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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The result in cycle I showed that the average of the students increased significantly from pre-test to post-test 1 to post-test 2 to post-test 3. It is clear that based on the pre-test and post-test results, we can say, that brainstorming positively improved learning to write. Hasil pada siksel I shows bahwa rata-rata siswa amengik secara signifan dari pre-test sampai post-test 1 sampai post-test 2 sampai post-test 3.

Jelas bahwa berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test dapat dikatakan bahwa brainstorming telah meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam belajar menulis. Dosen-dosen saya tercinta (Dr. Kuryani Utih, M.Pd dan Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd) yang telah membantu saya dalam menyelesaikan skripsi saya. PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MENULIS TEKS DESKRIPTIF SISWA MENGGUNAKAN TEKNIK BRAINSTORMING KELAS VIII SMP TMI ROUDLOTUL QUR'AN METRO TAHUN PELAJARAN 2016/2017”.



  • Background of The Research
  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objective and Benefit Of The Research 1. Objective of Research

Writing skill of students in English in the eighth grade of SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur'an Metro in the academic year 2017/2018. The researcher wants to conduct a research "Improving students' descriptive text writing skills using brainstorming technique in the eighth grade of SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur'an Metro in the academic year 2017/2018". Therefore, in this case the researcher will try to use a brainstorming technique to improve students' descriptive writing skills.

So, the researcher believes that Brainstorming Technique can improve students' English writing skills, especially in the eighth grade of SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur'an Metro. Can Brainstorming Technique Improve Students' Descriptive Text Writing Skills in Eighth Grade SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur'an Metro. To find out if the brainstorming technique can be used to improve students' learning activities.


Theoretical Review

  • The Definition of Writing
  • Types of writing
  • Process of writing
  • The Measurement of Writing Skill

The type of writing paragraph as a productive language skill is classified based on the specific goals of the researcher put into the text to be communicated to the readers. Organization: the logical organization of the content c) Vocabulary: the selection of words that are appropriate. Revision is the core of the writing process.9 Here a piece is revised and reformed many times.

Editing as part of the writing process should be done first by the writer and then again by a peer or adult using the appropriate editing marks. e) Publication and sharing. In objective description, the researcher ignores the aspects of the insight that are unique to him or herself and focuses on describing the perception itself. As stated by Susan, description is writing that creates a clear and vivid impression of the subject.

Action Hypothesis

Because through a brainstorming technique, the students can solve the problem by exchanging their idea with their friends or groups. Advantages and disadvantages of brainstorming 1) Advantages of brainstorming .. a) Actively involves learner in higher levels of thinking b). Brainstorming technique can improve the students' learning activities at The Eight Graders Of SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur'an Metro in Academic Year 2016/2017”.

Variable And The Definiton Operasional Variable

  • Independent Variable

Think of as many ideas as quickly as possible to answer the question on sheet a. The purpose of the written knowledge test is to determine whether students' performance in writing descriptive text improves after using the brainstorming technique to learn written material. Students do not master the mechanics of writing and their writing is difficult to read.

Setting Of The Study 1. Location Setting

Subject Of Research

Procedure Of Research

  • Cycle 1 a. Planning
  • Cycle 2 a. Planning

Planning is the first step of this classroom action research that is prepared before doing the action. In this step, the researcher prepared the material related to the teaching and learning process. Such as: good student participation, student error, and student ability to answer the question.

The researcher analyzed and discussed the observation result during the teaching process, such as the weakness and strength of the action in this step; .. the researcher uses data from the evaluation to make improvements for the second cycle. The researcher applied action plan II, conducted the treatment and gave post-test 2. In this step, the researcher observed the process of teaching learning by using observation and field notes to collect data action plan II.

Data Collecting Technique

  • Test
  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • The Field Note

In this research, the researcher uses observation to see the situation in the learning process of teaching. In this research, the researcher observes the activities of the students in the teaching and learning process in order to know how the teaching and learning process took place. During the observation, the researcher makes an observation sheet that contains the students' activities.

Documentation as a method used to obtain information from the written language of the document (for example: books, journals, rules, notes and others). The researcher uses the documentation method to get detailed information about the history of the school, the amount of the teacher, employers and students in the eighth grade of SMP TMI Roudlotul Quran Metro Academic Year 2017/2018. To collect the data more accurately, the researcher used field notes; made the data analyzer simpler.

Instrument Of Research

Data Analysis Technique

To obtain the class percentage passing the Minimum Mastery Criteria (MKM) 70, use the formula:40.

Indicator Of Success 1. From aspect of process

  • Indicator of Success


Description of the Research Location

  • The History of Junior High School TMI Roudlotul Qur’an of Metro Based on documentation data, Junior High School TMI Roudlotul

GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY GTY PNS GTY Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher ues Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher.

