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DAFTAR RIWAYAT HIDUP. Wulan Puspitaningtyas Wedy. Jayapura, 27 Pebruari Wanita (021)


Academic year: 2021

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Tempat, Tanggal Lahir Jenis Kelamin Alamat Telepon E-mail : : : : : :

Wulan Puspitaningtyas Wedy

Jayapura, 27 Pebruari 1983 Wanita

Perumahan Alam-Indah blok A/6 no.10 Tangerang

(021) 55755575


Riwayat Pendidikan :

- Tahun 1988 – 1989 SDN Sukarasa XXXV, Bandung - Tahun 1989 – 1994 SD Islamic Village, Tangerang - Tahun 1997 Lulus dari SMPN 1 Tangerang

- Tahun 2000 Lulus dari SMUN 1 Tangerang




Tempat, Tanggal Lahir Jenis Kelamin Alamat Telepon E-mail : : : : : : Ernest Tandean Jakarta, 29 Juli 1982 Laki-laki

Kompleks Cikini II FG4/2 Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7

(021) 7452378


Riwayat Pendidikan :

- Tahun 1988 – 1991 SD Pangudi Luhur , Jakarta - Tahun 1991 – 1994 SD YKPP, Sumatera - Tahun 1994 – 1996 SMP YKPP, Sumatera

- Tahun 1997 Lulus dari SMP Strada Bhakti Utama, Tangerang - Tahun 2000 Lulus dari SMU Kolese Gonzaga, Jakarta




Tempat, Tanggal Lahir Jenis Kelamin Alamat Telepon E-mail : : : : : : Franky Handoyo Jakarta, 22 Maret 1981 Laki-laki

Pulo Gebang Permai blok H15/31 Cakung Jakarta Timur

(021) 48701134 ziel03@hotmail.com

Riwayat Pendidikan :

- Tahun 1994 Lulus dari SD Harapan Bunda, Jakarta - Tahun 1997 Lulus dari SMP St. Fransiskus II, Jakarta - Tahun 2000 Lulus dari SMUN 21, Jakarta



Berilah tanda silang (X) pada jawaban anda tersebut dibawah ini !

1) Apakah program Sistem Informasi Geografi ini bisa membantu petugas pemadam kebakaran lebih efektif dalam menangani kebakaran?

a. Sangat Membantu b. Membantu

c. Kurang Membantu d. Tidak Membantu

2) Apakah Program ini mudah untuk digunakan? a. Sangat Mudah

b. Mudah

c. Kurang Mudah d. Sulit

3) Bagaimana menurut anda kelengkapan informasi yang disajikan dalam Sistem Informasi Geografi ini?

a. Sangat Lengkap b. Lengkap

c. Kurang Lengkap d. Tidak Lengkap

4) Menurut anda bagaimana keakuratan data pada sistem ini? a. Sangat Akurat

b. Akurat

c. Kurang Akurat d. Tidak Akurat.

5) Menu bagian manakah dari Sistem Informasi Geografi ini yang menurut Anda belum maksimal ? a. Lokasi Penting b. Analisa c. Jalur Alternatif d. Cari e. Bantuan f. Perbarui

6) Menurut anda bagaimana pengimplementasian sistem ini pada Pemadam Kebakaran?

a. Sangat Baik b. Baik

c. Kurang Baik d. Buruk



include "icons.def" include "mapbasic.def" include "menu.def"

Declare Sub Main Declare Sub Logo Declare Sub Menu

Declare Sub Tentang(ByVal judul as string) Declare Sub TampilPeta(ByVal i as integer) Declare Sub LokJakartaBarat

Declare Sub LokKalideres Declare Sub LokCengkareng Declare Sub LokKebonJeruk Declare Sub LokKembangan

Declare Sub LokGrogolPetamburan Declare Sub LokTamanSari

Declare Sub LokTambora Declare Sub LokPalmerah Declare Sub AnalKalideres Declare Sub AnalCengkareng Declare Sub AnalKembangan


Declare Sub AnalGrogolPetamburan Declare Sub AnalTambora

Declare Sub AnalTamanSari Declare Sub AnalPalmerah Declare Sub AnalKebonJeruk Declare Sub AnalJakartaBarat Declare Sub Pemadam_Rawan Declare Sub Polisi_Rawan Declare Sub RSPus_Rawan Declare Sub Cari

