• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


B. Discussions

The sum result of students’vocabulary in pretest for experimental group was 81.66, and the mean score was 4.80. and the sum result of students’ vocabulary in control group was 79.99,and the mean score was 4.71.

And the sum result of students’ grammar in pretest for experimental group was 71.64, and the mean score was 4.21. The sum result in control group was 63.29 and the mean score was 3.72.

And table 4.2 was shown the mean score of experimental group was 4.58, and in control group was 4.15, it means the mean score of experimental group was higher than control group before treatment was given.

So, according to mean score of experimental and control group who have calculated, the result of t-test was 1.95, and the result of t-table was 2.042 because df result was 32 students. It means there was not significance different between two group because the result of t-tes was lower than t-table 1.95<2.042.

2. The result of posttest

Based on the finding the result of post-test in experimental and control group after treatment was given. In post-test of experimental group, table 4.4 was showed the result of students’ pronunciation that the sum students was 120, and the mean score was 7.06, the sum result of pronunciation in pretest for control group was 74.98, and the mean score was 4.41.

The sum result of students vocabulary in pretest for experimental group was 108.68, and the mean score was 6.28, and the sum result in control group was 81.66, and the mean score was 4.8.

The sum result of students grammar in pretest for experimental group was 93.35, and the mean score was 5.49, and the sum result in control class was 58.28, the mean score was 3.48

And table 4.5 was shown the mean score of experimental group was 5.45, and in control group was 4.21. It means after treatment was given the mean score of experimental group always higher than control group.

So, according to mean score of experimental and control group who have calculated, the result of t-test was 2.69, and the result of t-table was 2.042 because df result was 32 students. It means there was significance difference after treatment was given because the result of t- tes was higher than t-table 2.69>2.042.

3. The significance different result between pretest and posttest who are taught through Quantum Teaching method and who are taugh through Direct Method.

According to table 4.7, there was result of t-test and t-table in experimental and control group. The result of t-test in pretest was 1.95, and the value of t-table was 32 =2.042. And the result of t-test in posttest was 2.69, and the value of t-table was 32=2.042.

Coolidge(2000:77) states is if the t ratio > t table, it means that the hypothesis was not rejected, there was a significant difference between two groups. In contrary, t ratio < t able, the hypothesis was rejected, there was no significant difference between the two groups.

So, Before treatment were given. In pretest result, there was no significant between two groups, because value of T-test was 1.95, and value of T-table was 32. It means t was lower than t-table (1.95>2.042), it indicated that alternative hypothesis was rejected.

And after treatment was given, in Posttest result, there was significant between two groups, because value of t-test was 2.69, and value of t-table was 32. It means it was t-test higher than t-table (2.69>2.042), it indicated that alternative hypothesis was not rejected. So, There was a significant difference between students who are taught through Quantum teaching method and students who are taught through Direct Method.



A. Conclusions

Based on the result and the discussion of the findings previously, the writer took conclusions as follows:

1. The result of pretest, before treatment was given. The mean score in experimental group was higher than control group. The result of t-tes was lower than t-table, it means there was no significance between two group.

2. The result of posttest, there was significant difference after the treatment was conducted in posttest. Because the mean score of experimental group was increased and the mean result of experimental group was permanent higher than control group. The result of t-test was higher than t-table, it means there was significance between two group after treatment was given.

3. Before treatment were given. In pretest result, there was no significant between T-test and T-table, because value of T-test was lower than t- table, it indicated that alternative hypothesis was rejected.

And after treatment was given, in post test result, there was significant between T-test and T-table, because value of t-test was higher than t- table, it indicated that alternative hypothesis was not rejected.

So, this study has proven that Quantum teaching method was effective in terms of improving students’ Speaking skill. It could be seen on the


means’ scores on both of control and experimental group where the experimental group gained higher than the control group after treatment was given. That was the reason why the Quantum teaching method was effective than Direct Method.

B. Suggestions

Suggestions are directed to:

1. English Teachers

Teachers should take advantage of Quantum teaching method in teaching English especially for Speaking class not only to teach but also to create and enhance students’ motivation, interest and achievement. For English teacher of MTs YASPI Sambung Jawa, who teach English as a foreign language should be cognizant of the benefits of using Quantum Teaching method in learning English specially in Speaking class. A combination of their skills, experience and the use of Quantum Teaching method will definitely bring about a more effective teaching and learning.

