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05 November 2018


Academic year: 2023

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The head of the name is mandatory; is a minimum requirement for the noun phrase to appear. The head of the name is mandatory; is a minimum requirement for presenting a noun phrase. A coordinating noun phrase is a noun phrase whose modifier has no function to support and explain the noun.

An appositive noun phrase is a noun phrase whose modifier has the function of supporting and clearly explaining the noun. According to the research, it is found that there are three types of noun phrases.

The Translation Procedures of Noun Phrases


Analysis of The Quantities and The Types of Noun Phrase

Analysis of the Procedures to Translate Noun Phrases

It can be seen that the word Cherry in SL is translated to Ceri in TL. The translator used his usual pronunciation and wrote it in the usual orthographic form. In order to preserve the meaning of the translated expression in the TL, the translator used the process of component analysis.

They are: 1) The transposition or transposition procedure, where the structure of the SL text is changed to the TL, 2) Naturalization, where the translator used his normal pronunciation and wrote it in the normal morgological form. This procedure occurs when the translator reproduces the message of the original text into the TL text in accordance with the current norms of the TL.



Second, Shawawat is always due to my Prophet Muhammad Shollallahu alaihi wassalam, his family, best friends and followers. In addition, I would like to thank my first advisor, Abdul Munir, M.Sc. Pd., for much patience in providing constant and careful guidance and encouragement, indispensable suggestion and advice. I also sincerely thank my other advisor, Tri Mulyati, M.Sc. Pd., for such a good correction and valuable suggestion in completing this assignment.

On this occasion, I will never forget to thank Wiwin Indiarti, S.S., M.Hum., for lending me her precious novel to be the object of this research. Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved mother, late father and husband for love, support and sincere prayer during their lifetime.

First and foremost, heartfelt gratitude and thankfulness is due to the Merciful Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, the Creator and Sustainer, for all the favors and graces He has bestowed upon His creation. An analysis of Indonesian translation of English complex sentence in the short story titled Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing Men by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The analysis of the English-Indonesian translation method in a novel "A Study in Scarlet Sherlock Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

A shift analysis of nouns in subtitling of Ice Age 4 movie by Sagaz Net. A descriptive study on students' perceptions of the foreign volunteer's roles in the learning process of the seventh grade at Smpn 2.

A Descriptive Study on Students’ Perceptions About The Foreign Volunteer’s Roles in Learning Process of The Seventh Grade at Smpn 2

Glagah Banyuwangi in 2015/2016 Academic Year

  • Problem of the Research
  • Objective of the Research
  • Operational Definition of the Key Terms a. Foreign Volunteers
  • Scope and limitation of the Study
  • Volunteering
  • Perception
  • English Learning Process
  • Roles of Teacher
  • The Research Methodology
    • Area Determination Method
    • Data Resources a. Respondent
    • Method of Data Analysis
  • Result and Discussion
    • Result of the Questionnaire
    • General Description of the Research Area
    • Discussion
  • References

Based on the opinion, the researcher is eager to conduct a research titled "A descriptive study of students' perceptions about the roles of foreign volunteers in the seventh grade English learning process at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in the academic year 2015/2016 . The problem of this research is formulated in the following question: What are the students' perceptions of the roles of foreign volunteers in the seventh grade English learning process at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in the academic year 2015/2016. Regarding the research problem and research, the objective of this research is to analyze students' perceptions of the roles of foreign volunteers in the seventh grade English learning process at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in Academic Year 2015/2016.

This result of this study is expected to give specific information about the students' perception about the roles of foreign volunteers in the English learning process of the seventh grade at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in 2015/2016 Academic Year. This study would like to describe the students' perception about the foreign volunteer's roles in the English learning process. The data in this study is presented descriptively in order to provide a clear explanation about students' perceptions about the foreign volunteer's roles in the English learning process of the seventh grade at SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi in 2015/2016 Academic Year.

First, the researcher collected data on the students' perceptions of the foreign volunteer. Based on the given questionnaires, the researcher knows that almost all the seventh grade A, B and C students of SMPN 2 GlagahBanyuwangi agree with the statement in the questionnaire. This means that most students feel happier being taught by a foreign volunteer than an English teacher.

This shows that most students understand the subject taught by foreign volunteers. It means that the students enjoy the lesson because the foreign volunteer can make the teaching situation enjoyable and comfortable. It concerned students' perception of the role of the foreign volunteer in the English learning process of the seventh grade of SMPN 2 Glagah Banyuwangi.

An Analysis on Indonesian English Translation Shifts Found in Two Short Stories of Bilingual Children Book Series Published by “Gema Insani”

  • Problem of the Research
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significance of the Research
    • For children
    • For research and other researchers
    • For the Reader
  • Research Methodology
    • Reference

But translation equivalence of formal correspondence in SL grammar may not exist in the TL grammar, it lends itself to the shift. Catford (1965:73) cited in Selly Anna Ringga Sari (2013:1) defines shifting as "deviations from formal correspondence in the process of going from SL to the TL". What type of translation shift is found in two short stories from Bilingual Children's Book series published by Gema Insani.

