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Academic year: 2023



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This research was conducted to find out Code Switching that Sacha Stevenson uses on her YouTube channel. To obtain the data, the researcher took some notes of the code switching used by Sacha Stevenson on the YouTube channel. It is possible to start watching Alien Kode and watching Sacha Stevenson on Channel YouTube.

Untuk memperoleh data tersebut, peneliti membuat beberapa catatan mengenai alih kode yang digunakan oleh Sacha Stevenson pada channel YouTube. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga jenis alih kode yang digunakan dalam channel YouTube Sacha Stevenson.


  • Background of Study
  • Research Questions
  • Objectives and Benefit of Study
  • Prior Research

Based on the above situation, the researcher analyzed the use of code switching by Sacha Stevenshon. Therefore, the function and types of code switching used by Sacha Stevenson in the video will be the subject of this research. To find out what types of code switching Sacha Stevenson uses on the YouTube channel.

To learn the code switching feature used by Sacha Stevenson on the YouTube channel. The similarity between the previous research and this research is that both researches analyze the use of code switching.


  • The Concept of Sociolinguistics
    • Sociolinguistics
  • Concept of Code Switching
    • Definition of Code Switching
    • Types of Code Switching
    • Functional of Code Switching
  • Concept of YouTube
    • Definition of YouTube
  • Sacha Stevenson

From the definitions above, it was discovered that code switching is more common among bilingual or multilingual speakers. This demonstrates that the speaker used code switching due to his or her misunderstanding of English grammar. The following is an example from Nurlaidy's and Vivi's journal, Code Switching in Boy William YouTube Channel.

Simora, Vivi Novalia Sitanjak, Pahotan Sinaga,” Code Switching in Boy William Youtube Channel,” Jurnal Ilmiah SP Stindo Profesional (STIPRO), Vol.7 No. It is clear from the conversation that the speaker uses tag code switching in his utterances. on the way and treating.


  • The Type and Characteristics of Research
  • Data Source
  • Technique of Collecting Data
  • Techniques of Data Analaysis
  • Research Approach

In the study, the researcher classified the types of code switching based on Sacha Stevenson's first video and the title. Data on the classification of the types of code switching are recorded in the table below:. From another video by Sacha Stevenson on the YouTube channel, the researcher discovered intrasentential z code switching.

Data Result in the Types of Code Switching from the last video, and the title is Mengeluh soal Kanada. Data percentage based on the types of code switching used by Sacha Stevenson on the YouTube channel. The classification information of the code switching function is recorded in the table below.

Classification of data in function of code switching from the first video, and the title is Enaknya jadi orang Indonesia menurut bule. The classification of the code-switching data from the second video, and the title is Kekurangan tinggal di Bali. Data classification in function of code switching from the second video, and the title is Mengeluh soal Kanada.

Percentage of data based on the transcoding function used by Sacha Stevenson on the YouTube channel. In data table 2 number 6 can be categorized as intersentential code switching because the phenomenon occurs between sentences. In data table 2, number 9 can be categorized as intersentential code switching because the phenomenon occurs between sentences.



The researcher used observation and documentation as a technique to collect data on code switching, which was used by Sacha Stevenson on the YouTube channel. In the research, the researcher used a video script to observe and analyze the types and functions of code switching used by Sacha Stevenson on the YouTube channel. For the types of code-switching and seven functions of code-switching proposed using Hoffman's theory, such as intra-sentence code-switching, inter-sentence switching and tag-switching.

The first, intra-sentential code-switching is what occurs within or in the middle of a sentence, a clause, a phrase. From the first video of Sacha Stevenson on YouTube channel, researcher found intra-sentential code switching with 5 cases, the second type is inter-sentential code switching with 2 cases and the last is tag switching with 4 cases. Based on the second video, it can be categorized as intersentential code switching because the phenomenon occurs between sentences.

Data result in the types of code switching from the second video, and the title is Kekrungan kekrungan tinggal di Bali. 5 cases, the second type is inter-sentential code switching with 3 cases and the last is tag switching with 3 cases. From the last video of Sacha Stevenson on YouTube channel, researcher found intra-sentential code-switching with 3 cases, the second type is inter-sentential code-switching with 4 cases and the last is tag-switching with 4 cases.

From the classification of the data in Table 5, the researcher counted them for each code-switching function in the first video used by Sacha Stevenson on YoTube channel. From the classification of the data in Table 6, the researcher counted them for each code-switching feature in another video used by Sacha Stevenson on YoTube channel. From the data classification in Table 7, the researcher counted them for each code-switching function in the latest video used by Sacha Stevenson on YoTube channel.