2. Future Researchers

For future researchers, it is suggested that this study could be a reference to conduct other research on the same field. Future researchers may use true experimental research design to know whether or not the use of Quantum teaching method is effective in improving students’ abilities in other skills, such as writing, reading and listening.


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A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Part Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


NURWAHYUNI 10535 4926 11




Nama sekolah : MTs YASPI Sambung Jawa.

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : VII (Tujuh) / 1

Standar Kompetensi : 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Dasar : 3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima

: 3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan

Jenis teks : transactional/interpersonal

Tema : Introductory Chapter dan Family Life Materi : Greeting and Introducing

Aspek/Skill : Berbicara

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit ( 2x pertemuan )

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat merespon makna dalam:

a. Tanya jawab tentang nama orang, jalan, dan benda serta cara pengejaannya b. Menceritakan kegiatan dalam gambar secara lisan

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )

2. Materi Pembelajaran

The students will repeat the sentences.

a. A: Hi, What is your name?

B: Hi, My name is Andi. And u?

A: My name is Cinta.

b. Grammar Practice

 Penjelasan tentang I am, you are, it is, latihan

 Penjelasan tentang pronoun I, you, dan it, latihan

 Penjelasan tentang bentuk jawaban singkat, latihan

 Penjelasan tentang kata ganti milik my dan your 3. Metode Pembelajaran: Quantum Teaching Method 4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

a.Kegiatan Pendahuluan Apersepsi :

 Tanya jawab tentang ulang tahun siswa

 Tanya jawab nama-nama hadiah ulang tahun siswa Motivasi :

 menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelari berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasi siswa

b. Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi

Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:

 Menyebutkan angka-angka dalam bahasa Inggris secara lisan secara klasikal

 Melakukan game tentang nomor telepon dan game who are you

 Menyebutkan nama alat-alat musik dan nama-nama benda-benda untuk hadiah ulang tahun

 Menceritakan kegiatan sehari-hari berdasarkan gambar secara lisan

 Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dalam grammar practice dan mengaplikasikannya secara lisan

 Melakukan wawancara secara berpasangan dan merekamnya

 Menjelaskan gambar mengenai kegiatan sehari-hari secara lisan berdasarkan gambar

 Melakukan tanya jawab dalam pair work

 Menggunakan beragam pendekatan pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, dan sumber belajar lain;

 Memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi antarpeserta didik serta antara peserta didik dengan guru, lingkungan, dan sumber belajar lainnya;

 Melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran; dan

 Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan percobaan di laboratorium, studio, atau lapangan.


Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:

 Arranging the classroom.

 Giving suggestion or motivation.

 Teacher tells to the students about the subject “ introduction their self”

 Teacher presents the subject.

 Teacher gives some information about the subject, for example: the important of introduction their self.

 The teacher gives some questions to know the understanding the students about material.

 Repetition, the students repeat the material and the answer of the questions.

 Celebrate, after the students answer the question, and their answer is true. And the students who can introduce their self fluently. We are celebrate, it’s mean identical to give things, price, and appreciation.


Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

 Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, tulisan, isyarat, maupun hadiah terhadap keberhasilan peserta didik,

 Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil eksplorasi dan elaborasi peserta didik melalui berbagai sumber,

 Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan,

 Memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk memperoleh pengalaman yang bermakna dalam mencapai kompetensi dasar:

 Berfungsi sebagai narasumber dan fasilitator dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta didik yang menghadapi kesulitan, dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baku dan benar;

 Membantu menyelesaikan masalah;

 Memberi acuan agar peserta didik dapat melakukan pengecekan hasil eksplorasi;

 Memberi informasi untuk bereksplorasi lebih jauh;

 Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum berpartisipasi aktif

bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/atau sendiri membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran;

 melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram;

 memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran;

 merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pembelajaran remedi, program pengayaan, layanan konseling dan/atau memberikan tugas baik tugas individual maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hasil belajar peserta didik;

 menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

5. Sumber belajar

1. Buku teks yang relevan: Kaset/CD . 2. Narasumber, Kaset/CD .

3. Script percakapan dan/atau rekaman percakapan 4. Gambar-gambar yang relevan

6. Penilaian

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Teknik Penilaian


Instrumen Instrumen/ Soal Mengungkapkan berbagai

tindak tutur:

1. Menyapa yang belum/sudah dikenal 2. Memperkenalkan diri

sendiri/orang lain.

