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Guidance and Counseling (BK) and Academic Advisor (PA)



3.10. Guidance and Counseling (BK) and Academic Advisor (PA)

Counseling Guidance (BK) is the process of providing systematic and intensive assistance carried out by experts who have a special duty for students in the context of personal, social, and learning skills development for their future careers.

1. Purpose

Assist students in:

a. Realizing their potential optimally, both for the benefit of themself and the community;

b. Placing and adjusting to their environment constructively;

c. Solve the problems they face realistically;

d. Make decisions about rational choices;

e. Carry out the decision concretely and be responsible for the decisions made; and f. Make plans for a better future.

43 2. Function

Guidance and Counseling functions as follows:

a. Distribution: help the students get a suitable environment for their situation;

b. Adaptation: help students adjust to their environment, both the social and learning environment;

c. Prevention: help students avoid the possibility of obstacles in self-development to achieve their learning success optimally;

d. Improvement: help students to improve their conditions that are considered inadequate;

e. Adaptation: help Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB adjust policies to the circumstances of students; and

f. Guidance and counseling officers while maintaining the confidentiality of students associated with the guidance and counseling needs.

3. Service Program

Service Programs include:

a. Student data collection both academic and non-academic;

b. Provision of information to students about a variety of things that are useful for personal, social, study, and career development of students;

c. Providing training to students as a group for personal, social, study and career development;

d. Problem-solving assistance services, both academic and non-academic through counseling/consultation;

e. Providing referral services to students whose problems are not resolved by the guidance officer or counselor lecturer;

f. Providing training and consulting to academic advisors about the process of guidance and counseling of their students; and

g. Providing information to Faculty and Department executives about various characteristics related to the level of student learning success in general.

4. Others

a. Guidance and Counseling Officers must report their duties periodically to the executive.

b. Counseling lecturers in the Department must report their duties periodically to the Head of the Department.

c. Faculty and Department Leaders must pay attention to the rights of officers and lecturers of Guidance and Counseling.

3.10.2.Academic Advisor (PA)

Academic Advisor (PA) is a lecturer who provides assistance in the form of academic advice to students, in accordance with their study program, to improve students' academic abilities, so that their studies are well-completed.

1. Task

Academic Advisors are tasked with:

a. Provide information about the use of supporting facilities and infrastructure for academic and non-academic activities;

b. Assist students in overcoming academic problems;

c. Assist students in developing good learning attitudes and habits (learning skills) so that learning independence grows for the success of their studies as an expert;


d. Providing recommendations about the level of student learning success for specific purposes;

e. Assist students in developing personality towards the realization of a fully Indonesian who are insightful, think, and behave according to the religious values, nationality, and customs, and various other positive norms;

g. Helping students develop scientific insights into lifelong learning; and

h. Give a warning about the academic evaluation of students whose GPs for 2 (two) consecutive semesters are less than 2 (two) and credits achieved less than 20 credits.

2. At the time of academic registration at the beginning of each semester, Academic Advisor lecturers are obliged to carry out their advisory duties with activities including:

a. Process the completion of the Study Plan Card (KRS) and be responsible for the correctness of its contents;

b. Determine the correctness of the number of credits students may take in the semester concerned with due regard to applicable regulations;

c. Research and approve semester studies planned by students in KRS; and

d. When determining the number of credits load, Academic Advisers must provide sufficient explanation of the provisions taken by students so that students can realize and accept these decisions with full attention and understanding.

3. In carrying out their duties, Academic Advisors pay attention to the learning outcomes of their students individually or in groups.

a. Academic Advisors can ask for help from other work units (including Guidance and Counseling) in the framework of counseling.

b. Advisory activities are coordinated by the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, while non- academic matters are coordinated by the Vice Dean of Student Affairs.

c. Every Academic Advisor must always pay attention to the Code of Ethics for Campus Life.

d. Advisory administration is regulated under the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB.

4. Others

a. Each academic advisor is obliged to report their duties periodically to the executives of the Faculty, Department, and Head of the Study Program.

b. Faculty, Department, and Study Program Heads must pay attention to the rights of Academic Advisors.




