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The Increasing of the Students’ Activeness Ability

Dalam dokumen PDF ( A Classroom Action Research ) (Halaman 48-95)


Chart 4. The Increasing of the Students’ Activeness Ability

The chart above indicates that there was the increasedof the students’

activeness from cycle I to cycle II it was 2,23%, this increasing was good to changing the category of the students’ achivement in cycle I from enough category became good category in cycle II where mean score ofthe students’

75,78 77,47


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Cycle I Cycle II Increasing

speaking ability in cycle I was 75,78 then the students’ meanscore in cycle II was 77,47. The students’ activeness in cycle I was lower than the students’

activeness in cycle II. It because in cycle I, Australasian debate technique was unfamiliar for some of students. They were still didn’t know that technique and most of students still difficult to gave their argument, and for students who as audience just saw and listened the debate activity without did something so that they could making noise in the class and disturb the process debate. As result they were less active to participate in learning and teaching process. But in cycle II the researcher tried to gave clearer instruction about Australasian debate technique and gave task for the students who as audience so that they could attention the debate running without disturb the process debate. So during this cycle they became more active than previous cycle. Through the chart above, the researcher concluded that Australasian debate technique was effective and could increase the students’

activeness in learning speaking.

The application of Australasian debate technique at XI MIA 10 class of SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa could increasethe students’speaking ability.

1.The Students’ Speaking Accuracy (pronunciation)

Using Australasian debate technique had an effective effect because it could increase the students’ speaking ability in term of accuracy (pronunciation). It proved by the students’ pronunciation before researcher applied the Australasian debate technique where the students’ pronunciation still low, even for some familiar words the researcher still found the students’

lack in pronunciation.

After applied debate the students’ pronunciation increased because through debate the students’ had chance to exercise produce words with good pronunciation. For the students who as audience had task to wrote words that lack in pronunciation that they listened from their friends who did the debate, and also the researcher. After did the debate the researcher asked the audience to collected the words that they had wrote then researcher mention the words in good pronunciation and repeated by the students.

To help the students remember the good pronunciation of words that they had practiced together after debate, for next meeting before start the lesson the researcher ask students to repeated mentioned the words, and all that activity did in every meetings. for the last meeting in every cycles there was a test where the students had to memorised 25 vocabularies that researcher choosed and then practiced it infront of the class. So that from the speaking test the researher was find mean score in the first cycle 68 and in the

second cycle 80 with increasing 18%. It means that the target has been achieved by the changing category from fairly good became good caategory 2.The Students’ Speaking Fluency (Self-confidence)

Using Australasian debate technique could increase the students’

speaking ability in term of fluency (self-confidence), It proved by the students’ self-confidence before researcher applied the Australasian debate technique where self-confidence of the students still low, most of students still difficult to express their argument when the teacher ask them to gave their opinion, it was not because they didn’t had opinion but they hadfeeling worry if they express their opinion or answer and it was wrong, and also they still ashamed to stand up in front of the class.

By using the debate technique it train the students to be brave in practice their ability to spoke English in front of the class by gave their arguments that they had based on the topic that researcher gave to every teams. And in debate every members in team had job to expressed their arguments so that all members had chance to spoke. Another effort that researcher did to increased the students’ self-confidence , after give the students material the researcher ask students to performed dialogue in front of the class that students had make based on the material about expressions that teacher had teached. This activity did in every meeting so that’s enough to build the students’ self-confidence. It proved by the researcher finds that the mean score in the first cycle, the students just got 69 and in the second cycle, the students got 77 with increasing 12%. It means that the target has been achieved by the changing category from fairly good became good caategory

3. The Implementation of Australasian Debate Technique

The researcher observed the students’ activeness to asses the implementation of Australasian debate technique in teaching and learning process to increased the students’ speaking ability of SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa in class XI MIA 10 which was conducted in 2 cycles during 8 meetings was taken by the observer through observation sheet.

