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Concept of Narrative Text

Dalam dokumen an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository (Halaman 32-39)

A. Concept Writing Ability in Narrative Text 1. The Concept of Writing Ability

2. Concept of Narrative Text

a. The Definition of Narrative Text

George Wilson and Julia M. Burks stated that narrative Text is the form of writing used to relate, the story of acts or events.6 Narrative text is a story about the legend or life, experience.

Narrative writing is called non fiction if the story or event is true or actually accrued. The kind of factual narrative is often found in biography, history and newspaper writing. The effective narrative also contains the incidents or details that contribute directly to the story

7 George E Whishon, let’s write English (New York: American book campany,1980), p.221.

according to Gorys Keraf narrative are the element or event accorrence1.7

Based on the quotations above. It can be inferred that narrative is a form of story, which used the correlation about story as happened and tell a story connect with structure time, eg: short story, novel, legend and happened in our life.

b. Kinds of Narrative Text

There are two kinds or narrative text. They are expository and suggestive narrative. Expository narrative is narrative that purpose only to give information to the readers. So their knowledge enlarges.

Suggestive narrative is narrative that effort to covert a meaning to the readers through imagination power that their have understand.

The different between expository and suggestive narrative:

1. Expository Narrative

a) It can be used to enlarge the experience.

b) It can be used to convey the information about an event.

c) It can be based on the reasoning to reach rational agreement.

d) The language that used in expository narrative focuses more on informative language with center on the using denotative words.

2. Suggestive Narrative

a) It can be used to canary a meaning or on instruction implied b) It can be used to make the imagination fouler.

7 Gorys Keraf, Farasit & Argumentasi, (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka utama.2001), P.135


c) Reasoning in suggestive narrative only functions as tool to canary the meaning so if we need reasoning can be colluded.

d) The language that used in suggestive narrative focuses more on figurative language with center on the using connotative.

Types of narrative Text include short stories, novels, and new stories. As well as large past of our everyday social, interchange in the form of letters and conversation.8 Stories can usually be divided in to these parts, motivation, complication, rising action, and climax and out came.

Motivation is the state of circumstances that starts the action of the story, it often involves strong wish or conflict that causes action.

Circumstance is the obstacle within or outside of the main character and what he or she wants. The raising action is struggle with the complication, or the obstacle, that interferes with the character’s desire. The climax is the training point in the story, after which the outcome becomes inevitable. The outcome quickly follows the climax.

However, not all stories reveal, the out come some ends at the climax, leaving the reader to figure out the ending.

c. Language Features in Narrative Text

Writing has each feature like as narrative writing also has features sick as:

1. Focus a specific and the individualized participants.

8 Ibid, p.12.

2. Narrative uses of material process (action verb).

3. Narrative uses of relation process and mental process.

4. Narrative uses of past tense.

5. Narrative uses of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances.

From the explanation above, simple past includes in features narrative so when make the narrative writing, of course, it has important role to connect one event to the others.

d. Text Organization in Narrative Text

The text organization in narrative writing includes; orientation is introducing the character of the story. The time and the place the story happened (who, what, when and where). Complication is a series of events in which a main character attempts to story the problem and resolution is the ending of the story containing the solving problem.

Narrative text is to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events. Which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kinds which in turn finds a resolution? The generic structures of narrative are:

1. Orientation : sets the scene and introduce the participants.

2. Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate the plight 3. Complication : a crisis, arisen

4. Re-orientation : The crisis is resolved for better or for worse


5. Re-orientation : Optional.

Referring to the statement above, narration is necessary to be taught by the teacher in the class so that the students. can understand, describe, express, and produce the narrative text well.

e. The Measurment of Writing Narrative Text and Dictogloss Technique

Analytic rubrics provide more detailed information about students’ ability. It is because when using analytic scoring, teachers use different aspects of writing such as content, organization, mechanics, vocabulary and grammar that can give more information about students’ writing ability. Assessment rubric used in this research based on Mohammad khatib in his literaly studies, he was write that according to shehadeh (2011) the scale defines the following five component areas on 0-100 point scale.9 The writing assement rubic is show below:

No. Aspect of Writing Score Criteria 1. Content 0-20 Knowladge of subject,

devlopment of thesis, coverage of topic, relevance of detail, substance, quantity of details.

9 Mohammad Khotib, Languaging and writing skill: the effect collaborative writing on ESL students’ writing performance.Vol.6 No.1, February. 2015. P. 205. Australian International Academic Centre, Australian.

2. Organization 0-20 fluency of expression, clarity in the statement of ideas, support, organization of idea, sequencing and devlopment of ideas.

3. Grammar 0-20 used of sentence structures and

construction, acuracy and correctness in the use of argument, number, tense, word order, articles,

pronouns, preposition, negation.

4. Vocabulary 0-20 range, accurasy of word or idiom choice,

mastery, of word form, appropriateness of register, effectiveness in the transmission, of meaning.


5. Mechanics 0-20 convension of spelling, punctuation,


paraghraph identation.

There are some aspects which were assessed in this study. Those aspects are the writing aspects and the participation aspect. The writing aspects include content, organization, language use and mechanics. In the content aspect, the students’ writing should relevant to the points of the dictated-text. It also should match the purpose of a narrative text. Then in term of the organization aspect, it should be well-organized. While in term of the language use, it should show few errors of agreement, tense, articles, pronouns, and prepositions. Then in the mechanics aspect, it should demonstrate mastery of conventions which shows few errors of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Finally in term of the participation aspect, the students should give their contribution to the success of the group work.

They should participate in the dictogloss activity.

Dalam dokumen an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository (Halaman 32-39)

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