4.1. Rules

4.1.1. General Provisions

The big family of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in this rules is a ‘tri sivitas akademka’ of the faculty that consists of:

1. Lecturer, either permanent or not permanent;

2. Administrative Staff, namely technicians and general administrative staff, both Civil Servants and permanent non Civil Servants; and

3. Students, namely Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences students.

4.1.2. Rights and Obligations

The rights and obligations of academic and administrative staffs are regulated as stated in university guidelines.

The Rights of Student

1. Obtaining education and teaching according to the Study Program

2. Participating in student activities held and approved by the Faculty and the University.

3. Obtain and use every available facility according to the methods and conditions in force.

4. Conveying suggestions and opinions constructively according to applicable regulations by keeping in mind the norms of decency, politeness, and in line with the personality and philosophy of the Indonesian nation.

The Obligations of Student

1. Along with other academicians, they develop a life order as a scientific society that is cultured, have the moral of Pancasila, and has an Indonesian personality.

2. Strengthening and maintaining a sense of peer-hood among fellow of the Big Family of Universitas Brawijaya.

3. Assist and actively participate in the implementation of curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs.

4. Maintain integrity as a graduate candidate and be obedient and loyal to every applicable regulation in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Universitas Brawijaya.

5. Being knightly, polite, and full of responsibility towards fellow of the Big Family of Universitas Brawijaya and the wider community

4.1.3. Social Etiquettes and Responsibilities

1. Social etiquette in the Universitas Brawijaya environment is based on the principles of kinship and upholds harmony and balance following the Pancasila.

2. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB has the responsibility to maintain the good name of the alma mater and realize that university must truly be a scientific society that will develop continuously according to the development of science so that the teaching and learning process is a shared responsibility.


Violation of the Rules can be in the form of:

1. Behave that can undermine and bring down the good name of the alma mater / Big Family of Universitas Brawijaya.

2. Undermine the authority of University or Faculty officials in carrying out their duties and positions.

3. Abusing and exceeding the authority he/she has.

4. Acting arbitrarily and unjustly towards fellow human beings.

5. Leaking secret positions and or state secrets.

6. Doing illegal payments in any form in carrying out their duties for personal or group interests.

7. Fight and reject the duties of the authorities.

8. Obstructing, complicating the implementation of academic and non-academic activities that have been determined by the university/faculty.

9. Interfering the education administrative affairs and others without legal authority from the university/faculty.

10. Doing fouling/tampering, cheating, and falsifying legal documents.

11. Perform actions that are not in accordance with decency both in attitudes, words, writing, and pictures.

12. Misusing the name, symbol, and mark of Universitas Brawijaya.

13. Unlawfully using Universitas Brawijaya's rooms, buildings, and other facilities without permission.

14. Extort, gamble, carry, and abuse drugs on the campus.

15. Spread writings and ideologies that are prohibited by the government.

16. Pitting sheep and inciting academicians of Universitas Brawijaya.

17. And others that are prohibited by the applicable laws and regulations.


1. The big family of Universitas Brawijaya who commits violations can be subject to sanctions.

2. The form of sanctions can be in the form of:

a. Warning;

b. Compensation for losses due to damage caused and/or payment of fines;

c. Suspension;

d. Participating prohibition in academic activities in whole or in part in a certain period or forever; and

e. Revocation of rights or dismissal as a member of the Big Family of Universitas Brawijaya.

Committee of Rules Violation (PANTIB)

1. The big family of Universitas Brawijaya who commits violations will be processed by the Committee for Discipline Violation (PANTIB) formed by the Rector's Decree.

2. PANTIB membership consists of academic staff appointed by the Rector at the suggestion of the Dean of the Faculty, for a term of 2 (two) years.

3. PANTIB submits the results of the examination of rules violations to the Rector, and the final decision is in the hands of the Rector.


Additional Provisions

The big family of Universitas Brawijaya who commits violations is given the right to defend himself/herself before the Rector, both verbally and in writing before the Rector gives the final decision.