Declare Sub Cari2(ByVal pilih as string) Declare Sub CariPemadam

Declare Sub CariPolisi Declare Sub CariRS

Declare Sub CariPuskesmas Declare Sub CariRawan Declare Sub Perbarui

Declare Sub PerbaruiPemadam Declare Sub PerbaruiRSPus Declare Sub PerbaruiPolisi Declare Sub PerbaruiRawan Declare Sub Help

Declare Sub About Declare Sub Alat


Declare Sub Alat1 Declare Sub Alat2 Declare Sub Exitprog Declare Sub Exitmap

Global win_id,logo_id as integer Global Source as string

'\\\\\\\\\\ 'Main Menu '////////// Sub Main()

Source = "C:\SkripsiBinus\" Close window toolpicker Close window mapbasic Close window message Close all

Call Menu Call Logo

Call Tentang("Selamat Datang") End Sub



'Untuk Membuat Logo '//////////////////

Sub Logo

Open Table Source+"Logo\Logo.TAB" map from Logo max

logo_id = FrontWindow() set window logo_id

title "Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Geografi Daerah Rawan Kebakaran di Jakarta Barat" End Sub '\\\\\\\\\\\\ 'Membuat Menu '//////////// Sub Menu()

Create Menu "&Lokasi Penting" as

"Kecamatan Kali&deres" calling LokKalideres, "Kecamatan &Cengkareng" calling LokCengkareng, "Kecamatan &Kembangan" calling LokKembangan, "Kecamatan Kebon &Jeruk" calling LokKebonJeruk, "Kecamatan &Palmerah" calling LokPalmerah,


"Kecamatan &Tambora" calling LokTambora, "Kecamatan Taman &Sari" calling LokTamanSari, "(-",

"&Jakarta Barat" calling LokJakartaBarat Create Menu "&Analisa" as

"Kecamatan Kali&deres" calling AnalKalideres, "Kecamatan &Cengkareng" calling AnalCengkareng, "Kecamatan &Kembangan" calling AnalKembangan, "Kecamatan Kebon &Jeruk" calling AnalKebonJeruk, "Kecamatan &Palmerah" calling AnalPalmerah,

"Kecamatan &Grogol Petamburan" calling AnalGrogolPetamburan, "Kecamatan &Tambora" calling AnalTambora,

"Kecamatan Taman &Sari" calling AnalTamanSari, "(-",

"&Jakarta Barat" calling AnalJakartaBarat Create Menu "&Jalur Alternatif" as

"Pemadam Kebakaran - Rawan Kebakaran" calling Pemadam_Rawan, "Kantor Polisi - Rawan Kebakaran" calling Polisi_Rawan,

"Rumah Sakit dan Puskesmas - Rawan Kebakaran" calling RSPus_Rawan Create Menu "&Informasi" as

"&Cari" calling Cari,

"Per&barui" calling Perbarui, "&Bantuan" calling Help, "&Profil" calling About


Create Menu "&Keluar" as

"Keluar &Program" calling Exitprog, "Keluar &MapInfo" calling Exitmap

Create Menu Bar as "&Lokasi Penting","&Analisa","&Jalur Alternatif","&Informasi","&Keluar"

End Sub


'Untuk Menampilkan WorkShop '//////////////////////////

Sub TampilPeta(ByVal i as integer) Dim pilih(18) as string

pilih(1) = "Work\LokKalideres.WOR" pilih(2) = "Work\LokCengkareng.WOR" pilih(3) = "Work\LokKebonJeruk.WOR" pilih(4) = "Work\LokKembangan.WOR" pilih(5) = "Work\LokGrogolPetamburan.WOR" pilih(6) = "Work\LokPalmerah.WOR" pilih(7) = "Work\LokTambora.WOR" pilih(8) = "Work\LokTamanSari.WOR" pilih(9) = "Work\LokJakartaBarat.WOR" pilih(10) = "Work\AnalKalideres.WOR" pilih(11) = "Work\AnalCengkareng.WOR" pilih(12) = "Work\AnalKebonJeruk.WOR"


pilih(13) = "Work\AnalKembangan.WOR" pilih(14) = "Work\AnalGrogolPetamburan.WOR" pilih(15) = "Work\AnalPalmerah.WOR" pilih(16) = "Work\AnalTambora.WOR" pilih(17) = "Work\AnalTamanSari.WOR" pilih(18) = "Work\AnalJakartaBarat.WOR" close all call Alat

run application Source + pilih(i) End Sub


'Untuk Sub Menu Analisa '/////////////////// Sub AnalKalideres() call TampilPeta(10) End Sub Sub AnalCengkareng() call TampilPeta(11) End Sub Sub AnalKembangan()


