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Dalam dokumen 5 What’s the Core Message (Halaman 127-134)

Preaching the Word faithfully means allowing Scripture to interpret itself. The pursuit of biblical theology seeks to do just that. In biblical theology the faithful student of God’s Word seeks to view Scripture within the scope of the entire canon and storyline of God’s redemption of mankind. When a preacher or student of the Bible comes to the text with a contemporary lens before regarding its historical and biblical theological context, the reader is in a dangerous position to make wrong assumptions of the text and fails to allow God’s Word to portray itself as it was intended. Biblical theology,

therefore, is the means by which readers stay true to the inspired story of God’s relationship to mankind.

For the students of Faith Bible Church, the book of James serves as an important reminder that faith without works is dead (Jas 2:26). While Edmond’s culture often assumes Christian faith as a cultural norm, students should see in James’s epistle that a living faith should cause one to live differently in the world. Through his repetitive use of illustrations and terse statements, students are encouraged to allow their faith to continually produce in them a life that glorifies God.

James, in the writing of his epistle, was dependent upon much of the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament for his writing. The books of Psalms and Proverbs play an important role in understanding the aim and features of James’s epistle. The short, poetic discourse of James mimics the same flow and train of thought found throughout Psalms and Proverbs. James’s teaching on godly living also correlates to the same teaching found in these two Old Testament books.

While James was the first epistle of the New Testament to be written, this does not mean that he is without influence from other New Testament sources. In fact, James is influenced greatly by his brother’s Sermon on the Mount. Being a discourse on Kingdom living, Jesus’s sermon laid the groundwork for James’s further elaboration on what it looks like for a believer to allow their faith to impact the way they live in the world around them.

As James indicates, faith in Christ is meant to change the whole person. From the way one speaks to the way one acts, Christ has called believers to a new life of Kingdom living for the glory of God. While it can be easy for a believer to assume their faith, ultimately a faith that is assumed and not lived out is a faith that has been forgotten.

In the end, James serves the reader of God’s Word well, as believers are called to “be doers of the Word, and not hearers only” (Jas 1:22).


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IN EDMOND, OKLAHOMA Justin Ross Kinsley, DMin

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2021 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Brian J. Vickers

This project is series of seven sermons in the book of James which seeks to exposit selected Scriptures in light of biblical theology. James was an extremely effective communicator, who used vivid illustrations to drive home his point that the Christian faith is a working faith. While salvation for James was dependent on faith, true saving faith is evidenced through the fruits of a believer’s life.

Through continual use of the wisdom literature and the teachings of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, James shows the reader of this epistle that faith was never meant to be an isolated ideology in the life of a believer. Instead, faith serves as the catalyst for living a life in honor of the Lord. Therefore, the believer’s call is to hear the Word of God and live out their life in submission to Him, for without works, faith is void of all life.

Dalam dokumen 5 What’s the Core Message (Halaman 127-134)

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