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Academic year: 2017



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Gadis Supandini Setiosari

Reg. Number A83212128

Thesis Advisor:

Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling




Submited as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel





Gadis Supandini Setiosari

Reg. Number A83212128

Thesis Advisor:

Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling





Submited as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel



Supandini Setiosari, Gadis. 2016. The Study of Deixis Used in Shirley Jackson’s Short Story The Lottery Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling

Key Words: Deixis, Three Kinds of Deixis, Short Story “The Lottery”.

This research analyze about Deixis in Short Story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. The goals of this research are to find out three kinds of deixis used in The Lottery and the important of context to interpret the intended message of The Lottery. Deixis can be interpreting if we know the context, because deixis tied with context. So, to answer the second question of this research context is needed.

In this research the researcher used qualitative method. The researcher used qualitative method because the data are in the form of sentences or utterance. It found in short story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson which contain three kinds of deixis: person, spatial and temporal deixis. Then, the researcher explains the data by descriptive explanation.

The techniques of the collecting data in this research are reading, underlying and segmenting. After collecting the data the researcher analyzes the data that include three kinds of deixis. From the analysis the researcher found 139 deitic words. Those are 37 words of first person deixis (10 inclusive of we), 26 words of second person deixis, 52 words of third person deixis, 12 words of spatial deixis (5 proximal and 7 distal of place) and 12 words of temporal deixis (7 proximal and 5 distal of time ).



Supandini Setiosari, Gadis. 2016. The Study of Deixis Used in Shirley Jackson’s Short Story The Lottery Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing : Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling

Kata Kunci : Deixis, Tiga jenis Deixis, cerita pendek “The Lottery”.

Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang deixis dalam cerita yang berjudul “The Lottery” yand ditulis oleh Shirley Jackson. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tiga jenis deixis yang digunakan dalam cerita “The Lottery” dan mengetahui pentingnya konteks untuk menafsirka maksud yang ingin disampaikan dari cerita “The Lottery”. Deixis hanya biasa ditafsirkan jika kita mengetahui konteksnya, karena deixis terikat dengan konteks. Jadi untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang kedua dari penelitian ini, konteks sangat dibutuhkan.

Pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode qualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan metode qualitatif karena data berupa kalimat dan ucapan. Itu ditemukan pada cerita “The Lottery” oleh Shirley Jackson yang termasuk tiga jenis deixis: deixis orang, deixis tempat, dan deixis waktu. Kemudian, peneliti menjelaskan data dengan menguraikannya.






MOTTO ... iv






ABSTRACT ... xiii

INTISARI ... xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study ... 1

1.2 Research problems ... 5

1.3 Research objectives ... 5

1.4 Significance of the study ... 6

1.5 Scope and limitation ... 6




2.1 Theoritical Framework ... 9

2.1.1 Pragmatics ... 9

2.1.2 Deixis ... 11

2.1.3 Kinds of Deixis ... 12

1 Person Deixis ... 12

a. First Person ... 13

b. Second Person ... 14

c. Third Person ... 15

2 Spatial Deixis ... 15

3 Temporal Deixis ... 16

4 Discourse Deixis ... 17

5 Social Deixis ... 18

2.2 Review of The Related Studies ... 18

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research approach ... 21

3.2 Data and data source ... 21

3.3 Research instrument ... 22

3.4 Data collection ... 22



4.1 Findings ... 26

4.1.1 Three kinds of deixis that found in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson ... 26

4.1.2 Deixis interpretation ... 44

4.2 Discussion ... 48


5.2 Suggestion ... 52





1.1Background of The Study

A good communication can be achieved if the messages of speaker and

listener are able to be understood by each other. It means that the speaker has

ability to convey his or her thought and the listener can understand what the

message of the speaker’s utterance. People must pay attention to five components

to achieve a good communication, such as sender, message, delivery channel or

media, receiver, and effect. (1) Sender is people that delivered messages. (2)

Message is the speaker’s utterance, it can be idea, information, suggestion, etc. (3)

Delivery channel or media is a method to delivered message. (4) Receiver is

people that received messages. (5) Effect is an impact from the message of


In communication, it is important to know how a message from sender can

make impact or effect to receiver. There are three impacts in communication: first

cognitive impact, that is an impact increases knowledge of listener. This could

mean that at the beginning the listener don’t know anything about the message of

speaker, but the listener become know after the speaker delivered his or her

message. Second affective impact, that is an impact can appeared feeling like

happy, sad, angry, etc. Third behavioral impact, that is an impact actualized with

action or behavior (Effendy, 2008: 6). Above all those things, the message and the

meaning of the utterance must be clear. Sometimes what is uttered by the speaker



only literal meaning but also intended meaning. Such studies are found in

Pragmatics study.

Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. This study shows how the

context influences what the speaker said and the interpretation meaning of

speaker’s utterance in a particular context. It requires a consideration of how

speakers or writers organize what they want in accordance with whom they are

talking to, where, when, and under what circumstances (Yule, 1996: 3). There are

some words that can’t be interpreted at all if we don’t know the context,

such as here, there, this or that, now and then, today or tomorrow,

yesterday, etc. Therefore, in a communication context is important to interpret the


Another pragmatics, study that also concerned with meaning is semantics.