call TampilPeta(13) End Sub Sub AnalKebonJeruk() call TampilPeta(12) End Sub Sub AnalPalmerah() call TampilPeta(15) End Sub Sub AnalGrogolPetamburan() call TampilPeta(14) End Sub Sub AnalTambora() call TampilPeta(16) End Sub Sub AnalTamanSari() call TampilPeta(17) End Sub Sub AnalJakartaBarat


call TampilPeta(18) End Sub


'Untuk Sub Menu Lokasi Penting '/////////////////// Sub LokJakartaBarat() call TampilPeta(9) End Sub Sub LokKalideres() call TampilPeta(1) End Sub Sub LokCengkareng() call TampilPeta(2) End Sub Sub LokKebonJeruk() call TampilPeta(3) End Sub Sub LokKembangan() call TampilPeta(4)


End Sub Sub LokGrogolPetamburan() call TampilPeta(5) End Sub Sub LokPalmerah() call TampilPeta(6) End Sub Sub LokTambora() call TampilPeta(7) End Sub Sub LokTamanSari() call TampilPeta(8) End Sub '\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

'Untuk Awal Program dan About '////////////////////////////

Sub Tentang(ByVal judul as string) Dialog


width 250 height 190 control groupbox position 8,5 width 235 height 160 control groupbox position 25,8 width 200 height 60 control statictext position 72,15

title "ANALISA DAN PERANCANGAN" control statictext

position 71,25

title "SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFI" control statictext

position 74,35

title "DAERAH RAWAN KEBAKARAN" control statictext

position 90,45

title "DI JAKARTA BARAT" control statictext

position 60,80

title "Ernest Tandean (0400500116)" control statictext


title "Franky Handoyo (0400501011)" control statictext

position 60,100

title "Wulan Puspitaningtyas Wedy (0400493104)" control statictext

position 80,120

title "Kelas/Kelompok: 08MAT / 6" control statictext

title "Universitas Bina Nusantara" position 80,140 control statictext title "2004" position 120,150 control Okbutton title "Close" position 110,170 End Sub '\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

'Untuk Membuat Tools '///////////////////

Sub Alat()

create buttonpad "Tools" as ToolButton


helpMsg "Tools untuk menunjuk object\nPanah" calling M_Tools_Selector

icon MI_ICON_ARROW ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk menggeser peta\nGeser Peta" calling M_Tools_Recenter

icon MI_ICON_GRABBER ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk memperkecil peta\nPerkecil Peta" calling M_Tools_Expand

icon MI_ICON_ZOOM_IN ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk memperbesar peta\nPerbesar Peta" calling M_Tools_Shrink

icon MI_ICON_ZOOM_OUT ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk layer control\nPilihan Layer" calling M_Map_layer_Control

icon MI_ICON_LAYERS ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk menampilkan informasi\nInformasi" calling M_Tools_Pnt_Query

icon MI_ICON_INFO End Sub


Sub Alat1()

create buttonpad "Tools" as ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk menunjuk object\nPanah" calling M_Tools_Selector

icon MI_ICON_ARROW ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk menggeser peta\nGeser Peta" calling M_Tools_Recenter

icon MI_ICON_GRABBER ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk memperkecil peta\nPerkecil Peta" calling M_Tools_Expand

icon MI_ICON_ZOOM_IN ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk memperbesar peta\nPerbesar Peta" calling M_Tools_Shrink

icon MI_ICON_ZOOM_OUT ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk save perubahan\nSave" calling M_FILE_SAVE

icon MI_ICON_SAVE_FILE ToolButton


helpMsg "Tools untuk menampilkan informasi\nInformasi" calling M_Tools_Pnt_Query

icon MI_ICON_INFO ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk menambahkan obyek pada layer\nPoint" calling m_tools_point

icon mi_icon_symbol ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk merubah symbol\nSymbol Style" calling M_FORMAT_PICK_SYMBOL

icon mi_icon_symbol_style End Sub

Sub Alat2()

create buttonpad "Tools" as ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk menunjuk object\nPanah" calling M_Tools_Selector

icon MI_ICON_ARROW ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk menggeser peta\nGeser Peta" calling M_Tools_Recenter

icon MI_ICON_GRABBER ToolButton


helpMsg "Tools untuk memperkecil peta\nPerkecil Peta" calling M_Tools_Expand

icon MI_ICON_ZOOM_IN ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk memperbesar peta\nPerbesar Peta" calling M_Tools_Shrink

