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B. Discussions

In this part, the discussion dealing with the interpretation of findings derived from the result of findings about the observation result of the students’ reading comprehension in terms of the result of the students Critical comprehension dealing with the Accuracy and Appropriate of details and Creative reading comprehension dealing with Conclusion.

1. The Result of the Students’ Critical comprehension Dealing with The Accuracy and Appropriate of the details.

a. Accuracy

The application of REAP Technique in improving the students’ Critical comprehension in terms of Accuracy can be seen the difference by considering the result of the students’ Diagnostic Test and the students’ achievement after taking action in cycle I and II through the application of REAP Technique in teaching and learning process.

The percentage of the students’ Accuracy in Critical comprehension After taking an action in cycle I by using REAP Technique, the percentage of the students’

Accuracy was 13 students (72,22%) get good, 5 students (27.77%) get fairly good, and none of the students for the other classification.

In cycle II, the percentage of the students’ Accuracy in Critical comprehension is 1 student (5,55%) get excelent, 14 students (77,77%) get very good, 3 students (16.66%) get good, and none of the students for the other classification. The result above also proves that the use of REAP Technique was able to improve the students’ Critical comprehension in the Accuracy where result of Cycle II was higher than cycle I (5, 55% ≥ 77,77%).

b. Appropriate of Details

The application of REAP Technique in improving the students’ Critical comprehension in terms of Appropriate of details can be seen the difference by considering the result of the students’ achievement after taking action in cycles through the application of REAP Technique in teaching and learning process.

After taking an action in cycle I by using REAP Technique, the percentage of the students’ Appropriate of detail was 12 students (66,66%) good, 3 students (33,33%) get fairly good and none of the students for the other classification

In cycle II, the percentage of the students’ Appropriate of detail in Critical comprehension was 16 students (88,88%) get very good, 2 students (11.11%) get good, and none of the students for the other classification.

The result of students’ Appropriate of details in cycle II was higher than cycle I (88,88% ≥ 66,66%).

The result above proves that the use of REAP Technique was able to improve the students’ Appropriate of details in reading.

2. The Result of the students’ Creative comprehension dealing with Conclusion.

a. Conclusion

The application of REAP Technique in improving the students’ Creative comprehension in terms of conclusion can be seen the difference clearly by considering the result of the students’ test in cycle I and II after using REAP Technique.

The table above shows the percentage of the students’ conclussion in creative comprehension

After taking an action in cycle I by using REAP Technique, the percentage of the students’ conclussion was 14 students (77,77%) get good, 4 students (22,22) get fairly good and none of the students for the other classification

In cycle II, the percentage of the students’ conclussion Creative comprehension was 17 students (94,44%) get very good, 1 student (5.55%) get good, and none of the students for the other classification. The result above also proves that the use of REAP Technique was able to improve the students’ creative

comprehension in the conclussion where result of Cycle I was higher than cycle II test (94,44% ≥ 5,55).

The result of the students’ creative comprehension in terms of in conclusion.

After applying REAP Technique in cycle I and cycle II, the result of students’ in conclusion achievement improves significantly.

The result above proves that the use of REAP Technique was able to improve the students’ in conclusion in creative reading

3. The Result of the Students’ Reading Comprehension dealing with the Students’ Critical Reading Comprehension and Students’ Creative Reading Comprehension.

The result of the data analysis through the reading test shows the students’

reading comprehension in terms of Critical and Creative improves significantly. It was indicated by the mean score of result of the students’. the mean score of the students’ reading test in cycle I that was 62.86 that was classified as fairly and cycle II is 76.16 it was classified as good. Those scores are got from the result test of the students’ Critical reading comprehension and Creative reading comprehension.

a. The students’ Critical reading comprehension at class X of SMA Madani Makassar, in 2012/2013 academic year through REAP Technique.

The indicator of the Accuracy of the students’ Critical reading comprehension in the first cycle has improved from Diagnostic test. The improvement can be seen after

testing and observing the students where the improvement of the students’ Accuracy was 6,72% and the students’ Accuracy mean score was 56.16. It was classified as fair. In cycle II, the students’ Accuracy also improves from Cycle I to cycle II where the improvement was 20.67% and the students’ mean score is 76.83 that was classified as good classification. The research was not continued to the third cycle because the target score has been achieved in cycle II.

In the first cycle, the students’ Appropriate of details in reading was not bad than the other indicators, like Accuracy. The result of the students’ Appropriate of details can be seen after testing and observing, an improvement from diagnostic test to cycle I about 9.83% because the students’ mean score in diagnostic test was only 52.08. After testing and observing in the second cycle, the student’ Appropriate of details really has a good improvement where the improvement was about 28.27%.

The significant improvement was got in cycle II because the teaching reading material was really suitable for the improvement of the students’ Appropriate of details. Because of the target score has been achieved, the research is not continued to the third cycle.

b. The students’ Creative reading comprehension at class X of MA MADANI Makassar, in 2012/2013 Academic year through REAP Technique.

The indicator of Conclusion of the students’ Creative reading comprehension in the first cycle has improved. The improvement can be seen after testing and observing the students where the improvement of the students’ Conclusion was

0,44% and the students’ Conclusion mean score is 62,94. It is classified as fairly. In cycle II, the students’ Conclusion also improves from cycle I to cycle II where the improvement is 10.83% and the students’ mean score was 73.77 that is classified as good classification. The improvement was lower than the improvement from Diagnostic test to cycle I because the teaching material was not fit for improving the students’ Theme. Although the improvement in cycle II is lower than cycle I, the research was not continued to the third cycle because the target score has been achieved in cycle II.

In the first cycle, the students’ conclusion in reading was not bad. The result of the students’ improvement of conclusion can be seen after testing and observing (reading test of first cycle), whereas the mean score achievement was 62.94. It is indicated that there was an improvement from diagnostic test to cycle I about 10.39%

because the students’ mean score in diagnostic test was only 62.94. Because of the target was not achieved in the first cycle, researcher worked hard in the second cycle to reach the target and try to evaluate the weakness in the first cycle. After testing and observing in the second cycle, the student’ conclusion really has a good improvement where the improvement was about 10.83% Because of the target score has been achieved, the research was not continued to the third cycle.



Based on the research findings and discussions in the previous chapter, the following conclusions are presented:

1. The use of Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder (REAP) Technique was able to improve the students’ critical comprehension at the students of X class of SMA MADANI Makassar. It’s proved by the mean score of the text in cycle I was 64.06 and the cycle II 78.85. The improvement of student’s literal comprehension from D-test to cycle I 11.56% and the cycle I to cycle II were 14.79.

2. The use of Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder (REAP) Technique was able to improve the students’ creative comprehension at the students of X class of SMA MADANI Makassar. The improvement of student’s creativecomprehension from D-test to cycle I 8.99% and the cycle I to cycle II are 14.30.

Based on the conclusion above, we can indicate the use of Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder (REAP) Technique could increase the student’s reading comprehension.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher addresses the following suggestion and recommendation.

1. It is suggested to the researchers, used Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder (REAP) Technique as one alternative among other teaching methods that can be used in teaching reading comprehension.

2. It is suggested that the English researchers used Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder (REAP) Technique in presenting the reading comprehension materials.

3. It is suggested that the English teacher apply the lexical signification as one of alternative in teaching method and learning process.

4. The students are expected to improve their intensity in learning reading through REAP technique.

5. The writer hopes the researches use REAP technique to improving students’

reading comprehension.

6. The teacher should apply various kinds of suitable technique in teaching reading to make students more interested in reading English text and to increasing the quality of studying and teaching.

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