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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Sarjana Degree of

English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Islamic State University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Niswatul Ummah

Reg Number: A83212175






Ummah. Niswatul. 2016. The Study of Social Tradition in “The Lottery” and

Family Values in “Charles” by Shirley Jackson. English Department. Faculty of Arts and Humanities. State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Thesis Advisor: Sufi Ikrima Sa’adah, M. Hum

This thesis analyzes about social tradition in “The Lottery” and family values in

‘Charles”. Those two short stories are written by Shirley Jackson. The researcher

uses Sociological Approach to analyze the the issues occurred in the two short stories. The researcher used descriptive-qualitative approach as the way to analyzes, and the method that researcher used is Qualitative so, the main instrument is researcher itself. Through the analysis, it is found that the Social

tradition which happened in “The Lottery” short story is a tradition believed to

bring good luck to the citizen, although the rule is very cruel. It is stoning the winner of the lottery until death. Although the tradition requires the winner of the lottery to be killed, the citizen is only silent because this tradition has been carried

on from generation to generation. While issue occurred in the “Charles” is the

prevailing norm and rule in a family. Given this rule and norm, making Laurie lied to his parents by creating an imaginary character named Charles to cover up his naughtyness in his school. He is doing that in order not to get the punishment from his parents. Because the rule is a boy must be a good boy, while Laurie is a

naughty child. And the function in “The Lottery is to get a good harvest and get

luck whereas family values in “Charles is to make a child decipline, responsibility and become a good child.



Ummah. Niswatul. 2016. The Study of Social Tradition in “The Lottery” and

Family Values in “Charles” by Shirley Jackson. Skripsi. Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Sufi Ikrima Sa’adah, M. Hum

Tesis ini meneliti tradisi sosial dalam “The Lottery” dan nilai-nilai keluarga dalam

“Charles”. Dua cerita pendek tersebut adalah karya Shirley Jackson peneliti

menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi untuk menganalisi isu-isu dalam kedua cerita pendek tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan descriptive-qualitative approach sebagai langkah-langkah untuk menganalisis, dan metode yang peneliti gunakan adalah qualitatif sehingga instrumen utamanya adalah dirinya sendiri. Hasil dari analisi

ini menemukan bahwa social Tradition yang terjadi pada “The Lottery” adalah

sebuah tradisi yang dipercayai membawa keberuntungan bagi warga, akan tetapi peraturan dari tradisi tersebut sangat kejam. Hukuman yang didapat oleh pemenang adalah rajam hingga meninggal. Meskipun, mengakibatkan korban terbunuh, penduduk desa hanya diam tidak membantah sebab tradisi ini telah

dilakukan dari generasi ke generasi. Sedangkan isu yang terjadi di “Charles” yaitu

norma dan peraturan yang berlaku di sebuah keluarga. Dengan adanya peraturan dan norma ini, menjadikan Laurie berbohong kepada orang tuanya dengan menciptakan karakter imajinasi yang bernama Charles untuk menutupi kenakalannya di sekolah. Ini dilakukannya agar tidak mendapatkan hukuman dari orang tuanya. Karena, aturan yang berlaku di keluarganya adalah anak laki-laki harus menjadi anak yang baik, sedangkan Laurie adalah anak yang nakal. Dan fungsi yang terdapat pada “he Lottery” adalah untuk memperoleh hasil panen

yang baik dan beruntung, sedangkan nilai-nilai keluarga yang di ‘Charles” adalah,

untuk menjadikan anak lebih disiplin, bertanggungjawab, dan menjadi aka yang baik.


Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page ... v

Thesis Examiner’s Approval Page ... vi

Motto ... vii

Acknowledgment ... viii

Table of Content ... ix

Abstract ... xi

Abstrak ... xii


1.1. Background of the Study ... 1

1.2. Statement of the Problem... 5

1.3. Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4. Significance of the Study ... 6

1.5. Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.6. Method of the Study ... 7


2.1. Theoretical Framework ... 9

2.1.1. Sociological Approach ... 9 ... 9 Values ... 11

a. Family ... 11

(9) and Norm ... 12

2.2 Rview of Related Studies... 13


3.1. The social Tradition in Shirley Jackson’s “ The Lottery” ... 14

3.2. Family Values in “Charles” Short Sory by Shirley Jackson... 25

3.3. The Function of Tradition in “The Lottery” and Family Values in “Charles” towards the society in the story ... 34

3.3.1. The function of tradition in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson ... 35

3.3.2. The function of family values in “Charles” by Shirley Jackson ... 37


Work Cited ... 42


Biography the Author ... 44

Synopsis of “The Lottery” ... 45


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1.1. Background of the Study.

Peter and Roger define literature as a beautiful word and beautiful

language, which is created by a thinking, feeling or situation that is being

experienced by a person then assembled into a word (128). In a literary

work someone can give information to the reader about law values,

traditions stories, crime, romance and religion. Because here a person is

free to create literary works through writing. A literary work can lead us to

experience the world around us with a way of thinking through

imagination. We can also explore imagination that we have and write it in

such as: short story, poem, drama and novel. (Cuddon 472)

The thesis writer refers analyze the short story as a subject because

according to Abrams (286) short story is a short work, shorter than novel

or drama whose elements can be in either novel or drama, and the analysis

of short story can be about the intrinsic elements. Since short story is

shorter than any other literary genres, it makes easier to read than novel.

There are two elements or two aspects in literature that can be

analyzed. They are intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Extrinsic elements

deal with the external aspects from literary works such as: biography,

background of the study, social condition and so on. The second aspect is


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literary work such as: plot, theme, setting, style, symbol, point of view,

and character. (Peter and Roger 129)

The main concern of this thesis is social issues in two short stories by

Shirley Jackson. They are social tradition in “The Lottery” and family

values “Charles”. Judy (5-6) states that Shirley Jackson began writing

when she was a teenager. She is famous with the terrible tradition or can

be said of horror literary work. Shirley Jackson can also be said as a writer

that has a high potential with variations in her work, so she can have her

own achievements in the literary world. Shirley Jackson’s potential is not

just about the style of writing, such as the brutal story in “The Lottery” and

in “Charles”, but also the themes of her writing. She wrote about class,

gender, self –supervision and madness and horror or cruelty. She is more

focused in all that choice as a theme during her career.

