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Edward Brown

Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)


This paper addresses a common instructional problem in college-level computer courses: that students complete assignments without engaging the instructional content relating to problem-solving. Solutions on the Internet provide a close match when an exact solution cannot be found; thus avoiding the struggle to engage new problem-solving skills and develop new learning strategies. Even general meta-cognitive and self-regulated learning strategies such as canvassed by Falkner et al (2014) depend on domain-specific knowledge (Winne, 1995). It is suggested that the narrow definition of problem-solving in the computer programming discipline obscures the kind of problem-solving implicit in such strategies.

After contrasting notions of problem-solving inside and outside of the field of computing, a pedagogical approach to improve student learning behavior is offered. Emphasis is shifted away from the text of computer code solutions, towards student description and assessment of computer code solutions.

Students provide their descriptions in a combination of natural language and Unified Modeling Language.

Thus, the separation between design and implementation identified by Falkner et al (2014) is addressed, and the Internet no longer serves as a compendium of pre-packaged solutions. Informal observations regarding a one semester application of this approach conclude the paper.

Keywords: Problem-solving, Programming, Pedagogy, Computer Science.

1. The Internet Strategy

Students have been practicing Internet skills for most of their lives; whereas learning a new problem-solving strategy and trying to apply it to assigned school work may be an inherently bad approach from the student's point of view: difficult, time-consuming and prone to failure. Searching the Internet for a completed answer that is a close enough fit to the problem is quicker, more efficient and likely to be more successful. Circumventing new intended or incidental learning may not be terribly relevant if the student's personal objective is effective and efficient performance rather than learning.

Domain-specific knowledge is prerequisite to applying self-regulated learning strategies.

(Winne, 1995). Veenman et al, (1997) note that novices are “restricted by a poor working method which stems from a lack of domain-specific knowledge” (p.188) and they resort to a cycle of ‘impasses and local repairs’ without specific strategies to tackle conceptually difficult problems. They tend to delay problem solving until absolutely necessary, resulting in a need to rely on a general mega-strategy that can solve their entire problem in one operation. Given this tendency, it is not surprising that students would retreat to using the Internet as a compendium of solutions in preference to decomposing and analyzing an unfamiliar programming problem.

In computer programming, the quality of software submitted is the measure of competence. We might tell our students not to use the Internet, or encourage them to seek out solutions independently, but it is unclear exactly what these instructions are intended to limit. It seems reasonable for students to seek alternative explanations of course topics, or review elements of a problems already discussed. Indeed, in industrial or working environments, on-line communities provide solutions and colleague helpers.

Programmers would be expected to use these resources. (Treude, 2011)

There are advocates of unconstrained access to the Internet. Professor Sugata Mitra, (Mitra, 2015) for example, has popularized the concept of minimally invasive education. This includes encouraging students to develop their own learning strategies in an environment enriched with materials (particularly Internet access) and with minimal instruction.

The debate around Internet use is partially a question of evaluation. If performance is about a good problem solution, then access to the Internet should be a non-issue; only the quality of the student solution is relevant. If the solution or answer is used to assess the student's independent competence or comprehension, then allowing the student to tap a community of knowledge is problematic. However

unique the assigned problem, the global community can eventually satisfactorily mimic individual learning. This is poignant in Computer Science, which relies on canonical problems that are easily encompassed with solutions on the Internet.

2. An example from canon

An early problem in computing curricula is sorting; it is part of the implicit canon of knowledge in Computer Science, and introduces both programming and algorithm design, two problem-solving contexts within the discipline. A typical statement of the sorting problem is: “Write a program which takes an arbitrary sequence of integers as input, and outputs the same integers in ascending sequence”.

Explanations, solutions and program code for solving this problem are replete on the Internet, easily producing a computer program without studying or understanding the problem. (While this is in principle true regarding textbook sources, searching tools make the Internet a more attractive option.)

As a problem in algorithm design, solution strategies for sorting should be compared and contrasted. However, even less popular solution strategies (such as the ShellSort algorithm, cf. Sun Microsystems, 2008) have exhaustive source material and solutions on-line.

A “canon” or “core” of well known problems and solutions (such as the sorting problem) comprises essential knowledge implicit in the discipline of Computer Science, representing a set of known solution strategies for the well-informed programmer to draw upon. But this does not address the problem-solving skill of composing programs, something considered outside the discipline.

