• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Kebijakan Dividen

Dalam dokumen Annual Report 2012 (Halaman 49-54)


A. Operational Activities

3. Kebijakan Dividen

Realisasi pembayaran dividen selama 5 tahun terakhir adalah :



(% ) (RP. 1.000.000,-)



(RP. 1.000.000,-) (x 1.000.000,-)



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

303.712 61.153 107.123 128.449 353.432



Tidak ada pembagian dividen No dividend payment Tidak ada pembagian dividen

No dividend payment 14.441,9-


2.888,38 2.888,38 2.888,38 2.888,38 2.888,38

5.- - - 10.- - 3. Dividend Policy

Dividend payments in the last 5 years are as follows :

Belum ditentukan Unappropriated

achieved in the GMS, which also determines the time and manner in which dividends should be paid.

Net Profit in 2012 has not been appropriated as the Company has not held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 2012.

4. Risk Management

In carrying on its activities, the Company faces and bears business risks and financial risks such as:

a. Product Quality Risk

As a company engaged in food and beverage industry the Company faces the risk of quality problems that may arise due to raw material supply which does not reach the required standard quality or due to some disturbances during the production process.

The main raw materials used by the Company are prone to decompose and deteriorate, as such, supply of poor quality raw materials may cause interference to the quality of end-products.

Products produced by the Company may also be affected due to mechanical failure, or error in the production process may also cause a delay of in production process and/or quality of product.

To overcome these problems the Company always attempts to obtain high quality raw materials, among others, by consistently fostering good relationships with farmers, cooperatives, and other suppliers.

The Company also has several laboratories equipped with the latest sophisticated equipment, and which is directly supervised by experienced experts in the implementation of good quality control.

Product examination is carried out starting from the receipt of raw materials, processing in the plant, until storing in the warehouse. For the sake of consumer protection, products should undergo a sampling organoleptic test (taste test), inclusion of product expiration date and batch codes on labels which will allow quick and accurate product identification.

b. Business Competition Risk

In recent years, the number of companies engaged in food and beverage manufacturing is growing rapidly and aggressively.

This led to a hostile and fierce competition that could result in decreased market share and profits of the Company.

However, as a market-oriented company that has over 30 years of experience, supported by a strong marketing team and extensive distribution network covering the entire territory of Indonesia, the Company has a strong competitive edge. As such, competition from other companies will not have material impacts on the Company's activities. Currently the Company still holds the largest market share of UHT beverage products, packaged in aseptic cartons and controls more than 55%

market share.

c. Technology Development Risk

Currently, the Company uses the most recent machineries and equipment that are operated with the latest aseptic processing and packaging technology. Our warehouse is equipped with an Automatic Storage & Retrieval System (AS/RS) which is fully computer operated. However, the development of technology in food and packaging is rapidly advancing and if the Company does not continually keep up with its progress, the technology used by the Company today, will soon be outdated, and by the end of the day this may weaken its competitiveness.

Therefore, each and every technology development to improve production technique is of prime concern to the Company. For that purpose, the Company is constantly making endeavors to choose and use the most modern technology, which is fully automated and effective with competitive cost.

d. Financial Risk:

i. Foreign Currency Rate Fluctuation Risk

The risk of loss due to fluctuation in foreign currency rate arises from purchase, sales, and loan transactions conducted in foreign currencies.

The Company conducts its transactions in various foreign currencies, as such, the Company faces loss due to the risk of foreign currency fluctuations.

To mitigate this risk, the Company contantly monitors the fluctuations in foreign currency rates against rupiah, and take necessary measures in case such fluctuation will inflict losses. In addition, in order to overcome losses that might arise due to bank loan/debt, the Company attempts to take bank loans in rupiah currency.

ii. Risk of Losses due to Change in Loan Interest Rate For cash flow requirement as well as for business

expansion, the Company takes loans from banks and other loans with interest. Therefore, the Company bears the risk of loss due to a change of loan interest rate.

