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Web scraping in Java

Dalam dokumen Buku Java for Data Science (Halaman 56-60)

} } }

The following is the truncated output of the program when executed:

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_Rock,_Isles_of_Scilly

Text: Bishop Rock, Isles of Scilly...From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... Jump to: ... navigation, search For the Bishop Rock in the Pacific Ocean, see Cortes Bank. Bishop Rock Bishop Rock Lighthouse (2005) ...

Text length: 14677

Notice that only one page was returned. This web crawler was able to identify and ignore previous versions of the main web page.

We could perform further processing, but this example provides some insight into how the API works. Significant amounts of information can be obtained when visiting a page. In the example, we only used the URL and the length of the text. The following is a sample of other data that you may be interested in obtaining:

URL path Parent URL Anchor HTML text Outgoing links Document ID

Jsoup (https://jsoup.org/) is an open source Java library that facilitates extracting and manipulating HTML documents using an HTML parser. It is used for a number of purposes, including web scraping, extracting specific elements from an HTML page, and cleaning up HTML documents.

There are several ways of obtaining an HTML document that may be useful. The HTML document can be extracted from a:

URL String File

The first approach is illustrated next where the Wikipedia page for data science is loaded into a Document object. This Jsoup object represents the HTML document. The connect method connects to the site and the get method retrieves the document:

try {

Document document = Jsoup.connect(



} catch (IOException ex) { // Handle exception }

Loading from a file uses the File class as shown next. The overloaded parse method uses the file to create the document object:

try {

File file = new File("Example.html");

Document document = Jsoup.parse(file, "UTF-8", "");


} catch (IOException ex) { // Handle exception }

The Example.html file follows:


<head><title>Example Document</title></head>


<p>The body of the document</p>

Interesting Links:


<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_science">Data Science</a>


<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jsoup">Jsoup</a>




<img src="eyechart.jpg" alt="Eye Chart">



To create a Document object from a string, we will use the following sequence where the parse method processes the string that duplicates the previous HTML file:

String html = "<html>\n"

+ "<head><title>Example Document</title></head>\n"

+ "<body>\n"

+ "<p>The body of the document</p>\n"

+ "Interesting Links:\n"

+ "<br>\n"

+ "<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_science">" + "DataScience</a>\n"

+ "<br>\n"

+ "<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jsoup">" + "Jsoup</a>\n"

+ "<br>\n"

+ "Images:\n"

+ "<br>\n"

+ " <img src="eyechart.jpg" alt="Eye Chart"> \n"

+ "</body>\n"

+ "</html>";

Document document = Jsoup.parse(html);

The Document class possesses a number of useful methods. The title method returns the title. To get the text contents of the document, the select method is used. This method uses a string specifying the element of a document to retrieve:

String title = document.title();

out.println("Title: " + title);

Elements element = document.select("body");

out.println(" Text: " + element.text());

The output for the Wikipedia data science page is shown here. It has been shortened to conserve space:

Title: Data science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Text: Data science From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:

navigation, search Not to be confused with information science. Part of a ...

policy About Wikipedia Disclaimers Contact Wikipedia Developers Cookie statement Mobile view

The parameter type of the select method is a string. By using a string, the type of

information selected is easily changed. Details on how to formulate this string are found at the jsoup Javadocs for the Selector class at https://jsoup.org/apidocs/:

We can use the select method to retrieve the images in a document, as shown here:

Elements images = document.select("img[src$=.png]");

for (Element image : images) {

out.println("\nImage: " + image);


The output for the Wikipedia data science page is shown here. It has been shortened to conserve space:

Image: <img alt="Data Visualization" src="//upload.wikimedia.org/...>

Image: <img alt=""


Links can be easily retrieved as shown next:

Elements links = document.select("a[href]");

for (Element link : links) {

out.println("Link: " + link.attr("href") + " Text: " + link.text());


The output for the Example.html page is shown here:

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_science Text: Data Science Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jsoup Text: Jsoup

jsoup possesses many additional capabilities. However, this example demonstrates the web scraping process. There are also other Java HTML parsers available. A comparison of Java HTML parser, among others, can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparis on_of_HTML_parsers.

Using API calls to access common social media

Dalam dokumen Buku Java for Data Science (Halaman 56-60)

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