4.2. Student Code of Ethics 4.2.1. General Provisions

In this Regulation, what is meant by:

1. Student Code of Ethics of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and hereinafter abbreviated as Code of Ethics is a written guideline which is a standard of behavior for students of the Faculty in interacting with the academic community in the scope of learning, extracurricular activities, and other activities as well as interactions with the large community;

2. The university is Universitas Brawijaya Malang, abbreviated as UB, an institution that organizes educational, research, and community service activities;

3. Faculty is the UB Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as an academic implementing element in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences branch;

4. Norms are binding rules or regulations that are used as guidelines, arrangements, and controls that are appropriate and accepted;

5. Lecturers are teaching staff at universities specifically appointed with the main task of teaching;

6. Students are students, who are legally registered at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB including grantees, graft students, listening students, and foreign students;

7. An exam is a form of assessment of learning outcomes that can be held through the Midterm Exam, Final Exam, and final project exam;

8. The academic community is a unit consisting of lecturers, students, and educational staff in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB;

9. A lecture is a process that occurs in the planning and presentation of teaching and learning materials in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB as well as an evaluation of these processes along with the products and elements involved;

10. Extra-curricular activities are a set of activities outside the curriculum in order to improve students' abilities in academic and professionalism, which are based on noble character; and

11. Student ethics are values, moral principles that must be practiced in daily life by students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB based on the norms that live in society.

4.2.2. Purposes

1. The code of ethics is compiled to provide guidelines for all students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB to behave properly in carrying out activities within the Faculty and in the large community.

2. The purposes of the code of ethics are as a joint commitment of the students to realize the vision, mission, and goals of the Faculty; the formation of students who are pious, knowledgeable, and virtuous; creating an orderly educational process in a conducive


academic climate; and forming students who are disciplined, ethical, and obedient to legal norms and other norms that live in the community.

4.2.3. Benefits

The benefits of the code of ethics are:

1. Created a conducive academic climate that facilitates the achievement of the vision, mission, and goals of the Faculty;

2. Increasing the satisfaction of students, teaching staff, and other supporting staff and stakeholders of the faculty including families of the students; and

3. The availability of quality human resources who have the competence and noble character.

4.2.4. Standard of Behavior

Good standards of behavior reflect the height of morals and adherence to ethical norms that live in society, including:

1. Devoting to God Almighty according to the religion and beliefs held;

2. Appreciating science, technology, literature, and art;

3. Upholding national culture;

4. Maintaining the authority and good name of the faculty;

5. Actively participating in maintaining the facilities and infrastructure of the Faculty as well as maintaining cleanliness, order, and security of the campus;

6. Maintaining personal integrity as a citizen of the faculty;

7. Obey the rules and regulations that apply in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Universitas Brawijaya;

8. Polite and neat (do not wear sandals, T-shirts, and tight and open clothing);

9. Be friendly, maintain good manners towards others, and maintain relationships with the opposite sex under religious norms;

10. Do not smoke in any room except in the provided space;

11. Respect others regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and social status;

12. Obey the legal norms and other norms that live in the community;

13. Respect the opinions of others;

14. Take responsibility in his/her actions; and

15. Avoiding acts that are not useful and/or contrary to legal norms or other norms that live in the community.

Standard of behavior in a class and/or laboratory

1. Present on time, or before the lecturer enters the class or laboratory.

2. Dress neatly, cleanly, and politely in the sense of not deviating from the principles of propriety.

3. Respect other students by not doing actions that can interfere with lectures, for example using mobile phones or other electronic devices during lectures, sitting positions that can interfere with other students, and other activities that disturb the peace of other students.

4. Do not smoke in the class, laboratory, or other space that is inappropriate or prohibited.

5. Be polite in expressing opinions or refuting opinions.

6. Do not put out inappropriate words or hurt other people's feelings.

49 7. Be honest and do not sign the presence of other students who he knows are not

present in lectures.