Short story under the title “the Lottery” was firstly published in New

York. Du Bose (4) argues that because of this story Shirley Jackson often

gets comments because this story is considered a horror story that does not

have a sense of humanity.

“The Lottery” is the famous literary work written by Shirley Jackson

at the time. This short story also has some critical reviews from the reader,

because the tradition that happen in the short story is very terrible. The

tradition is lottery, but in this story, the lottery’s tradition is different with


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punishment instead of reward. The punishment is to be stoned to death by

all citizen of the village, and that makes it a terrible tradition.

“The Lottery” tells about a tradition in a village that held every June

27. The tradition is named the lottery. People were gathered in the village

square. The leader of the tradition is Mr. Summer. He had the list of the

family heads because the lottery is to retrieve one of head of family. It

turned out that the lottery this time fell to the Hutchinson family because

Mr. Hutchinson got his paper with black dot. It meant that his entire family

must take the lottery to decide which member will get the black point.

Unfortunately, the black-dotted paper was taken by Mrs. Hutchinson. Then

all of the crowds were approaching a pile of rocks that have been available

in the corner of the village, and throw the rocks to Mrs. Hutchinson. She

got stoned by all of citizen, because the tradition said that the winner of the

lottery is to be stoned until death.

The second object is Shirley Jackson’s another short story “Charles”.

The writer also uses this short story, because Shirley Jackson just has three

short stories and it is these two short stories that issue of Culture or

sociology. So, the writer will use these short stories to analyze.

“Charles” tells the story of Laurie. Laurie is a boy who had just started

his kindergarten school. On his first day to school, her mother asked him,

about his school. Laurie said that the school is like usual, but there is a boy

named Charles getting punishment in class. He told it to his mother every


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When there is a meeting at school, Laurie’s mother came to Laurie‘s

teacher. The teacher said to Laurie’s mother if Laurie had some troubles

getting used to at school. Laurie’s mother answered may be it happen

because of Charles, but the teacher said that no students were named

Charles in school or in the same class with Laurie.

This story tells about the kid who hides his fault from his parents by

creating a fake name Charles, although in his school there is nobody called

Charles. Charles is just his imagination to avoid his parent’s anger. The

researcher thinks that this short story is have a moral value, because in this

short strory give a lesson that not all the rule that good for our self is good

for aother. It also makes the reader confused if they just read it one time.

But it is a kind of short story that mixes mystery and realism. Mystery

because Laurie as a child must be lied to avoid the punishment. So, it

becomes the reason the writer chooses this short story to become the object

of this study.

Based on the background previously stated, Shirley Jackson’s short

stories “The Lottery “and “Charles” are chosen to be the object of analysis

by using Sociological Approach focusing on social Tradition in the “The

Lottery” and Family Values in “ Charles” Short stories under the title “The


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1.2. Statement of Problem

This study is conducted to answer the problems which are formulated

in the following questions:

1.2.1. How is social tradition described in Shirley Jakson’s “The Lottery”

short stories?

1.2.2. How are family values described in Shirley Jackson’s “Charles”

short stories?

1.2.3. What are the functions of tradition in the “The Lottery” and Family

Values in “Charles” towards the society in the story?

1.3. Purpose of Study

This study concerns of presenting a brief account for the readers about

the problems stated previously. Through this study, the writer tries to

present the following aims:

1.3.1. To describe social tradition in Shirley Jakson’s “The Lottery” short


1.3.2. To describe family values in Shirley Jackson’s “Charles” short


1.3.3. To know the functions of tradition in the “The Lottery” and Family


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1.4. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes this study gives the benefit to the readers and the

next researchers. The researcher hopes the readers will know more about

the social tradition in “The Lottery and Family values in “Charles” by

Shirley Jackson’s, that happened in these two short stories. The researcher

hopes, this research can help the readers, especially for English literature

students to be a reference for future research and especially in the

knowledge of social tradition in “The Lottery” and Family values in

“Charles”, and the things contained the social tradition and Family values,

the analysis of social tradition and Family values in literature, especially in

the short story by Shirley Jackson.

For the general reader, the researcher hopes that this research can help

understand more about the works of Shirley Jackson. Other than that the

readers can understand the social tradition in “The Lottery” and Family

values in “Charles”, that occurs in society that is told in the short stories

written by Shirley Jackson

1.5. Scope and Limitation

To make this study still on track, the writer limits this research on the

object and then chooses the factors that need to be analyzed. Thus, this

study focuses on social Tradition that happen in Shirley Jackson’s “The


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Sociologicl Approach to base the analysis of these two short stories by

Shirley Jackson.

1.6. Methodology

1.6.1.Research instrument

a. Object of Study

The writer uses Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” and “Charles”

short stories as the object of the research

b. Instruments

Instrument on research is important to collect the data.

Therefore, the important instrument in this research is the researcher

as the reader of short stories


a. Data Sources

The main data source of this research is Shirley Jackson’s short

stories entitled “The Lottery” and “Charles”. Meanwhile, the

supporting data sources is references and materials related to the

study, which are take from books, thesis, internet, journal, essay and


b. Data Collection

Some steps to collect the data are as follow:


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 Searching some books, essays, journals and theses that have

correlation with the problems.

 Reading some references to help the writer to know how far the

object have analyzed, and also to increase the knowledge of

object that will be analyse.

 Make note or underline on the important part based on the

statement of the problem.

