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Gemilang Makmur .P

Academic year: 2023



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An analysis of the role play method in teaching Speech at the 8th grade of SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year is my real masterpiece. Habib Adnan Prihatin, M.Pd as an eight grade teacher at SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta. Sri Handayani, S.Pd as a ninth grade teacher at SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta.

An analysis of the role play method in teaching speaking in the eighth grade of SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2022/2023. The purpose of this research is to describe the steps of the role play method used by the eighth grade teacher of SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta.


  • Background of the Study
  • Identification of the Problems
  • Limitation of the Problems
  • Formulation of the Problems
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Benefits of the Study
  • Definition of Keyterms

In this research, the researcher focused on the teacher's teaching speaking skill with the role play method. To implement the role-playing method in English teaching, the teacher made a group consisting of two students. The researcher limited this research on role play method in speaking skills in eighth grade of SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta.

How to apply the role play method based on Harmer's theory in teaching speaking in the eighth grade of SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the Academic Year 2022/2023. The finding from this research will enrich the theory of role play method in teaching English in the eighth grade of SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta.


Theoretical Review

  • Teaching
  • Method of Teaching
  • Characteristics of Teacher

If the teacher is sure that students understand the situation, each member of the group is given the role card for the role they have to play. When the activity is finished, the teacher tells the class what he or she saw and works on any persistent mistakes that occurred during the role play. In teaching English, the teacher must always . prepare for the material to be taught in class.

As a result, when teaching in the classroom, the teacher is no longer confused about the material to be delivered. From lesson preparation, always thinking positively, being creative, having a good attitude and forgiveness are all necessary for the Teacher to control the students in the classroom.

Previous Related Study

The result of this research is that the application of role play technique can significantly develop the speaking skill of grade VIII students at SMP Negeri 1 Palu. Second research of Fadilah Umi Maisyaroh titled "How Character Building can be Integrated in The Role Play of The Standard of Competency Three of The Social Twelve Graders." The aim of the study is to contribute to improving the character of Indonesian learners through the teaching of English.

The result of the research is the role play activity started by grouping the students and giving each group a topic that will be elaborated in the drama scenario. After the discussion, each of the groups should present the work in front of the class. Third, the research by Ria Sukanti Effendi, Muhammad Sukirlan and Ari Nurweni titled "Teaching Speaking through Role Play for Extrovert and Introvert Students".

The result is that there was no significant difference in speaking achievement between extroverted and introverted students who were taught through the role play technique. This research aimed to explore the potential of role play to encourage students to use vocabulary appropriately in an authentic simulated situation. The results of this research are that using a role play strategy in EFL classrooms is valid and more effective than using traditional vocabulary teaching.

The purpose of this study is to improve the speaking ability of students of VIII-D students in SMP Wahid Hasyim Malang. The result of this research has been found that the role play technique has helped the students to cope with the problem of speaking in English. 2 How character building can be integrated into role play Competency Standard Three of Twelve Social Learners.


  • Research Design
  • Research Setting
  • Research Subject
  • Data and Source of the Data
  • Research Instrument
  • Techniques of Collecting the Data
  • Trustworthiness of the Data
  • Techniques of Analyzing the Data

The researcher also used interview, which consists of focusing on how the teacher used the role-play method when they. In the interview, the researcher will find and describe data from the teacher directly. The researcher will also use documentation to collect more data from the teacher and to support the data.

The researcher obtained data on how the teacher used the Role-Play method in teaching English in the eighth grade of SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta. While the students are discussing, the teacher goes around the class checking the text of the role play that the students have made. While the students are discussing, the teacher goes around the class checking the text of the Role Play that the students have made.

The question is "Have you ever used the Role Play method to teach English?" the teacher used Role Play to teach showing commitments. In the lesson plans, the researcher found that the teacher used the Role Play method to teach the students. The discussion focused on how the teacher used the Role Play method to teach the students in the classroom at SMP IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta.

Thus, based on the researcher's observations in the classroom, it can be concluded that the teacher used role play with Harmer's theory. Textbook used by the teacher to give an exercise to the students before starting the role play.

Table 3.1  Research Planning  No  Activity  September  September -
Table 3.1 Research Planning No Activity September September -


Research Findings

After that, the teacher asked the students whether they should remember the last lesson or not. After that, the teacher gave an example of a situation that included material of obligation that will be practiced by students using Role Play. Here the teacher tells the students an example situation about showing obligations in the library.

