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AN ANALYSIS OF EXTERNAL FACTORS CAUSES STUDENTS DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH IN THE ERA EDUCATION 4.0 (A Case Study at Second Grade Students of SMK N 1 Kutasari, Purbalingga) - repository perpustakaan


Academic year: 2023

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A. Background of The Research

English is not only use as an official language in many nations, but also influence on many different cultures in a large number of countries, it is the central language of communication in the world-wide (Susanna, 2007).

Language as an internatioanal language, so many students learn English in around the world.

In the era globalization, Indonesia government has considered that English become one of subject that must be learned by students especially at Junior High School and Senior High School. English becomes a compulsory subject in Indonesia, so many students who feel worried to learn English.

Usually in every exam the result many students who get bad score in learning English. Most of them have problem to learn English.

Problem in learning English be caused by internal and external factors.

Dimyati and Mudjiono (2009) mention that problems in learning can be caused by both internal and external factors. Internal factors include attitude toward learning, motivation, concentration, self confidence, intelligence, and study habit, while external factors include the teachers, teaching and learning facilities, learning environment, and curriculum. Both of these factors are important because they can influence student achievement in learning


that the motivation of the teacher and parents of students can be more motivated, concentrated, and confident in learning. Likewise with external factors if teachers and parents are less motivating they students/children in learning, they will lose enthusiasm and tend to be lazy.

External factors are factors that originate from outside students.

According to Conny R Semiawan (1998), the role of the family is more supportive both in terms of providing facilities and creating a conducive learning atmosphere. Abu Ahmadi and Widodo Supriyono (2004), learning achievement achieved by an individual is the result of interaction between various factors that influence it. External factors originating from outside the student are social, cultural, physical, and environmental factors spiritual religious. Social factors include family, school and community environments.

Cultural factors include customs, science, technology, and art. Physical environmental factors such as home facilities and learning facilities. Learning facilities include study rooms, tables, chairs, lighting, stationery, and textbooks. These factors interact with each other both directly and indirectly in influencing learning achievement.

In Indonesia, students are facilitated with sophisticated technology, but students still find problems in learning English. With the internet students can study online by mobile phone and computer. As well as the google translate students easily translate difficult words without open a dictionary manually.

However, not all students in Indonesia can apply it. Many students who are


less able, while the technology and education system are increasingly advanced. The progress of this era is called era industrial revolution 4.0.

The inclusion of the era industrial revolution 4.0 which requires students to learn to use existing technologies such as the internet, ebook and learning media. So, teachers use technology-based learning because teachers are one of the factors that can influence students in the learning process.

Likewise, when in a family environment, parents are expected to be able to provide learning facilities such as laptops and smartphones. But, when providing these facilities parents must provide supervision to children in using these facilities. Because when parents let their guard down watch over their children what will happen is the misuse of technology.

B. Reasons for Choosing The Research

The researcher researching the problem only at the external factors which focused on family, teacher, and learning facilities factors. There are some reasons why researcher focus on family, teacher, and learning facilities factors. The reasons are as follows:

1. Family, teacher, and learning facilities have important role in students’

learning process. The importance of three factors such as the there are no support and motivation from the family, low teacher qualifications and ways of teaching are not easy to understand, and the lack of learning facilities such as textbooks, lack of dictionary availability, etc. They will affect students in learning English.


2. Students will lose motivation, concentration, and self-confidence due to lack of the role of family, teacher, and learning facilities.

C. Problem of The Research

Based on the research, the problem of this research can be formulated as follows:

1. What are external factors that cause students’ difficulties in learning English in Education 4.0?

2. What is the most dominant external factor causes students’

difficulties in learning English in Education 4.0?

D. Aim of The Research

The aim of the research are as follows:

1. To know the external factors that causes students’ difficulties in learning English in Education 4.0.

2. To know the most dominant external factor causes students’

difficulties in learning English in Education 4.0.

E. Significance of The Research

This research looks for the most dominant factor causes students’

difficulties in learning English in Education 4.0 at Senior High School. The research is expected contributed to the parent and teacher so that give the motivation for their children and students.

The researcher hopes this study will give a contribution to the improvement of the learning English for:


1. The family, the researcher hopes that the result of the study can be applied for the parent, brother, sister, and other family members to give motivation and guide their children in learning English.

2. The teachers, the researcher hopes that the result of the study can be reference for the English teachers when they teach their students.

3. The researcher, the result of the study may give some useful information related to the research.

4. The reader, the researcher hopes will give new information and give contribution an idea about An Analysis of External Factors Causes Students’ Difficulties in Learning English in Era Education 4.0. It means this study expect that it becomes additional references for the reader in the future.


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