1.6.3.Data Analysis

In the data analysis, the researcher did some steps as follows: First,

the researcher analyzes social tradition that occurs in “The Lottery”

by Shirley Jackson, after knowing the social tradition in “The

Lottery”, the researcher continues to analyze the Family values in

“Charles” by Shirley Jackson. And the last one the researcher

analyzes the function of tradition in “The Lottery” and family values


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2.1 Theoretical Frame Work

In this chapter the researcher explains the theory to be used as the basis of

analyzing Shirley Jackson’s short stories entitled “The Lottery” and “Charles”\.

The researcher applies sociological approach, because following Wellek and

Warren, literature consists of social contents (90).This study specifically examines

the tradition, family values and the effect of the tradition and the family values

towards the people in the story. The reviews of the theory will be described as


2.1.1.Sociological Approach

Stolley quotes Rebach and Bruhn that studying sociology is studying

human life in their social life. Sociology is thinking, behaving, or doing

something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family,

society in a long time and done from generation to generation (1). This

study may focus to families, communities, entire cities, or even nations. Tradition

The concept of tradition is original from the latin meaning “ something

handed over” (Garburn 1). Tradition was culture features which can change

the situation, to be continued from generation to generation, to be handed on

thought about preserved and not lost.

Horner argues that idea of tradition is as a reservation. Tradition as


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and sense of safety. Cultural traditions also function to strengthen a sense of

community. Tradition contributes a sense of comfort and belonging. It

brings families together and enables people to reconnect with friends. (4)

There are some function in tradition of society, the Functions of the

tradition are follow:

1. Tradition reinforces values such as freedom, faith, integrity, a good

education, personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the value

of being selfless.

2. Tradition provides a forum to showcase role models and celebrate the

things that really matter in life.

3. Tradition offers a chance to say “thank you” for the contribution that

someone has made.

4. Tradition enables us to showcase the principles of our Founding

Fathers, celebrate diversity, and unite as a country.

5. Tradition serves as an avenue for creating lasting memories for our

families and friends.

6. Tradition offers an excellent context for meaningful pause and

reflection. (Frank 7) Family Values

Stolley states that family is one example of social institutions. Social

institutions are the major social organizations formed to meet our social


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a. Family

Family is the smallest identifiable unit of a social group. It is an

aggregation of individual relations between the member who has

structure and organization which includes rule, norm, ritual etc. (Chuduri

4). Cannan and Warren statet that family has support practice. It means to

promote the support network to children and their family member by

formal or informal organization. It can growing the acknowledgement in

citizenship by attitude that appear of family member in citizenship.(103)

As the smallest social group family certainly has function. The

function of family will be the following:

1. Family regulates sexual bahavior

2. Family is responsible for reproduction and norm, values and beliefs

3. Families nurture and protect children and provide emotional support

for adults

4. The main socializing institution for new members of society.

b. Value

Values is talk about the philosophy not about the meaning only. Values

will guide our behaviour in many ways. Values are the criteria people use

in assessing their daily lives; arrange their priorities and choosing between

alternative course of action. So, it is a general conceptions of “the good”,

ideas about the kind of ends that people should pursue throughout their

lives and throughout the many different activities in which they engage


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The Functions of Values are follow:

1. Values provide goals or ends for the members to aim for.

2. Values provide for stabilities and uniformities in group interaction.

3. Values bring legitimacy to the rules that govern specific activities.

4. Values help to bring about some kind of adjustment between different

sets of rules. (mondal 13) and Norms

The category of value is divided into two, they are, values of individual

and values of social. Individual value deals with something valuable

towards and individual. Meanwhile, social values are individual desires that

compromise to ethical principles. Moreover, norms are something that

should be done by the people in certain situations, and almost all of society

has norms inherited from generation to generation. (Deji 52)

2.2.Review Of The Study

2.2.1. Hicks Jo Lynn’s 1974 thesis under the title “Shirley Jackson as a

Modern Gothic author”, from Texas A & M University. In this thesis

Hicks analyzes about the writer style. So, he just focused on the way

the author is writing the short story and the analysis is only on “The

Lottery” short story. The analysis found that the author wrote the

short story using gothic style.

2.2.2. Kinanti Sayekti Putri’s 2014 graduate thesis under the title


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analysis about the Patriarchy System that happened in main character

Mrs. Tessie on The Lottery short story. In here, Kinanti analyzes

through feminist point of view, because the writer conducts this thesis

in order to reveal the patriarchy system faced by women characters of

the short story and also the way the main character fights against the

patriarchy system.

2.2.3. O’brien, kenneth. 1968. The Sociology of Literature:Georg Lukacs, by

university of Leicester, England in this thesis, analyzed about dialect

movement of history and the great genres of literature which portray

the totality of history, and the sociology of literature in north america

and europe is examined in the contec of lukacs ideas, so in this thesis,

o’brien just analyzed o examined the theory by Lukacs idea in


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In this chapter, the researcher analyzes social tradition in “The Lottery and

family values in “Charles” by Shirley Jackson. Here, the researcher explains the

relevant data according to the problems stated in the first chapter. The data is

taken from the paragraphs and from the conversation among the characters in both

short stories.

For the first part, the researcher analyzes the social tradition that happens in

“The Lottery” short story. The second part, the researcher analyzes social tradition

that happens in “Charles” short story and the last problem, the researcher analyzes

the function of social tradition in “The Lottery” and family values in “Charles”

towards the society in the story. All those problems are analyzed based on

Sociological Approach.

3.1 Social tradition in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”.

“The Lottery” is one of the short stories written by Shirley Jackson.

This short story tells about an annual ritual that happens in a village. The

ritual is called a lottery. The first paragraph of the short story tells the time

of the lottery.