3. Memerintah/melarang

Unjuk kerja

unjuk kerja

Unjuk kerja

Tanya jawab

Bermain peran

Bermain peran

1. Ask and answer your friend based on the picture

2. Perform the dialogue in front of the class!

3.Work in pairs

A. Give instructions

a. Pedoman Penilaian

Jumlah skor maksimal keseluruhan 25 Nilai Siswa = skor maksimal x 4

10 b. Rubrik Penilaian

Element Score Pronunciation 5

Delivery 10

Performance 10

Standard of Pronunciation:

Standard of Delivery and Performance: Excellent 10 Very good 9

Good 8

Average 7

Poor ≤6

Excellent 5 Very good 4

Good 3

Average 2

Poor 1

( Muhammad Akhyar Arsyad,SS) NIP /NIK :

( Nurwahyuni)

Nama sekolah : MTs YASPI Sambung Jawa Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VII (Tujuh) / 1

Standar Kompetensi : 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Dasar : 4.1 Mengungkapkan makna tindak tutur dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

4.2 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Jenis teks : teks lisan fungsional

Tema : Introductory Chapter dan Family Life

Materi :Instruction, shopping list, greetings, and announcement”.

Aspek/Skill : Berbicara

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit ( 2x pertemuan ) 1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat merespon makna dalam:

a. Memberikan deskripsi keberadaan seseorang berdasarkan gambar b. Menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan deskripsi suatu gambar c. Menerapkan urutan kata benda-kata sifat dalam kalimat

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

a. Contoh instruction

 Remove the pan from the heat

 Switch of your mobile phone in the class

 Press the button gently.

 Clean the room, please.

b. Contoh shopping list Birthday list Cookies candies Tart balloon Candle soft drink

c. Contoh greeting Good bye.

See you tomorrow d. Contoh announcement


Each class of SMP 1 Sengkang should sent a student to represent his/her class in joining the English speech contest on Sunday, 28thaugust 2011 in our language laboratory. Don’t miss it!

English teacher

Mara Rusli

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pertemuan pertama dan kedua.

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan Apersepsi :

 Tanya jawab tentang keberadaan benda-benda di sekitar kelas Motivasi :

 menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelari berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasi siswa

b. Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi

Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:

 Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas dan dalam tentang topik/tema materi yang akan dipelajari dengan menerapkan prinsip alam takambang jadi guru dan belajar dari aneka sumber;

 Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dalam grammar practice dan mengaplikasikan secara oral

 Melakukan tanya jawab menanyakan keberadaan seseorang dan benda

 Menggunakan beragam pendekatan pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, dan sumber belajar lain;

 Memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi antarpeserta didik serta antara peserta didik dengan guru, lingkungan, dan sumber belajar lainnya;

 Melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran; dan

 Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan percobaan di laboratorium, studio, atau lapangan.

 Giving suggestion or motivation.

 Teacher tells to the students about the subject “ introduction their self”

 Teacher presents the subject.

 Teacher gives some information about the subject, for example: the important of introduction their self.

 Students learn about how they can introduce their self to their friends.

 Students practice to introduce their self in front of their friends.

 The teacher gives some questions to know the understanding the students about material.

 Repetition, the students repeat the material and the answer of the questions.

 Celebrate, after the students answer the question, and their answer is true. And the students who can introduce their self fluently. We are celebrate, it’s mean identical to give things, price, and appreciation.


Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

 Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, tulisan, isyarat, maupun hadiah terhadap keberhasilan peserta didik,

 Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil eksplorasi dan elaborasi peserta didik melalui berbagai sumber,

 Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan,

 Memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk memperoleh pengalaman yang bermakna dalam mencapai kompetensi dasar:

 Berfungsi sebagai narasumber dan fasilitator dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta didik yang menghadapi kesulitan, dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baku dan benar;

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