icon MI_ICON_ZOOM_OUT ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk save perubahan\nSave" calling M_FILE_SAVE

icon MI_ICON_SAVE_FILE ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk menampilkan informasi\nInformasi" calling M_Tools_Pnt_Query

icon MI_ICON_INFO ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk menambahkan Polygon pada layer\nPolygon" calling M_TOOLS_POLYGON

icon mi_icon_Polygon ToolButton

helpMsg "Tools untuk merubah symbol\nPolygon Style" calling M_Format_Pick_Fill

icon MI_ICON_Region_Style End Sub



'Untuk Sub Menu Jalur Alternatif '///////////////////////////////

Sub Pemadam_Rawan() Dim

wil1(),wil2(),PKebakaran(),PKebakaranPoint(),Rawan(),RawanPoint(),alternatif() as string

Dim i,temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4, maks,maksjalur As Integer Dim x, y As Float

Close window toolpicker Close All

Open Table Source+"Map\Kecamatan\Kecamatan.tab" map from Kecamatan max

logo_id = frontwindow() set window logo_id

title "SIG DAERAH RAWAN Kebakaran"

redim wil1(TableInfo("Kecamatan",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) redim wil2(TableInfo("Kecamatan",TAB_INFO_NROWS))

i = 0

Fetch First From Kecamatan Do While Not EOT(Kecamatan) i=i+1

wil1(i)=Kecamatan.Id_Kecamatan wil2(i)=Kecamatan.NamaKecamatan


Fetch Next From Kecamatan Loop


title "Pilih Wilayah Kecamatan" width 150 height 100

position 50,50 control statictext position 1,5

title "Masukkan Wilayah Kecamatan" control popupmenu

position 5,15 width 120

title from variable wil2

value 1 into temp1 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then Close Table Kecamatan

Open Table Source+"Map\Kecamatan\Kecamatan" as Kecamatan Open Table Source+"Map\Jalan\Jalan" as Jalan


Open Table Source+"Logo\Residental1" as Resin

maks = TableInfo("Kecamatan",TAB_INFO_NROWS) else maks = -1

End If If maks>0 then

Open Table Source+"Map\Rawan\RKebakaran" as RKebakaran Open Table Source+"Map\Hydran\Hidran" as Hidran

Open Table Source+"Map\SungaiWaduk\Sungai" as Sungai

select * from RKebakaran where Nama_RKebakaran LIKE "Rawan %" and Id_Kecamatan=""+wil1(temp1)+""into tempRawan

redim Rawan(TableInfo("tempRawan",TAB_INFO_NROWS))

redim RawanPoint(TableInfo("tempRawan",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) Fetch First From tempRawan

i = 0

Do While Not EOT(tempRawan) i=i+1


RawanPoint(i)=tempRawan.ID_RKebakaran Fetch Next From tempRawan

Loop dialog

title "Pilih Lokasi Rawan" width 160 height 100 position 700,500


control statictext position 1,5

title "Masukkan Lokasi Rawan" control popupmenu

position 5,15

width 150

title from variable Rawan value 1 into temp2 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then Map From tempRawan,Jalan,Kecamatan Position (0,1.41667) Units "in"

Width 10.5833 Units "in" Height 5.22917 Units "in" x = CentroidX(tempRawan.obj) ' read longitude y = CentroidY(tempRawan.obj) ' read latitude Set map


zoom 8000 units "m"

browse Nama_RKebakaran from tempRawan Position (0,0) Units "in"


Width 10.5833 Units "in" Height 0.8125 Units "in"

Open Table Source+"Map\PemadamKebakaran\Pemadam" as Pemadam open table Source+"Map\JalurAlternatif\JalurPK_RK_baru" as JalurPK_RK_baru

select * from JalurPK_RK_baru,Pemadam where JalurPK_RK_baru.IDPK=Pemadam.IDPK into tempPlate

select * from tempPlate where

ID_RKebakaran=""+RawanPoint(temp2)+"" into tempPK

select distinct Nama_ktr_PK from tempPK group by Nama_ktr_PK order by Nama_ktr_PK into temp

redim PKebakaran(TableInfo("temp",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) redim PKebakaranPoint(TableInfo("temp",TAB_INFO_NROWS))