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profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village

began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank,

around ten o'clock; in some towns there were so many people that

the lottery took two days and had to be started on June 2th. but in

this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the

whole lottery took less than two hours, so it could begin at ten

o'clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the

villagers to get home for noon dinner. (1)

The above quotation explains that the lottery happens in summer. It is

in the morning of June 27th. The lottery starts at ten o’clock and takes two

hours to finish. It is an obligation for every people of the village to follow


As the village’s annual event, the lottery itself becomes social

tradition of the village. It is because the lottery is representing the social

contract, the social norms, and the social hierarchies of the village. The

lottery represents the social contract because it has been held for very long

time. It is expressed by Old Man Warner who is the oldest man of the

village: "Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery," Old Man Warner said

as he went through the crowd. "Seventy-seventh time." (4).

The quotation proves that even it is not stated, but the people of the

village agree to have it every year for seventy seven times. It means that

there is such an unwritten contract between the people to keep the lottery


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The lottery also represents the norm of the villagers because it

demands every villager to join the event: “The children assembled first, of

course. … Soon the men began to gather. … The women, wearing faded

house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their menfolk. …” (1). The

lottery is also believed to bring peace and prosperity if it is done properly.

Old Man Warner said that he used to hear a saying about ‘lottery in June,

corn be heavy soon’ (3). It means that the people of the village believe that

if they do the lottery, they will get good harvest from their corn fields.

the lottery also represents hierarchy of the village. The lottery is

always conducted by the same person from time to time. He is Mr.


The lottery was conducted―as were the square dances, the teen

club, the Halloween program―by Mr. Summers. Who had time

and energy to devote to civic activities. He was a round-faced,

jovial man and he ran the coal business, and people were sorry for

him. Because he had no children and his wife was a scold. When he

arrived in the square, carrying the black wooden box, there was a

murmur of conversation among the villagers, and he waved and

called. "Little late today, folks." The postmaster, Mr. Graves,

followed him, carrying a three-legged stool, and the stool was put

in the center of the square and Mr. Summers set the black box


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Although the tradition is called the lottery, it is conducted not to

choose a person to give a present, but to choose a person to be sacrificed.

The person who gets a slip with a black dot is chosen to be stoned to death

as a form of sacrifice, so that the next harvest will produce abundantly.

The beginning of the story gives a clue about the stoning:

“Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and

the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest

and roundest stones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie

Delacroix― the villagers pronounced this name

"Dellacroy"―eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner

of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys. …”


The quotation above shows that the children already prepare the

stones before the lottery begins. There is not any explanation why the

children do that, but in the end of the story it is clear that the stones are for

throwing the one who gets the lottery: “All right, folks.” Mr. Summers

said. “Let's finish quickly.” (7)

Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual of tradition and lost the

original black box they still remembered to use stones. The pile of stones

the boys had made earlier was ready; there were stones on the ground with

the blowing scraps of paper that had come out of the box. Delacroix

selected a stone so large she had to pick it up with both hands and turned


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stones in both hands, and she said. gasping for breath. “I ca’'t run at all.

You’ll have to go ahead and I'll catch up with you.” The children had

stones already. And someone gave little Davy Hutchinson a few pebbles.”


Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and

she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved on her. “It isn't

fair,” she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head. Old Man Warner

was saying, “Come on, come on, everyone.” Steve Adams was in the front

of the crowd of villagers, with Mrs. Graves beside him.”It isn’t fair, it is’'t

right,” Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her. (7).

The quotations above signify that social tradition may make a wrong

action become a right one, and so it is with the lottery. A murder is wrong

and forbidden to do, but in the name of social tradition it becomes an

ordinary thing to maintain the tritiadon in a society.

the lottery became a tradition that has been on the run for years with

the norms and beliefs that have been set. It makes most village people

believe in the tradition of lottery. However, there are also people who do

not agree with this tradition, arguing that the tradition will only hurt the

innocent people and the way to do it is an act of sadism or cruelty.

Thus, in every act made will have an effect on anyone who did. In the

tradition of lottery, there are also negative and positive effects felt by the


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In “The Lottery”, there was an annual tradition that to some people

this tradition does not make sense. As Mrs. Huchinson who feels that

tradition is not fair.

Other than Mrs. Hutchinson, there is almost nobody who is brave to

say that the lottery tradition is not fair. The village people just keep saying

nothing whether they agree or disagree with the tradition. It is shown by

the following quotation:

Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a

new box, but no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was

represented by the black box. There was a story that the present

box had been made with some pieces of the box that had preceded

it, the one that had been constructed when the first people settled

down to make a village here. (1)

The quotation above describes when Mr. Summer explains about his

plan of renewing the lottery’s box, but the citizen is only silent. They are

doing this because they are afraid to disapprove this tradition that has been

held since the first settling of the village.

So, from the above quotation, it is known that all of citizen respect

and obey to this tradition. It is because they think that by holding on to this

tradition, they will be assigned to luck. They belief that by doing this

tradition their harvest will be good and abundant. If they do not do the


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belief happens because the majority of the population worked as farmers,

that is corn farmers.

The strong belief of the village people towards the tradition makes

them do not want to question its plausibility. If there are people who feel

doubt about the lottery, they only say it secretly. Just like what Mr. and

Mrs. Adams say:

“They do say,” Mr. Adams said to Old Man Warner, who stood

next to him, “that over in the north village they’re talking of giving

up the lottery.”…..”Some places have already quit lotteries.” Mrs.

Adams said. (4)

Although Mr. and Mrs. Adams only say that in some places the lottery

is not held anymore, their statement implies that they do not agree with the

lottery. They might think that this tradition has wasted the lives of others

only to be sacrificed, so that they feel this tradition does not have to be


the tradition as the binding norm in their life. Therefore, nobody dares

to reject it directly. It is because most of them believe that, if they do not

doing the tradition then this years crop will fail. Therefore, this tradition is

still carried out. However, because not every citizen trust and agree on the

tradition of the Lottery.

One of the citizen who says that he does not agree with that tradition


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Mr. Adams to Old Man Warner, it means that he wants to dismiss the

tradition of the Lottery.

