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Academic year: 2023



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Oleh :

Dra. Yelliza, M. M.Pd1) Yuli Hartati 2)

English Department

College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) PGRI West Sumatra

Yellizajr@gmail.com yhartati35@gmail.com



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa tentang komunikasi interpersonal guru bahasa Inggris dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe komunikasi interpersonal yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris, dan menggambarkan komunikasi interpersonal tersebut dalam proses belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teori Suranto (2011) yang membagi tipe komunikasi interpersonal menjadi tiga bagian yaitu: (1) Communication between two people, (2) group communication, (3) Interview, serta empat indikator komunikasi yang efektif yang diambil dari teori Brantle dan Miller (2012) yaitu: (1) Courtesy, (2) Clarity, (3) Conciseness, (4) Completeness. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 orang guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN 2 Lubuk Alung. Data dikumpulkan melalui video,observation checklist dan field note. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan ada dua tipe komunikasi interpersonal yang digunakan guru bahasa Inggris pada proses belajar mengajar yaitu communication between two people dan group communication. Disamping itu juga ditemukan guru menerapkan indikator–indikator komunikasi yang efektif berdasarkan teori Brantle dan Miller.

Key words: Interpersonal Communication.

1)A lecturer of English Department College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) PGRI West Sumatra

2)A student of English Department College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) PGRI West Sumatra



Communication is an activity that cannot be separated by human life. Every day human always do communication with another.

Communication can be done by verbal and non verbal. Verbal and non verbal communications have the same function. It is used to deliver the message like opinions, information, ideas, arguments, and so on from the communicator as the sender of the message to the receiver. One of the professions that always need communication is a teacher. Teacher is a communicator to send the materials or knowledge to the students as the receivers in teaching and learning process. There are two types of communication. They are intrapersonal and interpersonal communication.

According to Hardjana (2003:47), Intrapersonal communication is the internal communication process like praying (communication between human and God), introspection (human and itself), and so on. In this communication, the communicator can not get the feedback from receiver directly. Then, intrapersonal communication is the communication between two or more people personally. Communication between teachers and their students come to interpersonal communication. Furthermore, teachers should use interpersonal communication on delivering material in teaching and learning process effectively.

According to Wood (2011:24), interpersonal communication foster personal knowledge and insights, and also it can increase personal knowledge. It means interpersonal communication is the effective communication in teaching and learning process because it can increase students’ personal knowledge and insight. There are three types of interpersonal communication. They are communication between two people, group communication, and interview. On the other hand, there are four indicators that can measure the effectiveness of interpersonal communication. There are courtesy, clarity, conciseness, and completeness.

Briefly, in this study researcher find out the type of English teachers’ interpersonal communication, and also how is English teachers’ interpersonal communication in teaching and learning process at SMAN 2 Lubuk Alung.


Based on definition, of interpersonal communication is the communication between two or more people. It means, the interpersonal communication has several types. According to Suranto (2011:16–19) and Devito (2015:2) the types of the interpersonal communication are:

a. Communication between two people The interpersonal communication between two people refers to the interpersonal relationship. It is like a communication between a husband and wife, teacher and student, doctor and patient, manager and staff, and so on. The distance of them is very near in this communication.

There are two kind of interpersonal communication between two people, there are open and close communication. Open communication means is usually called “doctor and patient “. It is indicated bythe open attitude between doctor and patient. The close communication is like interrogation process.

Because, in interrogation process the suspect are not honest in answer the question.

b. Interview

The interview belongs to the interpersonal communication. Because, there is a communication on question and answer communication between two people in interview process. An interviewer is a communicator and person who answer the question as the receiver.

The effectiveness of the interpersonal communication in interview process is depended on the answers ability and how many the question can be answered by the receiver from the interviewer.

c. The communication group

Communication in group is also the type of the interpersonal communication process. Because, the members of the group do interpersonal communication while they are doing discussion, meeting and so on. The characteristic of the group are:

1. The group that only has the some members.

2. All of member in the group have know one by one

3. The message in the discussion is unique and special for members.


Teaching and learning process between teacher as communicator who send the material as the message with students as the receivers come to the group communication. It has some members.

The teacher is as communicator and some students as receivers in teaching and learning process. Then, the message that is delivered is also unique and special. It is not turn out of the syllabus or material that has been arranged before.


INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Based on the meaning of interpersonal communication, it can conclude that the interpersonal communication is a mission to send the message to the receiver. Absolutely, every communicator wants their goal attend effectively. According to, Brantley and Miller (2008:64) there are six elements that will make communication effective. There are Courtesy, clarity, conciseness, and completeness.