Fetch First From temp i = 0

Do While Not EOT(temp) i=i+1

PKebakaran(i)=temp.Nama_ktr_PK PKebakaranPoint(i)=temp.IDPK Fetch Next From temp



title "Pilih Pos Kebakaran" width 150 height 100 position 700,500


control statictext

position 1,5

title "Masukkan Pos" control popupmenu

position 5,15

width 120

title from variable PKebakaran value 1 into temp3 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then select * from Pemadam where

IDPK=""+PKebakaranPoint(temp3)+"" into tempPBakar select * from JalurPK_RK_baru where ID_RKebakaran=""+RawanPoint(temp2)+"" and

IDPK=""+PKebakaranPoint(temp3)+"" order by NM_Jalur into tempJalur

redim alternatif(TableInfo("tempJalur",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) maksjalur = TableInfo("tempJalur",TAB_INFO_NROWS) if maksjalur>0 then

Fetch First From tempJalur


Do While Not EOT(tempJalur) i=i+1

alternatif(i)=tempJalur.NM_Jalur Fetch Next From tempJalur


Do While CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) dialog

title "Pilih Jalur Alternatif" width 150 height 100 position 700,500 control statictext

position 1,5

title "Masukkan Jalur" control popupmenu

position 5,15

width 120

title from variable alternatif value 1 into temp4 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then


select * from tempJalur where ID_RKebakaran=""+RawanPoint(temp2)+"" and

IDPK=""+PKebakaranPoint(temp3)+"" and NM_Jalur=""+alternatif(temp4)+"" into Jalur

add map auto layer tempPBakar,Hidran,Sungai,Jalur,Resin x = CentroidX(tempJalur.obj) ' read longitude

y = CentroidY(tempJalur.obj) ' read latitude Set map


zoom 8000 units "m"

browse NM_Jalur,Rute_Jalur,Traffic from tempJalur Position (0,0) Units "in"

Width 10.5833 Units "in" Height 0.8125 Units "in" Call Alat

End If Loop

ElseIf maksjalur=0 then note "Tidak Terdapat Jalur Menuju Lokasi Rawan Kebakaran Dari Lokasi Pemadam Kebakaran Yang Anda Pilih"

End if

End If

End If

ElseIf maks=0 then note "Sampai Sekarang Tidak Terdapat Data Rawan Kebakaran Pada Kecamatan Yang Anda Pilih"


End Sub

Sub Polisi_Rawan()

Dim wil1(),wil2(),PosPolisi(),PolisiPoint(),Rawan(),RawanPoint(),alternatif() as string Dim i,temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4, maks,maksjalur As Integer

Dim x, y As Float Close window toolpicker Close All

Open Table Source+"Map\Kecamatan\Kecamatan.tab" map from Kecamatan max

logo_id = frontwindow() set window logo_id

title "SIG DAERAH RAWAN Kebakaran"

redim wil1(TableInfo("Kecamatan",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) redim wil2(TableInfo("Kecamatan",TAB_INFO_NROWS))

i = 0

Fetch First From Kecamatan Do While Not EOT(Kecamatan) i=i+1

wil1(i)=Kecamatan.Id_Kecamatan wil2(i)=Kecamatan.NamaKecamatan Fetch Next From Kecamatan



title "Pilih Wilayah Kecamatan" width 150 height 100

position 50,50 control statictext position 1,5

title "Masukkan Wilayah Kecamatan" control popupmenu

position 5,15 width 120

title from variable wil2

value 1 into temp1 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then Close Table Kecamatan

Open Table Source+"Map\Kecamatan\Kecamatan" as Kecamatan Open Table Source+"Map\Jalan\Jalan" as Jalan

Open Table Source+"Logo\Residental1" as Resin

maks = TableInfo("Kecamatan",TAB_INFO_NROWS) else maks = -1


End If If maks>0 then

Open Table Source+"Map\Rawan\RKebakaran" as RKebakaran

select * from RKebakaran where Nama_RKebakaran LIKE "Rawan %" and Id_Kecamatan=""+wil1(temp1)+""into tempRawan

redim Rawan(TableInfo("tempRawan",TAB_INFO_NROWS))

redim RawanPoint(TableInfo("tempRawan",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) Fetch First From tempRawan

i = 0

Do While Not EOT(tempRawan) i=i+1


RawanPoint(i)=tempRawan.ID_RKebakaran Fetch Next From tempRawan

Loop dialog

title "Pilih Lokasi Rawan" width 160 height 100 position 700,500 control statictext position 1,5

title "Masukkan Lokasi Rawan" control popupmenu


width 150

title from variable Rawan value 1 into temp2 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then Map From tempRawan,Jalan,Kecamatan Position (0,1.41667) Units "in"