"They do say," Mr. Adams said to Old Man Warner, who stood

next to him, "that over in the north village they're talking of giving

up the lottery."

Old Man Warner snorted. "Pack of crazy fools," he said. "Listening

to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you

know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody

work any more, live hat way for a while. Used to be a saying about

'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.' First thing you know, we'd all

be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. There's always been a

lottery," he added petulantly. "Bad enough to see young Joe

Summers up there joking with everybody."

"Some places have already quit lotteries." Mrs. Adams said.

"Nothing but trouble in that," Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Pack

of young fools." (4)

From the conversation above, Mr. Adams said that the tradition of the

Lottery is stopped in some places. but with the norms in force for years,

the suggestion or action undertaken by Mr. Adam is useless, because the

Old Man Warner said that it was just a stupid act. But Mr. Adam saying

that because according to Mr. Adam is the punishment given to the

winners is not as a gift, but a very cruel punishment, and it is violating


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Besides Mr. Adam, there is one citizen who did not approve the

lottery, she is Mrs. Hutchinson. She was a housewife. From the beginning

she did not agree with the tradition so that she always comes too late for

the reason that she would forget this day, when the tradition will be held.

And this is becoming the talk of the other citizen. In fact, they know that

Mrs. Hutchinson had come too late in purpose.

“Just as Mr. Summers finally left off talking and turned to the

assembled villagers, Mrs. Hutchinson came hurriedly along the

path to the square, her sweater thrown over her shoulders, and slid

into place in the back of the crowd. “Clean forgot what day it was,”

she said to Mrs. Delacroix, who stood next to her, and they both

laughed softly. “Thought my old man was out back stacking

wood,” Mrs. Hutchinson went on. “and then I looked out the

window and the kids was gone, and then I remembered it was the

twentyseventh and came a running.” She dried her hands on her

apron, and Mrs. Delacroix said, “You're in time, though. They’re

still talking away up there”. (2)

In the quotation above, it potrays Mrs. Hutchinson came late to the

lottery's tradition. It is an expression or action from her that she did not

approve of that tradition, but she covered it with the excuse that she forgot

that today the lottery tradition will be conducted.


U m m a h | 23

husband, Mr. Hutchison: “Suddenly, all the women Began to speak at

once, saving. “Who is it ?,” “Who's got it ?,” “Is it the Dunbars ?,” “Is it

the Watsons?” Then the voices Began to say, “It’s Hutchinson. It’s Bill”

“Bill Hutchinson’s got it.” ... (5). She immediately felt that this was not

fair. She feels this is just an engineering. Mrs. Hutchinson protests to Mr.

Summer as the leader of lottery Tradition, to shuffle over and give her

husband time to choose again.

“People began to look around to see the Hutchinsons. Bill

Hutchinson was standing quiet, staring down at the paper in his

hand. Suddenly. Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers. “You

didn’t give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw

you. It wasn't fair!” . “Be a good sport, Tessie”. Mrs. Delacroix

called, and Mrs. Graves said, “All of us took the same chance”.

“Shut up, Tessie,” Bill Hutchinson said”. (5).

But the norm is still norm, because the rules have been set and

approved, the tradition is still running even though there are some who

protest. Tradition still to be continued, because who disagree with their

traditions and anyway only a minority of the lower classes, so the protest

or advice do not affect the action of tradition. As Mr. Adam and Mrs.

Hutcinson who felt that the tradition is not fair, because it contains

elements of coercion and torture.

But the tradition is continued, so who gets the black dot on the paper


U m m a h | 24

black box that already contains paper and one of them will get the blak

dot. So the head of the family who assigned the black dot will have a

chance to be a winner in the tradition of the Lotery. But Mrs. Hutchinson

was worried, because by getting black dot, then one family member will

become a victim in the tradition this year.

The anxiety of Mrs. Hutchinson is increasing when only she has not

opened the paper, while other family members are already open, and the

paper they hold is a blank paper. So, most likely the black dot is in her

hand. All of the views of citizens were on Mrs. Hutchinson, they were

ready to pelt him with stones in their hands. After Mrs. Hutchinson opened

it, the black dot is indeed in her. directly Mrs. Hutchinson ran screaming

that this is unfair, it's unfair, but all citizens still to throwing the stones to


The regulation used in the lottery tradition is that the winner will get a

very cruel punishment. The punishment is stoning to death, which is done

by all citizen in the village. They threw small stones to the person chosen

in the tradition of lottery to death.

“Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original

black box, they still remembered to use stones. The pile of stones

the boys had made earlier was ready; there were stones on the

ground with the blowing scraps of paper that had come out of the


U m m a h | 25

both hands and turned to Mrs. Dunbar. "Come on," she said.

"Hurry up”. (7)

“Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now,

and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on

her. “It isn’t fair,” she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head.

Old Man Warner was saying, “Come on, come on, everyone”.

Steve Adams was in the front of the crowd of villagers, with Mrs.

Graves beside him.

“It isn’t fair, it isn’t right”, Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they

were upon her”. (7)

3.2. Family values in “Charles” short story by Shirley Jackson

“Charles” is another Shirley Jackson’s short story that is being

analyzed in this study. The short story tells about a little boy named Laurie

who starts his first day at kindergarten. From that day on, Laurie always

comes home with a story about a classmate named Charles who seems to

be a trouble maker. What his parents never know is that Charles is only a

fictional character Laurie created and that he made up all the stories about


The story starts with the narrator, who is also Laurie’s mother,

“watched [her son] go off the first morning”. He goes to school “wearing

blue jeans with a belt” and “forgot to wave goodbye to [his mother].” (1).