This research helps readers to know which word involves the types of translation change available in the books. This research provides readers with how translation displacement is implemented in books. The research process includes emergent questions and procedures, data collected typically in the participant's environment, data analysis building inductively from the data into general themes, and the researcher interpreting the meaning of the data.

Draw a conclusion from the analysis F. The result is found by describing the translation shift the researcher has used. After analyzing the selected data, the researcher found all types of translation that are level shift and category shift. According to the data findings, the researcher will discuss how translation shifts usually occur.

The researcher found three unit shifts such as change from sentence to word, sentence to sentence and phase to compound word. Structure shifts usually occur in the agreement of a sentence, a clause, or a sentence. The researcher discovered two shifts in structure: a noun followed by an adjective. An analysis of the English-Indonesian translation shift in the short story of Hanna Banana by Ribut Wahyudi.

A Content Analysis On the Quality of Short Stories in Short Stories For Children's Published By Children's Book Trust

  • Introduction
    • Research Problem a. General Problem
    • Objective of the Research a. General Objective
    • Significance of the Research
    • The Scope and Limitation of the Research
    • Definition of Key terms a. Content Analysis
  • Literature
    • Short Stories
    • Aspect of Good Reading Material
    • Previous Study
  • Research Method 1. Research Design
    • Data Sources
    • Research Instrument
    • Data Analysis method
  • Research Finding and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgement
  • Reference

A content analysis of the quality of short stories in Short Stories for Children published by the Children's Book Trust. What is the quality of the short stories in Short Stories for Children published by the Children's Book Trust. What is the readability of the short stories in Short Stories for Children published by the Children's Book Trust.

What is the status of gender equality in short stories for children, published by the children's book trust. To measure the quality of short stories in short stories for children published by children's books trust. To identify the readability of short stories in short stories for children published by children's books trust.

To identify gender equality in short stories for children published by the Children's Book Foundation. It is hoped that the result of the research in the short story book published by the Children's Book Foundation can be useful in the long term for the readers and the other researcher. In this study, the researcher limits the discussion to a content analysis of short story book published by the Children's Book Foundation.

The definition of short stories in this research is a short story designed for children, which is published by the Children's Book Foundation. There are studies related to a content analysis on the quality of short stories in short stories. The last survey research is a study conducted by Sholichatun (2011) "Content Analysis Of Reading Materials In English On Sky Textbook For Junior High School", the researcher used descriptive qualitative method with the purpose of the research was to find out what kind of genre. contained in the reading passage.

The researcher found that the quality of short stories for children published by the Children's Trust was sufficient. Gender equality in short stories for children published by the children's trust is gender biased.

Table 2. The Data Presentation
Table 2. The Data Presentation



  • Statement of the Problems
  • Objective of the Study
  • The Significance of the Study
  • The Scope and Limitation of the Study
  • Definition of Keyterms a. Improving
  • The General Concept of Writing
    • The Characteristic of Good Writing
    • Process in Writing
    • Teaching Writing for Junior High School
    • The nature of Genre
    • The Nature of media
    • The Procedure of Using Personal Photograph in Descriptive Text
    • The Positive effects of Using Personal Photograph on the Students’ Descriptive Writing
  • Research Method
    • The Preliminary Study
    • First Cycle
    • Second Cycle

It can be the authentic material that can help the students in teaching and learning to write. The researcher attempts to analyze the use of personal photographs as media to improve students' writing skills and the teacher's assessment of students' writing skills in writing descriptive paragraphs. The positive effects of using personal photographs on students' descriptive writing.

The use of personal photos causes the positive effects for the students in the steps of writing. Finally, the personal photo has many positive effects for the students in descriptive writing. The use of the personal photo is therefore very appropriate to be used in the teaching and learning process to improve the students' descriptive writing 8.

Secondly, the aim of the research was to know the progress of the students. The respondent in the research was the population of 7th grade students of SMP 4 Banyuwangi Class A 2014/2015. This is because the researcher could not achieve the performance criteria where 75% of the students must be.

The total of students' score was 2694 and the number of students who took the test was 36 students. The result of data analysis showed that personal photo contributed positively to the students' writing descriptive paragraph performance at SMPN 4 Banyuwangi in the 2014/2015 Academic Year. From the second cycle, the average of the results of the students' writing test was 79.72 with a total score of 2870.

The result of the writing test in the second cycle showed that the use of personal photos can improve the students'. In this research, the researcher also found the fact that the use of personal photo can improve the students' writing.


Table 9. frequency of Translation Procedures Usage
Table 2. The Data Presentation


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The obtained findings are aligned with expectations and reveal cointegrating links between the variables and a positive bidirectional growth-savings nexus over both the long-run and