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Academic year: 2023



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The family consensus is that these letters were destroyed by fire in the early 1900s. A third element of surprise, as well as delight and pride, was the very complete collection of these letters and other materials in the possession of the Theological Seminary's library. Southern Baptist. Dayton; (6) Baptist religious fiction; (7) the history and influence of the Southern Baptist Sunday School Union as a forerunner of the Southern Baptist Convention Sunday School Board; (8) a history, with index, of any of the leading Baptist papers — especially the Tennessee Baptist, and (9) the history and influence of the many small Baptists.

Although all articles were clipped from published newspapers, several clippings in the memo could not be found elsewhere. Poole, Clayton, North Carolina, provided valuable assistance in correlating information on this branch of the family. Crismon, librarian of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, for his assistance in providing material and information on the subject and period in which he lived.

In the hope that this may be done, all the materials used and collected in this study are placed on deposit at the library of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Bible Council of the Southern Baptist Convention Initial appointment as corresponding secretary Permanent election as corresponding secretary.



Dayton was "a descendant of Dayton who was the first Speaker of the National House of Representatives". The religious background of the country, the local community, and the Dayton family influenced the life of Amos Cooper Dayton. 10 for the following reasons: (1) Amos Cooper Dayton's parents were members of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church at the time of Dayton's birth.

33 This latter date appears to be correct as it is given in the "Historical Record of the Morristown Presbyterian Church. He was never a member of the Columbus, Mississippi Presbyterian church and thus could not have served as an elder. Dayton began in earnest to question the baptism of the Presbyterians with particular reference to fashion.

The first known article that Dayton published after becoming a Baptist appeared in the July 9, 1853, issue of the Tennessee Baptist. He was in Georgia at the time of the next annual meeting. extended meetings held each fall.


The instrument by which he was thrust into this prominence was the Bible Council of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dayton, "To My Brethren, the Constituents of the Southern Baptist Convention," Tennessee Baptist, XIV, No. This seems to be an immense amount of clerical work done in the days before the use of the typewriter.

The report in question was the biennial report of the Bible Board for the Convention, which was read by Dayton. 36 (May will prove that he was acting entirely in accordance with the recommendation of the Southern Baptist Convention. A month later Dayton published his "Revision of the 'Report of the Bible Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, adopted in June), in which he responded to the charges made in the Bible Board report.

From the time he was appointed Corresponding Secretary to the Bible Board, Dayton had been a regular contributor to the paper.


20 He continued to believe that observance of the Sabbath would bring victory to the Confederacy. ReynoldsJ, editor of the Confederate Baptist, criticized Dayton for his efforts to secure legislation for better observance of the Sabbath. Sometime before May 9, 186331, Dayton became associate editor of a paper then published in Atlanta.

92 In addition to this, "special instruction in the SCIENCE AND ART OF TEACHING" was offered "under the immediate direction of the president.,38. Services were usually held on the third Sunday of the month, although at times The first edition of the Baptist Banner appeared on October 5, 1859 under the title Landmark Banner and Cherokee Baptist.

Dayton seems to have seen this "stirring of the waters" as his main purpose with the Banner staff. 52 Last available issue of the Banner, the next available issue is dated September 9, 1865. Corresponding editor in the April 22 issue. Shortly after his resignation as Corresponding Secretary of the Bible Committee, Dayton was engaged by R.

100 most convenient and engage for two years in the study of the Bible under the supervision of a competent minister.,64. At this session he had been appointed to represent the needs of the proposed Theological Seminary to the people of Tennessee. The fall of the Confederacy in April had been quite discouraging and demoralizing for Dayton.

Although Dayton was an adopted child of the Southern Confederacy, it nevertheless became an institution in its own right. The confusion that followed the end of the war prevented any widespread notice of his death. However, a copy of the resolutions, which appears to be an extract from these minutes, appears in Eakin's notebook and is identical to the set of resolutions in the Perry church minutes.


This copy is in the library of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. The rest of the story is woven around the illustration and proof of these two points: (1) what is scriptural baptism, and (2) obedience to Christ through baptism. Think carefully about a "ten-day journey in search of the true church." In the course of this study, the students, somewhat enthralled by being on the boat, learn that "the church.

110 local and visible judiciary and executive authority of Christ's kingdom,14 and that the true church of Christ can be recognized by the following. The conclusion of the work refers to the third volume of Dayton's trilogy. Thi nkw ell is finally able to find a way out of the darkness.

