• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

After involving in research process, analyzing findings and discussions, the researcher can suggest some points as follows:

1. In applying Rotating Trio Exchange method as a means in teaching speaking class the teacher should consider the students autonomy in determining the way of their learning.

2. The teacher should be creative in designing the learning process in the classroom. Method and model used in the classroom should be match with the students’ conditions to make the teaching learning more effective, impressive, and meaningful.

It is suggested to apply Rotating Trio Exchange Method in teaching English, especially for English speaking class


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2. You are falling in love with a girl. Actually, the girl already has a boy but she also loves you, even more than her boyfriend. What do you want to do? And how to express your feeling?

3. You may ever love someone. If you say yes, express your reasons why you love him/her! If you say no, express also your reasons why you don’t love someone!

4. You know that one of your friends got an accident. He needs some money for going to the hospital. You actually have some money but your mother ask you to pay your school fee because it’s a requirement to follow the exam. Furthermore, you don’t have much more money. What should you do? And express your feeling for your friend.

5. Tell to your friend your most favorite movie for you. Why is it interesting?

And in what part impressed you most?


1. Tell your friend, what is your favorite subject to learn and explain what is the importance of that science?

2. In your opinion, do you like to live in the past or in the future?

3. Tell your friends about your experience

4. You know that smoking is a useless activity; even it’s dangerous for our healthy. But, you also know that smoke engage great income for our country, and so many people works in smoking industry. What is your idea about this?

5. You have a party, and you have order the food from a catering but your order come after your party is over. Express your feeling to complaint about this.

Sekolah: SMK Negeri1 2 Jeneponto Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris Kelas/ Semester : XI/1

Skill : Speaking

Waktu : 2x40 menit (1x pertemuan) StandarKompetensi :

Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal sangatsederhanauntukberinteraksidenganlingkunganterdekat

KompetensiDasar :

2.1 Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)

sangatsederhanadenganmenggunakanragambahasalisansecaraakurat, lancardanberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkunganterdekat yang melibatkanresponuntukseseorang yang


2.1.2. Meresponungkapan-ungkapanekspresisetujudantidaksetuju 2.1.3. Mengunakanungkapansetujudantidaksetuju

Klarifikasidalamkehidupansehari-hari TujuanPembelajaran

Memahamitekspercakapantrasaksionaldan interpersonal sangatsederhanauntukberinteraksidenganlingkunganterdekat.


Expressing Agreement / Disagreement Agreement:

I agree with you 100 percent.

I couldn't agree with you more.

That's so true.

That's for sure.

You're absolutely right.


I'm afraid I agree with James..


I not agree with you

That's not always true.

That's not always the case.

No, I'm not so sure about that.

Langkah–langkahKegiatan A. KegiatanPendahuluan Apresiasi

 Tanya jawabmengenaipercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal sangatsederhanauntukberinteraksi di lingkunganterdekat


 Menjelaskanpentingnyamateri yang akan di pelajariberikutkompetensi yang harusdikuasaisiswa

B. KegiatanInti

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