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Bahasa Dan Sastra kelas 11

Adnan Sharimul

Academic year: 2023

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Pandan Nama Guru : Rizavatmi, S. Pd

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Dan Sastra

Inggris Kelas/Peminatan : XI IPA N

o. Kompetensi

Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaia

n Kompeten

si (IPK)


Pokok Stimulus

Soal Indikator Soal Be

ntu k So

al N o.

S o al

3.1.1. Menerap

kan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaa n teks interaksi interperson al lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyarank an untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan penjelasan, serta

merespons nya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaa nnya

Menganal isis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaa n pada ungkapan menyaran kan melakuka n sesuatu atau tidak melakuka n sesuatu dan responsny a, sesuai dengan konteks pengguna annya:

Ungka pan menya rankan melak

ukan sesuat u atau tidak melak

ukan sesuat

u dan respon

snya, (Givin

g Sugge


Dialog rumpang berisi ungkapan G iving


Diberikan sebuah dialog rumpang yang berisi

ungkapan Giving Suggestion atau memberikan saran, peserta didik bisa menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan berdasarka n pada dialog tersebut.

PG 1- 1 0

2. Menerapka n fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaa n teks

Menganal isis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaa n pada

past perfec t, presen t perfec t, future

Kalimat rumpang berisi kejadi an yang sudah dilak ukan, denga n satu titik waktu di

Diberikan sebuah kalimat rumpang yang berisi kejadian yang sudah dilakukan, deng an satu titik waktu di waktu, lampau saat ini, dan waktu yang akan

PG 1 1- 2 0


interaksi transaksio nal lisan dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan/k egiatan/

kejadian yang sudah/tela h

dilakukan/t erjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaa nnya.

(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaa n past perfect, present perfect, future perfect)

tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu, la mpau sa at ini, dan waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks pengguna annya.

perfec t)

waktu, lamp au saat ini, dan

waktu yang akan datang

datang, peserta didik bisa

mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks tulis tersebut.

3. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis sederh


Condit ional Senten ce Type

Kalimat rumpang berisi Condi tional Sentence

Disajikan sebuah percakapan rumpang

sederhana yang melibatkan

PG 2 1- 3 0


teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait rencan a yang akan datang denga n kondisi tertentu, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaann ya.

(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan if dalam present tense)

tentang t eks khusus conditi

onal sentence terkait rencana yang

akan datang dengan kondisi tertent


1 Type 1 tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan if dalam present tense

Siswa dapat melengkapinya

4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait cerita pendek, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaann ya

Menganal isa fungsi sosial dari teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek.

Menganal isa

struktur teks dari teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek.

Menganal isa unsure kebahasaa n dari teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek.

Narrat ive Text

The Legend of


Diberikan teks tulis tentang ceritai pend ek dan sederhana tentang legenda, peserta didik dapat menentukan

jawaban atas pertanyaan terkiat dengan tujuan dari teks tersebut.

Diberikan teks tulis tentang cerita pend ek dan sederhana tentang legenda, peserta didik dapat menentukan

jawaban atas pertanyaan tentang informasi rinci dari teks tersebut.

Diberikan kutipan kalimat yang

diambil dari teks tulis tentang cerita

pendek, siswa dapat

PG 3 1- 4 0


Menangk ap makna teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek.

Mencerita kan kembali cerita pendek yang diperdeng arkan.

menemukan makna kata yang dberi garis bawahi.

NB. Stimulus soal dapat berupa, narasi teks, deskripsi, gambar, tabel, grafik dll. (stimulus harus berfungsi, bila stimulus dihilangkan dan soal bisa diselesaikan berarti stimulus tidak berfungsi)

Mengetahui, Tapanuli Tengah, September 2019

Pemeriksa/verifikator, Guru Mata Pelajaran,

yyy Rizavatmi, S. Pd


NIP. 19710403 199503 2 001

Soal: nomor 1-10 Nomor Soal 1

• Woman: "I’d like to ... about my soup. There’s a fly in it. What can you do about it?"

Man: "We are terribly sorry for that, madam. We’ll replace it with a new one."

A regret


B.Bpologize C. consider D. reject E.. complain

Nomor Soal 2

• In the above dialog, the man ...

A. regrets the woman’s opinion

B. agrees with the woman’s suggestion C. C apologizes to the woman

D. disagrees with the woman E. asks for the woman’s opinion

Nomor Soal 2

• Where does the above dialog possibly take place?

A A restaurant B. An office C. The post office D. A bank

E. A travel agent

Nomor Soal 3


• Woman: "Oh, this bag is so heavy that I can hardly lift it."

Man: "...?"

Woman: "Thank you. That’s very kind of you."

A Can I make it not heavy?

B. Can you help me?

C. Can you do me a favor?

D. Can I give you a hand?

E. Can I see the bag for you?

Nomor Soal 4

• In the above dialog, the man ...

– asks the woman’s help – offers to help the woman – asks the woman to help – agrees with the woman’s offer – suggests the woman to help him

Nomor Soal 5

• What will the man probably do?

