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an undergraduate thesis

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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STRATEGI PENGAJARAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN VOCABULARY MELALUI NARATIF DI KELAS VII SMP IT. Masalah terbesar dalam mempelajari kosa kata adalah kebanyakan siswa mudah melupakan apa yang telah mereka pelajari. Masalah terbesar dalam mempelajari kosa kata bahasa Inggris adalah kebanyakan siswa dengan cepat melupakan apa yang telah mereka pelajari ketika mempelajari kosa kata bahasa Inggris.

Hal ini diperlukan agar siswa lebih mudah memahami dan mengingat kosa kata yang dipelajarinya dengan menggunakan strategi belajar sendiri yang lebih mudah dan menyenangkan bagi mereka. Secara teori diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi yang baik bagi dunia ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya dalam bidang pembelajaran dan pengajaran kosa kata bahasa Inggris. Pengetahuan tentang strategi pembelajaran kosakata dapat membantu orang yang tertarik untuk belajar bahasa Inggris memahami dan mengetahui strategi pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Inggris mana yang tepat untuk mereka.

Bagi siswa, mereka dapat mengembangkan dan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran kosakata dengan lebih mudah dan menarik. Sementara itu, penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi guru bahasa Inggris untuk menciptakan materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa.


  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objective and Benefit of The Study
  • Prior Research

Michael stated, Vocabulary is important and one of the aspects that students master in learning English.4 Vocabulary mastery can help students to read, speak and write well. Students also have less motivation to learn English and remember new vocabulary poorly. By using this technique and exercises for new vocabulary to make it easier for students to remember, the writer assumes that teaching and learning in the classroom can be interesting and enjoyable.

By improving teacher's teaching skill, it is expected that the students' vocabulary mastery will increase. Students' Vocabulary Mastery Using Fly Swatter Game in the First Grade of MTS Persatuan Amal Bakti (PAB) 1 Helvitia" the researcher was done on April 25, 2018. The second is Ridho Angga Mulya titled "The Effect of Vocabulary Mastery towards Student's Speaking Ability at the first grade of SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung”.

Based on both of the above studies, the researcher focused on improving the students' strategy in learning vocabulary. By applying students' strategy, the researcher hopes that it will be an effective strategy for teaching students achievement in vocabulary learning and livening up the atmosphere in the classroom.


  • The Definition of Vocabulary
  • Type of Vocabulary
  • The Characteristic of English Vocabulary
  • Assesment of Vocabulary
  • Concept of Storytelling
    • The Definition of Storytelling
    • Storytelling in Teaching Vocabulary
    • Procedures of Storytelling in Teaching Vocabulary
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of Storytelling

It is usually used in a negative and interrogative sentence in the form of the simple tense. A function word belongs to a closed class of words in grammar, since it is very rare that new function words are created during speech, where as in an open class of words (that is, nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs). f) Content word. In the sentence "pollution is becoming a big problem in this country", the words pollution, problem and country are nouns.

A linking verb is a verb that is used to connect a noun that acts as a subject with another noun or adjective .. that is found in the predicate of the sentence. Storytelling has the power to create a sequence of events or a story in the minds of listeners and enable students to remember anything in the story for a long time. Students can share experiences and learn from the wisdom, beliefs and values ​​of others while telling stories.

Once students become interested in the stories, they will automatically want to understand them. Appropriate intonation and emphasis, different voices of characters, different tempos and exaggeration can give children a deeper sense of the language in the story.


  • Data Resource
  • Data Collection Technique
  • Data Analysis Technique
  • Research Approach

Focus on the type, why and how the student strategy is mostly used on vocabulary in the first semester of SMP IT INSAN MULIA Batanghari. For this step, the researcher conducts a subject to the students of SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari. Then the result of the vocabulary on the student strategy will be served on the table.

From the analysis, the measure of the student's vocabulary learning strategy can be obtained or concluded. It covered the strategies of the students in learning vocabulary at SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari. After examining the students' vocabulary learning strategies, the researcher finally got some data.

The following is the summary of the learning strategies used by the subjects in vocabulary learning. In short, from the above description, the researcher concluded that the students of SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari used some strategies when learning vocabulary. To become a successful language learner, especially in vocabulary learning, the students had to have some learning strategies.

These strategies contribute to the improvement of the four English skills and components of English, especially for increasing students' vocabulary mastery. From this data obtained, the researcher knows that students who are good in vocabulary mastery in SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari use more than one strategy. Based on the research result, it is found that students who are good in vocabulary mastery in SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari use different strategies in vocabulary learning.

The researcher gets the point that all those strategies in learning vocabulary are very useful for students' vocabulary mastery. In short, the strategies in learning vocabulary make a good contribution to improving students' vocabulary mastery. The students are expected to be more active and creative in learning English, especially in learning vocabulary.


Profil of SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari

His English teacher always asks his students to ask him when they have had trouble learning English. Mr. Dalih said, "Usually they asked me directly if they got into trouble with some vocabulary, but sometimes they also asked me by sending messages." Asking people directly was more effective, and. Another interesting strategy that made the subjects more interesting in vocabulary learning was listening to English music.

By using these strategies, they could not only get entertainment, but they could also learn English, especially by learning vocabulary nicely. Based on data taken from interview, observation and documentation above, the researcher concluded that the focus of students' strategies in learning vocabulary at SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari could be divided into three aspects, they are: meaning, pronunciation and spelling. From the explanations above, the researcher got the point that all strategies for learning vocabulary, such as using dictionary, making notes, asking someone, remembering, listening English songs, watching English movies, reading history, using song lyrics, sharing with other friends, and it was very useful for them to use the vocabularies in daily life.

In other words, based on the description above, it can be understood that the strategies used to learn vocabulary are very useful for language learners. Consequently, their strategies in learning vocabulary make many contributions to the students' English vocabulary mastery, not only can they improve the meaning of their vocabulary, but also increase their retention in learning vocabulary. There are so many strategies that students use to learn vocabulary, and almost all of the strategies used are the same.

Because, by using learning strategies that they choose themselves, it makes them easier, faster, more fun and more effective in learning vocabulary. From the above discussion, we can see that students' strategies in vocabulary learning are very important for language learners. The contributions of students' strategies to vocabulary learning are: (1) Note-taking and journaling strategies contribute to vocabulary mastery and writing skills.

By mastering the vocabulary, they can automatically master English as well, because vocabulary is the most important component in learning English.

Table 2. The vocabulary’s learning strategies  Vocabulary  learning’s
Table 2. The vocabulary’s learning strategies Vocabulary learning’s


Table 2. The vocabulary’s learning strategies  Vocabulary  learning’s


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