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Do you recommend any books, periodicals, or bible studies regarding any of the questions above?

Dalam dokumen Copyright © 2021 Christopher Shawn Cate (Halaman 190-200)

R1 The Equipping Church by Sue Mallory is a good resource.

R2 The best resource I can think of is Romans Ch 5 and the 5 chapters of I Thessalonians!

Thank you Chris for allowing me to answer and hopefully be a small part of your D.Min success! God bless!

R3 Thom Rainer's book "I am a Church Member" is a useful resource. Also, an online form called ChurchAnswers is excellent. https://churchanswers.com/community/

R4 Experiencing God, Jesus on Leadership, Radical by David Platt

R5 Acts - Philip and the eunuch immediately comes to mind related to biblical literacy, evangelism and mentorship. Sticky Teams. Good to Great related to right people on the right bus and seat. Mission Drift by Peter Greer related to adherence to mission

(statement of faith).

R6 No response.

R7 No response.

R8 I love leadership books. 7 Habits... Stephen Covey. Transforming Leadership by Leighton Ford. John Maxwell books. Many books on how to study the Bible, and how to share your faith.

R9 No response.

R10 Bible Doctrine (Grudem), The Faith (Colson), A Book to Die For (McRae), The Gospel and Personal Evangelism (Dever), Leading with Love (Strauch), Being Leaders (Malphurs).

R11 Dangerous Calling, Paul Tripp, The Way of the Dragon or The Way of the Lamb, Jamin, Goggin and Ky Strobel, What Every Christian Ought to Know, Adrian Rogers, Spiritual Leadership, J. Oswald Sanders.

R12 Growing Up by Robby Gallaty has been much of our basis for discipleship strategy.

R13 The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen. Serving with Eyes Wide Open by David A.


R14 1. A General Introduction to the Bible by Norman L. Geisler, William E. Nix 2. Talk Thru the Bible: A Quick Guide to Help You Get More Out of the Bible by Bruce H. Wilkinson, Kenneth Boa

3. Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth by John MacArthur Richard Mayhue

4. Today's Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic? by Walter J. Chantry 5. Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer, Mark Dever

6. Tell the Truth: The Whole Gospel to the Whole Person by Whole People by Will Metzger

7. Preaching by John F. MacArthur

8. Basic Bible Interpretation by Roy B. Zuck

9. Counseling: How To Counsel Biblically by John MacArthur 10. Theology of Christian Counseling, A by Jay E. Adams 11. Competent to Counsel by Jay E Adams

R15 I enjoy Wilson's Creating a volunteer friendly Church Culture. Many of our books in the doctoral program like Geiger's Designed to Lead or Five Dysfunctions of a Team but it really depends on the culture of a church as to which material would be appropriate.

Creating your own would be best most of the time.

R16 Hm... I'm sure we've read mostly the same books so none come to mind immediately.

R17 Too many to reference here.

Information on Participants: Current Leadership Position / Years in Ministry R1 Corporate Chaplain / 42 years

R2 Overseas co-laborer / 5 years

R3 Vision Pastor and Church Growth Consultant / 47 years R4 Worship Pastor / 25 years

R5 President of Christian School / 27 years R6 Middle School Pastor / 6 years

R7 Interim Pastor, Retired / 42 years R8 Senior Pastor / 15 years

R9 Senior Pastor / 45 years R10 Lead Pastor / 15 years R11 Lead Pastor / 21 years R12 Lead Pastor / 10 years R13 Retired Pastor / 47 years R14 Layman / 21 years R15 Senior Pastor / 24 years R16 Pastor / 12 years

R17 Pastor / 30 years


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Dalam dokumen Copyright © 2021 Christopher Shawn Cate (Halaman 190-200)