Width 10.5833 Units "in" Height 5.22917 Units "in" x = CentroidX(tempRawan.obj) ' read longitude y = CentroidY(tempRawan.obj) ' read latitude Set map


zoom 8000 units "m"

browse Nama_RKebakaran from tempRawan Position (0,0) Units "in"

Width 10.5833 Units "in" Height 0.8125 Units "in" open table Source+"Map\Polis\PolisiJakBar" as Polisi

Open Table Source+"Map\JalurAlternatif\JalurKP_RK_baru" as JalurKP_RK_baru


select * from JalurKP_RK_baru,Polisi where JalurKP_RK_baru.ID_Polisi=Polisi.ID_Polisi into tempPlate

select * from tempPlate where

ID_RKebakaran=""+RawanPoint(temp2)+"" into tempPolisi

select distinct Nama_Ktr_Polisi from tempPolisi group by Nama_Ktr_Polisi order by Nama_Ktr_Polisi into temp

redim PosPolisi(TableInfo("temp",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) redim PolisiPoint(TableInfo("temp",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) Fetch First From temp

i = 0

Do While Not EOT(temp) i=i+1

PosPolisi(i)=temp.Nama_Ktr_Polisi PolisiPoint(i)=temp.ID_Polisi Fetch Next From temp

Loop dialog

title "Pilih Pos Polisi" width 150 height 100 position 700,500 control statictext

position 1,5

title "Masukkan Pos Polisi" control popupmenu


position 5,15

width 120

title from variable PosPolisi value 1 into temp3 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then

select * from Polisi where ID_Polisi=""+PolisiPoint(temp3)+""into tempPol

select * from JalurKP_RK_baru where

ID_RKebakaran=""+RawanPoint(temp2)+"" and ID_Polisi=""+PolisiPoint(temp3)+"" order by NM_Jalur into tempJalur

redim alternatif(TableInfo("tempJalur",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) maksjalur = TableInfo("tempJalur",TAB_INFO_NROWS) if maksjalur>0 then

Fetch First From tempJalur

i = 0

Do While Not EOT(tempJalur) i=i+1

alternatif(i)=tempJalur.NM_Jalur Fetch Next From tempJalur



Do While CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) dialog

title "Pilih Jalur Alternatif" width 150 height 100 position 700,500 control statictext

position 1,5

title "Masukkan Jalur Alternatif" control popupmenu

position 5,15

width 120

title from variable alternatif value 1 into temp4 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then select * from tempJalur where

ID_RKebakaran=""+RawanPoint(temp2)+"" and ID_Polisi=""+PolisiPoint(temp3)+"" and NM_Jalur=""+alternatif(temp4)+"" into Jalur


x = CentroidX(jalur.obj) ' read longitude y = CentroidY(jalur.obj) ' read latitude

Set map


zoom 8000 units "m"

browse NM_Jalur,Rute_Jalur,Traffic from jalur Position (0,0) Units "in"

Width 10.5833 Units "in" Height 0.8125 Units "in" Call Alat

End If Loop

ElseIf maksjalur=0 then note "Tidak Terdapat Jalur Menuju Lokasi Rawan Kebakaran Dari Pos Polisi Yang Anda Pilih"

End if

End If

End If

ElseIf maks=0 then note "Sampai Sekarang Tidak Terdapat Data Rawan Kebakaran Pada Kecamatan Yang Anda Pilih"

End If End Sub

Sub RSPus_Rawan()


Dim i,temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4, maks,maksjalur As Integer Dim x, y As Float

Close window toolpicker Close All

Open Table Source+"Map\Kecamatan\Kecamatan.tab" map from Kecamatan max

logo_id = frontwindow() set window logo_id

title "SIG DAERAH RAWAN Kebakaran"

redim wil1(TableInfo("Kecamatan",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) redim wil2(TableInfo("Kecamatan",TAB_INFO_NROWS))

i = 0

Fetch First From Kecamatan Do While Not EOT(Kecamatan) i=i+1

wil1(i)=Kecamatan.Id_Kecamatan wil2(i)=Kecamatan.NamaKecamatan Fetch Next From Kecamatan



title "Pilih Wilayah Kecamatan" width 150 height 100


control statictext position 1,5

title "Masukkan Wilayah Kecamatan" control popupmenu

position 5,15 width 120

title from variable wil2

value 1 into temp1 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then Close Table Kecamatan

