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Dalam dokumen SNewberry Project H (Halaman 93-100)

What I Would Do Differently


1. The future of the church is in trouble because so many young people are leaving the church today.

2. The youth pastor is responsible for discipling the youth in the church.

3. Being a part of a church family is important to me.

4. Being a member of a church is important to me.

5. I have meaningful spiritual relationships with people closer to my own age at church.

6. I have meaningful spiritual relationships with people of all ages at church.

7. I would like for an opportunity to disciple another Christian.

8. I would like to be discipled by a mature Christian.

9. It is important for me to find a church that ministers to me.

10. It is important for me to find a church that I can minister in.

11. It is irresponsible for a Christian to not be a part of the local church.

12. It is irresponsible when a Christian is not using their spiritual gift in the church.

13. My spiritual gift does not benefit the local church.

14. I have already served in the church for many years, and I need a break so others can serve.

15. Every Christian should have the opportunity to serve in the church.

16. I would serve in the church if someone invited me.

17. I prefer if people did not ask me to serve in the church. If I want to serve, I will let you know.

18. A Christian can thrive spiritually apart from the local church.

19. It is good for each age groups to have their own ministries in the church (children's, youth, young adults, seniors, etc.).

20. It is good for various age groups to minister together while serving together in the church.

21. I am encouraged when I see young people serving in the church?


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The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2021 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Robert L. Plummer

The purpose of this project was to integrate the youth of Battle Ground Baptist Church into various ministries within the church. From beginning to end, this project was an evolution in process that shifted from integration to intentional intergenerational discipleship within various ministries of the church to develop younger members in both godliness and giftedness.

Chapter 1 is an assessment of both the city of Battle Ground and Battle Ground Baptist Church. Chapter 2 is a biblical framework for which intentional intergenerational discipleship is commanded with in Scripture. Chapter 3 is an assessment of various youth ministry models that integrate youth into various ministries and responsibilities within the church. Chapter 4 is the process of the ministry project that took place over nine weeks. Chapter 5 is the assessment of the ministry project.

Dalam dokumen SNewberry Project H (Halaman 93-100)

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