The researcher observes every meeting in two cycles where every cycle of four meetings. In the first cycle the students’ active enough but in the secondcycle the students’activeness were classified into good.

Based on the result of the research the researcher found that the students’ participation in each meeting of the two cycles improved normally.

The first meeting up to the fourth meeting in the first cycle, the students’

activeness was 77,08% to 78,13% with the average of students’ activeness was 75,78%. The researcherconsiders that the students’ activeness in the first cycle was enough. The researcher results of observation in the first and the second cycle were:

a) The students had active in learning, and even some of them very active in carrying out the task.

b) Each group of students had been sharing their ideas in debating.

c) Some of the students prefer asked to the teacher when they get difficulties concerning the material.

d) The students were able to accomplish their task.

The second cycle, the researcher indicated a significant improvement.

From the first meeting of the second cycle, the students’ activeness had increased that was 79, 69% to 90,10% with the average to the students’

activeness in the second cycle was 77,47%. This result indicates if the students activeness had met the teacher expectation to gain significant improvement 68, 30% from the first cycle and the second cycle. It was obviously improves because the teaching material had provided more attractively with difference kinds of topic in each meeting. So the students more interested to speak especially in debate.

The students’ speaking ability couldbe increased through Australasian debate technique, because in this method they could give their argument. So, it was interesting, they could be motivated in learning the English subject.



This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion the conclusion is drawn based on the findings and discussion. And suggestion is given based on the conclusion.

A. Conclusions

1. Teaching speaking through debate could be enjoyable experience for both teacher and studenst. In fact, students could increased their speaking skill after being taught by debate technique. It couldbe seen by students’ achievement in speaking test in term of accuracy (pronunciation) at the second years of SMA 1 Sungguminasa , the students’ mean score of accuracy (pronunciation) in cycle I was 68 and in cycle II was 80 where the increasing of accuracy (pronunciation) from cycle I to cylce II was 18%.

2. The students’ speaking ability in term of fluency (self-confidence) at the second years of SMA 1 Sungguminasa, thestudents’ mean score of accuracy in cycle I was 69 and in cycle II was 77 where the increasing of fluency(self- confidence) from cycle I to cylce II was 12 %

3. The students’s speaking activeness at the second years of SMA 1 Sungguminasa, the students’ mean score in cycle I was 75,78 and in cycle II was 77,47 where the increasing was 2,23 %.

B. Suggestions

Suggestion that could be given through this research that learning of speaking skill used debate method as theoretical could be useful for the development of language theory, particularly with regard to the learning of speaking skill in class XI. Learning of Speaking skill with the debate method could be used as an alternative by the English teacher, especially in learning conveyed ideas, opinions, asked and respond to questions. This learning method could also be applied to other learning so that their creativity was needed. In addition,p the debate method was not the only method that could increase success in learning speaking skill that were expected of teachers may seek other methods that more exciting, creative, and varied. Learning of speaking skill with debate method was a learning that could trained students to express opinions, ideas, ask and respond to questions directly and by way of practiced so that students could apply their skill in the teaching of other languages.


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1. Instrument Oral Test in 1st Cycle

Memorise and practice it in front of your Class the vocabularies below ! 1. Motion

2. Believe 3. Dangerous 4. Accident 5. Harmful 6. Threat

7. Responsibility 8. Kindergarten 9. Highway 10. Teenager 11. Reduce 12. Precisely 13. Evidence 14. Deadly 15. Currently

16. Environment 17. Supervise 18. Purpose 19. Accepted 20. Thought 21. Directly 22. Applying 23. Directly 24. Prove 25. Government

2. Instrument Oral Test in 2nd Cycle

Memorise and practice it in front of your Class the vocabularies below ! 1. Applicable

2. Engineering 3. Straightly 4. How 5. Disturb 6. Parents 7. Release 8. About 9. Discasise 10. Impertence 11. Many 12. Country 13. Just