Pragmatics and semantics can be viewed as different parts or different aspects of

the same general study (Kreidler, 1998: 18). The different parts are: Semantics

concerns with meaning of utterance or sentences. But pragmatics requires some

aspect to interpret utterances, like context and speech situation. To know the

context or the background of the utterance, deixis can help the people easier to

understand the meaning of the utterance. Because deixis deals with context

which we know that it always presents in every communication in our daily


Deixis is one or the other part of pragmatics that important for writen and

spoken. Without deixis the reader cannot understand the speaker means in



some definitions of deixis from linguists. One of definitions come from Yule

(1996), deixis is a technical term that use for pointing. It means that language has

deitic words which reffer to things the speaker context. Deixis is one of the most

basic things that people do with utterances. There are many researchers that

analyze deixis, because deixis is needed by people in communication. Deixis can

help speaker and hearer to understand each other what the intended meaning of

speaker’s utterance. Almost researchers analyze using deixis theory based on

Levinson. But, in this research, the researcher used theory of deixis based on

Yule. He divided deixis into three, namely person deixis point to things or person

(It, I, we, me, etc), spatial deixis used to point to a location (here, there), and

temporal deixis used to point to a time (now, then). This research focuses on two

points: First, exclusive and inclusive first person deixis we. Second, proximal and

distal of spatial and temporal deixis. So, it is the reason why the researcher just

analyzes three kinds of deixis. For example:

(There are two students in the class, one of them tell the other)

We clean up after ourselves around here

In the sentence above, the words “We” is first plural person deixis because it

refers speaker and hearer and include inclusive person. The word “ourselves” is

first plural person deixis, it refers back to We, and the word “around here”

indicate a place deixis where the participant in the speech event. Deixis ”we”

include inclusive person deixis, because it refers to a group including the


In reading literary works, sometimes reader can get difficulties in



messages as like in short story. But, we can know the speaker or the writer

means by knowing the context in which they are used. Based on A Glossary of

Literary Terms/Seventh Edition (Abrams, 1999: 286), short story is a brief work

of fictional prose, and it has shorter pages than a novel. A short story usually

focuses on one plot, one main character (with a few additional minor characters),

and one central theme. The short story was later developed than the novel. It was

invented during nineteenth century. The themes of short story are variable, such

as: romance, resistance, struggle, custom or tradition, etc. One of short story

writer that has custom or tradition theme in her short story is Shirley Jackson.

Shirley Jackson is one of the most influential authors in the twentieth century.

Shirley Jackson was born on December 14, 1919 in San Francisco. She spent her

childhood in nearby Burlingame, California and began writing poetry and short

stories as a young teenager in 1930-1933. She attended the University of

Rochester. After a year, in 1936, she withdrew and spent a year at home

practicing writing, producing a minimum of a thousand words a day. During her

career, she published approximately one hundred separate short stories, one

collection of stories, six novels, two children’s books, some thirty non-fiction

articles and book reviews, two humorous family “memoirs,”and a juvenile stage

play. She got praised for her stories and novels of the supernatural, including the

well-known short story The Lottery (Bloom, 2001: 11).

The Lottery is a short story published in 1948 that became a classic horror tale.

In addition to stories dealing in abnormal psychology. It concerns the blind



struggle of Tessie Hutchinson as a main character. At the beginning story the

people of the village gather in the square, between post office and the bank,

around ten o’clock. Before the lottery begin almost people take a stone. The

lottery was conducted by Mr. Summer, he arrived carrying the black wooden box

that contain a small paper. Among paper there is one paper with black sign, if

people get it, she or he will be die. In this story Tessie Hutchinson was get the

paper with black sign. At the end of the story Tessie will be stoned to death.

Therefore, this research emphasized to a study of deixis used in short story

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. This research deals with every utterance that

related with the three kinds of deixis based on George Yule and used qualitative

descriptive method.

1.2Statement of The Problems

Based on the background of study above, this study is undertaken to

answer the following question:

1. What are kinds of deixis used in short story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson?

2. What are the interpretations of the deixis in short story The Lottery by Shirley


1.3Objectives of The Study

Based on the problem above, the objectives of the research are:

1. To find out what kinds of deixis are used in short story The Lottery by Shirley



2. To describe the interpretations of the deixis in short story The Lottery by

Shirley Jackson.

1.4Significances of The Study

This research purposed for giving both theoretical and practical contribution.

First theoretically, the researcher wants this research give contribution to

developing linguistics related to analysis of deixis in short story entitled The

Lottery by Shirley Jackson. The writer hopes that it will give new knowledge

about kinds of deixis that used in short story The Lottery.

Second practically, this research is expected to give useful information to

another researchers, students of English Department, especially in State

Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, and readers. For another

researchers, this research is expected to provide the base theory and as a

reference in analyzing kinds of deixis based on George Yule more deeply. For

the students, this research is expected to give useful science in

understanding theory of deixis. Besides that, this research is expected to give

inspirations addition for the readers who are interested in this research and

it will be the alternative reference for the readers who are interested in

researching in the same theory. And also for the researcher of this research, this

research can increase knowledge about deixis.

1.5Scope and Limitation

This research is focused on deixis theory based on George Yule which



The short story entitled The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is taken from short story

collection of prose book. There are ten short stories in this book. Most of the short

stories contain of deixis, but the researcher chooses a short story The Lottery by

Shirley Jackson. The researcher selected it randomly from ten choices to be one

choice. Finally, this research limits the data of three kinds of deixis found in short

story The Lottery as the result of randomly selection that published by Shirley


1.6Definition of Key Terms

a) Deixis is word used to pointing or referring to something. The deixis can refer to people, time, place or social in speech event. It is only determined

by knowing the context in which people are used (Cruse, 2006: 44).

b) Short Story is a brief work of fictional prose, and most of the terms for analyzing the component elements, the types, and the various narrative

techniques of the novel are applicable to the short story as well. The short

story differs from the anecdote, the unelaborated narration of a single

incident in that, like the novel, it organizes the action, thought, and

dialogue of its characters into the artful pattern of a plot (Abrams, 1999:


c) The Lottery is the title of a short story that written by Shirley Jackson. It concerns with black tradition and the negative consequences of such an

action and struggle of Tessie Hutchinson as a main character. At the

beginning story the people of the village gather in the square. Before the



Summer, he arrived carrying the black wooden box that contain a small

paper. Among paper there is one paper with black sign, if people get it, she

or he will be die. In this story Tessie Hutchinson was get the paper with

black sign. At the end of the story Tessie will be stoned to death.

d) Shirley Jackson is the author of The Lottery. She is one of the most brilliant and influential authors of the twentieth century. She got praised




This chapter contains two main discussions. First the theoretical

framework, it about the theories related to this research. The several theories are

pragmatics, deixis and kinds of deixis. The Second part is review of the related

studies, it about some studies related to deixis analysis.