In this situation, the teacher told students that they are free to choose a situation based on group discussion. Next, the teacher allowed time for students to discuss or revise the text of Role Play before practicing in front of the class. In the closing session, the teacher repeated some material Role Play or gave feedback on students'.

The teacher gave an example of a situation involving a compulsory subject that the students would practice through a role play. In this situation, the teacher told the students that they were free to choose the situation based on the group discussion. Then the teacher gave the students time to discuss or correct the text of the role-play before practicing it in front of the class.


But the only step that is not the same as Harmer's theory is a step "If the teacher is sure that the students understand the situation, each member of the group is given a role card for the part to play". In this step, the teacher is sure that the students understand the situation, but the students do not give a role card. Also, the teacher only gave the students the opportunity to choose a topic based on their discussion.

In the beginning, the teacher gave the students an insight into the material and gave some role-play examples. So the teacher could not concentrate to control the performance practicing in front of the class. The lesson plan includes a method the teacher used to teach, showing commitments.

Six, the teacher goes from group to group, helping and marking any language worth commenting on later. This is in the second step, the teacher allowed the students to choose each situation based on the group discussion. Also, the teacher should be well prepared to teach the role play because when one group practiced in front of the class, the other groups make the class crowded.

Guru : Menurut saya banyak sekali manfaat yang bisa kita manfaatkan, salah satunya adalah mengetahui secara langsung kemampuan siswa. Guru: Yang kami temukan, salah satu manfaatnya adalah kami melihat anak-anak menjadi lebih antusias. Guru: Jadi ya, sebenarnya kita mengharapkan hal itu, namun kadang-kadang latihannya selalu tidak sama dengan yang kita harapkan.



Based on findings of the research result in the previous chapter, it shows the result of observation and the interview that teacher used Role Play Teaching based on Harmer's theory.


Setidaknya ada dua ranah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, yaitu siklus lisan dan tertulis. Oleh karena itu, kami menggunakan Role Play agar anak-anak lebih tertarik untuk berlatih ekspresi atau mempelajari materi dalam bahasa Inggris. Kekurangannya adalah anak kita adalah pembelajar, bahasa inggris adalah bahasa asing, sehingga kemampuan mereka dalam mempersiapkan diri ketika materi berbicara kurang.

Guru mempersiapkan siswa secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan memberi salam, mengajak siswa menata ruang kelas dan penampilannya, mengajak siswa memulai kegiatan dengan berdoa dan memeriksa kehadiran siswa. Siswa menonton video percakapan pendek sederhana yang memuat ungkapan memberi saran, kewajiban, dan larangan. Siswa menulis hal-hal asing terkait komunikasi bahasa Inggris, yang mereka buktikan.

Siswa menerima umpan balik dan/atau penguatan (isi, fungsi sosial, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan teks) dari guru. Bersama-sama guru dan siswa membuat rangkuman materi yang dibahas pada pertemuan ini. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan kepada siswa untuk membantu mereka merefleksikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah mereka lakukan.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk melatih ungkapan-ungkapan memberi saran, perintah dan larangan serta mencatat kepada siapa siswa mengucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut. Disajikan dengan pernyataan/ilustrasi situasi tertentu, siswa dapat dengan tepat mendefinisikan ungkapan untuk memberi perintah dan larangan. 2 Disajikan ungkapan-ungkapan yang memberi perintah dan larangan beserta jawabannya secara acak, siswa dapat mencocokkan ungkapan dan jawabannya dengan benar.

3 Disajikan dengan gambar dengan ilustrasi yang jelas, siswa dapat menentukan ungkapan yang tepat dalam memberikan perintah dan larangan.

tabel berdasarkan gambar dengan menuliskan huruf  O untuk Obligation dan P untuk Prohibition
tabel berdasarkan gambar dengan menuliskan huruf O untuk Obligation dan P untuk Prohibition


Table 3.1  Research Planning  No  Activity  September  September -
Table 3.2  Observation Sheet
Table 3.3  Interview Blueprint
tabel berdasarkan gambar dengan menuliskan huruf  O untuk Obligation dan P untuk Prohibition


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