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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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INFORMATION QUALITY, AND USE AT NET BENEFIT WITH USER SATISFACTION ABOUT E-FILING SYSTEM AS INTERVENING VARIABLE. The analysis of the influence of system quality, information quality and usage on net benefit with user satisfaction on e-archiving system as an intermediate variable "as a partial requirement for the completion of the bachelor's degree in International Program, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia is finally finished Thank you for everything my dear family that I couldn't even mention the kindness one by one.

Thank you Mom for saving time to give me advice, lessons, guidance and support so that I could complete my thesis on time. The result shows that system quality, information quality and usage are significantly positive on user satisfaction.

  • Study Background
  • Problem Formulations
  • Research Objectives
  • Research Contribution
  • Systematic of Writing

This study examines the system quality, information quality and usage for net benefit with the user satisfaction. Analyzing and investigating the influence of the information system when using the e-filing system on user satisfaction. Analyzing and researching the influence of Usage when using the E-filing System on User Satisfaction.

To analyze and investigate the influence of user satisfaction using the e-filing system on net benefit. The study is expected to gain insight and understanding into user satisfaction with system quality and information quality when using the E-filing system.

Information System


9 technology that is done by the Government especially the Directorate General of Taxation in the term of tax administration in order to improve service to Taxpayers in the submission of the shipment of tax return. Ease of filling the tax return, because the filling of the tax return in the form of wizard 5. Procedures and process of submission of annual tax return by e-filing according to Directorate General of Taxation (“Mudahnya Pelaporan Pajak Melawi e-Filing,‖ 2012) , such as;.

Register as an e-filing taxpayer by creating an account with an online tax service such as on the online page of the General Directorate of Taxes or on the Application page of the Electronic Tax Declaration Service Provider. When the tax return has already been made, the system will display a summary of the tax return.

Net Benefit

Once the account is activated, log in again with the NPWP and password already provided.

User Satisfaction

Theory of Information System Succeeded DeLone and McLean DeLone and McLean conduct in-depth research regarding the success.

Theory of Information System Succeeded DeLone and McLean

DeLone and McLean examine various research contributions of one of Seddon's critics (1997) and make a model of a new information system. An addition to the service quality dimension is DeLone and McLean's (2003) addition to measure service provider information. The use of the system is evaluated according to the variables of use and user satisfaction, and the effect of using the system is evaluated according to the net benefit.

DeLone and McLean's model reflected the dependence of six measures on the IS Success model. Three dimensions in measuring the success of the information systems model will be discussed as follows.

System Quality

System quality is the performance of a system that refers to how well the capabilities of the hardware, software, policies and procedures of the information systems can provide the information needed by the user (DeLone and McLean, 1992). System quality in the information system in the General Directorate of Taxes is about the connection of features in the system including system performance and user interface. Response time is the system's ability to track requests for information quickly and accurately.

The reliability of the information system is measured by the ability of a system that is free from errors and damage as well as serving the necessity of the user. Security system is one of the factors that affect the success rate of the system.

Information quality


  • Previous Study
  • Hypothesis Formulation
    • System Quality and User Satisfaction
    • Information Quality and User Satisfaction
    • Use and User Satisfaction
    • User Satisfaction and Net Benefit
  • Research Model

If the e-filing system continues, the user satisfaction is positive, and this will affect and strengthen the net benefit. A good quality information system is a system designed to complete user satisfaction through user-friendly information systems. In this research, the researchers found that the relationship between information quality and user satisfaction is not supported.

Hidayati, Harimurti and SPA (2017) conducted an analyzed research of the effect of information system quality and information quality on user satisfaction in electronic filing system. So the information system and information quality can influence the increase of user satisfaction in the electronic filing system. Consequently, the quality of the system and the quality of the information significantly positively affect user satisfaction; System Quality and Information System significantly positively affect net profit; User satisfaction significantly positively affects net profit.

In the research, DeLone and McLean (1992) show the results of his research that the quality systems have a significant impact that affects user satisfaction. 32 generated e-filing is good and accurate then it will increase the user satisfaction on e-filing system. In the research, DeLone and McLean (1992) show the results of their research that the system quality has a significant impact that affects user satisfaction.

2012) proves research results similar to that user satisfaction is influenced by the quality of the information. Usage is characterized by the level and way in which users utilize information systems capabilities, which is called frequency, which means how often users use an information system and can be specified in each increase in usage will increase user satisfaction. The user satisfaction will affect the net profit, it indicates that the user satisfaction is highly related to the user's attitude towards the use of information systems.