2.1Theoretical Framework 2.1.1 Pragmatics

Pragmatics is one branches of linguistics that deals with meaning depend

on context. This study explains about the intended or the real meaning of

speaker’s utternces. It requires a consideration of how speakers or writers

organize what they want in accordance with whom they are talking to, where,

when, and under what circumstances. It can also called study of contextual

meaning. Besides that, there are three definitions about pragmatics comes from

Yule (1996: 3). The first, pragmatics is a study of how to investigate the

meaning of speaker’s utterances or sentences in speech event. The second,

pragmatics is a study to get more information of the speaker saying. It means,

the addressee(s) or listener(s) should catch what is the important point or the

intended meaning of the speaker utterances and make conclusion after it. The

last, pragmatics is a study of the expression of relative distance. It means that

how close the listener and the speaker know each other, such as the closeness of



Therefore, context is necessary in study of pragmatics. Especially in

communication studies, because it is an essential factor in the interpretation of

utterances and expressions. Context can influences the meaning and help the

hearer easy understand what the speaker said. Additionally, knowledge of speech

situation such as speaker, hearer, goal, utterances, place, and time is also

necessary to understand speaker’s utterances. There is study that required context

and speech situation to interpret the meaning of speaker namely deixis (pointing

via language).

The study of Deixis is not only explained in pragmatics, but also in

semantics. Pragmatics and semantics can be viewed as different parts, of the same

general study. The different parts are: Pragmatics is the study of utterance

meaning, but semantics is the study of sentence meaning and word meaning.

Pragmatics deals with context-dependent, which means pragmatics can be

interpret based on context (tied with context). Semantics deals with

context-independent, which means semantics is not tied with context.

For example:

Maria : let’s go to supermarket Jane.

Jane (1): no, I am very busy at home. Jane (2): I don’t have money.

Jane (3): I want to go to hospital.

The sentences above there are three Jane’s answer from Maria’s question.

In semantics answer Jane (1): Jane directly rejects invitation from Maria with her

reason. In pragmatics there are some possibility answers from Jane such as: Jane



(hospital). But she uses answer Jane (1) to reject Maria’s invitation. Based on

example above context of situation is needed to know the intended meaning of

Jane’s answer.

2.1.2 Deixis

Deixis is word or phrase that used to pointing to something. It is always

exist in speaking or writing. Deitic words are typically pronouns, demonstrative

(this/that, these/those), certain time and place adverbs (here, now). The reference

of word deixis is nomadic, because it can understand by knowing context.

Without knowing who the speaker or writer, addressee, what time the note was

written or speaker says, and the location of speech event, we are hard to

understand of the message. Those words that we cannot interpret without context

are sometimes called deitics.

Deitic terms used to refer to ourselves, to others, and object in our

environment. The usage of the term ‘deixis’ is variable, but most typically it

designates referring expressions which indicate the location of referents along

certain dimensions that speaker used (time and place of speaking) (Cruse, 2006:

44). For example:

I am now reading book in the library.

The word “I” is first person deixis. The subject pronoun “”I” refers to the

person uttering the sentence. The time which “now” denotes is dependent on

the moment of statement is uttered. The word “in the library” indicates a place



2.1.3 Kinds of Deixis

Every linguist has different opinion about kinds of deixis. According to

Cruse (2006: 45), he divided deixis into two sub-types: main sub-types and minor

sub-types. There are three main sub-types of deixis: spatial, temporal, and person

deixis, and two minor sub-types: social and discourse deixis.

1. Person Deixis

Person deixis is word deixis reference to the participant role in speech

event, such as: speaker, addressee and neither speaker nor addressee. Person

deixis divided into three, first person deixis I used for the speaker, second person

deixis you used for addressee, and third person deixis (he, she, it) used for neither

speaker nor addressee. Person deixis includes singular and plural.

Table 2.1 Singular and Plural of Person Deixis


First person is person who speaks and gets a role in speech event. It refers

to speaker or both of speaker and a group including speaker (e.g. I, we). The first

person deixis as follow:

 First person singular pronouns: I, me, myself, my, mine.

 First person plural pronouns: we, us, ourselves, our, ours.

There are two kinds of first person deixis we, exclusive and inclusive first

person deixis. Deixis that refers to a group not including the addressee(s) is called



addressee(s) is called inclusive first person deixis (Crystal, 2008: 359). This

exclusive and inclusive use of we is also true with the use of us. Let us may be

inclusive or exclusive, while let's is inclusive. For example:

A. Please let us have two window seats.

B. Let's get on board now.

In the fist utterance (A) there are two passengers checking in an airport

counter. One of them speaks to the clerk. The word “let us” in the utterance is

inclusive person, because it refers to speaker who speaks to the clerk including

the addressee. In utterance (B) Two passengers sitting in the airport lounge. One speaks to the other. The word “Let's” in utterance B is exclusive person, because in that situation the one of pesenger speak to the other. So, isn’t refers to group including addressee.

b. Second Person

Second person is a person who becomes a listener or addressee (you). It is

encoding of the speaker’s reference to one or more addressees. In addition, the

second person is addressed, if there is a relationship between the first and the

second person in speech event (Levinson, 1983: 68). The second person deixis as


 Second person singular pronouns: you, yourself, your, yours.

