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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

USING NOTE PAIR TECHNIQUE TO INCREASE WRITING ABILITY UNDER EIGHTH GRADE OF. This postgraduate thesis is entitled “The use of note-taking-pairs technique to increase writing ability among eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Batanghari”.

Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objective of the Study and Benefit of The Study

The same principle applies to skills, we need to build a little each day. The ability enlightens and expands itself through its own applications. Cottel stated that note-taking pair technique is a technique where students have to take something from their partner to improve their own notes.19.

Action Hyphotesis

The topics covered in this chapter were setting, object of study, action plan, data collection method, data analysis technique and success indicator.

Setting of Study

Subject of Study

Action Plan

It is a practical way of looking at your practice in order to check whether it is as you think it should be.33 Moreover, this means that action research is carried out with the critical partner, the researcher would carry out the research together with my friend. In this action, the researcher did pre-test, treatment and post-test for the students. In this application, the researcher followed the schedule of the English subject in the classroom and extra hours.

Based on the observation, the researcher can determine if there was something that the researcher needs to increase soon so that the action can achieve the goal of the researcher. In this step, the researcher observed the process of teaching learning using form of observation. In this step, the researcher and collaborator analyzed how the effect of the action, which thing that needed to be repaired and which thing that attention acted on next, acted.

The researcher and collaborator reflected all the acting performed and identified the result of observation in the learning process and compare the score of pre-test and post-test.

Data Collection Method

The test was similar to pre-test where the students were asked to answer the essay questions on descriptive text, but the topic which was given in the post-test and it is different with the pre-test. In this research, the researcher observed the behavior of the students and the activities of the students in the learning process to know how the learning process was held. By conducting the observation, the researcher made the observation sheet that contains a list of the students'.

The researcher used documents derived from the school's data, such as the total of students, teachers and the state of the school. The researcher and observer used field notes to record activities while teaching and learning to write through the technique of taking notes in pairs in the classroom.

Data Analysis Technique

Indicator of Success

Result of The Research

The Description Data Result of Research

INF 60

Frequency of students' mark after test I of writing ability No grade Frequency Percentage Category. The criterion for the students who were successful in mastering the material was the students who got the minimum grade of 71. Here the researcher was the teacher and the English teacher was a collaborator who observes the students' activities during the teaching learning process.

According to the result of the above observation, it can be concluded that the learning process was sufficient. The weaknesses in the implementation of the learning process in Cycle I were that some students were made loud and yet confused with the material being taught. Cycle I results showed an increase in pre-test and post-test 1 results.

The students were interested enough in the learning process, but the research should be continued in the next cycle because the state of the learning process is still uncontrolled, some students still did not focus on the material and made noise in the class, and the students' average did not reach. standard minimum criteria.

Action and Learning Activity in cycle 2

The learning process in cycle 2 focused on the weakness of cycle 1. The researcher found the students‟ . problems were finding the main idea and drawing conclusions from the text. The researcher monitors the students until they are ready and ready to perform their summaries in front of the class. It means that the time was up and the researcher closed the lesson and reminded the students to study the descriptive text again.

The researcher checks the students until they have finished and are ready to carry out their forward summaries. After that, the researcher gave post-test cycle 2 with the similar task in post-test cycle 1. The observation was made by the researcher who appeared in meeting II in cycle 2.

Finally, the researcher concluded that the note pairing technique solved the problem.


  • The Result of Pre Test
  • Action and Learning Result at Cycle I
  • Action and Learning Result at Cycle II
  • The Result of the Students’ Activity

From the average score of the pre-test and post-test 1 above, it can be seen that there has been an increase in the students' writing ability. From the table above it can be seen that there was an increase from post-test 1 to post-test 2. Students can achieve the target, the target is 80% of the students got a grade ≥71 and they can understand the material and can write well that before.

The result of the Students' Activity in Cycle I and II No name Cycle 1 Cycle II. Based on the above table and graph, it can be concluded that there was an increase in student activities during the learning process of cycle I and cycle II, using the technique of keeping notes in pairs. This research related to cycle II, the grade of the result and the result of the students' activities, the target that was set in the success indicator 80% of the students received the minimum grade of 71 was achieved.

Based on the result of this study, it was known that more than 80% of the students achieved a mark of at least 71.


Considering all the data collected in the classroom action research, the researcher has some conclusions of the research and some suggestions in the research result.


Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser og Jacobs Chris Sørensen.Introduktion til forskning i uddannelse.USA:Wadsworth Cengage Learning.Eighth Edition2010. Earl Prevette.How to Turn Your Ability in The Cash.USA: American Book Stratford Press.1994. Jean, McNiff, Pamela Lomax og Jack Whitehead.You and Your Action Research Project.USA og Canada: Taylor & Francis e-Library.2002.

Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead. Action Research: Principles and Practice. London and New York: Routledge Falmer.2002. Creswell. Education Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. United States: Pearson Education. Fourth Edition.2012. Nelson. Creating self-regulated learners: strategies to strengthen student self-awareness and learning skills. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing.2013.

Margery B Sinberg and Raymon J Wlodkowski. Diversity and motivation Culturally responsive teaching in the university. New York: Seattle press.2002.


Kompetensi Dasar

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Tujuan Pembelajaran

  • Pendekatan : Diskusi

Sebutkan tindakan-tindakan atau yang berkaitan dengan orang, binatang, benda, yang semuanya itu sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang ingin dicapai. Kata sifat tentang orang, binatang, benda dalam kehidupan siswa di rumah, sekolah dan sekitarnya, dengan atau tanpa kata keterangan cukup banyak. Kata kerja untuk menyatakan situasi dan tindakan rutin dalam simple present tense: be, have, go, play, get, take, dll.

Penggunaan yang benar dari kata benda tunggal dan jamak, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, ato, my, them, dll. dalam frasa nomina.

Media, Alat and Sumber Pembelajaran

  • Kegiatan Inti
  • Kegiatan Penutup

Guru meminta siswa untuk meniru contoh dalam bahasa Inggris dengan pengucapan yang benar, tekanan kata, intonasi dan sikap. Guru menjelaskan dan membimbing siswa dalam mengidentifikasi dengan baik dan benar ciri-ciri (fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan) yang berkaitan dengan keberadaan orang, benda, binatang, keberadaan orang, benda, binatang. Guru meminta siswa untuk mencoba mengungkapkan dalam bahasa Inggris keberadaan orang, benda, binatang, keberadaan orang, benda, binatang yang muncul secara teratur.

Guru meminta siswa membandingkan ungkapan keberadaan orang, benda, binatang menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan bahasa Indonesia. Suatu sikap peduli, disiplin, percaya, dan kerjasama yang menyertai tindakan yang menyatakan kemampuan untuk melakukan dan menanggapi suatu tindakan. Simulasi atau role-playing berupa interaksi dengan menyatakan kemampuan untuk melakukan suatu tindakan dan menanggapinya.

Membaca dan menulis percakapan yang membutuhkan pemahaman dan kemampuan untuk menghasilkan teks dialog tentang tindakan yang mengungkapkan kemampuan untuk melakukan suatu tindakan dan tanggapannya.

Materi Ajar

Merespon makna yang terkandung dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan retelling. Ia berburu ikan di laut, tetapi terkadang berburu ayam dan burung kecil. Elang datang dalam berbagai ukuran, bentuk dan warna, tetapi elang ekor putih mudah dikenali karena memiliki paruh yang kuat, paruh tajam, dan tubuh yang ramping.

It walks on two legs and has a very flexible neck and strong beak for handling food, grooming its feathers and many other tasks that flightless animals do with paws, claws or hand on their front legs.

  • Tehnik : Note-Taking Pairs
  • Kegiatan Pembelajaran : 4. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
    • Kegiatan Inti
    • Kegiatan Penutup

Guru menunjukkan sebuah gambar dan meminta siswa menyebutkan ciri-ciri/bentuk yang terdapat pada gambar tersebut. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mempresentasikan contoh teks deskripsi yang telah dibuat siswa di depan kelas.


  • Tehnik : - Tes tertulis, Performance
  • Tipe : Test
  • Instrument :Mendeskripsikan tentang orang, hewan, dan buah buahan

Choose one of the topics and create a descriptive paragraph based on the topic you choose. Choose one of the topics and create a descriptive paragraph based on the result of note pairs with your partner related to the topic you choose. Choose one of the topics and create a descriptive paragraph based on the result of Note-Ting Pairs with your partner related to the topic you choose.


The teacher asked the students what they were learning to write a descriptive text using the pair writing technique. Most of the students wrote a descriptive text using the pair writing technique based on their experiences. After all the students had written a descriptive text with the note-taking pairs, the teacher asked the students about their difficulties in learning to write with the note-taking pairs.

Finally, the teacher gave a conclusion about the material given to the students. The teacher asked the students what problems they had when learning to write using notes in pairs. The teacher asked the students to write and describe their lovely family, fruit and.

In this cycle, students wrote descriptive text through note-taking pairs and reported that it was better than before.







Table of the result Score of Students’ Writing Post-Test 1


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