14. Opportunity 15. Graduate 16. Degree 17. Higher 18. Company 19. Knowledge 20. Opposite

21. Could 22. Reaching 23. Providing 24. Prioritize 25. Guilty



1. THBT Authority is a source of happiness 2. THBT Females are better students than males.

3. THBT Reading English is more difficult than writing English 4. THBT It is a good thing to live in a modern city

5. THBT Students should have a part-time job B. Cycle II

1. THBT Social networking is good for teenagers

2. THBT Modern Technology destroyed the soul of humanity 3. THBT Beauty gets you a head in life than brain

4. THBT Money is the most important thing in life

5. THBT The cellular phones should be allowed in school



Satuan pendidikan : SMA 1Sungguminasa Kelas/Semester : XI/1

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik : Suggest and Offer

Pertemuan Ke- : 1-3 (Pertemuan) Alokasi Waktu : 6x 45 menit A. Kompetensi inti :

KI 1: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama,toleran,damai), santun, responsif dan pro aktifdan

menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia

KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural dan meta kognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

KI 4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya disekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secaraefektif dankreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

A. KompetensiDasar

1.1Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggrissebagaibahasa pengantar komunikasi International

2.2.Mengembangkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikas itransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

3.2.Menganalisis fungsi social, strukturteks, dan unsure kebahasaan pada ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.2.Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan merespon ungkapan

memberi saran dan tawaran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

B. Indikator

Pertemuan Pertama 1. Membaca sebuah dongeng.

2. Mendiskusikan sebuah dongeng.

3. Memberikan pendapat dengan melakukan debat bahasa Inggris “accuracy (pronunciation) & fluency (self-confidence)


1. Menjelaskan perbedaan antara penawaran dan saran.

2. Menjelaskan kegunaan penawaran dan saran..

3. Memberikan pendapat dengan melakukan debat bahasa Inggris “accuracy (pronunciation) & fluency (self-confidence)

Pertemuan Ketiga

4. Mengungkapkan penawaran dan saran.

5. Merespon penawaran dan saran.

6. Menuliskan ekspresi penawaran dan saran.

7. Memberikan pendapat dengan melakukan debat bahasa Inggris “accuracy (pronunciation) & fluency (self-confidence)

C. TujuanPembelajaran PertemuanPertama

Pada pertemuan pertama diharapkan siswa(i) mampu : 8. Membaca sebuah dongeng.

9. Mendiskusikan sebuah dongeng.

10. Memberikan pendapat dengan melakukan debat bahasa Inggris “accuracy (pronunciation) & fluency (self-confidence)

Pertemuan Kedua

Pada pertemuan kedua diharapkan siswa(i) mampu : 11. Menjelaskan perbedaan antara penawaran dan saran.

12. Menjelaskan kegunaan penawaran dan saran.

13.Memberikan pendapat dengan melakukan debat bahasa Inggris “accuracy (pronunciation) & fluency (self-confidence)

Pertemuan Ketiga

Pada pertemuan ketiga diharapkan siswa(i) mampu : 1. Mengungkapkan penawaran dan saran.

2. Merespon penawaran dan saran.

3. Menuliskan ekspresi penawaran dan saran.

4. Memberikan pendapat dengan melakukan debat bahasa Inggris “accuracy (pronunciation) & fluency (self-confidence)

D. Materi Pembelajaran


The Enchanted Fish

There once was a fisherman who lived with his wife in a small hut close by the seaside. The fisherman used to go fishing every day. One day, as he sat in his boat with his rod, looking at the sparkling waves and watching his line, all of a sudden his float was dragged away deep into the water. He quickly started to reel in his line and managed to pull out a huge fish. “Wow! This will feed us for days.”Much to his surprise,the fish started to talk and said,“Pray, let me live! I am not a real fish; I am an enchanted prince. Put me in the water again, and let me me go! Have mercy o' kind fisherman.” The astonished fisherman quickly threwhim back, exclaiming, “I don't want to hurt a talking fish! Go on! Go where youcame from.”