 Second person plural pronouns: you, yourselves, yourselves, your, yours.

For example:

Stefanie will performe on the stage tomorrow (sing a song).

Sinta: Stefanie what are you doing?



Sinta: Oh…my God, kept calm and be yourself.

In the example above the word “yourself” is second person deixis that

refers Stefanie. It is reflective pronoun as a singular second person deixis.

c. Third Person

Third person is a person or persons who are neither speaker nor addressee

(she, he, it). It differs from first and second person in speech event. While the first

and second person pronouns are direct participants in a basic interaction. But, the

third person refers to outsiders. A third person form is used in cases where a

second person form would be possible (Saeed, 1997: 178). The third person deixis

as follow:

 Third person singular pronouns: he, him, his, she, her, it.

 Third person plural pronouns: they, them, their.

For example:

George is reading novel in bedroom and his sister watching movie beside him.

In the sentence above there are words “his and him”. The possessive and

object pronoun “his and him” can be categorized as third person singular of

deixis. It refers to George.

2. Spatial Deixis

Spatial or place deixis is the words and phrases used point or refer to a

location in a speech event. The spatial deixis can indicated locations close to



expressions which designate space close to the speaker (proximal). There and

that/those which respectively indicate entities removed or away from the speaker

(distal) (Kreidler, 1998: 145). Here is the example of spatial deixis:

Bring that here and take this there

Based on example above, the words “here and there” are deitic place. It is

indicate that the word “here” is place close to the speaker and the word “there” is

away from the speaker. So, there is something that the speaker wants to move by


3. Temporal Deixis

Time or temporal deixis is words and phrases that refer to time in speech

event. The words now, then, yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next month

are temporal deixis. These are all relative to the time when people are used in

communication. Additionally, in temporal deixis there are also proximal and distal

forms. The proximal “now” used to indicating both the time coinciding with the

speaker’s utterance and the time of the speaker’s voice being heard. And the distal

then” applies to both past and future time relative to the speaker’s present time

(Yule, 1996: 14).

Table 2.2 The Deitic Expession of Time

Proximal Distal

Now Then

This time Tomorrow

This month That time



Today Last week

Next April

Next month




For example:

We can’t go today, but tomorrow will be fine.

In the sentence above, there are words “today and tomorrow”. The words

today and tomorrow” can be categorized as temporal or time of deixis. It refers

to time when the speaker can go. The word “today” includes proximal of time and

the word “tomorrow” includes distal of time.

4. Discourse deixis

Discourse deixis is referring to text deixis. Discourse deixis has to do

with the encoding of reference to portions of the unfolding discourse in

which the utterance (which includes the text referring expression) is locate.

We may use phrases such as “In the following chapter” or pointers such as

this/that” to refer to large parts of discourse that are located within the discourse

itself (Hatch, 1992: 220). For example:

I bet you haven’t heard this story

From the sentence above the word this is include discourse deixis. Word



5. Social deixis

Social deixis is the pronoun systems of languages which grammaticalize

information about social identities or relationships of the participants in the

conversation. Social deixis is used to code social relationships between speaker

and addressee or audience (Hatch, 1992: 220). It is show how different social

rankings and the participant of communication relationship within society via

language. Such as your honor, your royal highness, Mr. president, and so on.

Hatch (1992: 221) said there are two kinds of social deixis:

a. Relational deitic are term in that they locate persons in relation to speaker

rather than by their roles in the society as a whole. Example: my husband,

cousin, teacher, you, her, and so on.

b. Absolute deitic are form uniformly attached to a social role. Example: your

honor, Mr. President, and so on.

2.2Review of The Related Studies

There are many researchers who have been done in analyzing deixis. But,

researchers presented their research using different perspectives. Every researcher

makes something unique in their research that to be different from others. They

use various object of their research with deixis theory, such as film, talk show,

drama, poetry, novel, and so on. Here are research that researcher used as previous


The first research is written by Afiyah (2014). She examined deixis used in

book one novel A farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway. The researcher



deixis theory based on Levinson (1983), namely person, place, time, discourse

and social deixis. She also uses qualitative method in her research.

The result of this research she find that deixis is used to point

something in order to make clear what a writer means in all pages of this

novel. The three kinds person deixis is mostly used in A Farewell to Arms

novel (first, second, third person).

The next study by Uddin (2009) is a student from Maulana Malik Ibrahim

State Islamic University of Malang. He discussed deixis in nineteen

advertisements (electronic products and Airlines Services) under title A Deixis in

the Writing Form of Advertisement in Time Magazine. His research was

conducted by using descriptive qualitative method, because the data of this study

were in the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine.

The result of his research he found some kinds of written forms of

advertisement such as: Reason Why Form, Sense Appealed Form, Testimonial

Form, and Conversational Form in Time Magazine. The deixis often found are

Pronoun Deixis and Place Deixis. In almost all advertisements the personal

pronoun "you" existed. Its pronoun refers to the readers or customers. Place deixis

in the advertisements are "anywhere' in Siemens that call be interpreted as

some places where the readers need to use their mobile phone.

The researcher uses Afiyah and Uddin’s researchs as previous studies

because have the similar topic that is deixis. But, this research has distinction

from Afiyah and Uddin’s researchs. The researcher more deeply analyzes than the



temporal deixis. Every kind of deixis in this research more deeply analyzes.

Example in first person deixis this research also analyzes “we” as first person

with exclusive and inclusive and in spatial and temporal deixis this research




This chapter discussed about research approach, and data collection. The

approach of this research included explanation qualitative research. There are also

the explanations of the data source, the instrument that used in this research,

technique of data collection and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Approach

There are two methods that usually the researcher used in linguistics research,

namely qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative method concerned with

structures and patterns, but quantitative method concerned with numbers. It means

that qualitative method is analyzing data with the description of something and

quantitative is analyze data using statistical that is particular mathematics tools

with numerical data (Litosseliti, 2010: 51).

