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Academic year: 2023



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The purpose of this research is to understand and explain the use of adjective word order found in the summary in the undergraduate thesis of students of the Department of English Education, and to learn about the dominant type of use of adjective word order. Word order in the summary of the undergraduate thesis at the Metro State Institute of Islamic Studies. Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Sc. Pd as a second advisor who contributed his knowledge and experience in the completion of this undergraduate thesis.

The researcher also thanks all her family and friends who gave her support and spirit so that the writer could complete this thesis.


  • Background of Study
  • Focus of the Study
    • Problem Limitation
    • Research Question
  • Objective and Benefit the Study
    • Objective of The Study
    • Benefit of The Study
  • Prior Research

Based on the above pre-survey data, the researcher found that 9 words as determiners, 7 words are articles "the" and "a" and 2 as possessive pronouns "students". The second phrase "general understanding of language", the word "general" is like thought and the word "language". What are the types of word order of adjectives in the university thesis of students of the department of english education at metro state institute of islamic studies.

To know what are the types of adjective word order in the undergraduate paper of the students of the Department of English Education at Metro National Institute of Islamic Studies.


The Concept of Adjective Word Order

  • The Definition Adjective
  • The Type of Adjective Word Orders

Coordinated adjective is the word that describes the subjective evaluations or personal opinions, for example: nice taste, annoying boy, beautiful woman, etc. In that case, the first noun "acts" as an adjective and the noun that has the function as the adjective always comes first before another noun, for example: cardboard box, history teacher, love story, etc. These are used in a slightly different way than normal adjectives, for example: the puzzling mystery, the bored situation, a very interesting book, and others.

Adjective word order is the one of part which has the important rule in grammar.

The Concept of Scientific Writing

  • The Definition of Scientific Writing
  • The element of Scientific Writing

This means that structure is an arrangement and organization of relationships between elements or part of the sentence. It is a matter of choosing the fewest and most appropriate words and using the rules of good grammar. Finally, it is obvious that a good scientific writing should be based on the ideas that the writer really understands.

In addition, the appropriate words in use and good grammar must be applied in scientific writing. The importance of the title cannot be overemphasized, as it is a major determinant of whether the paper will be read. This is the only aspect of the article that appears in tables of contents and in many of the databases used for literature searches.

This is to establish the need for the research and the credibility of the researchers to do it. The introduction summarizes the relevant literature so that the reader will understand why you are interested in conducting the research in your chosen problem. Introduction has the function of providing the reader with background on the research described in the paper.

How the conclusion is presented depends on the research done and it should be drawn from the research result. To summarize, the element of scientific writing should be used by the writer to make a good paper look like the above explanation.

The Concept of Abstract

  • The Definition of Abstract

Based on the figure of the theory, the researcher collects this theory to analyze the adjective word order. Finally, the researcher would use this theory to analyze the abstract of an undergraduate thesis at Metro National Institute of Islamic Studies. The researcher observed participants and took data from 10 undergraduate thesis summaries at Metro State Institute of Islamic Studies.

The researcher read all the data, especially the 10 summaries, to get as much information as possible about the most important point. In this step, the researcher made some categories of the result established by the researcher. In this step, the researcher took 10 abstracts as data to be analyzed in the IAIN Metro library.

In this step, the researcher chooses the other digit as the code in this process. In addition, RW writes “the important ways”, “general language”, “a very significant”, “the control group” as opinions. Another type of adjective in this abstract is "the primary goal" and "balance language" is opinion.

In the summary, many phrases repeated in this summary, for example: "write narrative text" she mentioned the phrase four times, "the students" twice. In this step, the researcher assembled a group based on the categories of adjective word order.

Types and Characteristics of the Researcher

Data Source

In this research, the primary data was the bachelor's thesis abstract at the State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro. Secondary data was performed from preliminary data, such as previously accumulated survey information, from an institution, statistics or documents. The secondary data the researcher would obtain by documentation method from books, articles, English dictionary, journal and order supported documents that relate the research.

Data Collecting Method

The researcher took the document from books, articles, English dictionary, journal, and order supported documents related to the topic of the researcher. The informants who will be asked to participate are the Wiriter who writes their summary.

Data Analysis Technique

The purpose of using figure made easy to read and to know about this research. This involved transcribing interviews, optically scanning material, entering field notes or sorting and organizing data into different types depending on the sources of information. In this step, the researcher took 10 abstracts of the undergraduate thesis and then copied it to prepare the data source.

Coding was the process of organizing the material into text segments before assigning meaning to information. Use the coding process to generate a description of the environment or people as well as categories or themes for analysis.


