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Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state.

2. Organizational Purpose

a. Realizing an intelligent, advanced, and civilized society through the development, application, and dissemination of science and technology so as to produce people who have high competence in the fields of educational and non-educational professions and have Pancasila character, so that they are able to understand, apply, and develop


science, technology , and the arts to promote human welfare, civilization and dignity;

b. Realizing a quality learning process that is able to produce graduates who are confident, have a high commitment to work, prioritize a quality culture, maintain and develop noble values, which can educate and dignify the nation.

3. Maintenance principle

a. The implementation of education at UNJ refers to Law no. 12 of 2012 Articles 2 and 3 which are based on: (a). scientific truth; (b). reasoning; (c).

honesty; (d). Justice; (e). benefit; (f). virtue; (g).

responsibility; (h). diversity; and (i). affordability.

Specifically, the implementation of education at UNJ also refers to the basic values of organizing tridharma activities which include: (a) truth and wisdom; (b). academic integrity; (c) democratic and humanist; (d). diversity and equality; (e).

beneficial to humanity; and (f). sustainable;

b. The implementation of education at UNJ utilizes and develops data literacy, technology, and human resources that are in line with the dynamics and challenges of the times by using a monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approach.

Education through multimodal in accordance with the provisions of the legislation;

c. The implementation of education at UNJ must at least meet the elements specified in the National Higher Education Standards (SNPT), and have characteristics that are developed based on the values of the University, and the characteristics of the Study Program;


d. The implementation of education at UNJ must also refer to the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) which is a cycle of Determining/Planning the Implementation of Improvement Control Evaluation (PPEPP) accompanied by evidence of the implementation of the PPEPP;

e. The mechanism for setting educational standards at UNJ which includes learning content (curriculum), the learning process which includes an academic atmosphere, integration of research and community service (PkM) in learning, and learning assessments at least meet the SNPT standards, and it is possible for UNJ to develop standards that go beyond the SNPT as its additional performance indicators;

f. UNJ organizes Academic Education, Vocational Education, and Professional Education.

Academic education includes education for undergraduate programs, master programs, and doctoral programs. Vocational education includes diploma programs, applied master programs, and applied doctoral programs.

Professional Education is higher education after the undergraduate program which is held to have expertise in certain professions;

g. The implementation of education at UNJ uses the academic year as outlined in the academic calendar, by implementing a semester credit system that uses semester credit units. The academic calendar is prepared every academic year and accommodates the implementation of the intermediate semester;


h. The implementation of education at UNJ refers to the curriculum that is compiled and developed for each study program by taking into account the development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) globally (scientific vision), community needs (societal needs), stakeholders (stakeholder needs), in accordance with SNPT, education standards teachers, the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework, international quality standards, and/or input from stakeholders; as well as inter-level competence in the same discipline;

i. In line with the policy regarding the Independent and Independent Campus Learning, the UNJ curriculum accommodates learning activities outside the study program or outside the campus that are part of the lecture process with various learning methods by utilizing information technology, including blended learning and e- learning according to the characteristics and needs of the study program;

j. Certain study programs within UNJ facilitate the implementation of inclusive education for students with special needs;

k. The university facilitates transfer students both from within and outside UNJ according to applicable regulations;

l. To improve the quality of UNJ graduates, the UNJ curriculum accommodates internship courses at various national and international agencies in accordance with applicable regulations;

m. UNJ actively participates in providing education on a regional or global scale through various


educational cooperation programs, for example in the form of international classes, twin programs, joint degrees and double degrees;

n. Curriculum achievement control mechanisms are carried out internally and externally. Internal control mechanisms through: (1) situation analysis, (2) periodic curriculum development, (3) monitoring the preparation of the lecture process as curriculum implementation, (4) monitoring the lecture evaluation process by looking at the input of lecturers, students, and the academic community as supporters implementation implementation, (5) Follow-up and improvement. Meanwhile, the external control mechanism is carried out by national and international accreditation bodies as well as input from stakeholders as graduate users;

o. Curriculum implementation, in the form of the learning process at UNJ, must refer to the National Higher Education Standards (SN Dikti), SPMI quality standards, and international standards related to the learning process;

p. The assessment and development of the system and the quality of learning are handled by various organizational units at the University, Faculty and Study Program levels. All units refer to the same goal, which is to help lecturers and students realize learning that is in accordance with curriculum objectives and achieve the specified learning outcomes;

q. The achievement of standard learning processes involves the synergy of existing resources at the University, Faculties, and Study Programs within UNJ, which includes the availability of funding,


infrastructure, lecturers, education staff, laboratory assistants, technicians, administrative staff and other supporting staff such as building managers, cleaning and security personnel;

r. Determination of standards for integrating research and PKM, as well as reporting of final work in learning is determined in a synergy between universities, faculties, study programs and the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) as stated in the Guidelines for Research and Community Service;

s. The implementation of the learning process at UNJ can be carried out in Indonesian, Bilingual, and International languages according to the needs and improving the quality of graduates with a minimum TOEP score according to the standards set and validated by the authorities.

Resources involved in the learning process, namely Lecturers, can come from permanent lecturers, DPK, or foreign lecturers as needed;

t. UNJ organizes Non-Degree Education, which is managed by the Professional Certification Institute and the Institute for Education and Learning Development.

u. UNJ has a code of ethics and academic ethics, which includes: (1) Lecturer's code of ethics; (2) code of ethics for Education Personnel; and (3) Student code of ethics. The Lecturer's Code of Ethics is a guide to the attitudes and behavior of lecturers in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education and life both on campus and in the community. The code of ethics for education personnel is a guideline for the attitudes and behavior of educational staff in carrying out the


duties of supporting the tridharma of higher education and life both on campus and in the community. The Student Code of Ethics is a guide to student attitudes and behavior in carrying out the Tridharma of Higher Education and life both on campus and in the community.

4. Educational Institutions

a. UNJ guarantees the creation of scientific autonomy, upholds academic freedom, academic freedom and pulpit. Academic freedom is the right of the Academic Community which is carried out in an effort to explore, apply, and develop science and technology through education, research, and community service activities. Freedom of the academic pulpit is the authority of professors and/or lecturers who have scientific authority and authority to state openly and responsibly regarding something related to the clump of knowledge and branches of science. Scientific autonomy is the autonomy of the academic community in a branch of science and/or technology in finding, developing, revealing, and/or maintaining scientific truth according to scientific principles, methods, and academic culture;

b. UNJ upholds the nature of scientific principles which are reflected in the attitudes and academic freedom of the academic community by referring to norms, rules, and academic achievements. The freedom of the academic pulpit is directed at strengthening the realization of the development of the identity of lecturers and students as well as science and


technology guided by scientific autonomy.

Academic freedom and the freedom of the academic pulpit are utilized by UNJ to: (1) protect and defend intellectual property; (2) protect and maintain the natural, biological, social and cultural wealth and diversity of the Indonesian people; (3) add and/or improve the quality of the intellectual property of the Indonesian nation and state; and (4) strengthen the competitiveness of the Indonesian nation and state;

c. UNJ is managed based on the principles of independence, partnership, participation, openness, accountability, and in favor of the interests of the people.


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