Through the data in the table 4, table 5 and table 6,the researcher counted  the data and got  the percentage of the data
Through the data in the table 4, table 5 and table 6,the researcher counted the data and got the percentage of the data


Intra-sentential code switching is a code that occurs within or in the middle of a sentence, clause, or sentence boundary. In Table 1 number 3, the intra-sentential code switching process from English to Indonesian can be categorized into the. In table 1 number 5 the data is called inta-sentential code switching because it occurs in the middle of the sentence.

The above expression appeared in the video in table 1 number 7, it can be categorized code switching within the sentence because Sacha praised Indonesia with English pronunciation at the beginning of the sentence. In Table 2, number 3, he called inta-sentence code switching because the switch occurs in the middle of a sentence. In Table 2, number 12 above is classified as an intra-sentence code switch that occurs mid-sentence.

In the data table 1, number 4 can be categorized. Intersentential code switching because there are two intersentential switches taking place in this data. In data table 1 number 6, the researcher is categorized as inter-sentential code-switching because Sacha switched two languages ​​in her utterance between sentences. Based on Table 3, there are 4 inter-sentential code switches. a) “Transfer antar Bank aneh dan Ribet!.

The variety of code switches, especially for tag switching, can be found in the errors in Sacha Stevenson's YouTube channel. Based on the data in table 6 number 9, the reason Sacha Stevenson did the code switch is talking about a certain topic. Based on the data in Table 7, Number 4, read the reason Sacha Stevenson code-switched on a specific topic.



After the analysis and discussion of the code switching used by Sacha stevenson on YouTube channel, the researcher can conclude that there are many types applied in this Sacha stevenson on YouTube channel, there are: Intra-sentential code switching 40.6%, Inter-sentential code switching 25%. Based on the findings of the type of code switching, researcher found out that the types of code switching are used more than other type of code switching, it means that the most type of code switching used by Sacha Stevenson on YouTube channel is intra-sentence code switching is code switching. Furthermore, after analyzing the data, the researcher found that many functions of the code switching used by Sacha Stevenson on YouTube channel are: Talking about specific topic 28%, Being emphatic about something 25 %, Interjection 18.75%, Repetition 25%, and the last Expression of group identity 3.12%.

That function was chosen because from the analysis of the sentence spoken by utterance with Hoffman classification of the function of code witchcraft.


Video pertama yang diambil dari channel YouTube Sacha Stevenson berjudul Senangnya Menjadi Orang Indonesia Menurut Bule (Menyenangkan Menjadi Orang Indonesia). Enaknya jadi orang Indonesia dalam kata bule (Senangnya jadi orang Indonesia) Nggak bisa melucu di sini karena umm... ini emosional sekali, jadi ini bakalan jadi kata-kata kasar, yuk. Tanpa paspor atas nama Anda, Anda tinggal pergi ke pantai, berselancar, menyelam, segala jenis ikan dari seluruh dunia melewati perairan ini. Dan pastinya kalau mau ke toko beli sesuatu, bawa sepeda motor, gila.

So yes, we stood our ground in the struggle, so yes, some of you went to the local Indonesian school, but did that stop you from learning if it did, then it's your fault. If you make excuses and let things hold you back, then it's your fault, not the government's. And yes, our homeless people are freezing to death, you can read it in the newspaper and because you have such a nice warm country, you need something like a house, a bikin for a house with a bambu, the government won't stop you, kamu bikin you can get benefits in Canada, or Canada you have no choice but to live in Canada, you get benefits and live in a subsidized apartment or something that isn't even yours.

Kadang bagus banget, nggak banyak gosipnya, tapi itu bukan bagian dari budaya, hanya budaya saling menghormati saja sudah bagus. Jadi kami sudah mencobanya beberapa kali, tapi hampir lebih murah hanya dengan mengembalikan mobil ke Bandung. Jadi pokoknya hati-hati kalau tidak punya properti, pastikan mendapat tempatnya dalam jangka waktu yang baik, sayang sekali, tidak mahal banget seperti di Kanada, jauh lebih mudah mendapatkan kamar bayi yang terjangkau.

I spent less on daycare than my friends in Jakarta, like it's mahal banget daycare in Jakarta. I do not know why. You have gold card drivers, eho puts their kids in daycare, you don't even like it's affordable. But another one, it's so divers and I think it's important aku si anaku aku mau dia berteman sama banyak jenis orang.

Banyak sekali orang yang mengendarai sepeda ke kantor, jadi wajar kalau sepeda kemana-mana itu keren. Video pertama diambil dari video Sacha Stevenson di channel youtube, judulnya Senang Menjadi Orang Indonesia Menurut Bule (Menyenangkan Menjadi Orang Indonesia).


Through the data in the table 4, table 5 and table 6,the researcher counted  the data and got  the percentage of the data
Through the data in the table 5, table 6 and table 7,the researcher counted  the data and got  the percentage of the data


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