A. carry the woman’s bag B. put the woman’s bag C. bring his bag to the woman D. make the woman’s bag lighter


E. let the woman carry her bag

Nomor Soal 6

• Which of the following is used to ask for a suggestion?

A. What should I do?

B. I think you shouldn't do that.

C. I don't think so.

D. I think you should ask for a suggestion.

E. Let's take his advice.

Nomor Soal 7

Woman: "... to the party tonight?"

Man: "You’d better wear the dress that you wore to the prom last month. It looks wonderful on you."

A. What are you going to wear.

B. Can I recommend something to wear C. Do you have something to wear D. What do you think I should wear E. Which dress could you wear

The following dialogues is for number 8 to 10.

Rafa: “I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my driver license.”

Sifa: “Don’t be so sad, my friend, let us search it around the park.”

Rafa: “I have looked for it for hours, but I could not find it. Do you have any suggestion?”

Sifa: “You should tell the security to announce it to other students.”

Rafa: “Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps”


8. Which sentence that shows asking suggestion?

a. Don’t be so sad, my friend.

b. I have just lost my driver license.

c. You should tell the security.

d. Do you have any suggestion?

e. That sounds good.

9. Below are sentence of asking suggestion, except….

a. Can you tell me what I should do?

b. Do you have any suggestion for me?

c. What would you do?

d. Would you mind giving me your suggestion?

e. What should I do?

10. What is Rafa’s problem?

a. He lost a wallet.

b. He lost a bag.

c. He lost a car.

d. He lost his driver license.

e. He lost a pencil.


Jawaban siswa


Kemampuan berfikir siswa Skor


3.1.1 Mengidentifikasifungsisosial, strukturteks dan

unsurkebahasaandalamtekstentangmeminta dan memberi saran dan tawaransesuaidengankontekspenggunaannya.

· 3.1.2 Membedakanfungsisosial, strukturteks dan

unsurbahasadariberbagaiungkapanmengenaimemberi dan memintainformasitentang saran dan tawaransesuaidengankontekspenggunaannya.

· 40

· 20

· 10

· 15

· 15

Jumlah skor 100




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Kelas/Semester : XI IPA dan IPS / Ganjil Kurikulum : K 13

Kompetensi Dasar :

Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan past perfect, present perfect, future perfect)

Materi :

past perfect, present perfect, future perfect)

Indikator Soal :

Diberikan teks tulis rumpang yang berisi kejadian yang sudah dilakukan, dengan satu titik waktu di waktu, lampau saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang, peserta didik bisa

mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks tulis tersebut.

Level Kognitif Nomor Soal :





Soal: nomor 11-20

11. . I will have ... an engineer by the time you meet me next year A. became

B. becoming C. becomes D. become E. to become

12. . They will not have ... to another city when you invite them to your party this week

A. moving B. moved C. moves D. to move E. to moving

13. We will have ... in our new house by the next beginning month A. lived

B. living C. lives D. to live E. live


14. Your best friend … help by the time you … her to take part in your wedding.

a. Will have offered, ask b. Ask, will have offered c. Ask, will have offered d. Will have had money

15. ... you ever gone to Singapore?

A. has B. had C. have D. having E. hadn't

16. I have ... here for a long time A. be

B. not C. has D. being E. been

17. ... have lived in Jakarta for almost four years.

A. They B. He C. My Sister D. She


E. It

18. Gia ………….. in New York for ten years before she moved to California.

A. Lives B. Lived C. Is living D. Had lived E. Has been living

19. The professor ……… the material before he gave the quiz.

A. Is reviewing B. Reviewed C. Had reviewed D. Reviewer E. Reviewed

20. After Henry ……… Los Angeles, he went to California.

A. Has visited B. Has been visiting C. Had visited D. Was visited E. Visited



Jawaban siswa

Kemampuan berfikir siswa Skor

Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akan dating

· 40

· 20

· 10

· 15


Jumlah skor 100



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Kelas/Semester : XI IPA dan IPS / Ganjil


Kurikulum : K 13 Kompetensi Dasar :

Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan if dalam present tense)

Materi :

Conditional Sentence Type 1 Indikator Soal


Disajikan sebuah percakapan rumpang sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan if dalam present tense

Siswa dapat melengkapinya Level Kognitif

Nomor Soal :


Penalaran 2

Soal: nomor 21-30

1. The man hit by a car yesterday would have died if the doctors had not immediately operated on him.


From the above sentence, we may conclude that ...

A. the man will be immediately operated on B. the man is still alive

C. It's too late to save the man D. the man died after the operation E. the doctors did not operate on him

22. "If I had known that you were in Surabaya, I would have shown you some interesting places."


A. Yes, It was such an interesting trip

B. Thank you for showing me around Surabaya

C. I'm sorry, I didn't have time to write you before I left for Surabaya D. Thank you, I will really enjoy that

E. That's a good idea. I haven't had time to go around Surabaya

23. "Had the company been fair in giving bonuses, the employees would not have gone on strike."

A. the employees were quite dissatisfied B. the employees are still going on strike C. the employees were not given bonuses at all D. the company has given the employees fair bonuses E. the company has lost many employees


24. If I hadn’t booked in advance, I would have had difficulties in geing good accomodation at a reasonable price.

These sentence means....

