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Halloween Safety Tips and Suggestions


Academic year: 2017

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Halloween can be a fun and wonderful holiday, full of creative Halloween costumes, exciting hours of trick-or-treating, and plenty of festive Halloween costume parties.


Hallowen Safety, Halloween Costumes

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Most of my advice about Halloween safety for kids revolves around trick-or-treating. First things first, know what your children are planning to do. If they are going to a party at someone´s house, talk to the parents and make sure you know who is going, what will happen at the party, who will be supervising, and what time to expect your kids to return home. If your children are planning to go trick-or-treating, you need to sit down with them beforehand and plan out what route they will take.

General trick-or treating advice: avoid dimly-lit streets and parks, always travel in a group, carry a flashlight and wear reflective clothing to alert passing motorists, don´t enter a strange house or car. You may also want to talk with your child about his or her Halloween costume. Make sure the Halloween costume is comfortable to walk in for several hours, provides necessary warmth, and is safe to wear. Perhaps they can bring along an extra pair of shoes if those wrapped mummy Halloween costume sandals become uncomfortable! Lastly, talk with your children about your expectations for the time they are out and about, whether they will be at a Halloween costume party or trick-or-treating in a Halloween costume. Warn against vandalism, animal cruelty, drug and alcohol use, cars, and other dangerous situations. Some parents even provide their children with a cell phone to use in case of an emergency.

Halloween Safety for Adults for Halloween Costume Parties

Although the following advice may be common sense, I´ll share it with you, just to be on the safe side. Halloween costume parties can be a wonderful way to get all your friends together, dress up in ridiculous Halloween costumes, eat delicious food, and dance the night away. But parties can also end poorly, both for the hosts and for the guests. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

For Halloween costume party hosts, make sure that you have provided appropriate food and drinks for your guests. You need to be aware of any allergies or dietary restrictions, and take extra steps so that everyone has something fun and festive to munch or sip. Be sure to put your household pets in a separate room, away from the noise and energy of your Halloween costume party. Take down and put away any fragile or cherished items. Remember that a Halloween costume party can quickly become a high-spirited dance party, and you don´t want anything of yours to be accidentally knocked over or stepped on. As for Halloween costume party guests, remember that you are a guest in someone else´s home. Be respectful of their furniture, pets, knickknacks, and everything else. Also, be careful how much food and alcohol you consume. No one wants to be remembered as the Wicked Witch who danced the fox trot on the dining room table at the neighborhood Halloween costume party!

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