Provide some background information about the strategy, such as its applications, its disciplinary origins, and a brief definition of material. Identify how the use of strategy that the researcher used such as: the form of data collection, the steps of data analysis and the final narrative.31.


Description Of Research Setting

  • Historical Background of IAIN Metro
  • Organization Structure of IAIN Metro
  • The Sketch of Location of IAIN Metro
  • Facilities at IAIN Metro
  • Students at IAIN Metro

As an effort to realize the establishment of IAIN Al-jami'ahin Lampung, the first step was to make all the faculties that were still in private status at that time state-owned. Finally, realized the dream of the Lampung society to establish IAIN Al-jami'ah based on the Decree of the Minister of New Religious Affairs no. It was not far from the name change of IAIN Raden Intan Tanjung Karang to IAIN Raden Intan Bandar Lampung that a notebook of the Director General of Bimas Islam No.

IAIN Metro has four faculties, namely; (1) Teachers and Training Faculty (Tarbiyah), (2) Syariah Faculty, (3) Islamic Announcing and Communication, and (4) Economics and Islamic Business Faculty. Arabic Education Department (PBA), English Education Department (TBI), Primary School Education Department (PGMI), Early Childhood Education Department (PGPIUD), Biology Education Department (TPB), Mathematics Education Department (TPM), and Social Knowledge Education Departments (Tadris IPS). To support the learning process, there are various facilities in IAIN Metro that students and lecturers get.

In the delivery of education, the English department stands by its vision, namely: to produce professional students in English education who can integrate Islamic values ​​and academic dimensions. Preparing students to be an Islamic English teacher who can actualize socially beneficial values, science, technology, art and is also capable of being a change agent in society. Preparing students to become a professional English teacher who can implement, develop and spread English education with an Islamic spirit.

In the context of IPO (input, process and output), PBI major of IAIN Metro can be briefly described as follows. Third, from the output dimension (graduate), it is predicted that every student studying in the English department of IAIN Metro will be professional in English.

Analysis In Using Adjective Word Order

  • Organize and Prepare the Data for Analysis
  • Reading Through All The Data
  • Coding process
  • Grouping The Data
  • Displaying
  • Interpreting

In order to improve students' reading comprehension skills, the researchers used the written storytelling strategy (WRS) in the learning process. It means that the determiner is dominant in the abstract type written by RW. This current research is qualitative in which the researcher collects data through words or pictures rather than numbers.

Code-switching and code-mixing, often used in third-semester speech class, arose due to some factors. It could conclude that the use of code-mixing and code-switching in the speech class of the third semester English study program at the State Institute for Islamic Studies Metro occurred naturally. The research result shows that common mistakes that students make in writing text is in the use of coda in generic structure.

The purpose of this research is to know the listening difficulties of students in the first semester of TBI in the National Institute of Islamic Studies of the Metro in academic year 2016/2017. It means that the determiner is still the dominant one in the abstract type written by IPS. The word "inappropriate" and "central" in the phrases "improper technique" and "central Lampung" are opinions.

This undergraduate thesis research focused on the students' ability to write narrative text at the eighth grade of SMPN 1 Trimurjo in the academic year 2017/2018. The result of research data showed that the topic in writing narrative text was used in the text. The second question shows that most of the participants know about types of adjective word order, but half of them do not consider the adjective word order they use, it shows in the third question.

Based on H Ramsey Fowler and Jane, the word order of adjectives divided into 10, has determiner, thought, size, age, shape, color, nationality, noun that functions as an adjective and participle.32 In the result of this analysis, it describes that in in fact, there are several word orders of adjectives in the abstract.



Some types of adjective word order used in an undergraduate thesis summary are determiner, opinion, size, age, shape, nationality, and qualifier. The dominant type used in the Metro National Institute of Islamic Studies undergraduate thesis summary is the determiner. Because the almost noun determiner uses, in addition, there are many types of determiners that are used in summary writing.


  • Theory Analysis of Adjective Word Order
  • Data analysis process of qualitative research by creswell
  • The Organization Structure of IAIN Metro
  • The Sketch of Location of IAIN Metro
  • The Percentage of Adjective Word Order in Undergraduate Thesis

To continue this research, the institution should organize some programs to improve the writers' understanding of English grammar, whether lecturers or students. Lecturers and students who will write a summary should know more about how to write a good summary in English. Vinci Da Leonardo.Writing in English Group.Writing in English A Practical Guide for Scientific and Technical Writers.2000.


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