  • Type of Study
  • Population and Sample
  • Data Collection Technique
  • Definition and Measurement of Research Variables
    • System Quality
    • Information Quality
    • Use
    • User Satisfaction
    • Net Benefit
  • Data Analysis Technique and Hypothesis
    • Structural Equation Model – Partial Least Squares
    • Descriptive Statistic Analysis
    • Data Quality Test
    • Hypothesis Testing

36 this study is the primary data obtained from the dissemination of the questionnaire to a number of the interviewees who come from private taxpayers who have used E-filing. User satisfaction as an intervening variable and dependent variable is net benefit of e-filing system. System quality is defined as a desirable characteristic of the information system itself, and the information quality desired by characteristics is the information about the product characteristic (DeLone and McLean as cited in Kartika and Anton (2016)).

Utilization is characterized by the degree and manner in which users use the capabilities of information systems that frequently call, meaning how often users use. User satisfaction is the satisfaction of system users or user-initiated feedback that refers to the situation where users feel satisfied after using the system because of the ease that the system has (Santosa, as cited in Fathya, 2018). 40 is an overall assessment of the user experience when using information systems and the possible impact of information systems.

User satisfaction in this study used two indicators which consist of satisfaction and repeated use. 41 The net benefit in this study used four indicators such as knowledge improvement, productivity, effectiveness and usefulness. The purpose of descriptive statistical analysis is to make it easier for people to read the data and easily understand the meaning of the data.

The R-squared value is used to measure the degree of the model's ability to indicate variation in the dependent variable changes. The parameter used to test the feasibility of the model using the interval result between 0 and 1 (Ghozali, 2013). In this test, there are structural and measurement models and present a comparison of several pathways in relation to the independent variables that can influence the dependent variable.

  • Result of Data Collection
  • Characteristic of Respondent
    • Classification based on Gender
    • Classification based on Level of Education
    • Classification based on the Monthly Net Income
    • Classification based on the Profession
  • Descriptive Statistic
  • Result of Outer Model Evaluation
    • Test of Validity
    • Test of Reliability
  • The Result of Inner Model Evaluation
  • Discussion
    • System Quality has significant positive influence on User
    • Information Quality has significant positive influence on User
    • Use has significant positive influence on User Satisfaction on e-
    • User Satisfaction has significant positive influence on net benefit on

System Quality (X1) has a minimum value of 3.00, which means that all respondents who give the lowest rating of the response to System Quality are 3.00. For the maximum value of 6.00, which means that of all the respondents who give the highest rating of the answer to System Quality is 6.00. Information quality (X2) has a minimum value of 2.86, which means that out of all respondents giving the lowest response rate on information quality is 2.86.

For the maximum value of 6.00 which means that of all the respondents who give the highest response rate for the quality of information is 6.00. Use (X3) has the minimum value of 2.00 which means that out of all the respondents giving the lowest answer of Use is 2.00. For the maximum value of 6.00 which means that of all the respondents who give the highest rating of.

User satisfaction (X2) has a minimum value of 2.00 which means that of all respondents who give the lowest rate of the answer to User satisfaction is 2.00. For the maximum value of 6, which means that of all respondents who give the highest scale of the answer to user satisfaction is 6.00. Net Benefit (Y) has a minimum value of 2.50 which implies that of all respondents who give the lowest rate of the answer on net benefit is 2.50.

For the maximum value of 6.00 that describes that of all respondents who give the highest response rating for net benefit is 6.00. The result is due to the quality of the system in user satisfaction that has the T-statistic value of 1.725 ​​and the initial value of the sample evaluation is positive 0.339 mentioned in table 4.13. Otherwise, when the quality of the information provided is less good, then user satisfaction will be lower.




Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem Informasi Kualitas Informasi dan Kemanfaatan yang Dirasakan pada Pengguna Informasi Sistem Akuntansi. Pengaruh kualitas sistem dan kualitas informasi terhadap keputusan pengguna dan individu mempengaruhi perspektif model keberhasilan DeLone dan McLean. Pengaruh kualitas sistem informasi, persepsi kegunaan dan kualitas informasi terhadap kepuasan pengguna sistem perencanaan sumber daya perusahaan (studi empiris di PT.

Analisis kualitas sistem informasi, persepsi kegunaan, dan kualitas informasi terhadap kepuasan pengguna akhir perangkat lunak akuntansi. Menilai keberhasilan sistem e-government: Validasi model kesuksesan sistem informasi DeLone dan McLean. Pengaruh kualitas sistem, kualitas informasi, ketepatan waktu, dan kerahasiaan terhadap kepuasan wajib pajak pengguna e-filing.

Pengembangan Model dan Metode yang Diusulkan untuk Mengukur Keberhasilan Sistem Teknologi Informasi DeLone dan McLean untuk Mencapai Budaya Klan, (2012). Sehubungan dengan penyelesaian jurusan akuntansi di Universitas Islam Indonesia, izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Dhio Tiara Alfioni berencana untuk melakukan penelitian dengan judul “Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi dan Penggunaan Net Benefit dengan e-storage terhadap kepuasan pengguna sistem sebagai variabel antara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem kualitas pada kualitas informasi dan minat pengguna sistem dalam sistem e-filing.







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