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Compatibility in ` relationships

(---)hysical appearance often attracts two people together and gradually love develops

between them. Some are drawn together by instant love that seems to set bells ringing in each other's hearts. Yet other couples are drawn together by a mutual admiration for each other's minds or souls.

Regardless of the love story that highlights your relationship, there are firm guidelines by which couples continue to live together in love, peace and mutual benefit for almost endless years.

Some love relationships are older than the two participants themselves, their roots buried deep in the karmic histories of each person. Other unions are destined to far exceed the current lives of each of the lovers. But for a love relationship to succeed, it must be firmly anchored in far more than either physical attraction or mental stimulation.

Remember, humans are tripartite beings. We have three Selves to nourish, and the ideal relationship does just that. Physically, each person needs to stimulate and nourish the other's emotions;

mentally, each needs to excite and expand the other's knowledge and awareness of life; and

spiritually, they need to share a deep love and compassion for each other and life. We need to meet and harmonise on all three Planes if a true and lasting love is to sustain a relationship.

As a marriage guidance counsellor and consultant nutritionist, I found that many people who came to see me with problems in one of these areas invariably discovered how both areas are intimately related. Without the vital aid of numerology, this discovery and ways to rectify it might have

required many consultations to be resolved, instead of merely one or two visits.

With numerology at our disposal, we are equipped with a laser technique for honing into the very core of the situation to understand and unravel its complexities with accuracy. These complexities are invariably far deeper and more intricate than the clients would have believed possible, as the following real-life example indicates.

The couple that sat opposite me in my consulting room seemed happy enough. Ostensibly, they came to see me to resolve their health problems - everything else in their lives was fine, they said.

When they described their diet to me, I could find no major problem with what they were regularly eating, yet he had just recovered from a mild heart attack, while she had chronic indigestion

accompanied by halitosis. My intuition told me I was not getting the full story.

After setting up their complete Birth Charts, I became immediately aware of the deeper problem.

Here were two people who had shared the marriage home for over 40 years, had successfully raised three children (themselves now married), were financially secure with a comfortable suburban

home, and yet they were so different.

They had learned to adjust to each other on a superficial level and appeared to enjoy the same tastes and pleasures, but deep down, each felt somewhat unfulfilled in so many other areas of their lives. His fervent desire for peace induced him to compromise in most matters, a habit she came to expect. Neither was prepared to acknowledge the real differences that existed between them; that is, until I explained exactly what appeared in their respective numerology charts. And then it

happened. He started quietly sobbing. She followed.

The next half hour was one of astounding revelation for them both. He was born 9/ 1/ 1930, she 5/ 5/ 1932. He was a Ruling Number 5, she a 7. He had the Arrows of Hypersensitivity and

Frustration, she had the Arrow of Determination. He had two l's, she had one 1. She also had two 5's to compound her indigestion (though they did not create the cause).

His frustration at being inhibited from freely expressing himself (revealed by his two weak arrows and her intense determination) and her difficulty at being able to fluently express her deep inner feelings (revealed by her one 1) contributed to his heart attack. His problem was compounded by this isolated ego expression and idealism (two l's and two 9's unconnected). He also needed ample freedom to express himself emotionally (Ruling 5), whereas she needed his close dependability and did not find it easy to be as loving as he needed (her negative Ruling 8 aspects).

They learned a lot about themselves and each other through their numerology charts and were able, in time, to make some important adjustments. Within a month, they called to report "amazing

results." Her indigestion had vanished, as had her bad breath; his breathing had improved, and they were planning their first overseas holiday together in ten years.

I t is not always possible or wise to discuss the details of your numerological findings about someone to them at the time. Yet, it is so much better if this can be done, for it gives credence to why and

how you discovered so much about your clients in such a brief time. Open-minded people never fail to be surprised at what numerology can reveal, especially where human relationships are concerned.

And, thankfully, more and more open-mindedness is developing in the community. I f clients are totally open-minded, you can even go into the karmic explanation of why they are together, thereby guiding them a step further in their understanding (see Chapter 16).

Very often we find married couples brought together for reasons that seem far deeper than merely the pleasure of physical and mental intercourse. We never cease to be amazed, upon

numerologically analysing the birth dates of many married couples, at the disharmony in their basic characteristics and personalities. Yet they seem to be very much in love. Obviously, marriage has much more to teach us in the delicate art of personality adjustment and selfdiscovery than we can discern from the bed or the dining table. Even so, the guidance available to us for expediting these changes can significantly reduce the "adjustment period" that follows the honeymoon, bringing understanding sooner. And nothing can achieve this as quickly or accurately as numerology.

With so much to learn in life, we have usually reached maturity before gaining sufficient

understanding of ourselves to wisely select a compatible marriage partner. For many people, this does not occur until the second or third marriage. Young people about to marry are often too headstrong and brash to be guided by older and wiser counsel, and too immature to consider the importance of employing such accurate means of self-analysis as that provided by numerology.

A marriage partnership is the most important association we establish in life. So we should be far more conscious of it than to believe that emotional love is the only prerequisite. But total love - spiritual, mental and physical - is another matter. Without it, a marriage will not last.

Many people marry in anticipation of discovering love, or they hope to have the love of their intended to satisfy their own lack of it. This does not auger well for a solid relationship. The ideal marriage is based on each partner having individually found deep, inner love and feeling so attuned to it that they seek to share it.

Basically, there are two types of relationship: the supplementary and the complimentary. Our use of these two classifications makes rather liberal use of the words, but it is important to realise the difference and recognise the types of marriages to which they refer.

The supplementary marriage is one where the opposites prevail - the weaknesses of the one partner are negated by the same traits being strengths in the other partner and vice versa. These people are constantly finding exciting differences in each other and are constantly learning and

strengthening their individual characteristics from the exchange. Karmic relationships fall within this category. More long-term marriages exist in this group, characterised by each partner having many separate interests from the other.

Complimentary marriages are those where the two participants have very similar characteristics.

They are attracted by their similarities, but these can wear thin after some years. Such marriages need considerable stimulation to keep them exciting and avert the boredom that might otherwise take over. The partners generally share similar interests, and it is in this area where the marriage either survives or fails. I n fact, it is in these marriages where numerological guidance can be the most beneficial, for it assists the partners in developing aspects of their individuality they did not realise existed, deviating from those similarities upon which they have been constantly focusing. No matter how similar two people are, significant differences can always be discovered that enable them to expand into areas of expression they have not previously contemplated. This is specially so in the case of "identical" twins.


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