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Dalam dokumen Change in the Martian Atmosphere (Halaman 44-50)

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Chapter 3 Modeling Atmospheric 6 13 C

3.1 Intr oduction

The current atmosphere of Mars is very thin (7 mbar) and it appears to be in vapor equilibrium with the permanent southern C02 polar cap (Leighton and Murray 1966, Kieffer et al., 1992]. This implies that the present atmosphere is coupled to the solid planet. And yet, there is the evidence that for early Mars, the climate was significantly warmer (Carr, 1996, Kieffer et al., 1992]. This early state was presumably partly due to a thick C02 greenhouse. In going from one state to the other, the atmosphere had to undergo significant climatic change. This raises the question of when it occurred, as well as the processes that caused the transition.

Since the current atmosphere is primarily C02 , and it is thought that the past atmosphere was as well, understanding the history of the C02 provides a powerful understanding of the bulk atmosphere. In order to understand the C02 , it is necessary to understand and model the Martian carbon "cycle."

The results from the previous chapter indicate that sputtering is a significant process in the evolution of the Martian atmosphere, but it is not the only process.

Other processes play a significant role in determining how the atmosphere evolves over the history of the planet. In order to understand the history of the atmosphere, it is important to understand the various processes that can affect the atmosphere and determine the importance of each process. One of the few measurements that can indicate the importance of each process is the isotopic ratio of the various species in the atmosphere. They represent an integrated record of all the processes that have affected the atmosphere as it evolved. Due to the importance of the carbon "cycle"

in understanding the evolution of the atmosphere, the carbon isotopic system is a particularly useful one to study.

3.2 Martian Carbon "Cycle"

Figure 3.1 is a simple conceptual model of the Martian carbon "cycle." There are five major carbon reservoirs on Mars and several major processes that affect carbon.

The importance of the various processes and reservoirs has changed with time. While the conceptual model does not contain any temporal evolution, section 3.3 and the simple numerical model focus on the evolutionary aspects.

The starting place for the Martian carbon "cycle" is the mantle reservoir. This is carbon (mostly from carbonaceous condritic material) that was buried in the planet during accretion. There are very few constraints on the size of this reservoir. It was probably quite large initially and may still be very large, especially when compared to the other reservoirs.

The second reservoir is the Martian atmosphere. Most of the atmosphere is C02 .

This is the best characterized reservoir in the system and the only one where there are measurements determining its size (7 mbar). It is also one of two reservoirs (the other being the polar cap) that has actually been observed. The atmosphere is the main exchange center that all of the other reservoirs communicate with.

The carbon in the mantle is released into the atmosphere through volcanic em- placement of mantle material and the outgassing associated with the magma. This outgassing is the primary source of new carbon into the atmosphere. From estimates of the history of volcanic activity and the associated inferred intrusive emplacements, and the carbon content of the magmas, the flux can be crudely estimated. Outgassing is probably the source of the current atmosphere. Due to the need to fractionate the heavier noble gases, the atmosphere needed to exist before the end of late heavy bom- bardment and is more than just a late veneer of volatiles [Pepin, 1994, Zahnle, 1997].

The second main process affecting the atmospheric reservoir is non-thermal escape to space. For carbon, this is primarily sputtering, but solar wind pickup and disso- ciative recombination may contribute to the flux. This carbon is lost permanently from the planet and exits the "cycle." While there are no direct measurements of the carbon loss fluxes, models (such as the sputtering model in chapter 2) can give good


/ - e r m a ! escape


Dalam dokumen Change in the Martian Atmosphere (Halaman 44-50)