The researcher’s first impression towards Laurie’s action is that he might


U m m a h | 26

However, as the story goes, the researcher finds that Laurie is quite a

rude and impolite boy. It can be seen in the following quotations:

He came home the same way, the front door slamming open, his

cap on the floor, and the voice suddenly become raucous shouting,

“ Isn’t anybody here?”....At lunch he spoke insolently to his father,

spilled his baby sister’s milk, and remarked that his teacher said we

were not to take the name of the Lord in vain. (1)

From the quotation it can be seen that Laurie used to come home by

slamming the door, throwing his cap, and shouting. He also speaks

impolitely towards his father. These actions show that Laurie is actually

not a good boy.

The family values in this story is represented by the norm exists in the

family and at school, which says whoever does wrong will get the

punishment. Therefore, Laurie tells lies about the bad things Charles did

which is actually Laurie’s doings. Although he just started his

kindergarten, Laurie seems to realize that if he lets his parents know about

his naughty acts at school, they will punish him.

Laurie’s story about Charles started at his first day at school. When

his parents ask him about his school that day, Laurie answered them coldly

and told them about Charles’s punishment:

“How was school today?” I asked, elaborately casual.


U m m a h | 27

Laurie regarded his father coldly. “I didn’t learn nothing,” he

said.“Anything,” I said. “Didn’t learn anything”

“The teacher spanked a boy, though,” Laurie said, addressing his

bread and butter. “For being fresh,” he added, with his mouth full.

“What did he do?” I asked. “Who was it?”

Laurie thought. “It was Charles,” he said. “He was fresh. The

teacher spanked him and made him stand in a corner. He was

awfully fresh.”

“What did he do?” I asked again, but Laurie slid off his chair, took

a cookie, and left, while his father was still saying, “See here,

young man.” (1)

The quotation above explains Laurie’s story about his classmate

named Charles. According to Laurie, Charles is spanked by the teacher

because he was fresh. Fresh here means having no respect to other person.

Because of behaving impolitely, which is wrong according to social norm,

Charles is punished.

Starts from that day, Laurie always comes home with a new story of

Charles: The next day Laurie remarked at lunch, as soon as he sat down,

“Well, Charles was bad again today.” … “Today Charles hit the teacher.”

...“Good heavens,” I said, mindful of the Lord’s name, “I suppose he got

spanked again?” (1)

The quotation above tells about Charles’ another bad act which is to


U m m a h | 28

not. From her reaction, it implies that Laurie’s mother really holds the

norms that whoever does wrong should be punished.

That is one reason Lauire creates imaginary character named Charles.

It is to cover up his mistakes that are often done at his school. Laurie did

such a thing because he wanted to avoid the punishment that will be given

to him if his parents know he had done bad thing at school. Therefore,

when her mother asked Laurie, about Charles’ naughtyness, he turned back

and told her that the errors Charles did made all students stay to watch him

getting punished by her teacher:

“You know what Charles did?” he demanded, following me

through the door. “Charles yelled so in school they sent a boy in

from first grade to tell the teacher she had to make Charles keep

quiet, and so Charles had to stay after school. And so all the

children stayed to watch him.” (2).

The quotation above illustrates that Laurie had understood about the

norm in his family. By saying about punishmet that is given by the teacher

to Charles, and the other classmates stay to see Charles, it is as an example

to the others not to do things like that. This is also as a warning for others.

This also signifies that the rules at school also represent the norm about

getting punishment for doing bad thing. With the norm in force in the

family and at school made Laurie thinks to create the imaginary character


U m m a h | 29

Laurie has known about the norm and rule implied in his family. So,

he lied by using a fake character to hide anything about his naughty

behavior in his school. Listening to Laurie’s story every day, Laurie’s

mother starts to feel worry and wants to meet Laurie’s teacher as soon as

possible, to ask something about Charles. However, when Laurie’s mother

asks about Charles to Laurie’s teacher, she said that there is not any

student named Charles in the kindergarden: “Charles?” she said. “We

don’t have any Charles in the kindergarten.” (4). This illustrates that

Charles is just a character created by Laurie’s imagination. and not the real


He did it because he did not want to follow the norm in his family and

school. Although it is not stated directly, the norms and values in his

family and school is implied that a kid should have good attitude. And if

he did not do that, he would get the punishment. However, Laurie does not

agree with the norms. But he also does not want to be punished if he

breaks the norms. So, he creates a new character that can save himself

from his parents’s punishment.

But as the rule that happen in the story have effect to the member of

family, so the effect of family values in this story is that a person may be

forced to lie in order to follow the norm. It happens with Laurie. He needs

to lie to his parents about his bad behavior to save himself from getting


U m m a h | 30

bad attitude that Charles doing in the kindergarden to his parents. He

always tells about it everyday after he is going home:

The next day Laurie remarked at lunch, as soon as he sat down,

“Well, Charles was bad again today.” He grinned enormously and

said, “Today Charles hit the teacher.”

“Good heavens,” I said, mindful of the Lord’s name, “I suppose he

got spanked again?” (1)

The quotation above describes Laurie who tells about Charles again.

His mother believes his story and starts to feel worry what if Laurie gets

influenced by Charles. She expresses her worry to her husband:

On Saturday I remarked to my husband, “Do you think

kindergarten is too unsettling for Laurie? All this toughness, and

bad grammar, and this Charles boy sounds like such a bad

influence.” (2)

This qoutation talks about Laurie’s mother who feels worry about the

condition that will influences her son in school. It is because almost

everyday Laurie tells about the bad attitude or the naughtiness of Charles.

Laurie tells about Charles’s bad attitude everyday for three weeks. It

makes his parents really believe that Charles is really a bad boy. Even

when Laurie and his sister do something that is considered bad, his parents

remark it as just like Charles’ doing:


U m m a h | 31

afternoon; Laurie did a Charles when he filled his wagon full of

mud and pulled it through the kitchen; even my husband, when he

caught his elbow in the telephone cord and pulled telephone,

ashtray, and a bowl of flowers off the table, said, after the first

minute, “Looks like Charles.” (3)

The quotation above describes how Laurie’s parents make Charles an

example of bad attitude. They seem to blame Charles for every bad thing

Laurie does; that it is because Charles’ influence. The need to make Laurie

follows the norms of being a good boy makes Laurie’s parents use Charles

as a scapegoat. Therefore, when one day Laurie comes home with the story

of Charles doing good things, his parents do not believe him:

…. “Charles was so good today the teacher gave him an apple.”