8. Maintain inventory of classes or laboratories.

9. Not taking actions that can cause danger during the laboratory without the guidance of lecturers or laboratory staff.

10. Do not pollute the room and inventory of the faculty such as littering, scribbling tables, chairs, and walls of the room.

Student ethics in doing assignments and final project report:

1. Submit assignments/reports on time.

2. Honest in the sense of not doing plagiarism or using other students' assignments/reports.

3. Comply with scientific ethics in final project writing, for example, obeying the rules and procedures for writing, following guidance, and not plagiarizing other people's work (plagiarism).

4. Do not promise or provide a sum of money or other facilities to lecturers or other parties with the aim to influence the process of guidance of assignments/reports and final project.

Ethics in taking an exam

1. Comply exam rules set by the faculty.

2. Honest and in good faith, do not see books or other sources that are not justified, except for exams that expressly confirm such things.

3. Do not disturb other students, who are taking the exam.

4. Do not cross out faculty inventory such as desks, chairs, and walls to make it easier to answer questions.

5. Do not promise to give a certain amount of money or other facilities to lecturers or other parties to influence the exam process and results.

6. Believe in one's abilities, in the sense of not using the influence of others.

Ethics in the relationship between students and lecturers:

1. Respect all lecturers regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and not based on feelings of like or dislike.

2. Be polite to all lecturers in interactions both within and outside the faculty.

3. Maintain the good name of the lecturer and his/her family.

4. Do not disseminate information that is not good and not necessarily true about a lecturer to lecturers or other parties, except for violations of law and ethics that are required based on legal provisions and regulations within the faculty.

5. Polite in expressing opinions or expressing disagreement.

6. Be honest with lecturers in all aspects.

7. Do not promise or give a certain amount of money or other facilities to the lecturer or other parties to influence the lecturer's assessment.

8. Believe in one's abilities, in the sense of not using the influence of others to influence the assessment of lecturers.

9. Do not issue threats either directly or by using others against the lecturer.


10. Collaborate with lecturers in achieving learning goals, including preparing themselves before interacting with lecturers in the lecture room.

11. Maintain good manners when submitting objections to the attitude of the lecturer towards the leader accompanied by sufficient evidence.

12. Avoiding the attitude of hating lecturers or other dishonorable attitudes due to the grade given by the lecturer.

13. Avoid asking permission from the lecturer via Whatsapp (WA) or short message service (SMS), but must make an official permit.

14. Comply with the lecturer's orders and instructions as long as they are not contrary to legal norms and other norms that live in the community.

15. Be responsible for all his/her actions related to interactions with lecturers.

Ethics in relationship among students

1. Respect all students regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, social status, and not based on feelings of like and dislike.

2. Being friendly and polite towards all students both within and outside the faculty.

3. Team up with other students in learning.

4. Have strong solidarity and help one another for a good purpose and not conflict with legal norms or other norms that live in society.

5. Be fair to fellow students.

6. Avoid words that can hurt the feelings of other students.

7. Do not make threats or acts of violence against fellow students, both inside and outside the faculty.

8. Counseling one another for good purposes.

9. Likes to help other students who are less well off in lessons or economically disadvantaged.

10. Safeguarding the good name of the faculty and not taking any dishonorable actions that can damage the good image of the faculty.

11. Respect differences of opinion or views with other students.

12. Do not disturb the peace of other students who are following the learning process.

13. Not inviting or influencing other students to take dishonest actions that are contrary to legal norms and other norms that live in society.

Ethics in the relationship between students and administrative staff:

1. Respect all administrative staff regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, social status, and not based on feelings of like or dislike.

2. Be friendly and polite towards all administrative staff both within and outside the faculty.

3. Do not promise or give a sum of money or other facilities to administrative staff to get special treatment or to take actions that are contrary to the laws and regulations in the faculty.

4. Do not issue threats either directly or by using others against administrative staff.

5. Not inviting or influencing administrative staff to commit dishonest actions that are contrary to legal norms and other norms that live in society.

Ethics in the relationship between students and society:

1. Perform actions that elevate the good image of the faculty in the community.


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