A. I got a good room and I didn’t have to pay much

B. It was difficult to get a room although I had a reservation C. The room I got was good but rather expensive

D. I found a room in advance but in wasn't comfortable E. I was lucky to get a good room without reservation

25. Had the make up class been an nounced earlier, more students would have attended the lecture.

From the above sentence we may conclude that ...

A. no students came to the make up class B. many students knew about the make up class C. students did not want to attend the class D. many students missed the make up class E. the make up class was not announced

26. If I work harder, I ... my paper in due time.

A. will finish B. would finish


C. has finished D. will be finished E. will have finished

27. Anggi : Why weren't you in class yesterday?

Rindy : I was sick. If I hadn’t eaten spicy food, I wouldn’t have had a stomachache.

The underlined sentence means ...

A. Rindi had B. Rindi has C. Anggi had D. Anggi has E. both of them had

28. X : John had drawn all his money because he needed it for his father's operation.

Y: .... If his father's health had not been in a such bad condition.

A. He would not take all his money B. He should take all his money C. He didn't take all his money D. He must have taken all his money E. He wouldn't have taken all his money


29. Lucy : Many of the participants were disappointed because they expected to have a serious talk with the minister of women's affairs

Secretary: I know I'm sure that the minister would have attended the meeting If she had returned from middle east.

From the dialogue we can conclude that the minister ....

A. is still on tour

B. didn't attend the meeting

C. had a serious talk with the participants

D. went to the middle east because of the meeting E. had been back from her tour before the meeting

30. "Why didn't you be those shoes? You seemed to like them".

"I would have, if they had been cheaper."

A. I did by the shoes B. I was not again the price C. the shoes were too expensive D. I looked for a more expensive pain E. the shoes were a bargain


Jawaban siswa


Kemampuan berfikir siswa Skor


Disajikan sebuah percakapan rumpang sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan if dalam present tense

Siswa dapat melengkapinya

· 40

· 20

· 10

· 15


Jumlah skor 100



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Kelas/Semester : XI IPA dan IPS / Ganjil


Kurikulum : K 13 Kompetensi Dasar :

Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait cerita pendek, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Materi :

Narrative Text Indikator Soal :

Diberikan teks tulis tentang ceritai pendek dan sederhana tentang legenda, peserta didik dapat menentukan jawaban atas pertanyaan terkiat dengan tujuan dari teks tersebut.

Diberikan teks tulis tentang cerita pendek dan sederhana tentang legenda, peserta didik dapat menentukan jawaban atas pertanyaan tentang informasi rinci dari teks tersebut.

Diberikan kutipan kalimat yang diambil dari teks tulis tentang cerita pendek, siswa dapat menemukan makna kata yang dberi garis bawahi.

Level Kognitif Nomor Soal :


Penalaran 31-40

Soal: nomor 31-40


Read the passages quickly. Then choose the answers to the questions that follow the reading passage.

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass through wild and unsafe forest.

One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother.

She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her brother said “ it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”

So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves caught him.

The young woman cried to the wolves, “ please eat my own son instead.” Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and took her nephew away. Everyone

understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She had offered her own son’s life to save her nephew.

They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick sticks and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw something very strange.

Instead of eating the woman’s baby the wolves were playing with him.

• 31. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories ? A. Another village

B. Mountains C. Forests D. Hills

E. Towers and logs

• 32. Who was Ah Tim ? A. The young woman’s brother B. The young woman’s son

C. The young woman’s brother and nephew D. The young woman’s brother’s son E. One of the men who fetched a stick



33. Who walked in front when they were in the forest ? A. Ah Tm

B. The woman C. The woman’s son D. Her brother’s nephew E. The baby and his mother

• 34. How could the wolves catch Ah Tim ? A. He was afraid

B. He was stumbled by a stone C. He ran slowly

D. The woman cried

E. The wolves were good runners

• 35. The woman gave her son to the wolves because A. She loved her nephew than her son.

B. She thought about how her brother would be C. She wanted her son was eaten by the wolves D. She was crazy

E. She kept a grudge on his brother

• 36. What did the villagers bring sticks for ? A. For the weapon to beat the wolves

B. To bring the woman’s nephew


C. For the fire woods.

D. For play

E. For building a house for the woman.

• 37. “ all men in the village fetched thick stick … “ The word “ fetched” has a similar meaning to :

A. Received B. Caught C. Got D. Hit E. Lifted

• 38. From the passage we learn that the villages were ….

A. Located in one huge area B. Situated in a large district C. Separated by untamed jungles.

D. Wild and unsafe

E. Dark and very dangerous

• 39. The brother let her son go with his aunt as she left home because ….

A. Ah Tim wanted to see the wolves B. His aunt wanted him to come long

C. Ah Tim was bored to live with his parents D. The baby was too cute to be alone

E. Ah Tim would be a guardian for them

• 40. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the story above ?


A. To describe the danger of the villages B. To entertain the readers of the story C. To tell the villagers’ relationship D. To explain how important a relative is

E. To narrate how the wolves were playing with the baby.


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