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Extreme Presentation B



This appendix contains an Extreme Presentation ™ makeover: a “ before - and - after ” example of a presentation that was redesigned according to the Extreme Presentation principles. The “ before ” presentation is based on a real presentation that has been heavily disguised, and is used here with permission. For the purpose of this example, we are pretending that the presentation is a brand update for a fi ctitious SuperClean vacu- ums company.

Figure B.1 in this appendix shows the fi rst eighteen slides of this original seventy - fi ve - slide “ before ” presentation. Even a quick glance will show you that this presentation would not have been much fun to watch — or to deliver.

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FIGURE B.1. First Eighteen Slides of the Original Seventy - Five - Slide Presentation

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Figures B.2 through B.10 show the completed exercises for the relevant steps using the Extreme Presentation method to create the “ after ” version. Figure B.2 shows the exer- cise from Step 1, listing the audience for this presentation — the CEO, CFO, and head of Sales for SuperClean Vacuums — and their respective Myers - Briggs types.

Audience E/l N/S T/F P/J

J. Casimir— CEO E N T J M. Wolodyjowski — CEO I S T J J. Zagloba — EVP Sales E S F P

FIGURE B.2. Audience Personality Types

As you can see from Figure B.2 , the audience members ’ Myers - Briggs types cover the full range of dimensions, and therefore all the presentation implications in Figure B.3 are checked.

FIGURE B.3. Audience Personality Implications

Presentation Implications

I—Provide all or part of presentation in advance

E—Plan for lots of discussion and


S—Make sure to include all relevant facts and details in presentation or appendix

N—Provide overview up-front T—Identify principles, costs, and


F—State implications for each person or group of stakeholders involved J—Present conclusions up-front P—List all alternatives considered

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FIGURE B.4. From - To Think - Do Matrix

For Step 2, you can see in Figure B.4 that the objective of this presentation is to move the audience from thinking that brand advertising is a waste of money to thinking that it is worth testing, and to move them from not spending signifi cantly on brand advertising, to agreeing to a brand advertising test.

In Step 3, we can see that the business problem that this presentation will focus on is that this company is having trouble growing their high - end, heavy - duty vacuum cleaner business (Figure B.5 ), and the solution being offered, to solve part of this problem, is to run brand advertising research (Figure B.6 ). The alternative solutions to this would be to do nothing (as always), and also to spend more money on in - store promotion, or to hire more salespeople (Figure B.7 ).

Business Problem

We are having trouble growing our high-end, heavy-duty business

FIGURE B.5. Audience Problem

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FIGURE B.6. Solutions Offered

Do nothing Alternative

Solutions Spend more on high-end product in-store support Hire more sales reps

FIGURE B.7. Alternative Solutions

For Step 4, Figure B.8 shows the list of evidence to be presented, containing fi ve items:

tracking study data for SuperClean products and for their competitors, a correlation between awareness change and sales change in the Southwest region, overall advertising spend versus market share change results for several previous quarters, and a quote from Hyperbrand, a brand consulting fi rm.

FIGURE B.8. List of Evidence Evidence

1. Tracking study data — ours 2. Tracking study data — competition

3. Awareness change vs. sales change for SW region 4. Advertising spend vs. market share results 5. Hyperbrand quote








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Figure B.9 displays the S.Co.R.E. cards that outline the presentation storyline in Step 6.

Finally, Figure B.10 shows the actual Extreme Presentation version of the presentation, the “ after ” version from this before and after exercise. It is one slide long, reduced from the orig- inal seventy - fi ve slides. It is a conference room style slide, and therefore would be printed out and copies handed to the audience.

FIGURE B.9. S.Co.R.E. Cards for the Presentation

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FIGURE B.10. Extreme Presentation Version

The accompanying spoken part of the presentation would go something like this (you can follow along on Figure B.10 ):

“ Good morning, ladies and gentlemen — we ’ re here for our quarterly brand update.

The page in front of you covers our analysis for today. Start on the left side of the page, number 1 — as you can see from those two charts on the left, our Heavy Duty business is stagnant: you can see our awareness is roughly fl at at 41 percent on the upper chart, and intent - to - purchase is slightly declining, currently at 11 percent.

“ This is compared to our main competitors, MegaSuck and Vacuous Vacuums, who have both been showing strong increases in both awareness and intent to purchase over the past several quarters.

“ To overcome this gap, we believe that we need to invest in brand advertising for SuperClean in the Heavy Duty Segment, because this is how our competitors are

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doing it. We recognize that our business model is different from theirs, but overall, we believe that advertising is effective for SuperClean — as you can see at the top of the page — arrow number 2. On the chart we ’ ve plotted the change in advertising versus a year ago, on the vertical axis, against the change in market share on the hori- zontal axis — for several of the recent quarters.

And what you can see is a fairly clear correlation — when we increase advertising, our sales increases, and when we reduce it, the opposite happens. And more specifi cally, at the bottom of the page — number 3 — you can see how — as awareness in our SW region increased over the past year — because of some additional advertising that we did there on heavy - duty vacuums, our sales increased also. And below that we have a quote from Hyperbrand — they singled us out in a recent report — that our brands have great potential.

However, there is still a risk that it may not work, so what we ’ re recommending is a research test — in the middle of the page — number 4. The goal is to test the impact of brand advertising on our heavy duty products, and we want to do this in Q1 of next year. Cost for this study will be half a person for three weeks, and $ 150K research expense. And the results of this test should show the way to bring us to next year’s goal of 17 percent growth . . . . ”

There you go — we have taken seventy - fi ve slides and reduced them to a powerful, one - slide presentation.

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Thirty - Six Layouts That