3. Kinds of problem-solving

What is missing is a focus on the student's problem-solving competence. This paper suggests this is at least partly due to the characterization of problems and solutions in computer science, which creates ambiguity around the term problem-solving.

In the previous example, the problem was sorting, and the solution was embodied in a program.

This is typical of the definition of a problem in computing: a problem is defined as a specific algorithm or program to transform of a sequence of symbols (input) to another sequence of symbols (output). The symbols are interpreted to mean something – a series of number, facts, or other abstract concepts - or they are wired up to transducers or sensors to interact with the “real” environment. In either case, the solution is the program.

But a program is not just a single solution; it can transform any valid input sequence. In other words, it embodies a solution-strategy for a problem, such as the sorting problem. Furthermore, a program as a solution artifact is self-describing: as a set of program instructions, it can be read and understood by a computer, but also can be read and understood by humans. This makes it difficult to distinguish the artifact (code or algorithm) from the act, process or skill of creating the artifact. To an evaluator or grader a program needs to solve more than a specific sorting sequence (what computer scientists call a problem instance), but correctly solve all such sorting sequences. Therefore, we infer the student has applied and internalized a problem-solving strategy: otherwise, the student could not have produced the program.

This inference obscures a crucial fact: the problem-solving needed to create a program/software is distinct from the program-solving expressed by the program/software. Although there are attempts to relate the two (cf. Robillard, 1999), this author considers such attempts conflated. An analogy can be made between a computer program and a mathematical formula. We can learn to apply a known formula (what a program does); but creating a new formula (what a programmer does) is a different kind of task.

When Lichtinger and Kaplan (2011) claim self-regulated learning strategies are domain specific, they are not referring to the strategies computer programs use to transform input into output (which are also domain-specific).

An important distinction between the mechanical operation of a program and the creativity of a programmer is that successful student programmers develop their own individualized and idiosyncratic application of problem-solving and learning strategies (Caruso, 2011). In addition to domain specific skills, Bergin et al (2005) provide evidence of connection between general meta-cognitive strategies and computer programming performance. Falkner et al (2014) adduce self-regulatory skills computing students need to learn computer programming, such as planning, time management, identifying sub-goals, problem decomposition, task difficulty assessment, knowledge building, as well as meta-strategies such as strategy assessment. They also cite the ability to separate program design from program coding activities as a computer programming skill.

4. Instructional approach

One approach to improving meta-cognitive learning skills, self-regulatory skills and development of problem-solving strategies would provide curricula and direct instruction for those objectives. Allwood (1986) suggests scaffolding techniques to help students to explore new solution strategies instead of relying on familiar but inappropriate knowledge. The approach described in this work is less ambitious; partly because no position is adopted on the appropriate learning theory, which also means relevant techniques and evaluation metrics are not determined; and partly because the author had no mandate to alter course curricula. This approach attempts to motivate behavioral changes and the utility of web-searching as a solution strategy by adjusting assignment criteria and grade rewards.

This approach has two elements: (1) performance evaluation is shifted away from software artifacts and towards explanation and description of those artifacts and (2) students are required to express solutions in a form different than they can readily find on the web. This intentionally separates the creation or design of a solution from its expression as program code. The following or a similar address to students is repeated during the course: “Unlike other programming courses you may have done, I don't care how you get the code you use, as long as you have permission and you attribute it appropriately in compliance with copyright and other legal requirements. While you might benefit more from composing your own, you can get code from friends, off the Internet or even purchase it. The quality of the code you submit is important, but your evaluation will be based on the understanding and explanation of the code provided in your submission. I will be calling this aspect of submission the code design.”

In itself the emphasis on design or an abstract description of program code is not innovative.

High level description of software design is essential in advanced computer subjects such as software architecture. The innovation is reducing emphasis on the code submission as evidence of programming skill, and emphasizing the design description, even in more introductory courses where it is not usual. As pedagogy, this draws on recent published observations that studying (or “reading” code) produces many of the learning outcomes previously thought to require hands-on composition of code. (e.g. Corney et al, 2011)

Under this approach, students are required to describe their programs in three forms: natural language (English), diagrammatically in Unified Modeling Language (UML), and using program code.

Requiring this description serves two purposes: first, the students cannot rely exclusively on material gleaned from web-solutions, since these descriptions are not available on line; they have to be created.

Second, the act of translating or articulating the key ideas of the code solution in a different form impels the students study and understand those key ideas.