Untuk mengelola risiko kerugian karena perubahan tingkat suku bunga pinjaman ini Perseroan berusaha untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dengan tingkat suku bunga yang paling rendah.

iii. Risiko Kredit dan Likuiditas

Aset yang mengakibatkan Perseroan berpotensi untuk menanggung risiko kredit adalah Kas & Setara Kas, Piutang Usaha, dan Piutang Lain-lain. Upaya Perseroan untuk mengelola dan meminimalisir risiko tersebut adalah dengan menentukan kebijakan dan prosedur kredit yang baik dan melakukan pengawasan untuk memastikan evaluasi kredit berjalan sesuai ketentuan.

Saldo Kas & Setara Kas dipantau secara aktif dan diatur sehingga cukup dapat menunjang aktifitas usaha secara tepat waktu. Penggunaan dana pinjaman diawasi secara ketat agar supaya efektif, efisien, dan tepat guna.

Perseroan juga mengatur keseimbangan dan kesinambungan kolektibilitas Piutang.


a. PT Sanghiang Perkasa

Sejak tahun 2000 Perseroan telah melakukan Perjanjian Kerjasama Produksi (Tol Packing) dengan PT Sanghiang Perkasa untuk memproduksi produk-produk Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd.

b. PT Bina San Prima

Pada tahun 2002 Perseroan telah mengadakan perjanjian kerjasama dengan PT Bina San Prima dan menunjuk PT Bina San Prima untuk bertindak sebagai distributor eksklusif produk Perseroan di sektor pasar tradisional, warung, toko, dan institusi di seluruh Indonesia.

c. PT Unilever Indonesia

Perseroan juga mengadakan Perjanjian Produksi (Manufacturing Agreement) dengan PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. untuk memproduksi minuman UHT dengan merk dagang Buavita dan Go-Go.

6.Peristiwa Setelah Tanggal Laporan Akuntan

Tidak ada kejadian penting setelah tanggal laporan akuntan.

To manage the risk of losses due to changes in loan interest rates the Company attempts to obtain loans with the lowest interest rate.

iii. Credit and Liquidity Risks

Assets that may potentially cause the Company bear the credit risk are: Cash & Cash Equivalents, Accounts Receivable and Other Receivables. The Company's efforts to manage and minimize these risks are to determine sound credit policies and procedures, and tight oversight to ensure appropriate credit evaluation runs in accordance with the prevailing provisions. Balance of Cash & Cash Equivalent is actively monitored and managed as such as to allow appropriate support to business activities in a timely manner. The use of loan funds is closely monitored in order to be effective and efficient. The Company also manages the balance and sustainability of receivables collectibility.


a. PT Sanghiang Perkasa

Since the year 2000 the Company has entered into a Production Cooperation Agreement (toll packing) with PT Sanghiang Perkasa to manufacture products of Morinaga Milk Industry Co.


b. PT Bina San Prima

In 2002 the Company entered into an agreement with PT Bina San Prima and assigned PT Bina San Prima to serve as an exclusive distributor of the Company’s products for the traditional market sector, kiosks, shops and institutions all over Indonesia.

c. PT Unilever Indonesia

The Company has entered into a Manufacturing Agreement with PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. to manufacture UHT drinks with trademarks of Buavita and Go-Go.

6.Subsequent Events After The Date of The Auditor’s Report There is no important subsequent event after the date of auditor’s report.

PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk Laporan Tahunan / Annual Report 2012


Di dalam pasal 22 Anggaran Dasar Perseroan antara lain disebutkan bahwa :

1. Laba Bersih Perseroan dalam suatu tahunbuku seperti tercantum dalam neraca dan perhitungan laba rugi yang telah disahkan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Tahunan dan merupakan saldo laba yang positif, dibagi menurut cara penggunaan yang ditentukan dalam RUPS tersebut

2. Dividen-dividen ini hanya dibayarkan sesuai dengan kemampuan keuangan Perseroan berdasarkan

Article 22 of Articles of Association states that:

1.Net Profit earned in a fiscal year as shown in the Financial Report which is approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), and is a positive retained earnings, will be distributed for uses as determined by GMS.

