 and attaching appropriate events of positive probability) can be used to show that forj < n2,

IPx1,x2{Dn(Wj+2)c|Wj} ≥c1(2n−j)−2α,

IPx1,x2{Dn|Wj} ≤c2(2n−j)−2α.

Letλbe the firstjsuch thatWj does not hold. Then the above inequalities imply that there

is au >0 such that

IPx1,x2{λj+ 2|Dn, λ > j} ≥c.

By iterating, we see that there is a β >0 such that

IPx1,x2{Wn|Dn}= IPx1,x2

{λ > n|Dn} ≤(2n)−β.

SinceWn Dn and IP{Wn} ≥c2−n,

IPx1,x2{Dn} ≥(2n)−1+β.

We have derived the following. As remarked previously, Werner [9, 10] has given a stronger bound.

Proposition 3.10 If αis the two-sided disconnection exponent, thenα <1/2. We need to consider a slightly different event. Let ˆDn be the event


Dn={Q¯(B1[0, Tn1]∪B2[0, Tn2])∩ B(0,1)6=∅},

where ¯Qis as defined in the previous section. Note thatDn⊂Dnˆ .

Lemma 3.11 There exists a c such that for any |x1|=|x2|= 1, IPx1,x2{Dˆn} ≤cn−2α.

Proof: Let ˜Dn be the event


Dn={Q¯(B1[0, Tn1]∪B2[0, Tn2])∩ B(0,1


We will show that IPx1,x2{n} ≤cn−2α. To get the lemma from this result, note that

IPx1,x2{Dn} ≤ˆ IPx1,x2{Q¯(B1[T21, Tn1]∪B2[T22, Tn2])∩ B(0,1)6=∅}

≤ sup



Define sequences of random times as follows. Letσj0= 0 and fork >0,

τkj= inf{t > σjk−1:|Bj(t)|= 1 2},

σjk= inf{t > τkj :|Bj(t)|= 1}.


ρj=ρj(n) = sup{k:σjk < Tn}j .

Let ˜Dn(k, m) = ˜Dn∩ {ρ1 = k, ρ2 =m}. Every time a Brownian motion reaches the circle of radius 1/2 there is a positive probability, say p, that the Brownian motion will make a closed loop aroundB(0,1/2) before reaching distance 1. Hence the probability thatB1[0, σ1

k]∪ B2[0, σ2

m] does not disconnectB(0,1/2) from infinity is bounded by (1−p)k+m. The probability


Bj[0, Tnj]∩ B(0,1

2) =∅, j= 1,2, and


2)∩Q¯(B 1[0, T1

n]∩B2[0, Tn1])6=∅,

is the same as the probability that

Bj[0, Tnj]∩ B(0,1

2) =∅, j= 1,2, and

0∈Q¯(B1[0, Tn1]∩B2[0, Tn2]).

The latter probability is clearly bounded byq(n)cn−2α. Hence

IPx1,x2{D˜n(k, m)} ≤c(1−p)k+mn−2α.

If we sum over all values ofk, m, we get the result.

We will need the results for fixed times. Let Fn be the event

Fn ={0∈Q(B1[0, n]∪B2[0, n])},

and letGn be the event

Gn={0∈Q(B1[0, Tn1∧n2]∪B2[0, Tn2∧n2])}.

Let ˆFn and ˆGn be the corresponding events, ˆ

Fn ={B(0,1)∩Q¯(B1[0, n]∪B2[0, n])6=∅},


Gn={B(0,1)∩Q¯(B1[0, Tn1∧n2]∪B2[0, Tn2∧n2])6=∅}.


Corollary 3.12 [6, Lemma 3.14] There exist u >0and c < such that for all n, and all

The following can easily be derived from the corollaries. Assume thatB1(0) =B2(0) = 0 and let

We are now is a position to prove Lemma 2.2. By scaling we can restate the lemma as follows. For 0< j≤n, letSj,n be the indicator function of the event

B([j1, j])Q(B[0, j2]B[j+ 1, n])6=.

Then the following is equivalent to Lemma 2.2.

Lemma 3.15 There exists c1, c2such that for n/4≤j≤k≤3n/4,

c1n−α≤IE{Sj,n} ≤c2n−α, (15)

IE{Sj,nSk,n} ≤c2n−α(k−j+ 1)−α. (16)

Proof: The relation (15) follows immediately from Corollary 3.14. To get (16), let



U1 ={B[j−1, j]∩Q(B[j−γ1, j−2]∪B[j+ 1, j+γ1])6=∅},

U2={B[k−1, k]∩Q(B[k−γ2, j−2]∪B[k+ 1, k+γ2])6=∅},

U3 ={B[j−m, k+m]∩Q(B[0, j−m]∪B[k+m, n])6=∅}. Note that

IE{Sj,nSk,n} ≤IP{U1∩U2∩U3}= IP{U1}IP{U2}IP{U3|U1∩U2}.

If (kj)n/20, then by Corollary 3.14,

IP{U1}IP{U2} ≤cn−2α≤cn−α(k−j+ 1)−α.

If (k−j)≤n/20, then by Corollary 3.14,

IP{U1}IP{U2} ≤c(k−j+ 1)−2α.

In the second case, let

Y = sup{|Bs−Bt|:j−m≤s, t≤k+m}.


IP{U3|U1∩U2}= ∞



IP{(a−1)√m≤Y ≤a√m|U1∩U2}IP{U3|U1∩U2; (a−1)√m≤Y ≤a√m}.

The strong Markov property and a standard estimate for normal random variables can be used to find c, usuch that

IP{(a1)√mY a√m|U1∩U2} ≤ce−au.

Corollary 3.13 and Brownian scaling can be used to conclude

IP{U3|U1∩U2; (a−1)√m≤Y ≤a√m} ≤c(

n a2m)


Hence by summing over awe can conclude that

IP{U3|U1∩U2} ≤c(n


−αn−α(kj+ 1)α.


[1] C. Bishop, P. Jones, R. Pemantle and Y. Peres (1995): The dimension of the Brownian frontier is greater than 1, preprint.


[3] K. Burdzy and J. San Martin (1989): Curvature of the convex hull of planar Brownian motion near its minimum point.Stoch. Proc. Their Appl. 33, 89-103.

[4] K. Falconer (1990): Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications. Wiley.

[5] R. Kaufman (1969): Une propri´et´e m´etrique du mouvement brownien.C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris ser. A268, 727-728.

[6] G. Lawler (1996): Hausdorff dimension of cut points for Brownian motion.Electronic J. Probab.1, paper no. 2 .

[7] B. Mandelbrot (1983): The Fractal Geometry of Nature. W. H. Freeman.

[8] E. Puckette and W. Werner (1995): Simulations and conjectures for disconnection ex-ponents, (preprint).

[9] W. Werner (1995): An upper bound to the disconnection exponent for two-dimensional Brownian motion.Bernoulli1, 371-380.


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