Courtesy is related to the teacher concern to the message. It involves being aware not only of the perspective of the students but also their feelings. Suranto (2011:76) also argues courtesy and appreciative can help the effectiveness of interpersonal communication. On the other hand, courtesy is described as diplomacy between teachers as communicator with students as receivers.

Clarity refers to the aspect that makes the ideas meaningful and has desired impact for the receiver of the message. In teaching and learning process, it is about quality of being clear, in particular when the teacher delivers the material.

In addition, Suranto (2011: 78) also says clarity refers to openness and transparency. It is to avoid multi interpretation. He also says clarity depends on the quality of the voice and language used.

Conciseness means deliver material as the message must be suitable with the needs. In delivering the message teacher should use few word as possible and eliminate unused word. In teaching and learning process, teachers as communicator should not use the same sentence every time, beside the students will be boring to hear it, it also spent much time but the teachers do not teach material based on the lesson plan.


The design of this study was descriptive research. This study was done in SMAN 2Lubuk Alung and started from 3th August 2015 until 18thAugust 2015. The participant of the research was two English teachers. Then, the instruments of this research were video, observation checklist and fieldnote. The researcher used the theory from Brantle and Miller (2008:64) as indicator in observation checklist.


Referring to the data analysis above, the researcher found that the researcher found two type of interpersonal communication during observation English teacher in teaching and learning process. They are communication between two people and group communication.

The first is communication between two people.

The teacher as participant came to the students’

desk or students came to teacher’s desk. Then, teacher evaluated the students’ understanding about the material, and then teacher explain it more directly.

Next, the second is group communication.

Teacher communicated for all of students in the class to deliver and teach the material as the message to the students as the receivers. Then, the teacher followed the students in that communication with asked their idea or understanding about the material or the message to get the feedback. Some students gave their idea about the material in teaching and learning process such as give the examples or answer the teacher question relate with the material.

The first participant used communication between two people and group communication on delivering material in teaching and learning process. Based on the observation checklist, the first participant used Indonesian, minang kabau language and English on did interpersonal communication with the students. From the indicators of effectiveness interpersonal communication, on the courtesy, the first participant showed his care with do communication between two people for general students. It is to know the students understanding about the material. Then he explained the material more. He also gave the time for the students who wanted to give their


idea, listened the students idea, and give explanation and appreciation for students’ idea.

For the clarity indicator, the first participant has produced the clear pronunciation and intonation in delivering the material in teaching and learning process. When he used the communication between two people type, generally several students are more active than he used the group communication. Several students are followed on the first participant communication, but still few students who are not focus and did another activity that unrelated with the material.

For the conciseness indicator, generally all of information that the teacher deliver in while teaching are necessary and relate with the topic, for the important points of the information are written by the first participant on the write board. All of information are delivered base on topic. Only the completeness indicator that the first participant did not applied in teaching and learning process.

On the other hand, the second participant just used the group communication in teaching and learning process. From six indicators of the effective interpersonal communication, the second participant has applied the indicators of interpersonal communication. There are courtesy, clarity, conciseness, and completeness.

For the courtesy indicator, the second participant showed her cares for all of students without differ students’ ability. I can be seen from asked several students to give idea. The second participant allowed the student on giving their idea. After that, the second participant gave explanation for students’ idea. Besides that the second participant gave the appreciation for students’ idea with “that is great idea, good, and very good”.

For the clarity indicator, the second participant produced the clear word and sentence, so the students can understand and respond well. The second participant also has the good intonation in delivering the material, so her voice can hear clearly until the back. For the conciseness indicator, all of information that the second participant communicate in teaching and learning process are related with the material.

The second participant did not write all of important point in the white board, but she showed them with using the power point, next

teacher used a half of meeting to explain the last material.

Finally in completeness indicator, the second participant explained all of information that related with the material. Then, in the end the participant conclude and also asked the students to conclude the material that she has explained.


Communication between teacher and students on delivering the material in teaching and learning process is come to interpersonal communication.

The researcher had interested in doing investigated about this part. This research was descriptive qualitative research that was done in SMAN 2 Lubuk Alung.

In this research, the researcher explained about what are types of interpersonal communication that used by English teacher and how is English teacher interpersonal communication in teaching and learning process. To collect the data, the researcher did observation with using observation checklist and field note. From the data analysis, the researcher concluded that there are two types of interpersonal communication that used by English teacher in teaching and learning process. They are communication between two people and group communication, and also teachers use all of indicator of effective interpersonal communication in teaching and learning process.


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