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Dalam dokumen Copyright © 2020 Roger Edward Bayramian (Halaman 109-117)

What I Would Do Differently


Table A1. T-test: Paired two sample for means Pre-Test Total Post-Test Total

Mean 90.27272727 95.77272727

Variance 95.16017316 60.46969697

Observations 22 22

Pearson Correlation 0.707070663 Hypothesized Mean



df 21

t Stat -3.709742055

P(T<=t) one-tail 0.000648861 T Critical one-tail 1.720742903 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.001297721 t Critical two-tail 2.079613845


COUNSELING ASSESSMENT RESULTS Table A2. Pre- and post-counseling assessment results Participants Pre-project CA Post-project CA

1 74 83

2 86 101

3 78 88

4 92 101

5 110 99

6 96 98

7 94 110

8 88 100

9 102 98

10 80 81

11 92 93

12 98 105

13 82 92

14 98 105

15 87 93

16 77 95

17 99 99

18 90 97

19 86 91

20 88 91

21 108 105

22 81 82

Average 90 96


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IN NORTHRIDGE, CALIFORNIA Roger Edward Bayramian, DMin

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2020 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Stuart W. Scott

This project seeks to introduce leaders to biblical counseling at Mount Ararat Bible Church (MABC) in Northridge, California. Chapter 1 describes the ministry context of MABC and the goals of the project. Chapter 2 establishes the centrality of the heart in biblical counseling through four passages of Scripture (Mark 7:14-23; Jas 4:1-4;

2 Cor 5:11-21; Gal 5:16-25). Chapter 3 examines the priority of addressing the heart in biblical counseling by focusing on the priority of the sufficiency of Scripture,

community, and the implications of the gospel to sin and suffering. Chapter 4 describes the 8-week curriculum called “The Fundamentals of Christ-Centered Change.” Chapter 5 examines the effectiveness of the curriculum. The overall focus of the project was to introduce biblical counseling to those unfamiliar with it, so they can understand that God’s Word provides help and hope to the sin and suffering that all people face in life.

Dalam dokumen Copyright © 2020 Roger Edward Bayramian (Halaman 109-117)

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