In this research the researcher used qualitative method. The researcher used

qualitative method because the data are in the form of sentences or utterance. It

found in short story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson which contain three kinds of

deixis: person, spatial and temporal deixis. Then, the researcher explains the data

by descriptive explanation.

3.2 Data and Data Sources

The data in this research is the sentences and utterances in the short story The

Lottery by Shirley Jackson which contains three kinds of deixis. The short story



And the data source of this research is a Shirley Jackson’s short story

entitle The Lottery that contains many types of deixis namely: person, place,

time, discourse and social deixis.

3.3 Research Instrument

The instrument of this research is the researcher herself, because the

researcher obtained the data by collecting and investigating used herself. An

instrument is important to obtain the needed data and analyze the data. It based

on Yin (2011: 122) she stated that the researcher will be serving as the main

research instrument. Being the main research instrument requires fieldworkers to

be aware of the instrument’s potential. These include conditions arising from the

researcher personal background, motives for doing the research, and categories

or filters that might influence your understanding of field events and actions.

3.4 Data Collection

The researcher took the data from sentences and utterances in short story The

Lottery. The procedures of collecting data are:

1. Reading, that is the researcher read and understand the whole text of Shirley

Jackson’s short story, entitled The Lottery.

2. Underlining, that is the researcher collect the data by underlining the the



3.1 Example of underlining utterances in The Lottery

3. Segmenting, that is the researcher segmented the data based on three kinds of

deixis exist in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson in the form of table. The

researcher put the table in appendix. The researcher gives a checkmark (√) in

the table of segmenting three kinds of deixis. Here are example table of


Table 3.2 Sample table of three kinds of deixis that found in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

No. Data Three Kinds of Deixis

Person Spatial Temporal


1. "(I) Thought my old man was out back stacking wood," Mrs. Hutchinson went on. "And then I looked out the window and the kids were gone, and then I remembered it



3.5 Data Analysis

The researcher uses several steps to analyze the data. First, the researcher

identifying sentences and utterances of the short story The Lottery which contains

three kinds of deixis. Second, the researcher categorizing data based on deixis

types, namely person deixis, spatial deixis and temporal deixis that appear in short

story The Lottery. Third, to answer the first research problem, the researcher

analyzes the data that include three kinds of deixis and gives a sign of deitic

words by quotation mark and italic writing. The last, the researcher interpreting

the data obtained from each category to answer the second question of this




This chapter divided into two main parts. The first parts of this chapter is

the findings and interpreting data of three kinds of deixis. The three kinds are

person, spatial or place, and temporal or time deixis. Besides that, the researcher

makes summary analysis on the table form. The second parts, the researcher

provided discussion which contained the process of gathering information on the


4.1 Findings

4.1.1 Three Kinds of Deixis that found in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

There are some characters in the short story The Lottery by Shirley

Jackson. The main characters are Tessie Hutchinson, Bill Hutchinson, Mr. Joe

Summers and Old Man Warner. The first character is Tessie Hutchinson who a

woman in the village that get paper with the black sign. The second character is

Bill Hutchinson who is husband of Tessie. The third character is Mr. Joe

Summers who is a powerful and wealthy man and the administrator of the lottery.

He was a round-faced, jovial man and he had no children. The fourth character is

Old Man Warner who is the oldest man in town and has participated in

seventy-seven lotteries.

From the result of this research, the researcher found three kinds of deixis



kinds of deixis are found in utterances and sentences between characters inThe

Lottery can be seen below:

1. Person Deixis

Person deixis is word deixis reference to the participant role in speech

event, such as: speaker, addressee and neither speaker nor addressee. Person

deixis divided into three namely, first, second and third person. First person is

person who speaks and gets a role in speech event. It refers to speaker or both of

speaker and a group including speaker. Second person is a person who becomes a

listener or addressee. It is encoding of the speaker’s reference to one or more

addressees. Third person is a person or persons who are neither speaker nor

addressee. The first person that found in the data is 37, the second person is 26

and the third person is 52.

From each categorizes of deixis, the researcher analyzes based on the

position of pronoun and the distant (time and place). The position of pronoun such

as: pronoun as subject, object, Possessive Adjectives, Possessive Pronouns and

Reflexive Pronouns. First is example about first person deixis as subject.

Data 1

"I guess not, Joe." Bill Hutchinson said regretfully. "My daughter draws with her husband's family; that's only fair. And I've got no other family except the kids." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

The utterance above stated by Mr. Bill Hutchinson to Mr. Summers. The

conversation happens in the Town Square. After Bill’s family gets the lottery, Mr.



households in his family, but not include Bill’s family. Eva is Bill’s daughter. She

has been married with Don. If every daughter in that town have husband, they

draw with their husband’s families.


The deixis in the utterances above are “I and I”. The two subject pronouns

I” can be categorized as first person singular. It refers to speaker, which is Mr.

Bill Hutchinson. The author used word “I” in the character Mr. Bill Hutchinson to

said that his daughter don’t draw with his family in the lottery, but with her

husband’s family.

Data 2

"Well, now." Mr. Summers said soberly, "guess we better get started, get this over with, so we can go back to work. Anybody ain't here?" (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 3)

The utterance above stated by Mr. Summers to the Villagers. The villagers

have gather in square. Mr. Summers ready to start the lottery. Then, he began

absent the villagers. He asked to the villagers who aren’t in the town square.