Open Table Source+"Map\Kecamatan\Kecamatan" as Kecamatan Open Table Source+"Map\Jalan\Jalan" as Jalan

Open Table Source+"Logo\Residental1" as Resin

maks = TableInfo("Kecamatan",TAB_INFO_NROWS) else maks = -1

End If If maks>0 then


select * from RKebakaran where Nama_RKebakaran LIKE "Rawan %" and Id_Kecamatan=""+wil1(temp1)+""into tempRawan

redim Rawan(TableInfo("tempRawan",TAB_INFO_NROWS))

redim RawanPoint(TableInfo("tempRawan",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) Fetch First From tempRawan

i = 0

Do While Not EOT(tempRawan) i=i+1


RawanPoint(i)=tempRawan.ID_RKebakaran Fetch Next From tempRawan

Loop dialog

title "Pilih Lokasi Rawan" width 160 height 100 position 700,500 control statictext position 1,5

title "Masukkan Lokasi Rawan" control popupmenu

position 5,15

width 150

title from variable Rawan value 1


into temp2 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then Map From tempRawan,Jalan,Kecamatan Position (0,1.41667) Units "in"

Width 10.5833 Units "in" Height 5.22917 Units "in" x = CentroidX(tempRawan.obj) ' read longitude y = CentroidY(tempRawan.obj) ' read latitude Set map


zoom 8000 units "m"

browse Nama_RKebakaran from tempRawan Position (0,0) Units "in"

Width 10.5833 Units "in" Height 0.8125 Units "in" Open Table Source+"Map\RS&Puskemas\RS-P" as RS_P

Open Table Source+"Map\JalurAlternatif\JalurRS-RK_baru" as JalurRS_RK_baru

select * from JalurRS_RK_baru,RS_P where JalurRS_RK_baru.IDRS_P=RS_P.ID_Puskemas into tempPlate

select * from tempPlate where


select distinct NamaRS_P from tempRS group by NamaRS_P order by NamaRS_P into temp

redim RSakit(TableInfo("temp",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) redim RSakitPoint(TableInfo("temp",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) Fetch First From temp

i = 0

Do While Not EOT(temp) i=i+1


RSakitPoint(i)=temp.IDRS_P Fetch Next From temp

Loop dialog

title "Pilih Rumah Sakit / Puskesmas" width 150 height 100

position 700,500 control statictext

position 1,5

title "Masukkan Rumah Sakit / Puskesmas" control popupmenu

position 5,15

width 120

title from variable RSakit value 1


into temp3 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then select * from RS_P where

ID_Puskemas=""+RSakitPoint(temp3)+""into tempPus select * from JalurRS_RK_baru where

ID_RKebakaran=""+RawanPoint(temp2)+"" and IDRS_P=""+RSakitPoint(temp3)+"" order by NM_Jalur into tempJalur

redim alternatif(TableInfo("tempJalur",TAB_INFO_NROWS)) maksjalur = TableInfo("tempJalur",TAB_INFO_NROWS) if maksjalur>0 then

Fetch First From tempJalur

i = 0

Do While Not EOT(tempJalur) i=i+1

alternatif(i)=tempJalur.NM_Jalur Fetch Next From tempJalur


Do While CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) dialog


width 150 height 100 position 700,500 control statictext

position 1,5

title "Masukkan Jalur Alternatif" control popupmenu

position 5,15

width 120

title from variable alternatif value 1 into temp4 control OkButton title "Pilih" control CancelButton title "Keluar" If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then select * from tempJalur where

ID_RKebakaran=""+RawanPoint(temp2)+"" and IDRS_P=""+RSakitPoint(temp3)+"" and NM_Jalur=""+alternatif(temp4)+"" into Jalur

add map auto layer tempPus,Jalur,Resin x = CentroidX(jalur.obj) ' read longitude y = CentroidY(jalur.obj) ' read latitude

Set map


zoom 8000 units "m"

browse NM_Jalur,Rute_Jalur,Traffic from jalur Position (0,0) Units "in"

Width 10.5833 Units "in" Height 0.8125 Units "in" Call Alat

End If Loop

ElseIf maksjalur=0 then note "Tidak Terdapat Jalur Menuju Lokasi Rawan Kebakaran Dari Pos Polisi Yang Anda Pilih"

End if

End If

End If

ElseIf maks=0 then note "Sampai Sekarang Tidak Terdapat Data Rawan Kebakaran Pada Kecamatan Yang Anda Pilih"