Table 4. Building Condition
Table 4. Building Condition



Students Condition

The Vision and Mission of Junior High School TMI Roudlotul Qur’an Metro

Description of Findings

  • Action and the Learning Product at Cycle I a. Planning
  • Action and the Learning Product at Cycle II a. Planning
  • Action and the Learning Product at Cycle III a. Planning
  • Reflection
  • Learning Process

Meanwhile, to see the students' participation in the teaching learning process, the teacher issued questionnaires to the students after the teaching learning process. While to see the students' . descriptive text writing skills, the teacher asked the students to write a descriptive text about "My friend" at the end of the teaching learning process. She did activities such as on the activities c-d. 6) Because the student already understood about descriptive text, the teacher asked the students to make a descriptive text individually with .. now topic "My friend".

Immediately after the teaching-learning process, the teacher and the examiner discussed everything that happened in the teaching-learning process. After the teaching-learning process, the teacher and the assessor discussed everything that happened in the teaching-learning process. It could be seen that many students were hesitant to ask questions about the teacher's explanations.

She did activities like on the activities c-d. 7) Because the student already understood about descriptive text, the teacher asked the students to individually make a descriptive text with the new topic "My School". This happened because the teacher in cycle III only focused on the students' weaknesses in cycle I and cycle II.

Table 6 : Students` Score at Pre-test
Table 6 : Students` Score at Pre-test

Discussion of The Research

  • Interpretations Action and Learning Result at Cycle I Table 15: The Students Scores at Cycle I
  • Interpretations Action and Learning Result at Cycle II Table 16: The Students Scores at Cycle II
  • Interpretations Action and Learning Result at Cycle III Table 17: The Students Scores at Cycle III
  • Interpretations Action and Learning Result at Cycle I, II, III Table 18: The Increasing of Students Scores at Cycle I, II, III
  • Interpretations Action and Learning Result at Cycle I, II, II Table 19: The Increasing of Students Scores at Cycle I, II, III

From the post-test cycle I achieved, it is clear that there was a wrinkle because I had to discover what the students understood and did not understand about the material (descriptive text writing) and I had to use the appropriate media and thinking technique. in teaching descriptive text writing. They should compose a descriptive text about "My friend", consisting of 10-20 sentences; before they start writing, have them make a circle about the topic. Interpretations Action and learning result in II. cycle Table 16: Results of students in II. cycle Table 16: Student results in II.

From the results of the post test II, we know that the students' score increased. They should compose a descriptive text about "My house", consisting of 10-20 sentences; before they start writing, have them make a circle about the topic. Interpretations Action and learning result in III. cycle Table 17: Student results in III. cycle Table 17: Student results in III.

From the result of post-test III we know that there was an increase from the students' result score. Interpretations Action and learning result at cycle I, II, III Table 18: The increase of student scores at cycle I, II, III Table 18: The increase of student scores at cycle I, II, III. From the increase of each cycle, it can be seen that the use of brain-stream technique can increase the students' ability in writing descriptive text, because the students understood about making a descriptive text, they can improve their writing ability.

This means that the students could reach the goal, the goal is that 80% of students achieved a score of 65. Interpretations Action and learning result on cycle I, II, II Table 19: The increase of students' scores on cycle I, II, III Table 19: The increase of students' scores on cycle I, II, III. Based on the above data, it shows that students' averages improved significantly from pre-test to post-test 1 to post-test 2 to post-test 3.

It can therefore be concluded that the use of brainstorming technique can improve the students.


The students are advised to make their writing activity more interesting so that it can help to improve their writing performance. The students are suggested to add their vocabulary to help them in writing activities. The students should be used to improving their grammar to make up for the coherence of their text.

The students should be accustomed to help their writing activity and improve their performance in good idea generation. The teacher is advised to use the brainstorming technique to improve student performance in writing the other text types, such as narrative, explanatory, descriptive, and argumentative. The English teacher should always guide and assist the students in the learning process, especially writing skills.

The school should support the English learning process by fully preparing the guidance and the instrument. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2nd ed), Addison Wesly, New York, 2001.


Basic Competences

Outline and express meaning in the form of narration, description, exposition and persuasion/argument in both formal and informal functional writing accurately, fluently and acceptably using written language in the context of life daily.


The Purpose of Learning

The Material

Teaching Strategy Brainstorming Technique

The Procedures of Learning 1. Pre-Teaching (10 Minutes)

Students will feel confident in writing it to show the result after getting teachers' motivation.

Media in Learning Activities



Table 5. Existence Teachers and staff
Table 4. Building Condition
Figure 2. Structure of School
Table 6 : Students` Score at Pre-test


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