The deixis in the utterance above are words “we and we”. It included first

person plural deixis. There are two kinds of first person deixis “we”, exclusive

and inclusive first person deixis. Deixis that refers to a group not including the

addressee(s) is called exclusive first person deixis. And deixis that refers to a

group including the addressee(s) is called inclusive first person deixis (Crystal,



refers to speaker including addressees. The speaker said to listener or addressees

the lottery is began. The adressees are villagers.

Second, position of first person deixis is object. The example of first

person deixis as object can be seen in the data below:

Data 3

"Wouldn't have me leave my dishes in the sink, now, would you. Joe?," and soft laughter ran through the crowd as the people stirred back into position after Mrs. Hutchinson's arrival. (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 3)

The utterance above stated by Mr. Bill Hutchinson to Mr. Summers. It

happens in the Town Square. Mr. Joe Summers is a head of the lottery in that

town and Tessi Hutchinson is one of villagers that followed the lottery. In that

conversation Mrs. Hutchinson come late to the square. Mr. Joe Summers

supposed the lottery begin without Mrs. Hutchinson.


The deixis in the utterance above is words “me”. The word “me” include

pronoun as object. It can be categorized as first person singular. The object

pronoun “me” refers to Mrs. Hutchinson as speaker. It based on context of this

utterance: Mrs. Hutchinson said. Grinning.

Data 4

"How many kids, Bill?" Mr. Summers asked formally. "Three," Bill Hutchinson said.

"There's Bill, Jr., and Nancy, and little Dave. And Tessie and me." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 7)

The utterance above stated by Mr. Bill Hutchinson to Mr. Summers. The



in his family which followed the lottery. Then Bill answers his question, the

member of his family are He, Tessi and three kids namely, Bill Junior, and little

Dave that draw in his family.


The deixis in utterance above there is “me”. It can be categorized as first

person singular of deixis. The objective case “me” refer to Mr. Bill

Hutchinson that asked by Mr. Summers to give information about Bill’s family

and based on the context in the utterance above (Data 7).

Data 5

"Be a good sport, Tessie." Mrs. Delacroix called, and Mrs. Graves said, "All of us took the same chance." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Graves to Mrs. Hutchinson. The

utterance happens in the Town Square. Tessi hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers.

She said that Mr. Summers didn’t give her husband time enough to take a paper

in the black box. Then Mrs. Delacroix and Mrs. Graves warned Tessi about that.


The deixis in the utterance above is word “us”. It can be categorized as

first person plural deixis. The word “Us” include inclusive. It refers to a group

including the addressee. Here, Mrs. Graves speaks to Mrs. Hutchinson as an

addressee in this utterance. She warns to Tessi that all of villagers took the same

change in the lottery.

Third, position of first person is Possessive Adjectives. The example of



Data 6

A tall boy in the crowd raised his hand. "Here," he said. "I'm drawing for my mother and me." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 4)

The utterance above stated by Jack (a tall boy) to Mr. Summers. It happens

in the Town Square. Mr. Summers asked a question “Watson boy drawing this

year?" then, a tall boy his name is Jack answer his question. He draws for his



The deixis in the utterance above is “my”. The possessive adjective “my

can be categorized first person singular. The word “my” followed by noun

“mother”, because it can’t stand alone. It refers to Jack (Watson boy) that

belonging to his mother.

The next, kinds of person deixis is second person deixis. The example of

second person deixis as subject can be seen in the data below:

Data 7

"You get ready to run tell Dad," Mrs. Dunbar said. (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 5)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Dunbar to her older son. It happens in

the Town Square. The next family who take a paper in the black box is Dunbar’s

family. Mrs. Dunbar wish Mr. Summers and the villagers hurry finish the lottery.




The deixis in the utterance above is word “you”. The subject pronoun

you” can be categorized as second person singular. It refers to Mrs. Dunbar’s

older son. It is based on the context in the previous utterance "I wish they'd

hurry," Mrs. Dunbar said to her older son. "I wish they'd hurry." "They're almost

through," her son said.

The example of second person deixis as object can be seen in the data


Data 8

"I tell you it wasn't fair. You didn't give him time enough to choose. Everybody saw that." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 7)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Tessi Hutchinson to Mr. Summers. It

located in the Town Square. The people had done opened their paper and Bill’s

family that get the paper with the black sign. Tessi Hutchinson said to Mr.

Summer to start again the lottery, because her husband doesn’t have enough time

to take the paper.


The deixis in the utterances above is word “you”. The word “you” can be

categorized as second person singular. The object pronoun “you” refers to Mr.

Summers as addressee. The author used word “you” to tell that Tessi doesn’t

accept her family get the lottery. She said Mr. Summers as a head of the lottery



Data 9

"I can't run at all. You'll have to go ahead and I'll catch up with you." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 8)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Dunbar to Mrs. Delacroix. It located in

the Town Square and happens at the end of the story. Tessi Hutchinson gets paper

with the black sign. All of the villagers take a stone. Mrs. Dunbar tells Mrs.

Delacroix to run fast, but she can’t run very fast.


The deixis in the utterances above is word “you”. The word “you” is object

pronoun. It can be categorized as second person singular. The object pronoun

you” refers to Mrs. Delacroix who tells to Mrs. Dunbar to run fast. It based on

context in the previous utterance: Mrs. Delacroix selected a stone so large she had to pick it up with both hands and turned to Mrs. Dunbar. "Come on," she said.

"Hurry up."

The example of second person deixis as Possessive Adjectives can be

seen in the data below:

Data 10

"Watson" The tall boy came awkwardly through the crowd. Someone said, "Don't be nervous, Jack," and Mr. Summers said, "Take your time, son." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

The utterance above stated by Mr. Summers to Jack Watson. It located in the

Town Square. Jack Watson came forward through the crowd. He looked like very




The deixis in the utterance above is word “your”. The possessive adjective

your” include second person singular of deixis. It refers to character Jack Watson

belonging his time as a listener or addressee. The word possessive pronouns can’t

stand alone. It is usually followed by noun. In this utterance the possessive

pronoun “your” is followed by word of Time.