2.Dividends are payable only in accordance with the Company's financial capability based on resolutions

keputusan yang diambil dalam RUPS, dan di dalam keputusan tersebut ditentukan juga mengenai waktu dan tata cara pembayaran dividen.

Laba Bersih tahunbuku 2012 belum ditentukan penggunaannya oleh karena Perseroan belum mengadakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan tahunbuku 2012.

4. Manajemen Risiko

Dalam menjalankan kegiatannya Perseroan menghadapi dan menanggung risiko-risiko usaha dan risiko keuangan yang antara lain berupa :

a.Risiko Mutu Produk

Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri makanan dan minuman Perseroan menghadapi risiko gangguan mutu yang dapat terjadi karena penyediaan bahan baku yang kurang baik atau karena gangguan pada waktu proses produksi.

Bahan baku utama yang digunakan Perseroan merupakan bahan baku yang mudah rusak sehingga gangguan karena penyediaan bahan baku yang kurang baik dapat mengakibatkan gangguan terhadap mutu produk yang dihasilkan.

Produk-produk yang dihasilkan Perseroan juga bisa terganggu karena adanya kerusakan mesin atau kesalahan dalam proses produksi sehingga dapat mengakibatkan terhambatnya kelancaran proses produksi dan/atau gangguan mutu produk yang dihasilkan.

Untuk menanggulangi masalah ini Perseroan berusaha untuk selalu mendapatkan bahan baku yang berkualitas, antara lain dengan cara senantiasa membina hubungan yang baik dengan para peternak, koperasi-koperasi, dan para pemasok lainnya.

Perseroan juga memiliki beberapa laboratorium yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan mutakhir yang canggih, dan secara langsung diawasi oleh para sarjana yang berpengalaman dalam penerapan pengendalian mutu yang baik.

Pengujian produk dilakukan mulai dari saat penerimaan bahan baku, pengolahan di pabrik, sampai penyimpanan hasil jadi di gudang. Untuk pelindungan terhadap konsumen, maka terhadap produk yang akan dipasarkan dilakukan sampling organoleptic test (uji rasa), pencantuman tanggal kedaluwarsa produk, dan mencantumkan batch code agar dapat mengidentifikasi secara cepat dan tepat produk-produk yang dipasarkan.

b. Risiko Persaingan Usaha

Beberapa tahun terakhir, jumlah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang industri makanan dan minuman tumbuh dengan pesat dan agresif. Hal ini menyebabkan tingkat persaingan usaha yang semakin ketat yang dapat mengakibatkan menurunnya pangsa pasar dan keuntungan Perseroan.

Namun, sebagai perusahaan yang berorientasi pasar dan mempunyai pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun yang ditunjang oleh tim pemasaran yang tangguh dan jaringan distribusi yang mencakup seluruh wilayah Indonesia, telah menjadikan Perseroan memiliki daya saing yang kuat sehingga persaingan dari perusahaan lain tidak terlalu mempengaruhi kegiatan Perseroan secara material. Pada saat ini Perseroan masih memegang pangsa pasar produk minuman UHT yang dikemas dalam kemasan karton aseptik dengan menguasai lebih dari 55% market share.

c. Risiko Perkembangan Teknologi

Pada saat ini Perseroan menggunakan mesin-mesin dan peralatan yang dioperasikan dengan teknologi aceptic processing dan packaging yang tergolong sangat mutakhir.

Sedangkan Gudang Penyimpanan dioperasikan dengan teknologi Automatic Storage & Retrieval System (AS/RS) yang sepenuhnya dioperasikan dengan komputer yang juga tergolong cukup mutakhir. Namun demikian, perkembangan teknologi di sektor pangan dan kemasan pada saat ini melaju dengan sangat pesat yang apabila tidak senantiasa diikuti maka teknologi yang kini digunakan Perseroan menjadi ketinggalan dan dapat melemahkan daya saing Perseroan.

