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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository

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Academic year: 2023

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USING PRAISE-QUESTION-POOLS (PQP) STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE WRITING SKILLS OF SECOND STUDENTS. USING THE PRAISE QUESTION POOLS (PQP) STRATEGY TO ASSESS THE WRITING SKILLS OF STUDENTS OF THE. The aim of this research is to improve students' writing skills after using the second grade Praise-Question-Polish (PQP) strategy of MTSN 1 East Lampung.

The result of this research shows that Praise-Question-Polish Strategy plays a positive role in improving the retelling writing skills of the second grade of MTSN 1 East Lampung. This means that the use of Praise-Question-Polish Strategy can increase the retelling skills of the students in the second grade of MTS N 1 East Lampung. To begin with, the researcher would like to express her gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing, health and also mercy because the researcher can finally complete an undergraduate thesis without the title “The Use of Praise-Question-Polish (PQP) Strategy to Increase Students ' Tell writing skills of the second grade of MTs N 1 East Lampung”.

1. Syllabus

Problem Identification

Many students had low motivation in the English subject, so they were not interested in writing in a narrative text.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objective and Benefits of the Study 1. Objective of the Study

Furthermore, Davies said that "writing is probably the language skill that most people use least in their native language".7 This means that the learning process of writing needs a special skill to be successful in writing such content, organization, grammar , vocabulary and mechanics. . 5 Rika Dartiara, "The Use of Reflective Journal Writing in Teaching Writing Through Recount Text at the Tenth Grade Student of SMAN 1 Pagelaran Lampung", v. Writing included the following basic skills: handwriting or typing, spelling, constructing grammatical sentences, punctuation .”9 A writer's goal is that good writing needs knowledge acquired through reading, writing training, and also.

According to the Oxford advance learner's dictionary, skill is "the ability to do something well". Based on the definition above, the author concludes that retelling text is a text that retells events or experiences in the past. Based on the definition above, the author concludes that retelling text is a text that retells events or experiences in the past.

Praise-Question-Polish (PQP) Strategy

Its purpose is to help the students edit their writing by focusing feedback under three headings: prompt and polish. Praise-Question-Polish are critical comments given by students in Praise-Question-Polish strategy is not just "what you don't do. 27Haney, defines Praise-Question-Polish (PQP) as a beginning techniques that during the writing process be used, (London: Haney, 2010). like" but also about "what you like" and "suggestions for improvement". 28.

In the process of teaching writing using the PQP strategy, students have to replace three characters. Students will play these characters after writing a draft of the narrative text. After students have written a draft of the recount text, students must undergo a stage of revision by the researcher using the PQP strategy.

Action Hyphotesis

The topics discussed in this chapter are setting, object of study, action plan, data collection method, data analysis technique and success indicator.


Object of the Study

Action Plan

The second step in the action research was acting. the researcher does pre-test, strategy and post-test to the students. In this implementation, the researcher follows the schedule of English in class and tutoring. In the teaching and learning activity in conducting close observation, the observing focuses on the activity performed by the researcher and the students during the teaching and learning process.

In this step, the researcher and the collaborator would analyze what the effect of playing is, what would be corrected and what would become attention in the next performance. Then the result of the reflection would be used as a guideline to create a new plan in the next cycle. The researcher and the colleague reflected on all the actions that would perform and identify the result of the observation in the learning process and compared the result of the pre-test and post-test.

Data Collection Method

Before doing the treatments, the researcher would give the students pre-test by asking the students to answer the questions on recount text. The test was similar to pre-test where the students practice the topic on retelling text, but the topic given in the post-test is different from the topic in the pre-test. In this research, the researcher observed the students' behavior and the students' activities in the learning process to know how the process of learning would be liked.

When doing the observation, the research would make the observation sheet which contains a list of the activities of the students. The researcher uses documents taken from the school's data, such as the total of students, teachers and the state of the school. Refers to notes taken by the researcher during qualitative fieldwork to remember and record behaviors, activities, events, and other futures of an observation.

Field notes are intended to be read by the researcher as evidence to provide meaning and an understanding of the culture, social situation or phenomenon under study. The notes may constitute or contribute to the entire data collected for a research study, as when field notes supplement conventional interview data.35. Descriptive informative, in which you attempt to accurately document factual data (data and time), settings, actions, behaviors and conversations that you observe.

Reflective information where you record your thoughts, ideas, questions and concerns as you carry out the observation. Field notes should be completed as soon as possible after an observation is completed.