Other kind of person deixis is third person deixis. The example of second

person deixis as subject can be seen in the data below:

Data 11

"Here comes your, Mr. Hutchinson," or "Bill, she made it after all." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 3)

The utterance above stated by The Villagers (two or three people) to Mr.

Bill Hutchinson. It located in the Town Square. Mrs. Hutchinson comes to town

through the crowd. She looks for her husband and son. Two or people said to her

husband about it.


The deixis in the utterance above is “she”. The subject pronoun “she” can

be categorized as third person singular. It refers to Mrs. Hutchinson as a person

who are neither the villagers nor Mr. Bill Hutchinson. It is based on context in the

previous sentence: Mrs. Hutchinson craned her neck to see through the crowd and



Data 12

"Dunbar," Mr. Summers said, and Mrs. Dunbar went steadily to the box while one of the women said. "Go on. Janey," and another said, "There she goes." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 5)

The utterance above stated by a woman to another woman. It happens in

the Town Square. Mr. Summers calls Dunbar’s family. Then, Mrs. Dunbar came

forward to draw for her husband. There are some woman said to her when she

through the crowd.


The deixis in the utterance above is word “she”. The subject pronoun

she” can be categorized as third person singular of deixis. It refers to another

person. The another person is Mrs. Dunbar. It s based on context situation of this

utterance: Mrs. Dunbar went steadily to the box while one of the women said. A

woman gives a support to her and another said to see her.

The example of third person deixis as object can be seen in the data below:

Data 13

"You didn't give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn't fair!" (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 5)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Hutchinson to Mr. Summers. It located

in the Town Square. The villagers looking for Hutchinson’s family. The other side

Bill Hutchinson shocked and looked a paper with black sign in his hand. Tessi

disagree with that.


The deixis in the utterance above are “him”. The object pronoun “him” can



person and based on context in previous utterance: Bill Hutchinson was standing

quiet, staring down at the paper in his hand. Suddenly. Tessie Hutchinson shouted

to Mr. Summers.

Data 14

Old Man Warner snorted. "Pack of crazy fools," he said. "Listening to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work anymore, live hat way for a while. Used to be a saying about 'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.' First thing you know, we'd all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. There's always been a lottery," he added petulantly. (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 5)

The utterance above stated by Old Man Warner to Mr. Adams. It located

in the Town Square. Mr. Adam tells to Old Man Warner that the lottery will be

over in the north village. But, Old Man Warner said it pack of crazy fools.


The deixis in the utterance above are words “them”. The pronouns “them

can be categorized as thrid person plural of deixis. Object pronoun “them” is

person neither speaker nor addressee or listener. It refers to the young folks,

because Mr. Summers said about the young folks to Mr. Adams.

The example of third person deixis as possessive adjective can be seen in

the data below:

Data 15



The utterance above stated by Mr. Summers to The villagers. It happens in the

Town Square. Mr. Summers consulted the name of villagers one by one based on

his list. He said Clyde Dunbar’s family, but Mr. Dunbar’s leg is broke.


The deixis in the utterances above is “his”. Pronouns “his” can be

categorized as third person singular. The possessive adjective “his” refers to Mr.

Clyde Dunbar. He is another person among Mr. Summers and the villagers which

are include the list of the lottery.

Data 16

"There's Don and Eva," Mrs. Hutchinson yelled. "Make them take their chance!" (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Hutchinson to Mr. Summers. It located

in the Town Square. Mr. Summers said Bill draw for his family and he asked to

Bill the other households in his family. Mrs. Hutchinson yelled Don and Eva

incluude Bill’s Famliy, but Mr. Summers explained to her that daughters draw

with their husband’s family.


The deixis in the utterance above is word “their” that utter by Tessi. The

possesive adjective “their” can be categorized as third person plural of deixis. It

refers to Don and Eva as other person that deliberated by Tessi. It is indirect



2. Spatial Deixis

Spatial or place deixis is the words and phrases used point or refer to a

location in a speech event. The spatial deixis can indicated locations close to

speaker and removed from speaker. The words here and there are locative

expressions which designate space close to the speaker (proximal). This/these and

that/those which respectively indicate entities close to or removed from the

speaker (distal) (Kreidler, 1998). The spatial deixis that found in the short story is

7 words. The proximal of place deixis almost exist. Here are example data of

proximal place deixis:

Data 17

"Well," Mr. Summers said, "guess that's everyone. Old Man Warner make it?" "Here," a voice said. and Mr. Summers nodded. (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 3)

The utterance above stated by Old Man Warner to Mr. Summers. It located

in the Town Square. Mr. Summers checked every people in the town based on list.

He calls Old Man Warner now and a voice answer him.


The deixis in utterance above is “here”. The word “here” can be

categorized as spatial or place deixis. It refers to place of Old Man Warner exist.

The word “here” is locative expressions which designate space close to the

speaker (proximal). In this utterance the word “here” indicated that Old Man



Data 18

"There goes my old man." Mrs. Delacroix said. She held her breath while her husband went forward. (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 5)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Delacroix to Mrs. Graves. It located in

the Town Square. It’s time Mr. Delacroix go foward.. Mrs. Delacroix and Mrs.

Graves have a conversation about the lottery. Then, she look at her husband who

went forward.


The deixis in the utterance above is word “there”. The word “there” can

be categorized as spatial or place deixis. It refers to place of Mrs. Delacroix’s

husband went forwad. The word “there” include distal place of deixis. It’s

indicate place that removed or away from the speaker.

Data 19

"Harburt.... Hutchinson."