Oleh karena itu, setiap perkembangan teknologi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan teknik produksi selalu menjadi perhatian Perseroan. Untuk maksud tersebut Perseroan berusaha untuk memilih dan mengarahkan penggunaan teknologi yang lebih modern, automasi, dan tepat guna, dengan biaya yang kompetitif.

d. Risiko Keuangan :

i. Risiko Perubahan Nilai Tukar Mata Uang Asing Risiko kerugian karena perubahan nilai tukar mata uang

asing itu timbul dari transaksi pembelian, penjualan, dan pinjaman yang dilakukan dalam mata uang asing.

Dalam kegiatan operasionalnya Perseroan melakukan transaksi dengan menggunakan berbagai mata uang asing sehingga oleh karenanya Perseroan menanggung risiko kerugian karena selisih nilai mata uang asing tersebut.

Untuk mengurangi risiko ini Perseroan selalu memantau fluktuasi perubahan kurs mata uang asing ini terhadap rupiah, dan melakukan tindakan yang diperlukan seandainya terjadi fluktuasi yang akan merugikan. Selain itu, untuk menanggulangi kerugian yang mungkin timbul sehubungan dengan pinjaman/utang bank maka Perseroan berusaha untuk melakukan pinjaman bank dengan menggunakan dasar mata uang rupiah.

ii. Risiko Perubahan Tingkat Bunga Pinjaman

Untuk keperluan cash-flow dan juga perluasan usaha, Perseroan mempunyai hutang kepada bank dan pinjaman lainnya yang dikenakan bunga (interest). Oleh karena itu, Perseroan menanggung risiko perubahan tingkat suku bunga pinjaman.

achieved in the GMS, which also determines the time and manner in which dividends should be paid.

Net Profit in 2012 has not been appropriated as the Company has not held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 2012.

4. Risk Management

In carrying on its activities, the Company faces and bears business risks and financial risks such as:

a. Product Quality Risk

As a company engaged in food and beverage industry the Company faces the risk of quality problems that may arise due to raw material supply which does not reach the required standard quality or due to some disturbances during the production process.

The main raw materials used by the Company are prone to decompose and deteriorate, as such, supply of poor quality raw materials may cause interference to the quality of end-products.

Products produced by the Company may also be affected due to mechanical failure, or error in the production process may also cause a delay of in production process and/or quality of product.

To overcome these problems the Company always attempts to obtain high quality raw materials, among others, by consistently fostering good relationships with farmers, cooperatives, and other suppliers.

The Company also has several laboratories equipped with the latest sophisticated equipment, and which is directly supervised by experienced experts in the implementation of good quality control.

Product examination is carried out starting from the receipt of raw materials, processing in the plant, until storing in the warehouse. For the sake of consumer protection, products should undergo a sampling organoleptic test (taste test), inclusion of product expiration date and batch codes on labels which will allow quick and accurate product identification.

b. Business Competition Risk

In recent years, the number of companies engaged in food and beverage manufacturing is growing rapidly and aggressively.

This led to a hostile and fierce competition that could result in decreased market share and profits of the Company.

However, as a market-oriented company that has over 30 years of experience, supported by a strong marketing team and extensive distribution network covering the entire territory of Indonesia, the Company has a strong competitive edge. As such, competition from other companies will not have material impacts on the Company's activities. Currently the Company still holds the largest market share of UHT beverage products, packaged in aseptic cartons and controls more than 55% market share.

c. Technology Development Risk

Currently, the Company uses the most recent machineries and equipment that are operated with the latest aseptic processing and packaging technology. Our warehouse is equipped with an Automatic Storage & Retrieval System (AS/RS) which is fully computer operated. However, the development of technology in food and packaging is rapidly advancing and if the Company does not continually keep up with its progress, the technology used by the Company today, will soon be outdated, and by the end of the day this may weaken its competitiveness.

Therefore, each and every technology development to improve production technique is of prime concern to the Company. For that purpose, the Company is constantly making endeavors to choose and use the most modern technology, which is fully automated and effective with competitive cost.

d. Financial Risk:

i. Foreign Currency Rate Fluctuation Risk

The risk of loss due to fluctuation in foreign currency rate arises from purchase, sales, and loan transactions conducted in foreign currencies.