“What?” I said, and my husband added warily, “You mean

Charles?”….“Can this be true, aboutCharles?” I asked my

husband that night. “Can something like this happen?”

“Wait and see,” my husband said cynically. “When you’ve got a

Charles to deal with, this may mean he’s only plotting.” (4)

The quotation above expresses Laurie’s parents who already think

that Charles is a bad boy and it is impossible for him to be good. Laurie’s

father even thinks that it was just Charles’ lie. What Laurie’s parents think

about Charles implies that the need to keep the social norms sometimes

makes people accuse those who ever do bad thing as a bad person forever,


U m m a h | 32

“On Saturday I remarked to my husband, “Do you think kindergarten

is too unsettling for Laurie? All this toughness,and bad grammar, and this

Charles boy sounds like such a bad influence.” (2)

With the above statement, it proves that Laurie’s parents feel worried

towards his development. They began to observe any existing development

in Laurie, because the environment can affect behavior in children, and at

the age of Laurie is still very easy to be affected with small things like that.

so both Laurie’s parents wanted to meet the parents of Charles. They are

curious as to whether parents who have children that bad: “It’ll be all

right,” my husband said reassuringly. “Bound to be people like Charles in

the world. Might as well meet them now as later.” (2)

Laurie’s parents are not just curious and wanted to meet both Charles’

parents alone, but Laurie’s mother also wanted to see Laurie’s teacher at

the time, but her husband said that soon there will be a meeting of parents

in their children's school, so he suggests to go to the parent-Teachers

meeting only.

“Monday night was the first Parent-Teachers meeting, and only the

fact that the baby had a cold kept me from going; I wanted

passionately to meet Charles’s mother. On Tuesday Laurie

remarked suddenly, “Our teacher had a friend come to see her in

school today.” (3)


U m m a h | 33

increasing when in the third week Laurie said that on this day Charles

obey the teacher, helping teachers and some other good action. This makes

Lauire’s parents felt kind of strange, what actually happened to Charles.

During the third and fourth weeks it looked like a reformation in

Charles; Laurie reported grimly at lunch on Thursday of the third

week, “Charles was so good today the teacher gavehim an apple.”

“What?” I said, and my husband added warily, “You mean

Charles?”. “Charles,” Laurie said. “He gave the crayons around and

he picked up the books afterward and the teacher said he was her

helper.” (3)

The conversation above describes that Laurie’s parents increasingly

feel curious and eager to meet Charles. There are a lot of the question in

their head. They want to ask Charles’ parents and Laurie’s teacher, so

Laurie’s parent can not wait to attend the parent-teacher meeting. So by

the time the meeting held, Lauire’s mother began looking for a figure who

ever is told by Laurie However, she could not find a figure which is the

same as it had been told by Laurie. And finally Lauire’s mother meet

Laurie’s teacher. Lauire’s mother directly asked about the little boy named

Charles, Laurie’s classmate:

“Laurie usually adjusts very quickly,” I said. “I suppose this time

it’s Charles’s influence.”. “Charles?”. “Yes,” I said, laughing, “you


U m m a h | 34

After the conversation above, Lauire’s mother directly said her

intention to meet Laurie’s teacher. Similarly, Laurie’s teacher also wanted

to meet Lauire’s mother to talk about the mischief done by Laurie in his

school. However Laurie’s teacher was surprised and asked her to return

when she heard the child’s name was said by Lauire’s mother.

Laurie’s mother reassured that a friend who is told by Laurie is

Charles, but Laurie’s teacher at once says that she does not have a student

named Charles in kindergarden: “Charles?” she said. “We don’t have any

Charles in the kindergarten.” (4).

The quotation indicates that there is no exact action of Laurie’s

parents to find who the little boy named Charles, Laurie’s classmate who

has bad habits. If they worry about Charles’ bad behavior that might

influence Laurie, they should have called the teacher or came to school to

confirm about Charles at the early days.

3.3.The functions of tradition in “The Lottery” and family values in

“Charles” to wards the society in the story.

In the previous point, researher has been talk about the social tradition that

appeared in “The Lottery” short story and family values in “Charles”. In this

point the researcher is the last problem, it is the function of tradition in “The


U m m a h | 35

3.3.1. The function of tradition in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

After know abot the social tradition in “The Lottery”, researcher

will analyze about the function that citizen get from the tradition. In every

tradition did because there is a goal of this action. in this tradition is to

choose which "lucky" villager will have the "honour" of being

ritualistically murdered and continue the tradition that had been

appearence as long time. "Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery," Old

Man Warner said as he went through the crowd.

"Seventy-seventh time." (4)

Beside it, the reason of the lottery still contiue is a good harvest,

the citizen believed if by doing this tradition, they will get a good harvest

in this years, because almost all of the citizen’s work is as a farmer. So

that why this tradition is still continue.

First thing you know, we'd all be eating stewed chickweed and

acorns. There's always been a lottery," he added petulantly. "Bad

enough to see young Joe Summers up there joking with

everybody." (4)

The winner will be a sacrifice of the tradition, it is still talk about

the luck, because everyone can become a sacrifice in every years, ad they

are think, the winner who become a sacrifiece will be honoured by other

citizen, because by this sacrifice they will get a good harvest in the year.


U m m a h | 36

After that, there was a long pause, a breathless pause, until Mr.