Louis Presbyterian, argued that the fundamental fault of the book was that it appeared "throughout a consciousness of the weakness of the doctrine [immersing] it. Baptist Facts Against Methodist Fictions is simply a restatement of the arguments in Theodosia without 34 After the formation of the Union, Dayton published several books that were related to its interests.

His first volume on Sunday school work was in the form of a catechetical review of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Advertisements43 and prospectus44 of the paper appeared early in 1859, but the first number was not sent out until the last of June, 1859. This book has only recently been published, being found in manuscript among the late Dr.

Sabbath School Union indicates that the circulation of the paper had reached "about 6000" and was increasing. 6o A. S. Worrel, who saw a portion of the manuscript, wrote: "The design of the book is to present in the fewest, simplest words, the best and most comprehensive definition possible. Jark to advance fifty dollars for the publication of the dictionary, Dayton notes, "As.



Dayton's Reply to the Bible Board," Baptist Watchman, III, No. 34; The Baptist Sunday School Library," Tennessee Baptist, XIII, No. 34; A Case of Liberality that Deserves Notice," Tennessee Baptist, X, No. The same article appears in Baptist Correspondent, I, No. Landmark Banner and Cherokee Baptist, I, No. Dabney's Card," Religious Herald, XXXIII, No. 34; Duties of Corresponding Secretary," Southwestern Baptist, IX, No. 34; General Association of Tennessee and North Alabama," Home and.

Også i Biblical Recorder, XXII, Nos. Pendleton," Tennessee BaEtist, XIV, nr. 34; The Majesty of Truth, som illustreret i en bog kaldet 'Theophilus. 34; The Meeting of the Southern Baptist S. 34; Meeting of the Southern Baptist Sabbath School Union," Tennessee BaEtist, XVII, No. Også i Tennessee Baptist, XVI, No. Også i Landmark Banner og Cherokee Baptist, I, No. itA Noble Example," Tennessee Baptist, XVI, No. 34;Perseverance of the Saints Illustrated," Baptist Banner, V, Nos. Dayton's Baptist Monthly," Tennessee Baptist, XVI, No. Også i Landmark Banner og Cherokee Baptist, I, No. 34;Slavery in the Light of Religion," Landmark Banner og Cherokee Baptist, II, nr. Genoptryk fra Dayton's Monthly Magazine.).

34;Baptist Church Action at Americus," Christian Index, XXXVII, No. 34;Dayton's Select School for Girls in LaFayette, Ga. 34;Dayton's Monthly Maga§ine,"". 34;Editorial notes and sips of our exchange," Christian Index, XLI, No. Dayton," Biblical Recorder, XXVII, No. Dayton," Biblical Recorder, XXVII, No. Dayton," Biblical Recorder, XXVIII, No. Also in Christian Index, XXXVIII, No. Mississippi Baptist, II , No. 34;Editorial Notes on the Origin, Design, and History of the Southern Baptist Sunday School Union," Tennessee Baptist, XIV, No. 34;Elder Dayton--Sunday School Convention, ".

Baptist Watchman, III, No. 34;Houston Female College [Advertisement]," Christian Index, XLII, No. Howell," Christian Index, XXXVII, No. Also in Southern Baptist, XII, No. ,". Christian Index, XXXVI, No. 34; Largest edition of any Baptist book ever published and sold before publication!!. Advertisement]," Tennessee Baptist, XIII, No. In commemoration of General George Washington's birthday.

Review of Theodosia Ernest; or, Heroine of Faith, by A. Dayton, Baptist Memorial, XV, No. ;Nashville Correspondence," Southwestern Baptist, X, No. 34;Southern Baptist Sabbath Schools," Tennessee Baptist, XVII, No. Also in Southwestern Baptist, IX, No. Review of Dayton's Baptist Monthly, edited by A. 34;Proceedings of the Historical Meeting," Christian Index, XX, No. 34;Prospectus of the Children's Friend," Biblical Recorder, XXIV, No. Also in the Christian Index, XXXVII, No. Dayton's Creed," Southwestern Baptist, IX, No. Review of Emma Livingston, the Infidel's Daughter, by A. Reprint from North West Virginia Baptist.). 34; Brother Dayton's Bible Dictionary," Landmark Banner and Cherokee Baptist, I, No Brackets [] around a date indicate that the issues of that periodical are quite out of date.).




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