Figure 1. A UML diagram of a code solution that was critiqued with students. Diagram illustrates one particular design concept used in the coded solution. Students use similar diagrams in their own submissions.

Natural language and UML descriptions of software are again not original in themselves:

students would eventually be instructed in their use at some point in any academic degree stream for computer programming. The difference is to treat these tools as a way to establish student comprehension of the academic material, rather than as part of the material themselves.

Work in concept mapping (Gowin and Novak, 1984) supports the belief that students are forced to engage and reify new knowledge when they have to express textual material in a different (diagrammatic) form. This has been applied for diagnosing student misconceptions (Sanders 2008) and for teaching programming concepts using UML (Ferguson, 2003; Tabrizi, 2004).

Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the distinction between program code and UML. The more abstract diagrammatic portrayal of code structure is more compact and concise, and requires the author to

selectively portray certain aspects of the code. Deep understanding of the coded solution is required to select the parts that are important and diagram how they interact with one another. UML does not effectively convey all the nuanced details or abstractions that may contribute to a solution, and for these the students are encouraged to use natural language and program code; but even in this latter case, the choice of what form of description to adopt requires insightful analysis of the coded solution.

Figure 2. Part of the code solution represented in figure 1 .

5. Discussion

The described approach was piloted in a third year course titled “COMP3718: Programming in the Small” at Memorial University, Canada during the first semester January-April of 2015. Empirical data was not specifically collected, but some general subjective observations are offered.

In comparison with previous offerings, there is no direct evidence of improved performance, learning or student satisfaction with the course or instruction: student marks and satisfaction measured on feedback forms are comparable to previous offerings. Instead, the chief observation is that many students had difficulty adjusting to the shift in evaluation criteria. At mid-term, (after half the assignments were completed), some students' comments on their assignment evaluations still showed no adjustment in orientation. A paraphrase of one comment is “My code works perfectly, so I don't understand how I can have a fail on the assignment”. Similarly, a student who lost marks for inadequate explanation wrote

“How do you know I didn't do that?” The point that the scheduled marks were for explanation of the code had not been grasped.

These students are still expecting grading based on the quality of their programming code, despite published marking schemes and repeated explanations during lecture periods. In personal communication reviewing this issue with students, many agreed with the suggestion that their expectations were driven by experience in prior courses. An alternative suggestion, that students feel personal satisfaction and motivation regarding programming code and not from additional descriptions, was not generally accepted by those interviewed. A further unprompted comment from several students was that the course was challenging in ways they did not anticipate, and in particular that they had difficulty “finding examples on the Internet”.

This latter comment gives some hope that the approach is achieving its material purpose of removing the Internet as a compendium of solutions. The former comments and performance outcomes indicate that additional effort may be needed to shift student expectations regarding evaluation. The following modifications are planned for future instruction: (1) some assignments which involve NO coding, only description of existing code, will be used to prime student expectations (2) specific introduction to evaluation schemes (3) an example of a completed and graded assignment will be provided early in the semester (4) lecture time modeling the practices of describing and evaluating code



* This adapter sticks to any component and captures mouse click events.

* This should be the last one tried.

* @author brown *


class ComponentAdapter implements ListenerAutoAdapter { MouseAdapter adapterToDelegateListener;

public ComponentAdapter() {

adapterToDelegateListener = new MouseAdapter() {


public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {


} };



public boolean delegate(Component j){


return true;



public boolean undelegate(Component j){


return true;

} }

will be increased and further integrated into the programming elements of the curriculum. This could now move past a pilot stage, so empirical data collection should be warranted.

As an alternative to directly instructing students in learning strategies, the approach has yet to show success. Its chief advantage in terms of adoption is that it places fewer demands on the curriculum or the instructor, as it requires no adoption of particular theories of learning or instruction in problem- solving or self-regulation. It may be inherently less effective than direct instruction because it provides no specific guidance to the student regarding problem-solving strategies.

If generalization of this approach to subject matter other than computing is warranted, a difficulty is analogizing the act of describing code to some activity in another discipline. The author tentatively suggests that student self-critique and self-evaluation of solutions may provide similar constructs, and the general literature on student self-regulated learning (cf. Lichtinger et al, 2011) could be interpreted as supporting this view.


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Sun Microsystems Inc. (2008). Shell Sort Implementation in Java, Retrieved May 4, 2015 from http://www.java-tips.org/java-se-tips/java.lang/shell-sort-implementation-in-java.html

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Waikiki: Honolulu.

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