End If End Sub


'Untuk Sub Menu Informasi '/////////////////////////

Sub Cari close all call logo dialog


title "Cari" width 150 height 150 position 30,50 control statictext position 10,5 width 130

title "Pilih Yang Anda Cari" control Button

position 10,20 width 130

title "Cari Pos Pemadam Kebakaran" calling CariPemadam

control Button position 10,40 width 130

title "Cari Kantor Polisi" calling CariPolisi control Button position 10,60 width 130

title "Cari Rumah Sakit" calling CariRS control Button position 10,80


width 130

title "Cari Puskesmas" calling CariPuskesmas control Button

position 10,100 width 130

title "Cari Rawan Kebakaran" calling CariRawan

control CancelButton position 54,120 title "Keluar" End Sub

Sub Cari2(ByVal pilih as string) Dim x,y as float

Dim search as string dialog

title "Cari "+pilih width 100 height 50 position 850,50 control EditText into search control OkButton If CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_DLG_OK) then


close all

run application Source + "Work\Cari.WOR" Do Case pilih

Case "Pemadam"

open table Source+"Map\PemadamKebakaran\Pemadam" Select * from Pemadam where Alamat_PK like "%"+search+"%" or Nama_ktr_PK like "%"+search+"%" into temp

Case "Polisi"

open table Source+"Map\Polis\Polisi"

Select * from Polisi where Nama_Ktr_Polisi like "%"+search+"%" or Alamat_Polisi like "%"+search+"%" into temp

Case "RS"

open table Source+"Map\RS&Puskemas\RumahSakit"

Select * from RumahSakit where NamaRS like "%"+search+"%" into temp

Case "Puskesmas"

open table Source+"Map\RS&Puskemas\Pus"

Select * from Pus where Nama like "%"+search+"%" into temp Case "Rawan"

open table Source+"Map\Rawan\RawanKebakaran"

Select * from RawanKebakaran where Nama_RKebakaran like "%"+search+"%" into temp

End Case


add map auto layer temp

x = CentroidX(temp.obj) ' read longitude y = CentroidY(temp.obj) ' read latitude Set map


zoom 6000 units "m" browse * from temp

Position (0,0) Units "in"

Width 10.4 Units "in" Height 1 Units "in" call Alat

Else note "Maaf data yang Anda cari belum tersedia!" End If End If End Sub Sub CariPemadam call Cari2("Pemadam") End Sub Sub CariPolisi call Cari2("Polisi") End Sub Sub CariRS


call Cari2("RS") End Sub Sub CariPuskesmas call Cari2("Puskesmas") End Sub Sub CariRawan call Cari2("Rawan") End Sub Sub About() Call Tentang("Profil") End Sub Sub Perbarui close all call logo dialog title "Perbarui" width 150 height 120 position 30,50 control statictext position 10,5


width 130

title "Pilih Yang Ingin Anda Perbarui" control Button

position 10,20 width 130

title "Perbarui Pos Pemadam Kebakaran" calling PerbaruiPemadam

control Button position 10,40 width 130

title "Perbarui Kantor Polisi" calling PerbaruiPolisi control Button

position 10,60 width 130

title "Perbarui Rumah Sakit dan Puskesmas" calling PerbaruiRSPus

control Button position 10,80 width 130

title "Perbarui Daerah Rawan" calling PerbaruiRawan control CancelButton position 54,100


title "Keluar" End Sub Sub PerbaruiPemadam Close All dialog remove Call Alat1

run application Source + "Work\updatepemadam.WOR" End Sub

Sub PerbaruiPolisi dialog remove Call Alat1

run application Source + "Work\updatepolisi.WOR" End Sub

Sub PerbaruiRSPus dialog remove Call Alat1

run application Source + "Work\updateRSPus.WOR" End Sub

Sub PerbaruiRawan dialog remove


Call Alat2

run application Source + "Work\updateRawan.WOR" End Sub

Sub Help()

run program "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE C:\SkripsiBinus\Help\Help.html"

End Sub


'Untuk Sub Menu Keluar '//////////////////////

Sub Exitprog()

dim keluar as logical

keluar = Ask("Apakah Anda ingin keluar program","OK","Cancel") if keluar = true then

close all

Create Menu Bar as default Create ButtonPads as default End Program

End if End Sub


dim keluar as logical

keluar = Ask("Apakah Anda ingin keluar MapInfo","OK","Cancel") if keluar = true then

close all End mapinfo End if


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