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From the standpoint of international law, military operations in the context of the fight against terrorism – by one State or by a coalition of States – are subject to the very strict rules of the jus contra bellum, as other operations in other contexts are as well. In other words, there is no lex specialis that would merely apply to the war against ter- rorism. Lawful or not, the relevance and efficiency of military opera- tions launched in the context of the fight against terrorism need to be questioned. When the objective or mandate includes missions of stabi- lization, protection, reconstruction and humanitarian assistance, a real chance for restoring and maintaining peace and security exists. How- ever, when the objective or mandate of the operation is limited to tar- geting and destroying terrorist capabilities, its degree of effectiveness, in the middle or long run, is more debatable. Too often, those targeted and limited operations cause an escalation of violence and a spiral of reprisals. Armed violence induces more terrorism, and both of them risk generating innocent victims, a burning sense of injustice and a dangerous grudge.

As terrorism is a universal and complex scourge, the international community has wisely recognized and stressed that it “can only be de- feated by a sustained and comprehensive approach involving the active participation and collaboration of all States, and international and region- al organizations to impede, impair, isolate and incapacitate the terrorist threat”.121 Necessary collective and multidimensional actions include, but

121 See for example Resolution 2170 (2014).

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