Summers. holding his slip of paper in the air, said, "All right,

fellows." For a minute, no one moved, and then all the slips of

paper were opened. Suddenly, all the women began to speak at

once, saving. "Who is it?," "Who's got it?," "Is it the Dunbars?," "Is

it the Watsons?" Then the voices began to say, "It's Hutchinson. It's

Bill," "Bill Hutchinson's got it." (5)

Althought their believe is strong, there are some citizen who disagree with

this tradition, but they protest is not accept, because this tradition had been

by generation to the generation, and also, Mr Old Men say, just the folsh

generation who want to stopped this tradition, because without this

tradition all of citizen will get unluck and for the farmer will get field


Old Man Warner snorted. "Pack of crazy fools," he said. "Listening

to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you

know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody

work any more, live hat way for a while. Used to be a saying about

'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon (4)

So, every tradition will have a goal or purpose to doing that, and

the goal or purpose in this tradition is to get good harvest and avoid

misfortune because, according to their belief, with these sacrifices will be


U m m a h | 37

Tradition also appear to function as rationalization would be

inhuman or unreasonable. for example, in the tradition of the lottery

happens in fact is an act that could be considered murder, but the action is

justified in the name of tradition.

3.3.2. The function of family values in “Charles” by Shirley Jackson

Function is the reason that will get by doing something or some

action. in this point is talk about the function that appeared in “Charles”

short story, as the story about family its have related with the family

values. The family values in this story is a boy must be a good boy, its

portrayed wan to make a child to be a descipline.

The day my son Laurie started kindergarten he renounced corduroy

overalls with bibs and began wearing blue jeans with a belt; I watched

him go off the first morning with the older girl next door, seeing clearly

that an era of my life was ended, my sweet-voiced nursery-school tot

replaced by a longtrousered, swaggering character who forgot to stop at

the corner and wave good-bye to me. (1)

From qutation above illustrates the discipline teaches by his family,

with neat clothes used by Lauire to go to school, as well as by way of

Laurie's mother pick her up to Laurie went and waved. This proves that

Laurie's mother still wants to make sure that his son actually went to


That way Laurie's mother thinks his son will not not attend in


U m m a h | 38

family. But besides that, there are rules that set by the family, the norm is

the boy must be a good boy. Laurie's mother do this to make the character

of Laurie from childhood to profess being a good boy. But Laurie is a

naughty child, so he lied to cover up his mistake. By telling the

imagination character named Charles. "Charles?" She said. "We do not

have any Charles in the kindergarten." (5). This proves that there is no

name Charles at school.

But in the third week, Laurie told, that Charles did a good thing

today. This indicates that Laurie would change the attitude that during this

time he did so by explaining little by little to a child then the child aka

understood by itself, and this is proven, that Laurie had known what rule is

being applied in the home and family.

During the third and fourth weeks it looked like a reformation in

Charles; Laurie reported grimly at lunch on Thursday of the third

week, “Charles was so good today the teacher gave him an apple.”

“What?” I said, and my husband added warily, “You mean

Charles?” (4)

in a group or custom will be deal with the norm or values. So the

function of family values in”Charles” is make discipline and afraid to do

something wrong, because family values in “Charles” is a boy must be a

good boy. so it make a child can learn which one is a good and which one


U m m a h | 39



This chapter describes the summary of the previous chapter. The

previous chapter explains about some points which have been analyzed by

the researcher. There are three points that the reseacher analiyzes. The first

point is about the problems of which social tradition which occurs in “The

Lottery” short story by Shirley Jackson. For the second point of the

researcher analyzing social tradition which occurs in “Charles” short story

by Shirley Jackson. While the last point is function of “The Lottery” and

family values in “Charles” towards of social in story.

The first point is the issue of social tradition on “The Lottery” short

story. It begins when there happens the sadistic and cruel tradition in an

unknown village. The tradition is the lottery. This tradition has been going

on for years. This tradition is a tradition that has been done for generations

and they did this tradition with the belief that by conducting the tradition,

their crops will be increased and will get a good harvest. Likewise, they

believe if they do not do the tradition their harvest this year will fail. It is

because the majority of the population is farmers. The tradition is led by

Mr. Summer because Mr. Summer is in a higher class than others. Mr.

Summer has coal business while others are farmers, so the social status of

Mr. summer is higher than others.

This is felt by Mrs. Hutchinson. She felt that this tradition is not fair,


U m m a h | 40

Adam, they just say it secretly. Because all of citizen are fear and believe

about the tradition.

It is because they believe that with this tradition, the luck will be with

them and their crops will succeed. This happens because the majority of

their work is farmers. If they do not do the tradition, then failure and

unluck will always be with them. Therefore, those who feel do not agree or

feel uneasy with this tradition only express it secretly.

In the second short story is a family values on “Charles’. This story

begins when a little boy named Lauire created the character of imagination

to cover up his mistakes because of the prevailing norm in the family. by

the character of Charles, Laurie can freely tell the his naughty doings with

impunity. Laurie’s parents are very worried about the development of

Laurie in kindergarden.

The norm and rules applied at school and in the family make Laurie

tells lies. Because norm and rule that occur in his family and his school

implied that a kid should have good attitude and if the child did bad

attitude then he will get punishment. Thus, he created a character that was

very naughty to cover up him mistakes and naughtiness and to avoid

getting punishmet from his mother. All the stories about Charles made

Laurie’s mother anxious and worried about the development of Laurie in

kindrgarden. Because, as a child, the environment is very influential for his


U m m a h | 41

The last point is function of the social traditio in “The Lottery” and

family values in “Charles”.if the function in the Lottery is to make harvest

of citizen to e a good, by done the lottery’s traditio an d by give a sacrifice

by the winner of this tradition. It is called sacrifice because the winner will

be stoned until death, without any reason.

And the function of family values in “Charles is make a child

desciplin and become a good child, the rule that used in this family,

anyone who did a wrong way or bad attitude, they will get punishment, so

with this act can make child afraid to do something wrong and will now


U m m a h | 42

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