"Get up there, Bill," Mrs. Hutchinson said. and the people near her laughed. (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 5)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Hutchinson to the villager standing

near Mrs. Hutchinson. It located in the Town Square. Mr. Hutchinson is called by

Mr. Summers. Tessi heared it and said to Mr. Hutchinson go forward in the black



The deixis in the utterance above is word “there”. The word “there” can



Mrs. Tessi Hutchinson instruct her husband to go forward. The word “There

include distal place of deixis. It’s indicate place that away from the speaker.

3. Temporal Deixis

Time or temporal deixis is words and phrases that refer to time in speech

event. The words now, then, yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next month

are temporal deixis. These are all relative to the time when people are used in

communication. In temporal deixis there are also proximal and distal forms. The

proximal “now” used to indicating both the time coinciding with the speaker’s

utterance and the time of the speaker’s voice being heard. And the distal “then

applies to both past and future time relative to the speaker’s present time (Yule,

1996). The proximal of time’s number in The Lottery is 7 and the distal of time’s

number is 5 words. Here are examples data of the proximal time:

Data 20

When he arrived in the square, carrying the black wooden box, there was a murmur of conversation among the villagers, and he waved and called. "Little late today, folks." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 2)

The utterance above stated by Mr. Summers to the Villagers. It located in

the Town Square. Mr. Summers arrived in the town square. He carrying the black

wooden box. He waved and said that the lottery little late today.


The deixris in the utterance above is “today”. The word “today” can be

categorized as temporal or time of deixis. It refers to time of the lottery was



time coinciding with the speaker’s utterance and the time of the speaker’s being


Data 21

"Horace's not but sixteen vet." Mrs. Dunbar said regretfully. "Guess I gotta fill in for the old man this year." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 4)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Dunbar to Mr. Summers. It located in

the Town Square. Mr. Dunbar is unwell, his leg broked. So, his wife draws for her

husband. His son still sixteen years old. Altough Mr. Summers knew it, he still

aks and waited the answer from Mrs. Dunbar. It is the bussiness of the official of

the lottery.


The deixis analysis in the utterance above is “this year”. The word “this

year” can be categorized as temporal or time of deixis. It refers to time of Mrs.

Dunbar draws for her husband. The word “this year” indicating both the time

coinciding with the speaker’s utterance and the time of the speaker’s being heard.

So, it called proximal.

Data 22

A sudden hush fell on the crowd as Mr. Summers cleared his throat and looked at the list. "All ready?" he called. "Now, I'll read the names--heads of families first--and the men come up first--and take a paper out of the box. Keep the paper folded in your hand without looking at it until everyone has had a turn. Everything clear?" (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 4)

The utterance above stated by Mr. Summers to the villagers. It located in

the Town Square. Mr. Summers reads the name of family’s head that draw to his



Summers called his or her name to take a paper in the black box. The paper

doesn’t look until everyone has had it.


The deixis in the utterance above is “now”. The word “now” can be

categorized as temporal or time of deixis. It refers to time of Mr. Summers

reading a list of family head’s name, from the first name until the end. The word

now” indicated as proximal of time. It both the time coinciding with the

speaker’s utterance and the time of the speaker’s being heard, because in this

utterance Mr. Summers’s utterance directly listens by addressees (the villagers).

Another kinds of temporal deixis is distal. The example of distal place can

be seen below:

Data 23

"Seems like we got through with the last one only last week." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 4)

The utterance above stated by Mrs. Delacroix to Mrs. Graves. It located in

the Town Square. Mrs. Delacroix said to Mrs. Graves that time of the lottery very

fast. They are not believed that the lottery conducted again. They are talking

together in the back row.


The deixis in the utterance above is “last week”. The word “last week” can

be categorized as temporal or time of deixis. It refers to time of previous the



indicated as distal. It indicates both past and future time relative to the speaker’s

present time.

Data 24

"Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery," Old Man Warner said as he went through the crowd. "Seventy-seventh time." (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

The utterance above stated by Old Man Warner to Mr. Summers and the

villagers. It located in the Town Square. It’s time for Old Man Warner came

forward. He had been the lottery as long as Seventy-seventh year. He is the older

person than other villagers in the town.


The deixis in the utterance above is “seventy-seventh year”. The word

seventy-seventh year” can be categorized as temporal or time of deixis. It refers

to time of Old Man Warner had been the lottery (Seventy-seventh time). The

word “seventy-seventh year” indicating both past and future time relative to the

speaker’s present time or distal of time.

Data 25

"Then, as far as drawing for families is concerned, it's you," Mr. Summers said in explanation, "and as far as drawing for households is concerned, that's you, too. Right?" (The text of short story can be seen in Appendix I, Page 6)

The utterance above stated by Mr. Summers to Mr. Bill Hutchinson. It

located in the Town Square. Mr. Summers tells to Mr. Bill Hutchinson that he


Table 2.1 Singular and Plural of Person Deixis
Table 2.2 The Deitic Expession of Time
Table 3.2 Sample table of three kinds of deixis that found in The Lottery by


Dokumen terkait

The results of this study showed that the deixis used by Helen as the main chara cter in George Sullivan’s novel consisted a person, temporal and spatial deixis..

The last attitude toward the lottery which can be pointed is the characters believe in the lottery can bring happiness to their village even if they have

The writer uses the discourse of deixis by exploring the various kinds of deictic words phenomenon to find the form of the deixis and find the meaning by using the theory of


It proved the functions of person, spatial deixis and temporal deixis although there was only a little of temporal deixis used by the English teaching in the

(Levinson, 1983) states that “there are five kinds of deixis, they are: person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis.” The

In Jurnal of Deby et al., 2018 According to Cruse 2006 the kinds of deictic has five types: person deixis, spatial deictic, temporal deictic, social deictic and discourse deixis:

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