Data Analysis Technique

Indicator of Success

  • The Description of Research Location a. The History of MTS N 1 East Lampung
  • Description of Research Result
  • Acting
  • Observing
  • Reflecting
  • Planning

The researcher did a pre-test for the students to see to what extent the students narrate their writing skills before the treatment was given. During the pre-test, the researcher discovered the problem of the students, such as that they still did not know how to make a recount text. That group was also used to the next meeting, when the researcher will give the post-test to the students.

The researcher provided some topics with some relational vocabulary to guide the students in writing the recount text. Looking at the pre-test and post-test score, it showed that the students' score increased from. Here the researcher was a teacher and the English teacher as a collaborator observing the students' activities during the learning process.

In the learning process, four were used and mentioned to know the students' activities. Students express their idea in a written retelling of the text using the praise-interrogative-field strategy. However, the result of the majority of students improved, although the state of the learning process was sufficiently uncontrolled.

From the result of pre-test and post-test I, we knew that there was an improvement from the students' result score. Then the researcher also asked the students to show linguistic features when retelling text. The researcher then asked the students if they had any questions about the material.

From the above table, it could be seen that the students' average score in post-test II was 75.


  • The Result of Pre-Test
  • The Result of Post-Test Cycle I
  • The Result of Post-Test Cycle II
  • Students’ Score in Pre-test, Post-test Cycle I and Post-test Cycle II English learning process was successfully in cycle I but the
  • The Result of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle I and Cycle II The students’ learning activities data was gotten from the

From the result of students' score in pre-test and post-test I, there was an improvement from the students' result score. This could be seen from the average in pre-test was 34 and post-test I was 59. Although there was improvement in the students' performance, cycle I was not yet successful, because only 10 students (29%) who in post-test I.

This means that in the first cycle the achievements of the students could have increased sufficiently, but it was not successful because the success indicator had not yet been achieved. After analyzing the results of the students in the post-test of cycle I, the researcher had to conduct the next cycle because only 10 students (29%) passed the test and scored ≤ 75. Based on the result of the post-test II, 24 students (71%) were passed the test because they scored ≥ 75.

From the results of the students' scores on post-test II, it could be concluded that their scores were improving. The mean score in posttest I and posttest II was 59 and 75, after which the increasing score was 17.8. The student's score in pre-test, post-test cycle I and post-test cycle II The English learning process was successful in cycle I, but the English learning process was successful in cycle I, but the average score of the students was low.

Based on the results of the pre-test, post-test I and post-test II, it was known that there was a positive significant improvement of the students. Based on the graph above, it can be concluded that the praise-question-Polish language strategy could improve students' writing skills. It is supported by the improvement of students' results from pretest to posttest I and from posttest I to posttest II.

The result of students' learning activities in I. and II. cycle Data on the students' learning activities were obtained from the Data on the students' learning activities were obtained from the entire students' learning activities on the observation sheet.

I Increasing F Percentage F Percentage

The Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test

Based on the explanation of cycle I and cycle II, it could be concluded that the use of the Praise-Ask-Polish strategy could improve the writing skills of the students. From graph 1, we could see that there was an increase in the average score and the total of the successful students. In the graphs above, the average score in the pre-test was 34.7 and only 1 student or (3%) passed the test.

From the explanation, the researcher concluded that the research was successful and that it could be stopped in cycle II because the indicator of success (75% of students scored ≥ 75) was reached.




Kompetensi inti

Kompetensi Dasar

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

  • Fungsi Sosial
  • Struktur Teks
  • Unsur Kebahasaan

Teknik Pembelajaran

  • Pendahuluan
  • Kegiatan Inti a. Mengamati
  • Penutup

Kosa kata : kata kerja yang menunjukkan tindakan atau kegiatan c. Keterangan waktu konjungtif: ketika, pertama, kemudian, setelah itu, sebelum, di . terakhir, akhirnya, dll. D. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa menanyakan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari masing-masing teks tersebut.

Kompetensi inti

Kompetensi Dasar

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

  • Fungsi Sosial
  • Struktur Teks
  • Unsur Kebahasaan

Teknik Pembelajaran

  • Pendahuluan
  • Kegiatan Inti f. Mengamati
  • Penutup

Di bawah bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mengajukan pertanyaan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari masing-masing teks tersebut. . H.

Students edit their writing by focusing feedback under three headings that are praise questions polish.


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