The Company conducts its transactions in various foreign currencies, as such, the Company faces loss due to the risk of foreign currency fluctuations.

To mitigate this risk, the Company contantly monitors the fluctuations in foreign currency rates against rupiah, and take necessary measures in case such fluctuation will inflict losses. In addition, in order to overcome losses that might arise due to bank loan/debt, the Company attempts to take bank loans in rupiah currency.

ii. Risk of Losses due to Change in Loan Interest Rate For cash flow requirement as well as for business

expansion, the Company takes loans from banks and other loans with interest. Therefore, the Company bears the risk of loss due to a change of loan interest rate.

Untuk mengelola risiko kerugian karena perubahan tingkat suku bunga pinjaman ini Perseroan berusaha untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dengan tingkat suku bunga yang paling rendah.

iii. Risiko Kredit dan Likuiditas

Aset yang mengakibatkan Perseroan berpotensi untuk menanggung risiko kredit adalah Kas & Setara Kas, Piutang Usaha, dan Piutang Lain-lain. Upaya Perseroan untuk mengelola dan meminimalisir risiko tersebut adalah dengan menentukan kebijakan dan prosedur kredit yang baik dan melakukan pengawasan untuk memastikan evaluasi kredit berjalan sesuai ketentuan.

Saldo Kas & Setara Kas dipantau secara aktif dan diatur sehingga cukup dapat menunjang aktifitas usaha secara tepat waktu. Penggunaan dana pinjaman diawasi secara ketat agar supaya efektif, efisien, dan tepat guna.

Perseroan juga mengatur keseimbangan dan kesinambungan kolektibilitas Piutang.


a. PT Sanghiang Perkasa

Sejak tahun 2000 Perseroan telah melakukan Perjanjian Kerjasama Produksi (Tol Packing) dengan PT Sanghiang Perkasa untuk memproduksi produk-produk Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Ltd.

b. PT Bina San Prima

Pada tahun 2002 Perseroan telah mengadakan perjanjian kerjasama dengan PT Bina San Prima dan menunjuk PT Bina San Prima untuk bertindak sebagai distributor eksklusif produk Perseroan di sektor pasar tradisional, warung, toko, dan institusi di seluruh Indonesia.

c. PT Unilever Indonesia

Perseroan juga mengadakan Perjanjian Produksi (Manufacturing Agreement) dengan PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. untuk memproduksi minuman UHT dengan merk dagang Buavita dan Go-Go.

6.Peristiwa Setelah Tanggal Laporan Akuntan

Tidak ada kejadian penting setelah tanggal laporan akuntan.

To manage the risk of losses due to changes in loan interest rates the Company attempts to obtain loans with the lowest interest rate.

iii. Credit and Liquidity Risks

Assets that may potentially cause the Company bear the credit risk are: Cash & Cash Equivalents, Accounts Receivable and Other Receivables. The Company's efforts to manage and minimize these risks are to determine sound credit policies and procedures, and tight oversight to ensure appropriate credit evaluation runs in accordance with the prevailing provisions. Balance of Cash & Cash Equivalent is actively monitored and managed as such as to allow appropriate support to business activities in a timely manner. The use of loan funds is closely monitored in order to be effective and efficient. The Company also manages the balance and sustainability of receivables collectibility.


a. PT Sanghiang Perkasa

Since the year 2000 the Company has entered into a Production Cooperation Agreement (toll packing) with PT Sanghiang Perkasa to manufacture products of Morinaga Milk Industry Co.


b. PT Bina San Prima

In 2002 the Company entered into an agreement with PT Bina San Prima and assigned PT Bina San Prima to serve as an exclusive distributor of the Company’s products for the traditional market sector, kiosks, shops and institutions all over Indonesia.

c. PT Unilever Indonesia

The Company has entered into a Manufacturing Agreement with PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. to manufacture UHT drinks with trademarks of Buavita and Go-Go.

6.Subsequent Events After The Date of The Auditor’s Report There is no important subsequent event after the date of auditor’s report.

Dalam dokumen Annual Report 2012 (Halaman 49-54)