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Memorize the Text*: Commit a text to memory and repeat it to yourself throughout the day


23) Memorize the Text*: Commit a text to memory and repeat it to yourself throughout the day

*Methods marked with an asterisk were specifically adapted from Don Whitney’s Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life.

Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Rev. ed. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2014


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________. A Little Book on the Christian Life. Edited by Aaron C. Denlinger and Burk Parsons. Orlando: Reformation Trust, 2017.

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Fulks, Jeffery, and John Farquhar Plake. State of the Bible 2020. Ventura, CA: Barna, 2020.

George, Roji Thomas. Philippians. Asia Bible Commentary. Carlisle, UK: Langham Creative Projects, 2019.

Goldingay, John. Psalms 1-41. Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2006.

________. Psalms 90-150. Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms.

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Gouge, Thomas. Christian Directions: Showing How to Walk with God All the Day Long.

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Hall, Joseph. The Art of Divine Meditation. United Kingdom: H.K., 1607.

Hall, Joseph. The Works of the Joseph Hall. Vol. 6. Oxford: University Press, 1863.

Hamlin, E. John. Inheriting the Land: A Commentary on the Book of Joshua. Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans, 1983.

Hansen, G. Walter. The Letter to the Philippians. The Pillar New Testament Commentary.

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Harris, R. Laird, Gleason L. Archer, and Bruce K. Waltke. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. Chicago: Moody, 1980.

Hess, Richard S. Joshua. Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, vol. 6. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2015.

Howard, David M. Joshua. The New American Commentary, vol. 5. Nashville:

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Jerome, Saint. The Homilies of Saint Jerome. Vol. 1, The Fathers of the Church. Translated by Marie Liguori Ewald. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2010.

Kidner, Derek. Psalms 1-72. Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, vol. 1. Nottingham, England: InterVarsity, 2014.

________. Psalms 73-150. Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, vol. 2. Nottingham, England: InterVarsity, 2014.

Köstenberger, Andreas J., Robert W. Yarbrough, and Joseph H. Hellerman. Philippians.

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Lineman, Jeremy. “Three Steps for Meditating on Scripture in Small Groups.” The Gospel Coalition, September 28, 2015. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/3- steps-for-meditating-on-scripture-in-small-groups/.

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________. A Manual of the Book of Psalms, Or, The Subject-Contents of All the Psalms. London: R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside, 1837.

Manton, Thomas. The Complete Works of Thomas Manton, D.D.: With a Memoir of the Author. Vol. 17, Sermons Upon Genesis 24:53. London: James Nisbet, 1874.

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Melick, Richard R. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. The New American Commentary, vol. 32. Nashville: Broadman, 1991.

Mueller, George. The Autobiography of George Mueller. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 1984.

O’Brien, Peter T. The Epistle to the Philippians. The New International Greek Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Authentic Media, 1991.

Osborne, Grant R. Philippians Verse by Verse. Osborne New Testament Commentaries.

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Pink, Arthur W. Gleanings in Joshua. Chicago: Moody, 1964.

Piper, John. Reading the Bible Supernaturally: Seeing and Savoring the Glory of God in Scripture. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2017.

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Ross, Allen. A Commentary on the Psalms: 90-150. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2015.

Saxton, David W. God’s Battle Plan for the Mind: The Puritan Practice of Biblical Meditation. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage, 2015.

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Scougal, Henry. The Life of God in the Soul of Man. London: Nichols and Noyes, 1868.

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Toon, Peter. From Mind to Heart: Christian Meditation Today. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1987.

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Whitney, Donald S. Praying the Bible. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2015.

Whitney, Donald S. Simplify Your Spiritual Life: Spiritual Disciplines for the Overwhelmed. Colorado Springs: Navigators, 2014.

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DOUGLAS, GEORGIA Jonathan Randall McDuffie, DMin

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2022 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. John D. Morrison

This ministry project was designed to equip college students at First Baptist Church in Scripture meditation. The purpose of the project was to increase students’

understanding and practice of Scripture meditation. Chapter 1 explains the context, rationale, purpose, goals, and methodology of the project. Chapter 2 describes the biblical practice of meditation based on the exegesis of Psalm 1:1-3, Joshua 1:8, Philippians 4:8- 9, and Psalm 119:15, 23, 27, 48, 79, 97, 99. Chapter 3 reviews the history of Scripture meditation in the church along with the spiritual benefits it produces, comparing and contrasting Scripture meditation with other forms of meditation in church history.

Chapter 4 details the implementation of the project from creation through analysis of statistical results of the project. Chapter 5 presents an assessment of the purpose, goals, strengths, and weaknesses of the project, and concludes with suggested changes, theological and personal reflections.

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