When the fisherman went home to his wife, he told her everything thathad happened and how, on hearing it speak, he had let it go again.“Didn't you askit for anything?”said the wife.“No, I didn't, what should I have asked for?”replied the fisherman.

“I am surprised you don't realize what you should have asked for. We live verywretchedly here, in this nasty dirty hut. We are poor and I am so miserable. Youshould have asked for a nice cozy cottage. Now go back and ask the fish that wewant a snug little cottage”,said his wife.

The fisherman wasn't sure about this but he still went to the seashore, sat in his boat, went to the middle of the sea and said “O enchanted beautiful fish!Hear my plea!My wife wants not what I want,and she won't give up till she has her own will,so come forth and help me!”

The fish immediately came swimming to him, and said,“Well, what is herwill? How can I help your wife?” “Ah!” said the fisherman, “she says that when Ihad caught you, I ought to have asked you for something before I let you go. Shedoes not like living in our little hut, and wants a snug little cottage.” “Go home,then,”said the fish, “She is already in the cottage!” So the fisherman went home, and saw his wife standing at the door of a nice trim little cottage.“Come in, comeon in! Look at the beautiful cottage we have.”Everything went fine for a while, and then one day fisherman's wife said, “Husband, there is not enough room for us inthis cottage, go back to the fish and tell him to make me an emperor.” “Wife,” said the fisherman, “I don't want to go to him again. Perhaps he will be angry. Weought to be happy with what the fish has given us and not be greedy.” “Nonsense!”said the wife; “The fish will do it very willingly, I know. Go along and try!” With a heavy heart the fisherman went to the middle of the sea and said“O enchanted beautiful fish!Hear my plea!My wife wants not what I want,and she won't give up till she has her own will,so come forth and help

me!”“What would she have now?”said the fish.“Ah!”said the fisherman,“she wants tobe an emperor.” “Go home,”said the fish;“She is an emperor already.”

So he went home and he saw his wife sitting on a very lofty throne made ofsolid gold, with a great crown on her head full two yards high. And on each side of her stood her guards and attendants in a row. The fisherman went up to her and said, “Wife, are you an emperor?” “Yes”,said she,“I am an emperor.” “Ah!”said the man, as he gazed upon her,

“What a fine thing it is to be an emperor!” “Husband,”said she, “it is good to be an emperor.”They were happy for a while.

Then a time came when she was not able to sleep all night for she was thinking what she should ask next. At last, as she was about to fall asleep, morning broke, and the sun rose.

“Ha!'”thought she, as she woke up and looked at it through the window,“after all I cannot prevent the sun from rising.”At this thought she was very angry, and wakened her husband, and said,“Husband, go tothe fish and tell him I must be Lord of the sun and the moon.”The fisherman was half asleep, but the thought frightened him so much that he fell out of the bed.

Alas, wife!” said he, “cannot you be happy with being such a powerful emperor?”“No,”

said she,“I am very uneasy as long as the sun and the moon rise without mypermission. Go to the fish at once!” “I don't think this is a good idea,” said the fisherman but his wife wouldn't listen to him. “ Why don't you just go and ask thefish to make me the Lord of everything,”she said.

Then the man went shivering with fear. As he was going down to the shore a dreadful storm arose. The trees and the very rocks shook and the sky became black with stormy clouds. There were great black waves, swelling up like mountains with crowns of white foam upon their heads. Unfortunately the fisherman did not have any choice, so he got onto his boat and rowed to the middle of the sea and cried out as loud as he could:“O enchanted beautiful fish!Hear my plea!My wife wants not what I want,and she won't give up till she has her own will,so come forth and help me!”“What does she want now?” said the fish.“I am truly ashamed of my wife'sgreed but I can't do anything. She wants to be Lord of the sun and the moon.“Go home,”said the fish, “to your small hut.”And it is said that they live there to this very day.

(Adapted from Grimm Brothers, 1812. “The fisherman and his wife”)

Dalam dokumen PDF ( A Classroom Action Research ) (Halaman 48-95)

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